The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3968: Arrest in the palace

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng showed a wry smile on his face, and then he put some spirit stones on the wine table, then he turned and left here.

He had heard almost all the news that should be heard. The Shenlong had successfully returned to his Shenlong Sect, and discovered the current situation of the Shenlong Sect, and issued a wanted for Wang Feng.

It's a pity that Wang Feng didn't take this kind of wanted in his heart at all, because even the emperor at the time failed to treat Wang Feng, so how could he be afraid of this Shenlong wanted.

He was doing useless work. Since he was willing to spend such effort to find himself, let the Shenlong Sect find it slowly, and Wang Feng would not care.

"Did the emperor return to the palace?"

Turning his hand to take out the messenger of his servant, Wang Feng directly input a message into it.

"Enlighten the leader, and not."

"How are you doing what I want you to do?" Wang Feng asked again.

"Leader, it's not that I don't want to arrest these people, but they have masters protecting them now, and I have no chance to get close."

Although Wang Feng has entered and exited the royal family twice, each time it brought disasters to them, but the old saying is good, this thin and dead camel is bigger than a horse, and since the royal family can assemble an army, then It shows that they must still have power in this secret, so now it is normal that Wang Feng's servants can't get close to these soldiers.

After all, his servant is not himself. If Wang Feng encounters such a situation, no one can help him even if he breaks in forcibly, even if he wants to kill anyone, but his servant can't do it.

Even if his servant encounters two monks of the same level to besiege him, he is in danger of being killed, so he can only give up the idea of ​​capturing these soldiers.

After all, he still has to continue to serve Wang Feng. If he dies in this palace, Wang Feng may not come to rescue him, so he can only choose to protect his safety first.

"Are you sure that the emperor has not returned?" At this time, Wang Feng asked i.

So far, Wang Feng hasn't figured out what the emperor and Shenlong are going to do. If the emperor is really not in the palace, then Wang Feng can go to the palace himself and grab someone to ask.

His servants can't catch people, that only shows that his servants are weak, but once Wang Feng goes there in person, he will catch whoever he wants, but the premise must be that the emperor is not in the palace.

"I'm sure, because I have been paying attention to the palace, he really hasn't returned yet."

"In that case, wait for me where you are. If there is any movement in the palace, you will immediately notify me."

While speaking, Wang Feng did not hesitate, he immediately set off to the direction of the main star of the imperial city.

If this is not clear, Wang Feng cannot judge the future situation. Since these soldiers have gone out to fight, it means that they must have gone to the scene, so Wang Feng only needs to arrest a soldier and search for the soul. Then he can know exactly what these people have experienced.

When Wang Feng rushed to the place where his servant was, the alertness of this servant was much stronger than that of the last person, and Wang Feng was also more satisfied.

Although the last person had been monitoring here for too long, in the end he lost even the most basic vigilance. Under such circumstances, he could lose his life at any time.

Although this person reacted slowly now, at least he was aware of the existence of Wang Feng and cast his eyes on him in an instant.

However, there is only a soul contract between him and Wang Feng, so now even if Wang Feng changes his appearance and breath, he still recognizes his identity at once, and the cold hostility on his face instantly turns into a respectful look. , Said: "See the leader!"

"You don't need to say these polite words, you are very good, work hard and will not treat you badly in the future."

While talking, Wang Feng turned over and took out a handful of pills, and said, "These are my rewards for you."

"Leader, this... how embarrassing it is, I haven't provided any useful information." Seeing the pill in Wang Feng's hand, this man's face showed a trace of embarrassment.

However, from the depth of his eyes, Wang Feng could still see his desire for the pill. After all, the pill is useful to everyone, and everyone wants to obtain it.

Therefore, Wang Feng was too lazy to be courteous with this servant, he directly put these pills in front of the servant, and then he set his sights on the palace.

To know that Wang Feng will rush into the palace next, he must first confirm whether the emperor is in the palace.

The last time Wang Feng was almost killed by the emperor, and to this day Wang Feng recalled the last frightening scene and still felt lingering in his heart, so in order to avoid stepping into the footsteps of the last time, Wang Feng naturally had to be very cautious.

He would only do it if he was sure of the real safety, otherwise he would rather just stay here and watch for a while.

"Sure enough, he is not in this palace, where did the emperor go?" After some observation, Wang Feng finally determined that the emperor was not in this palace.

Since he was not in this palace, then Wang Feng's next business would be easy to handle. He directly turned into a streamer and rushed into the palace in an instant.

His speed is too fast, even if these soldiers are now protected, they simply can't react.

By the time they reacted, Wang Feng had already grabbed people and swept out of the palace.


Seeing this scene, these people did not hesitate, and immediately took action ~ ~ chased Wang Feng.

Under the gaze of the crowd, their people were actually taken away by others. This is too slapped, so they have to **** them back. Otherwise, where is their face?

It's just that they want to chase Wang Feng, so they have to catch up. Wang Feng's speed can completely blast them a few blocks, so in this situation, they can hardly even see Wang Feng's back. Let alone catch up with him.

So after chasing for almost a few breaths, they had to give up, because Wang Feng had already run far, and even if they took out the energy of feeding, they would not be able to push Wang Feng.

Since they couldn't catch up with Wang Feng so desperately, they could only choose to give up. After all, the person Wang Feng captured was just an ordinary soldier, and they didn't have much loss, so if they couldn't catch up with Wang Feng, then they would not chase.

Seeing that the people behind had given up chasing, Wang Feng couldn't help but show a sneer on his face, just because those people wanted to catch up with him, it was nothing like dreaming.

Since they stopped chasing, Wang Feng naturally didn't have to go. He stopped in the starry sky and put his hand directly on the head of the soldier he had grabbed.

The soul search technique broke out, and Wang Feng wanted to search through his soul to find out what Wang Feng wanted to know.

What Wang Feng didn't expect was that when his soul-searching technique was just used, a violent force suddenly exploded in front of Wang Feng, and the soldier in Wang Feng's hand unexpectedly exploded.

To be precise, it was not that the soldier blew himself up, but that Wang Feng’s soul-searching technique touched something, and then the soldier exploded in an instant. His soul must have been forbidden, otherwise it would be impossible. of.

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