The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3427: Get baby

"I don't believe that there is nothing valuable in your coffin." Throwing the sheepskin roll back into the middle-aged man's coffin, the tortoise shell did not hesitate, but he searched for it inside the coffin.

Originally the middle-aged man was still lying down, although Wang Feng flipped him a bit, but at least he didn't have much margin.

But the tortoise shell was different. At this moment, he was turning the middle-aged man's body as a thing. Not long after, the middle-aged man was turned over by the tortoise shell.

That is to say, the middle-aged man is dead, and he doesn't know what to say, otherwise he would be very annoyed by such rough behavior of the turtle shell.

Tortoise Shell also said that Wang Feng was rude, but he didn't expect him to be any better than Wang Feng now, or even worse.

"Nima, really a poor ghost." I searched everywhere, and the tortoise shell still didn't find anything valuable, as long as he was holding the parchment roll.

But what is recorded on this parchment roll? It's just a bunch of worthless words.

It's just other people's life deeds, is it of any use to Wang Feng and the tortoise shell?

"Turtle shell, we can leave here." At this time, Wang Feng's mouth made a sound, and he didn't want to stay in this place anymore.

Because there is obviously no value here, except for this strong vitality.

This vitality is the key to the resurrection of this middle-aged man. Although Wang Feng has captured a part of it, he can't give it all up, right?

If it was before that Wang Feng might sit in this place and practice, specifically robbing this middle-aged man of this life force, but it is a pity that Wang Feng’s current cultivation level has reached the late Blood Saint Realm. If his realm wants to break through, it’s not With this vitality, he needs a real chance.

So it's no use staying in this place.

His formation can't last long, so he must search for this place.

"Wang Feng, there are a lot of small creatures outside, you have to think about it." At this time, the tortoise shell sounded.

"What are you afraid of, don't forget, we are all cultivators of the late Blood Saint Realm. If those little creatures can kill us, what use is our cultivation base?"

"Come with me."

Wang Feng spoke, and then he stepped directly out of the cave and entered the place where they had encountered the group of small creatures before.

When they came in, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell were still being chased by small creatures, but when they came out, they found that the place was really quiet and terrifying, and those small creatures had disappeared.

"Where did these little things go?" I was afraid that there was still that little creature outside. The tortoise shell was fully armed when it came out, but when he came out and saw the scene here, his face suddenly showed a different color.

"It may be that I have a arrogant temper, scare these things away."

"Smelly shameless." Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell cursed directly.

If this Wang Feng has the arrogance of the king, isn't he an emperor?

The celestial eyes were unfolded, and Wang Feng was looking at what was blocking his vision, but the effect of his celestial eyes was really limited here, and he couldn't see far.

Want to find the baby here, I am afraid it is really a challenge.

"Wang Feng, or let us all come out and look for it together." At this time, Emperor Xuanyu and their voices sounded from Wang Feng's dantian, and they also wanted to come out and help.

Since Wang Feng's Sky Eye is severely suppressed in this place, they can come out and help find them together.

It's just that they want to come out, Wang Feng will definitely not let them out, because there are still a lot of dangers in this place, and their cultivation base is so weak, what if Wang Feng is too late to rescue when encountering danger?

So when he heard what his master said, he completely treated it as if he hadn't heard it, saying: "Master, don't come out and make trouble, trust the abilities of the two of us, we can find this treasure."

After speaking, Wang Feng began to search the depths of this place again.

"Turtle shell, the formation that I set up earlier has been broken, we must hurry up." At this moment, Wang Feng's expression sank, because he had already sensed that his formation was broken. The black air eroded for such a long time, and finally couldn't sustain the broken.

Once this black energy drifted around, it might soon arouse other monks, so Wang Feng had to urge the turtle shell.

"Got it."

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the turtle shell nodded, and then he quickly searched this place.

The tortoise shells were searching with all their strength, and Wang Feng naturally didn't rest. At this moment, he also took out his fastest speed. As long as the sky's eyes could sweep across, Wang Feng looked extremely carefully.

Although this place is not big, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell are not very efficient. When Wang Feng found the treasure hidden in this place, he spent ten minutes.

This treasure was found by his eyes, it was a black stone.

On the surface of the stone, it looks like a random stone scattered on the But when Wang Feng swept across with his sky eyes, his sky eyes couldn't see through the inside of the stone.

When the gaze hits the surface of the stone, it is directly bounced back. A stone that can even be blocked by Wang Feng's eyes, how can there be any mortal things, so Wang Feng believes that the treasure is this thing.

Grabbing the stone into his hand, Wang Feng felt a warmth. The stone was still warm after being abandoned in this place. This further strengthened Wang Feng's idea that the stone in his hand was a treasure.

"The tortoise shell, the things are in hand, we withdraw." Wang Feng said, and then he directly inserted the stone into his spatial ring.

The stone had just been collected by Wang Feng, and suddenly Wang Feng's Sky Eye was no longer suppressed, and he could see through any place in the tomb.

He saw a huge spiral cavity at the bottom of the tomb, and all the small creatures that he and the tortoise had encountered before were on the walls of this cavity.

Fortunately, these little creatures were not coming out, otherwise Wang Feng might not have been able to find this pitch-black stone in such a short time.

"Have you found it?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell hurriedly came to Wang Feng and asked.

"Yeah." Wang Feng nodded, and then said: "My heavenly eye can now see through this place completely, we can leave."

When saying this, Wang Feng was actually a little apologetic, because his clone had already dug a big hole in this place, and without the cover of this dark stone, the vitality here might attract a lot of vitality. Monk.

Therefore, it is difficult to say whether the middle-aged man can recover. Wang Feng didn't dare to make any package ticket, so he could only say a word of sorry in his heart.

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