The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3426: White happy 1

Chapter 3426: Happy for nothing

"Stop the ink here, go in and see what is true."

"Okay, then you follow me."

There was a sound from Wang Feng's mouth, and then he directly pulled the bones out of the coffin and threw them on the ground roughly.

"It's a pity that the bones are still treated like this after death."

Seeing Wang Feng throwing the corpse roughly on the ground, the tortoise shell couldn't help but stand in silence for this man.

"Stop the ink here, go down and see if it's true."

The formation that Wang Feng arranged could not stop the black gas for long. Once the black gas leaked out, it was likely to attract other people, so they had to hurry up and take away the things here.

After the skeleton was pulled out by Wang Feng, Wang Feng's palm only slightly applied force, and immediately the bottom of the coffin collapsed directly, revealing a passage for a person to pass through.

A large amount of vitality gushed out of it, instantly dispelling the black energy of the cave where Wang Feng and the others were located.

"It seems that our previous guess is not wrong. There are indeed people here who want to resurrect."

Feeling this incomparable vitality, Tortoise Shell and Wang Feng looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

The coffin in this cave is just a blindfold, and the person who really wants to be resurrected is actually under the coffin.

Fortunately, tortoise shells are experienced, otherwise they might have to leave here.

After leaving here, Wang Feng's Sky Eye was suppressed. It would be difficult for them to find this real cave house again.


The vitality has already poured out. If they don’t go down and take a look, what are they doing here?

So Wang Feng didn't hesitate, he jumped into the coffin directly, and the tortoise shell did not hesitate behind him, and jumped into it together.

The vitality they felt when they were on the top was already very strong, but when they entered the cave in this coffin, the vitality of this place was really strong, even if you only took a breath, it was countless. Exhausted vitality poured into the body.

The so-called Dongtianfudi is nothing more than that.

"Wang Feng, there is a coffin there, and the owner of this tomb may be inside." At this moment, the turtle shell said.

"Does that still need to be said?" Hearing the tortoise shell, Wang Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes. He has already entered this place. If this place is not lying with the owner, it is impossible for the owner to be caught Throw it out?

"I'm going to open this coffin, you are here to wait for me." Wang Feng said, and then he turned to look at the tortoise shell, and said: "The vitality here is very strong, you should hurry up and absorb a little."

"You open up your pubic space, first fill up all the space inside," the turtle shell said.

"You don't need to say that I know I should do it."

Wang Feng's dantian space also has his master and others. Wang Feng and the tortoise shell can now absorb the vitality of this place to their fullest, and they also need this thing.

Anyway, these vitality forces are all produced by others, and they don't need to invest in anything. If they even miss such power, then they will talk about seeking opportunities in the future.

"Master, you seize the time to absorb the vitality, I am going to open the coffin." Wang Feng said, and then he walked to the coffin.

In order to ensure safety, before opening the coffin, Wang Feng still used his own heavenly eyes to look at the inside of the coffin. Under the eyes of the world, Wang Feng could see a lifelike middle-aged man lying in the coffin. Although the middle-aged man was dead, I know how many years, but there is no lifelessness in him.

Because he is now all covered by the strong vitality, how can he see lifelessness.

If this trend continues, I am afraid that it will not take long to come back to life.

It’s not the first time that Wang Feng has seen such an example of using dead aura to resurrect people who have died. Unfortunately, the **** emperor and their bodies have all been destroyed. If they have a body, Wang Feng can put them in this coffin. Inside, let them seize the vitality of this place.

Opening the lid of the coffin, Wang Feng immediately saw the middle-aged man lying in the coffin.

At this time, the tortoise shells have also been surrounded, and said: "What are you going to do with this person?"

"What else can I do, I can't get him out, right?"

Before, Wang Feng could roughly take out the skeleton, but this middle-aged man was obviously about to be resurrected, so how could Wang Feng cut off the hope of others.

He has been lying here for many years. If Wang Feng came to destroy him at the last moment, it would be too inhumane.

Unless it is Wang Feng and the other party who have some **** feud, otherwise there is no need for him to do this.

"Look for it in this place to see if there are any treasures." Wang Feng said, and then he began to look for opportunities with the tortoise shell There is a bare piece of the house, there is only such a coffin. If there is any treasure here, it must be in this coffin, or maybe it's under this corpse. "At this time, the turtle shell gave his opinion.

"Could it be your experience again?" Hearing his words, Wang Feng's face showed a different color.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" The turtle shell rolled his eyes.

"Well, let you say it again." Looking at the underside of the corpse with his heavenly eyes, Wang Feng did find that a simple parchment scroll was pressed under the corpse, which should record some kind of secret.

Although Wang Feng didn't want to move the corpse, but now the corpse had already suppressed the ancient scroll, he had to turn over the corpse and take out the sheepskin scroll.

The vitality of this place is very strong, so even if the sheepskin roll has been placed here for countless years, the sheepskin roll does not mean the slightest decay.

Unfolding the sheepskin scroll and looking at it, Wang Feng found that there were some life stories recorded on it, as if the middle-aged man himself had experienced it, and nothing else.

"Is it the route of the treasure map?" At this moment the tortoise shell brought his head over and asked.

"Is it a treasure map? You'll know if you look at it yourself." While talking, Wang Feng directly threw the sheepskin roll to him.

It seems that this lambskin roll will not be a baby anymore, so happy for nothing.

"Damn, what are these things, I thought it was a baby." At this time, a cursing sound came from the tortoise shell. Obviously he didn't expect this thing to be so ordinary.

"Since there is no treasure in this coffin, the real treasure must be outside this cave." At this time, a muttering voice came from Wang Feng's mouth. They must leave here and go out to find the treasure.

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