The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3213: Kunpeng

Shaking his somewhat numb arm, Wang Feng once again set his sights on the middle-aged man, and said: "It seems that these people in this barren land not only did not let your strength go backwards, on the contrary, you also improved. That’s a lot."&1t;/

Since the barren land is used to detain prisoners, the environment must be abnormally bad. It would be good to survive. Some monks may also fall into the realm of themselves due to the exhaustion of resources. All of this is possible. thing. &1t;/

But this person is slightly better than the old guys in the palace, which shows that he is still very powerful. &1t;/

If you want to win him, I am afraid that Wang Feng and the other two will have to pay some price. &1t;/

"Do you really think this seat eats dry food?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the middle-aged man's face showed a hint of arrogance, and said: "When this seat is traversing the world, you still don't know where to eat milk. Want to hurt me? There is no door."&1t;/

"This is just the beginning. Why are you so angry? You will slowly get hurt later." Wang Feng's face showed a flat smile, and then he and the tortoise shell shot at the same time. &1t;/

Since one person can't hurt this person, then they will join hands together. Compared with this person, Wang Feng's power is actually not much different. If you add a tortoise shell, then they can do harm to this person. . &1t;/

Still still Broken Star Fist, Wang Feng is not in a hurry to explode his own eye of destruction, because the opponent has not yet taken out his hole cards. If Wang Feng takes out his hole cards too early, I am afraid it will make the opponent vigilant. In this way, it would be a little difficult to harm him with the Eye of Destruction. &1t;/

Wang Feng's current idea is very simple, that is, since the hole card is a hole card, then it must be a one-stroke victory. If it can't be done, it will not work if it bursts out now. &1t;/

The moment of desperation has not yet arrived, and Wang Feng is not running away, so it is not a wise choice for him to show his hole cards. He has to wait for this person to show his hole cards before exploding the Eye of Destruction. &1t;/

"I'm blocking in front, so you can attack him from behind." At this time, the turtle shell said. &1t;/

His own defensive power is very abnormal, stronger than Wang Fengdu, so it is undoubtedly the best choice for him to stand in front, after all, he can ignore many of the opponent's attacks. &1t;/

In this way, they can attack and retreat and defend, and they can firmly gain the upper hand. &1t;/

"Asshole." &1t;/

The tortoise shell against the front did put a lot of pressure on the middle-aged man. His power could not cause fatal damage to the tortoise shell, and the tortoise shell and Wang Feng joined forces to make a shot, and the power was naturally very powerful. Middle-aged people back down again and again, and there is no way at all. &1t;/

So at this moment, besides cursing, he could not find any way to target Wang Feng and Turtle Shell. &1t;/


As the war became longer and longer, the middle-aged man became more irritable. Under such circumstances, he naturally exposed some undesirable flaws. After being caught by the turtle shell and Wang Feng, he directly Hit him to vomit blood. &1t;/

And he vomited blood. When the tortoise shell was forcibly fighting the opponent in close combat, the tortoise shell also released its own evil spirit, biting out a big hole in the middle-aged man's lower abdomen, and the blood flowed unstoppable. &1t;/

That's why the middle-aged man screamed. &1t;/

Looking at the blood hole in his body, this middle-aged man didn't expect that the thing released by the other party was so powerful that he bit his flesh and blood away in one bite. &1t;/

"How is it? How does it feel?" Looking at the other person, the turtle shell said at the moment. &1t;/

"What you gave me, I will repay you double now."&1t;/

Although the blood hole in his body brought him a certain amount of pain, he did not give up because of it. He could break through to his current realm, and naturally he could not lose so easily. &1t;/

"Yuhuatiandi!" &1t;/

There was a roar from his mouth, and then his figure disappeared, replaced by a huge Kunpeng, his body turned out to be a huge Kunpeng, isn't this the body of this little sparrow? &1t;/

The feathers all over the sky almost covered the sky at this moment. In such an environment, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell couldn't help but feel a great pressure. &1t;/

"Quickly, hide under my body." At this time, the turtle shell spoke, and then he also burst out his own body. A huge turtle shell appeared in the sky, and its momentum was not weaker than the opponent. &1t;/

The tortoise shell itself has a high defensive power. Now that it has transformed into the body, his defensive power is naturally even more terrifying. No matter how powerful these feathers are, they can never penetrate his thick tortoise shell. &1t;/

Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng did not hesitate and hid directly under the tortoise shell. This sky full of feathers was uncomfortable at first glance. How could he stand here stupidly waiting to be attacked by them. &1t;/

To resist these things, Wang Feng would definitely have to pay a certain amount of power loss, so if he can save now, save. &1t;/

After all, Wang Feng's high-powered combat power is entirely dependent on his cells. Once the consumption is too severe, his strength will soon fall back. At that time, let alone provide help, can he not drag the tortoise shell back. That's pretty good. &1t;/

"Clang!" &1t;/

Feather's attack power is undoubtedly very powerful, but the tortoise shell's defense is also in place. After those feathers fell on his body, only a large amount of sparks bloomed, and no substantial damage was caused. &1t;/

At the beginning, the feathers were white, but with the passage of time, these feathers gradually turned to gray, and finally turned into pitch black. &1t;/

The change of feather color is not just that The darker the color, the stronger the attack power of the feather. &1t;/

In the beginning, the tortoise shell could easily block the feathers from attacking, but as these feathers turn black, the pressure he has to withstand increases. In the end, he can't help but tremble in his mouth. Obviously , He was almost unable to support it. &1t;/

The earth was already full of holes under the attack of this feather, and every feather that fell on the earth smashed into a huge pit, which looked terrifying. &1t;/

"How's it going?"&1t;/

Perceiving the strangeness of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng asked now. &1t;/

"My back is about to crack." The tortoise shell said, making Wang Feng's complexion uncontrollable. &1t;/

"Can it still be supported?"&1t;/

"I don't think it will work anymore."&1t;/

The tortoise shell has always been very satisfied with his defense, but now his defense is about to be broken. &1t;/

"That can't wait any longer."&1t;/

Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell still want to control this middle-aged person, but it seems that this middle-aged person is not so easy to control. If they want to fight against each other with such an idea, they will kill themselves sooner or later. &1t;/

Su Han was the best example. &1t;/

Therefore, Wang Feng did not hesitate at this moment. He wanted to hide from the tortoise shell and attack the middle-aged man forcibly. &1t;/

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