The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3212: 2 to 1

This place is the place where everyone in the heavens lives. Except for Wang Feng and others, the people of this dynasty outside the sky are not aware of it for the time being, so it is absolutely impossible for the two of Wang Feng to let this person leave here alive. &1t;/

Because if he goes out to talk nonsense, then the place where the heaven is located will become very dangerous, and the dangerous Wang Feng will be strangled in the cradle, so this person must die, there is no second way to go. &1t;/

"He wants to escape, Wang Feng, come and help."&1t;/

At this time there was a sound from the tortoise shell's mouth. He knew that it might be difficult to keep the person, so he had to seek help from Wang Feng. &1t;/


Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng walked up without hesitation. &1t;/

"With more bullying than less, you're a hero. If you have the ability, just fight with me alone." The middle-aged man yelled out loud, still very confident. &1t;/

"In the practice world, what are the rules of the arena?"&1t;/

Hearing what he said, Wang Feng and Turtle Shell couldn't help laughing. &1t;/

When he can't fight, he will say solo. If he can, I am afraid he will not say that. &1t;/

"What? You two are afraid that one of you won't be able to beat me?" The middle-aged man continued to say in a radical way. &1t;/

It's just that this set of Wang Feng and tortoise shells are not eaten, they are all old fried dough sticks mixed in this cultivation world, how could they be fooled like this. &1t;/

Want to fool them and run away? That is something that there is no door. &1t;/

"I advise you to die as soon as possible. With the two of us taking action, you will never have a chance to escape." Tortoise shell sneered, and then said: "In this way, I will show you a clear way, as long as If you are willing to be controlled by the two of us, then you can survive and follow us in big business, how about?"&1t;/

"Haha, it's really a big joke."&1t;/

Hearing this, the middle-aged man couldn't help laughing. &1t;/

You must know that when he was in the barren land, his cultivation level was not enough to be called the top, but he was also one of several giants. This tortoise shell wanted to control him to become a slave. How could this be possible? &1t;/

Even if he died, he would never agree to a turtle shell. &1t;/

At any rate, he is a master of the late Blood Saint Realm, and he also has his own dignity. He would rather die in battle than become a slave to others in humiliation. &1t;/

"Well, I actually don't have any hope for this. Since you don't want to be controlled by us, then you just want to put your life here. This place is not a place where you want to come or leave. ”&1t;/

"Since your tone is so arrogant, let me see if you have the strength to match it."&1t;/

While speaking, the middle-aged man no longer retained it, and used all his strength. &1t;/

Under such circumstances, he was not qualified to entrust him, he could only compete with Wang Feng and the others. &1t;/

During the years of exile in this barren land, although his cultivation level has not improved much, his training of supernatural powers and the use of this technique have reached the point of proficiency, so now he is stronger than when he was imprisoned. Many, even if he was besieged by Wang Feng and Turtle Shell at the same time, he would not lose easily. &1t;/

Moreover, Wang Feng only had the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Blood Saint Realm, even if he used some secret method to raise his cultivation base to the point where he could rival the latter stage of the Blood Saint Realm in a short time. &1t;/

But he believes that Wang Feng's strength will not last long, as long as he can survive this period of time, then he will have a chance to leave here. &1t;/

This is his only chance to survive. &1t;/

Now Wang Feng and the tortoise shell are in front of him. If he turns around and walks away, he obviously can't walk away, because once he exposes his back, he might end up miserably. &1t;/

As a strong man in the late Blood Saint Realm, he will naturally not make this kind of mistake. It is okay to walk, but he will not turn around and leave. Right now he is almost in full bloom, but if he turns around and takes his own weakness Exposed. &1t;/

Once he is traumatized, it is strange that he can go. &1t;/

So now he can only drag Wang Feng down as much as possible, then repel the tortoise shell, and then escape calmly. &1t;/

When he hadn't come down yet, he felt that this was an ordinary low-level star, and the monks above were definitely low-level monks. He came here only to obtain some resources. &1t;/

But what he didn't expect was that he encountered a combination of Wang Feng and tortoise shell just after coming down. &1t;/

All his subordinates have died, and now he himself has fallen into this quagmire. &1t;/

"Turtle shell, control him as much as possible."&1t;/

Before, Wang Feng felt that killing this person was the safest, because who in the world has the strictest mouth? Naturally dead. &1t;/

But after hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng felt that controlling this person might be the real best choice, because he was a genuine advanced blood saint realm master. &1t;/

If this person can be controlled, then Wang Feng and the others will have correspondingly stronger powers, and the more situations they can open up will naturally. &1t;/

Think about owning a puppet at the later stage of the Blood Saint Realm. Isn't that a good talk in the world? &1t;/

"Just because you two want to control me, it's just a dream."&1t;/

There was a loud drinking sound from the middle-aged man's mouth, and the whole person looked like he was going crazy. &1t;/

"Whether it is a dream or not, we will know if we try."&1t;/

Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell were not cultivators who had not killed the late Blood Saint Realm, and even killed three, so even if they couldn't control this middle-aged man in the end, they could at least keep his life here. &1t;/

If Wang Feng were this person, he would definitely use his own tactics to escape here at this moment, because staying here means But since this person wants to stay here, then Wang Feng Nor will he be polite, kill if you should, and will never be soft. &1t;/

"I want to see, why do you two control me."&1t;/

The middle-aged man sneered, still feeling that he could not be planted here. &1t;/

If you know that he can survive in that barren land, is he going to stumble in this place where birds don't shit? &1t;/

So at most, he and Wang Feng spent a wave of each other, and then left calmly. &1t;/

It's just that some things are not based on his own imagination. He feels that he can go from here, but reality may soon tell him that once the opportunity is missed, it is impossible to have it again. &1t;/

"Broken Star Fist." &1t;/

Wang Feng doesn't know how strong this middle-aged man is, so at this moment, his purpose of breaking the star fist is to try the depth of the opponent. &1t;/

"Go!" &1t;/

Seeing Wang Feng's shot, the middle-aged man yelled, and then his violent power exploded. He immediately knocked Wang Feng out, and he was still better than Wang Feng in strength. &1t;/

After all, Wang Feng's cultivation is not in the late Blood Saint Realm, and he suffers a lot from this. &1t;/

But it was just a lack of strength, not enough to cause Wang Feng to be injured. At this moment, he just had a slight numbness in his arm and nothing else. &1t;/

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