The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3130: Into the palace

"What do you two want to do?"

   At the gate of the imperial palace, after the guard saw Wang Feng and the tortoise shell, he immediately assumed an attacking posture, looking at both of them with vigilance.

   It's a pity that Wang Feng wouldn't talk to this kind of person at all, and neither would the tortoise shell. The only answer to them was two terrifying powers, which instantly swallowed the body of the guard, screaming in it.


   After killing the two guards guarding the gate, Wang Feng did not hesitate, and went straight to the depths of the palace with the tortoise shell.

  Although there were a large number of guards trying to rush out to kill them, these people were really vulnerable in front of Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell. The two of them could easily kill the guards in the palace.

  Because Wang Feng had used his heavenly eyes to check where the national teacher was, so after entering the palace at this moment, he went straight to where the national teacher was.

   As long as the national teacher dies, then Wang Feng's goal will be achieved. Of course, if time permits, Wang Feng doesn't mind turning Su Hong, the dog emperor's palace, upside down.

   "It's refreshing."

   kept killing the guards in the palace, and the face of the tortoise shell couldn't help showing a bold look.

   I don't know how many times this scene has appeared in his mind. He has long wanted to come to this place to kill him, but unfortunately there has been no chance before.

   Even if the door of the palace was wide open, he did not dare to rush into it, so now he naturally felt that his heart was extremely happy, and he was even more excited than his own evil spirits.

  Beside him, although Wang Feng didn't laugh out loud, he also felt comfortable in his heart at this moment, as if the dark cloud of revenge that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time had also disappeared slightly.

   Although he was killing people, Wang Feng felt like he was on vacation, and his whole person seemed extremely normal.

   And at this moment, Wang Feng realized that the realm he hadn't loosened for a long time had started to rush upwards, and this immediately made Wang Feng's heart happy.

At this moment, he instantly thought of the original Su Yao. His own cultivation has been stuck in the middle of the blood sacred realm, and it is difficult to rush to the latter stage of the blood sacred realm. But when he killed the King Xiangyang, his cultivation was actually Ascension in an instant, this is the so-called mastery of thought.

   Both Wangfeng and Turtle Shell have a common goal, which is to avenge the palace.

   It's a pity that this dynasty is too powerful. In addition, this palace has always had Su Hong in charge. How dare they come here to make trouble, even if they dare to come, I am afraid they will have their lives to come, and they have no life to return.

What they have always dreamed of wanting to do and now they have finally done it, so the knot in their hearts has also been loosened, Wang Feng's cultivation base has been loosened, and beside him, this tortoise shell also looks like this. Startled, and then showed joy.

   "Wang Feng, my cultivation base has started to rush up." Tortoise Shell said with joy.

   "It looks like you and I are the same." Hearing the tortoise shell, Wang Feng couldn't help showing a smile on his face. Killing can improve his cultivation level. This is a good phenomenon.

   "If this is the case, then we will kill him today, and kill him upside down."

   There was a heroic voice from the tortoise shell's mouth, and then in front of them, a large group of guards suddenly appeared, among them there were two tall figures, wearing silver armor, looking very magical.

They are all generals of this empire. Although they do not command the army, they still enjoy a very high status in the palace. Now, taking advantage of your majesty no longer, someone has actually rushed into the palace. If he can't stop the other party , Isn't his armor worn for nothing?

   So today he has to stop these two people anyhow, otherwise he can't explain to your majesty.

   "Take these two men down to me." One of the generals spoke, and then he drew out the long sword he wore around his waist. The whole person was like that sheathed sword, with cold light.

   "With these crooked melons and jujubes, I want to take us down. I'm really dreaming."

   At this time, the tortoise shell sneered. Then he gave Wang Feng a wink and said, "These shrimp soldiers and crabs will be handed over to me, and the other two will depend on your skills."

   "Let's put it down, the battle will be over in one minute." A sneer appeared on Wang Feng's face, and then he walked towards the two men.

   "It's so funny."

   Hearing Wang Feng's words, the two generals seemed to have heard some big jokes. Although they did not lead the army in the army, they had also been killed all the way from the army to achieve their current rank.

   It is ridiculous that this young man said that he would solve them in a minute, which is simply nonsense.

   Even if one of them fights Wang Feng, it won’t be solved in a minute, right?

   They can see that Wang Feng's cultivation base is equivalent to theirs. Since the cultivation bases are all the same, it is simply impossible to end the battle so quickly. This is completely not afraid of the wind flashing his tongue.

   "Is it funny? I'm afraid you won't be able to laugh anymore soon." While speaking, Wang Feng stretched out his hand and made a provocative gesture, saying: "You two, let's go together."


   Hearing Wang Feng's words, the two men were so angry that they were also old fritters who had been in the practice world for a long time. Now they are so provoked by a young man, how can they bear it?

   "If you don't teach you a lesson, you really don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick."

   A general sneered, and then the long sword in his hand slashed towards Wang Feng.

   Looking at the long sword cut by the opponent, Wang Feng never backed away, but stretched out his palm. He actually wanted to catch the sword cut by the opponent with his body.

  Wang Feng didn't move, this general was also secretly happy, because his weapon was specially made, cutting iron like mud, and now this young man directly uses his palm to pick up his sword. Isn't this an egg and a stone?


He thought that his sword could split Wang Feng in half, but when his sword really smashed in front of Wang Feng, Wang Feng used his own palm to take his long sword abruptly, just There was a sound similar to a metal crash.

   "This... how is this possible?"

   Seeing this scene, the man widened his eyes, like a ghost. He never dreamed that this young man would actually catch his long sword with his palm. How could this be possible?

   How could his physical body be so strong? This is simply challenging his ability to recognize the world of cultivation.

"It's just a broken sword. What's the use?" Wang Feng sneered, and then he grabbed the long sword and yanked it fiercely. Suddenly the general who grasped the hilt of the sword and did not let go was pulled by this force. , Came straight to Wang Feng.


   The opponent's body has already been sent to him, and there is no reason for Wang Feng to keep his hands. It is directly shot with a palm. This general was shot by Wang Feng and vomited blood, and he had already suffered a serious injury.


Seeing this scene another general couldn't help but swallowed hard. You must know that this man who flew out was almost as good as him, but he was defeated so easily. It was beyond his expectations.

   Is this young man’s body specially modified? How else could it be hard like this.

   "It's up to you next."

   All of a sudden, one general lost his combat capability, and Wang Feng turned his attention to another person.

   Being stared at by Wang Feng, the general couldn't help getting hairy in his heart. At this moment, he felt as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake. As long as he moved, the opponent would bite him up.

   Seeing that the opponent's sword hand was shaking slightly, Wang Feng's mouth couldn't help showing a hint of sarcasm. He thought how powerful these two men were, but that was all.

  Since they were already scared, it was much easier for Wang Feng to kill him.

Because his Dao Mind had begun to be unstable before he started to fight, he lost no matter how he played. He didn't lose in his moves, but he gave up in his heart. Under such circumstances, he was not qualified to fight Wang Feng and could only be killed. .


   Raising his palm, Wang Feng fell down without hesitation.

   (End of this chapter)

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