The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3129: Killer

Because of the blockade of the imperial city, there has been a lot of bitterness outside now. Many people have a home and cannot go back. Even if they reveal their identities, these soldiers still do not put them in their eyes because they received It is a death order, and they must be enforced forcefully. If anyone dares to mess around, just kill them directly.

Although the soldiers’ cultivation bases are not high, they represent the royal family. In this situation, even a strong man in the Blood Saint Realm would not dare to force the city gate, because it is easy to kill these soldiers, but once they provoke Stronger opponents, then they have to follow suit.

   "What's this? The imperial city was still fine when I left before. Why is this imperial city blocked after only two days?"

   spoke alone, pacing back and forth in the air, appearing a little anxious.

   "You blocked us at the gate of this city like this and didn't let us in. Are you deliberately trying to mess up the city?"

A businessman yells and is also furious. You must know that what a businessman cares most about is profit. They have to lose a lot of money if they do not do business a day. Sometimes time is money for them. So these soldiers stop here and prevent them from entering. It touched their interests, can they not be angry?

   "I paid so much tax to the city. I didn't expect to treat us like this now. Is there any humanity?" More people were shouting, really angry.

   It's a pity that no matter how angry they are, no one dared to rush into it at this moment, because against the army, it was simply looking for death.

   They are just cursing and complaining now. If it is a master in the army, they will not dare to complain.

Seeing everyone complaining mournfully here, Wang Feng's eyes flickered. He had already seen some kind of opportunity for chaos in the imperial city. These people didn't dare to rush in, it didn't mean that they had no courage, but because they were afraid Be that early bird.

   As the saying goes, the stick beats the head bird, if they take the lead in rushing into it, no one will help them if they are killed.

   So at this moment they can only shout outside the city gate, but they dare not do anything.

   But they dare not do it. Someone dares to do it, like Wang Feng?

"Everyone, we are all legal residents in this city. Now these people are preventing us from entering. It is clear that they are engaged in some unknown conspiracy. If we give our property to a pot, we may even have news. I can't receive it."

   At this time, Wang Feng made a sound, and his purpose was to instigate these people.

   Hearing Wang Feng's words, some big vendors really showed worry on their faces. If there were such actions in this city, wouldn't all their life's efforts be planted in it?

   "As everyone knows, our empire is already torn apart, and there are people everywhere dominating one side. The palace may use the army to stop us, and then they can collect what they need."

   "Why do you see it?" At this time a vendor asked.

   "Don't you understand this?" Wang Feng glanced at the vendor and said, "If you notice the chaos in the world, will you be in a hurry? Will you be worried?"

   said that Wang Feng had a slight pause here, and then he said: "If the palace wants to stop us so that we can take away all of our things, who are we going to?"

   "Then what do you want to do?"

   "It's very simple. There is an old saying that the law does not blame the public. As long as we all rush into the city together, what can these people do to us?"


Hearing Wang Feng’s words, many people showed hesitation on their faces. Although the law does not blame the others is applicable at certain times, if the palace is determined to stop all of them, they are afraid that they will Suffer.

   "As long as we break through the defense, when we enter the city, who can find us?"

   Speaking of this, Wang Feng exploded with his own breath and rushed directly towards the gate of the city.

  The soldiers here are just a few low-level cultivators, and they don't even have the cultivation base of the Blood God Realm. Such cultivation bases wanting to stop him is simply wishful thinking. Wang Feng can easily kill them without leaving one.

With a palm shot, all the soldiers blocking the gate of the city were turned into a cloud of blood. The people behind Wang Feng were stunned, because none of them thought that Wang Feng was so domineering. Any hesitation.

   Seeing that Wang Feng had already smashed out a **** road and rushed into the city, the people behind you look at me and I look at you, but many people did not hesitate, and wanted to rush in directly through the gap Wang Feng opened.

   Wang Feng is right, as long as they enter the city, who can find them?

   So just a few breaths, someone immediately rushed into the city with Wang Feng.

Seeing that everyone else has already entered the city, the people who are still hesitant at the back also feel like they have taken a reassurance, saying: "He is right, as long as we enter the city, who can find us? Protect yourself. The industry is the most important."

   This person also rushed towards the city while talking.

  Because of the commotion that occurred here, some people in the city gates in other places followed Wang Feng's appearance and rushed straight into it.

   These soldiers have very low cultivation bases, it is impossible to stop them, so as long as they are willing to do something, they can enter the city.

   With Wang Feng's lead, this place suddenly became lively. Those soldiers were dying in large numbers, and it was impossible to stop this torrent.

   "It really worked."

   Hearing the fierce fighting sound coming from behind, Wang Feng didn't look back at all, but went straight to the palace.

   With the rhythm, Wang Feng can be regarded as bringing it up, and what they will fight next is nothing to do with Wang Feng.

   "This trick is really a shame." Beside Wang Feng, the turtle shell said.

   "What's wrong with this, I just did a trivial thing, this soldier was not killed by me."

   "Don't talk about it, our time is limited, and we will try to obliterate the national teacher of this dynasty in the shortest time. As long as he dies, even if Su Hong returns in the future, no one will help him calculate."

"it is good."

Hearing Wang Feng’s words, the tortoise shell nodded. There are priorities for doing things. If they are fine, they can kill the but now they come to the imperial city with a mission to kill the soldiers. There is a mere use, it is to kill their national teacher to effectively damage them.

When he came to a place not far from the imperial city, Wang Feng opened his own heavenly eyes. Although Su Hong’s powerful guards had already gone to deal with the Emperor Yongzhen, Wang Feng also had to see if there were other things in the imperial palace. Master.

   If you don't look at anything, and you just rush into it, once a master comes to stop Wang Feng, I'm afraid he won't even know how he died by then.

"How's it going?"

   Beside Wang Feng, the turtle shell asked.

   "Very well, there is no strong man in the late Blood Saint Realm in this palace. Our chance is here."

While talking, Wang Feng took the tortoise shell and went straight to the palace. The opportunity is rare. If you miss it, you may not have it again. Just like the last time you killed the sky, Wang Feng dared to kill him at any risk. Now Wang Feng How difficult is it to take the risk and kill this national division again?

   For the Tianwai Dynasty, this national teacher was a minister, and it was an existence that many people couldn't afford to provoke, but now in Wang Feng's eyes, this national teacher is a threat, a threat that must be removed.

   "Fight for one blow!" Wang Feng muttered to himself, and then he took the tortoise shell directly towards the gate of the palace!

   (End of this chapter)

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