The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3127: The crisis of Emperor Yongzhen

The survivors of the heavens were arranged by Wang Feng in the extreme depths of the starry sky, and Bei Yunxue and others were in Wang Feng’s dantian. Wang Feng can say that he no longer has any worries for the future. He can now run around in the dynasty outside the sky. Don't worry about what they can do to themselves.

   Kill if you can, don’t they know how to run if you can’t?

   "Without these people in the heavens, we can finally do it unscrupulously." Beside Wang Feng, the turtle shell said.

   "It's better to keep a low profile, so as not to slap yourself in the face." Wang Feng said, and then they galloped toward the ruler of this dynasty.

When    came out, although Wang Feng searched for life stars everywhere for two days, when they went back, because they had a clear goal, their speed was very fast.

   From far away, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell saw the huge dust in the starry sky. Compared with two days ago, the range of this dust has become larger, which also shows that the fighting between the two of them has become more fierce.

  The closer they get closer, the louder the roar in the ears of the two Wang Feng.

   The stamina of these two people is really terrifying, and the battle has not ended for such a long time, which is beyond Wang Feng's expectations.

   "When they hit it like this, when will it be a head?" Wang Feng shook his head and said.

   "It doesn't matter when he is tall, it won't threaten our lives." The turtle shell is rather optimistic and doesn't care about the battle between the two of them.

   Even if they hit the sky and grow old, besides continuing to influence this dynasty, what impact can they have on Wang Feng and others?

   So the longer these two men play, the better, and it’s best to never stop.

But facts are always different from imagination. This turtle shell wants the two of them to fight forever, but almost just when the sound of the turtle shell just fell, the dust in the starry sky suddenly violently rioted, and then Two terrifying auras rushed out of the dust one after another, it was the emperor Su Hong and the emperor Yongzhen.


Seeing these two men rushing out, Wang Feng didn’t hesitate to pull the tortoise’s shell and start to retreat, because if they continue to stay here, I’m afraid they will be killed directly by the aftermath of the two emperors’ battle. There is no resistance.

   The two people have been fighting for such a long time, and they have already been caught in the white-hot battle, and it is possible to decide the winner at any time.

   It's just that they can get to the point where they have gone through many battles, so both of them have very rich combat experience. It is really difficult to tell the winner during this battle.

   You punch me, and I will punch you too. You bite me and I bite you too. In this way, two people are totally half a catty, no one can do anything.

   If this were not the case, their battle would have already ended.

   Now that the two of them rushed out of the dust, the dark turmoil that has been sweeping this subsidiary star field might be able to stop for a while.

   "How did these two rush out?"

   followed Wang Feng back into the starry sky, the tortoise shell was still a little frightened.

  Because he didn't expect these two people to rush out all at once, there was no sign.

   Fortunately, Wang Feng reacted quickly, otherwise they might have been enveloped by the aftermath of the battle between these two men.

   "Maybe it's time to tell the winner." Wang Feng said, then his eyes were straight ahead.

   Both of them are now enveloped by extremely violent power, and the flesh cannot see what the center of the battle is like.

   But Wang Feng is different. Wang Feng has heavenly eyes that ordinary people don't have. Since normal people don't, Wang Feng can naturally see images that normal people can't see.

   At this moment, in his eyes, he saw that these two people had already put out all their strength, and their battle caused a roar of the stars.

   The sound cannot be transmitted in the original vacuum state, because there is no air medium.

   But the cultivation bases of these two people are completely top-notch, so the roaring sound of the starry sky that can't spread sound echoes, and it can be clearly heard from far away.

   "Without the killing statue, do you think you can do anything to me?" Emperor Yongzhen's voice sounded, full of coldness.

   "Even if this is not my imperial city, it is the territory I rule. Here, I am the real emperor!"

   There was a roar from Su Hong's mouth, and then he waved his big sleeve, and suddenly a majestic force surged toward his arm. This was the power of faith. ,

   Even though the dynasty has been greatly divided this day because of Wang Feng and the turtle shell, many monks are still willing to believe in the power of the current dynasty after countless years of reign.

   Therefore, they hope that this heavenly dynasty can send out a large army to quell these rebellions one by one, and give them a bright sky.

   It is precisely because they believe in this heavenly dynasty, so now this Su Hong can borrow this majestic power of faith.

   The power of faith is invisible and intangible, but it is real and can be used as an attack weapon.

   "This is another trick. You can't help me with this, so why waste your energy?"

   Seeing the power summoned by the other party, the Yongzhen Emperor sneered, and then he also raised his arm, suddenly a dark mist appeared in the void and gathered towards his arm.

   This Emperor Yongzhen was once also the emperor of this land. Although the people who believed in him have died in the years, since Su Hong can borrow the power of faith, he can naturally also borrow the power of the heroic soul.

   So when these two mysterious forces collided, they both canceled each other out, and did not cause effective damage to anyone.

"Are I wasting my energy? You will understand soon." Su Hong said in a deep voice, and then suddenly eighteen rays of light appeared in the void, and there was a person in each of the rays of light. This is what Su Hong cultivated Each of the eighteen bronze men was a cultivation base of the late Blood Saint Realm.

  If they are one-on-one, they are definitely not the opponents of the emperor Yongzhen, UU read www.uukanshu. Com will be killed even when they meet each other, but now Su Hong drags the Yongzhen emperor, and if the eighteen bronze men join hands, it will really have a huge impact on the Yongzhen emperor.

   After all, once the balance between the two of them is broken, the effect may be fatal.

   It's like a calm lake. You suddenly throw a stone into it. This will definitely make waves.

   Fighting head-on, Emperor Yongzhen would not be a bit worse than Su Hong, or he would lose.

   But now Su Hong didn't know how to find his eighteen bronze men, and wanted to use their joint power to directly push the Yongzhen Emperor into the abyss of immortality.

   These eighteen bronze men have followed him for many years, and their cooperation has already been very tacit, so if they join hands now, the power that can erupt is naturally very terrifying, and the Yongzhen Emperor is afraid that it will suffer a big loss.

   In the distance, Wang Feng and Tortoise's shells were frightened, because they didn't expect that Su Hong would even call for support. This is simply bullying the less.

   If Wang Feng had the strength of the late Blood Saint Realm, he would definitely rush in to help the Yongzhen Emperor. Even if he couldn't stop all the Blood Saint Realm late cultivators, he could at least hold part of it.

   It's a pity that all this is contrived. He doesn't have the strength of the late Blood Saint Realm, and he can't go up and delay. He can only see the Yongzhen Emperor in danger.

   (End of this chapter)

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