The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3126: New home [2]

"By the way, I almost forgot to show you a good thing." At this moment, Wang Feng suddenly thought of something and said.

   "What good thing?" Everyone's faces were puzzled when they heard Wang Feng's words.

   "Look at it and you will know."

  While speaking, Wang Feng took out the Qiongtian skull from his spatial ring. As soon as the skull was taken out, a **** smell filled the air, causing the brows of Emperor Xuanyu and others to wrinkle slightly.

   "Are you okay, what do you do with your head out?" Nine Turns Great Emperor asked.

   "Look carefully at who this person has this head is." Wang Feng said.

   "Let me see."

  Everyone is a man who has experienced many battles, and the number of lives on his hands is not known, so after a moment of frowning, everyone returned to normal and started to look at the head in Wang Feng's hand.

At the beginning, the sky was a very beautiful man, but unfortunately after so many things, his appearance has long been ruined, and he can't even recover, so after the Emperor Xuanyu and others watched for a long time, They didn't see who this person was.

   "With so many scars on your face, what are you doing with someone else's head?" The Great Emperor Xuan Yu asked in surprise.

   "Since you can't tell who this person is, let me tell you, this person is the head of our heavenly sky!"


   Hearing this, the three Ye Zun couldn't help their bodies for a while, did Wang Feng take off the head of Qiongtian?

   "Is this person really the sky?"

   The Great Emperor Xuan Yu asked in shock.

   He has seen this sky, and even fought against each other. He can be said to be familiar with this person. This person's face is full of scars. How can there be half the sky like the sky?

   "Wang Feng, I have seen the sky, are you sure that this person is the sky?" Ye Zun also asked at this time.

"This sky is disfigured somehow, but I will never kill the wrong person. He is indeed the sky of our heaven. In order to kill him, I almost fell into the trap of this royal family. If this person does not die, All of us are in danger."

   "Where did you kill him?" Nine-turned Great Emperor asked.

   The last time Ye Zun estimated to the sky, he didn't tell his whereabouts. How did Wang Feng find him?

   They are very interested in the process.

   "This person is hiding in the imperial city on this main star, and he has also contacted the senior officials of the imperial palace, otherwise the wanted order cannot be issued so quickly."

   "So after you knew that this person was the sky, you guessed that he would be in the palace?"

   "Even if the imperial palace is no longer there, he will still be in this imperial city, because if you want to issue a worldwide wanted order, only the imperial people can do it."

   "Hurry up and talk about the detailed process. This guy has done a lot of evil, and he really deserves to be killed." The nine-turned emperor asked.

   "Then I'll talk about it."

  Since everyone wanted to know what happened so much, Wang Feng didn't hide it and told everyone about the process.

   After Wang Feng introduced the process, Hou Zhentian had been leading people to wait for a long time.

   "Leader, the two cities are almost under control now, what should we do next?"

   "You don't need to do anything, just wait quietly."

  Want to arrange the formation,  it is Wang Feng, because the formations arranged by others certainly do not have much defensive power, so this matter can only be handled by Wang Feng alone.


   "Master, you don't have to worry about Qiongtian. Since he is already dead,  the threat to you will not exist."

   "This person can be regarded as deserved for his sin, and he will not suffer in death."

   "Master, the outside world may be in chaos. I don't have time to stay here with you. I will leave when I set up the formation for you."

   "Since you have a business, don't waste time, do it now."

  Wang Feng shoulders the heavy responsibility of avenging those people in the heavens, so everyone didn't intend to keep him. They just wanted to know the inside story of the death of the sky.

Setting up the formation is not very challenging for Wang Feng at this stage. Wang Feng calmly arranged the formation, and he also let the tortoise shell use the power of the formation until Wang Feng confirmed that this place is really not there. When a cultivator in the middle blood saint realm could kill in, he just let go of the stone in his heart.

   "Wang Feng, why not leave us here too?"

   When Wang Feng was about to leave, Bei Yunxue in his dantian couldn't help but ask.

   Bei Yunxue's doubts are also their doubts. After all, everyone lives here, and they don't want to drag him with Wang Feng, that's why they have such a question.

"You are still in a dangerous situation, how can I put you in this place with confidence? You must know that there is a national teacher who is very good at deduction in the outer dynasty. Once you let him calculate where you are, This will definitely be a catastrophe, and I may not even have time to rescue, so I must bring you by my side."

   "Sister Xue, taking care of so many things, and being able to stay with this guy often is also a happy thing. We must know that it has not been so easy for us to see him before." Zisha said at this time.

  Following Wang Feng, they can at least talk to Wang Feng often. It's not like they could only wait to see Wang Feng before they could see through.

   "Sister Xue, don't worry, as long as I don't die for a day, you won't have any problems for a day. Even if someone finds out about you, they will have to pass me first."

   "Say something bad, since no one else has found us before, it is naturally impossible now. You will not be in any danger."

   "Sister Xue, now you can only go with me. It won't be too late to send you back here after I kill the national teacher."


  Since their existence may drag Wang Feng's back, it is not a good thing to follow Wang Feng, just as Zisha said, following Wang Feng and the others can at least talk to Wang Feng every day.

   "Master, if your hands are itchy and you want to find something to fight, there is your best opponent deep in the forest."

   "I've been in this world for such a long time. I haven't done anything yet. Needless to say, I will go to trouble these animals."

"I'm leaving."

" Emperor Xuanyu nodded, and then he solemnly said: "Remember, all of us are waiting for you to take us to truly appreciate the world. You can't die outside, you must live. Come down. "

   "Don't worry, I am not a rookie who has practiced for one or two days, I will be careful."

  While speaking, Wang Feng turned around and left here, without stopping.

The defensive formation and spirit gathering formation Wang Feng of this place have been set up, and there should be no problems with their cultivation in the future. Wang Feng only needs to send back a batch of cultivation practice within a fixed time. I think everyone can be here. Live well.

Before Wang Feng and the tortoise shell went to kill people and accumulated a huge amount of resources, but now Wang Feng has left most of them here for everyone in the heavens to use, and he himself only brought a very small part of it, because he returned It is possible to grab resources from anywhere near the main star.

But the people in the heavens are different. If Wang Feng doesn’t leave them a sum, I’m afraid they will fall into an embarrassing situation with no resources available. It sounds ridiculous to rely on one person to support countless people. , But Wang Feng must do this now.

   The population of the Celestial Realm cannot be counted at all, but only a few survive now, so everyone is a survivor. If this is the case, how can Wang Feng help them?

   (End of this chapter)

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