The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3113: Chaos

"No matter how strong the power is, it will eventually fall. Maybe this is the life of the empire."

   A person spoke, with a sigh of emotion.

   Hearing what they said, Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell were silent and ignored them, because these people were getting darker and darker, so what else could they say, naturally they were waiting for a good show.

   "I think everyone should stop chewing their tongues here. Once it is heard by someone with a heart, I am afraid we will be miserable." At this time, a person said.

Only after hearing what he said, the people present couldn't help showing contempt at him. There is a way and the law does not blame the public. Now there are people everywhere talking about this. Are they all going to be arrested? Nothing?

   And they just talked in private, and they have never publicized it, so naturally you don't have to be afraid.

   If you don’t even have the freedom to speak, then this dynasty does not exist.

   "Guardian, your food is here."

When everyone was talking about this matter, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell meal finally came up. Listening to the people around you talking nonsense here, eating the fragrant food, this is undoubtedly not a kind of enjoyment of life. .

   "The main star has never been for people like you and me to go up. I didn't expect them to cover up the news this time. If it weren't for me to listen to others, I'm afraid I don't know."

   "If the news is not covered to death, there will definitely be a mess. Unfortunately, the main star does not know who leaked the news. I am afraid it will change soon."

   "We can't talk nonsense about this. Let's just chat casually here. Don't make these words hurt us all."

   Everyone talked more and more vigorously. Every word of you and me attracted the little servants of this restaurant to come and listen to them.

   "It seems to be effective."

On the wine table of the two Wang Feng, both Wang Feng and the turtle shell looked at each other and smiled. It can be seen that the rumors they created this time are more effective than they thought. This time, the outer empire will be ruthless. Drink a pot.

   "Come and bring me such a table again." At this time, Wang Feng said.

   But after finishing talking, Wang Feng felt that such a table seemed not enough, and said, "Give me three more tables like this."

  Wang Feng and the tortoise shell are now enjoying their food, but in Wang Feng's dantian, Bei Yunxue and others are still watching them eagerly, so how can Wang Feng forget them at this time.

   They are now wanted everywhere, so they shouldn’t show up, otherwise, why not let them out?

The national teacher of the foreign empire is really powerful and good at deduction. If he can calculate where Bei Yunxue and others are, the trouble will be big, so Wang Feng would rather let them live in his body. .

"it is good."

   Although this little boy was wondering why Wang Feng ordered three tables, it was not that he refused to pay, so he was very quick to prepare for Wang Feng.

   The news spread faster than Wang Feng and Turtle Shell had imagined. When the two of them came out of this restaurant, they found that more people were discussing this matter.

   is very simple. This is something that is related to everyone's immediate interests. It is strange that everyone does not discuss it.

  If there is really a big problem in the empire, people like them will also have to be implicated together. After all, the country is broken. Can they have a good life for ordinary people?

   Wars are chaotic, and it is them who suffer in the end.

   So the most intense question everyone discusses now is whether this empire will fall.

   Because of Wang Feng and the tortoise shell, there are all rumors in this city right now, saying everything, but no one says the empire is good.

   Even the palace was broken by someone, can this be good?

In fact, it's not just this city, except here, other satellite regions are also gradually having such rumors, because this underground intelligence force is not only doing business on this star, but there are still theirs on other stars. stronghold.

   So when rumors started spreading here, other stars were also starting.

   A single spark can start a prairie fire. It only needs to send a small number of people to spread rumors, and more people will automatically join in, so an unprecedented crisis in this empire...began.

   In the imperial palace, many officials have gathered again, after all, how can they sit still with such a big thing happening in the empire.

   Qiongtian’s death was not noticed by them, but they had to deal with the rumors circulating everywhere.

   "Guo Shi, now there are rumors in the affiliated star field, saying that our empire..."

   said that the official here did not continue to say, because if the words behind this are said, it would be a serious crime.

   Of course, even if he didn't say it, the people present knew what was going on, because he wasn't the only person who heard the rumors. The people present were all high-ranking officials of the empire, and they had already received the news.

   "This matter must be investigated carefully, especially the rumor makers must be arrested and all executed." At this time, a military officer spoke with a sneer on his face.

   This empire, but they struggled hard to get the current stable situation. There is no way to calculate how many people died in this empire, but it cannot be destroyed in the hands of Xiao Xiaozhi.

   "We caught batch after batch of people who said the rumors, but they didn't work at all. They didn't know who the rumors came from."

   "A crisis has already begun." At this time, the national teacher spoke and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

   Now your Majesty was forcibly dragged down, and Su Yao was dispatched into the army, so the only person who can truly command the heroes of the huge palace is the national teacher.

  Of course, this national teacher is only a national teacher after all, unable to exercise all the authority of the emperor. For example, to mobilize the army, you need Su Hong's personal verbal order. It is a pity that he is inseparable from the battle with Emperor Yongzhen. Who can get his verbal order?

  With these many restrictions, it is not so easy for this national teacher to deal with problems.

   Although he is good at calculations, countless people are now talking about such rumors that they can catch batch after batch of people, but they can never catch everyone.

   After all, at least nine of the ten monks were talking about this. If they really arrested all the people, it is estimated that the cell would not be enough to hold people.

   "National Teacher, what should we do next? You have to come up with an idea." An official asked at this time.


   "But this..."

  People all over the world are discussing this matter. Where do you start?

   "Why? Does the empire raise you all for dry food? Or do you have the ability to investigate cases?" At this time, the national teacher's face sank and asked.

   "Yes, we will check it right away."

   Seeing that the national teacher has already said this, what else can everyone do? Naturally, we will do our best to investigate the source of this rumor.

   It's a pity that they can't find anything useful. They have no choice but to catch more insignificant people.

   After all, people's underground forces naturally have their own set of methods to deal with the official, this point does not need Wang Feng to bother.

   The further the rumor spreads, the more people know about it. After all, this official manpower is limited and cannot be suppressed at all. The scene is already in a state of out of control.

   At the beginning, people still spread rumors, but as time passed, some problems appeared.

   Riots have begun to occur everywhere, and in some smaller places, even the government no longer performs the tasks assigned above, and there is a surprising trend of independence.

   Suddenly, the entire empire was a smog, and the people on the main star were beyond reach, and couldn't control it at all.

   Seeing the empire getting more and more chaotic, the eyes of Wang Feng and the tortoise shell are getting brighter, because all the effects they have done have begun to gradually show up.

If the outer dynasty is really monolithic, it would be too difficult to bring them down, but now it’s better, their own problems are first exposed, as the so-called dog bites the dog’s mouth, anyway, the mess is their own People, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell are naturally just waiting to see the excitement.

   "As the so-called snipe and clam compete for the fisherman's profit, this good show is really wonderful." The turtle shell said.

   "The battle between Emperor Yongzhen and Su Hong has not yet ended, which really shocks me."

   Although the dynasty has begun to mess up, what surprised Wang Feng is that the battle between the Yongzhen Emperor and Su Hong has not stopped. If they continue to fight like this, the ghost knows how long it will take to end.

   "Since they are willing to fight, let them play well. Anyway, it is very difficult for them to have an end to a master duel."

   "It's a pity that my cultivation base is too weak, otherwise I must destroy their palace directly at this time."

   You must know that the palace is the base of a dynasty, where all the power and power centers are there. If the palace is destroyed, then this dynasty is no different from a major earthquake, and the distraction of people is the lightest.

"Don't think so much. The masters in the palace are like clouds. Once they go, they will find their own way. Let the dynasty slowly consume it like this It is indeed good to cultivate high. But now it is a pity that their cultivation base is not high.

  If Wang Feng can now break through to the late Blood Saint Realm, how can he even take a trip to the palace? It is entirely possible that he will destroy this palace.

  Because at the same level, the cultivator in the late Blood Saint Realm was as vulnerable as a piece of paper in front of him.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much. Right now the world is in chaos. I should seize the time to practice and break through the realm. It is true." Wang Feng said, and then he just ignored the noises on the street outside, but closed his eyes and started. Practice.

   "Then I will also start practicing."

The tortoise shell used the life force to cultivate for a long time in the tomb last time, so now he also feels that his cultivation is almost on the verge of breaking through. If he can break through to the late Blood Saint Realm, this would be for Wang Feng It is also a good thing for them.

  The higher the cultivation level, the more things they can do. It's not like they are now. The palace stated that there is no Su Hong guard, but they still dare not pass because the cultivation level is too low.

   That's why it's true that meditation practice breaks through the realm.

  No matter when or where, only oneself is strong,  That is the guarantee of safety. It is useless to rely on others blindly.

   (End of this chapter)

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