The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3112: Spread rumors

Unexpectedly, this underground force was so powerful, and this rumor began to spread within a short period of time. Once this matter is fermented, I am afraid that it will soon be spread by everyone, and even the palace will send out people to suppress this. Rumors are probably of little use.

  Because they can arrest one person and two people, but can they arrest all the people in the world? That is obviously unrealistic.

   "It seems that they still have some avenues. If we let us do this by ourselves, I am afraid that the efficiency will be lower by many times."

   This underground force must have penetrated into many levels, otherwise the wind cannot come so fast, Wang Feng admitted that he underestimated this underground intelligence organization.

  It is true that money can make ghosts push things.

   "At this rate, in my opinion, at most three days, there will be some rebellion in this empire."

   The imperial palace is so powerful that it is obviously unrealistic for others to forcibly capture the imperial palace, but if riots occur in some remote places, it is entirely possible.

   The mountains are high and the emperor is far away, who can control them?

   "We are blowing the east wind to those people. As for whether anyone takes advantage of this shareholder wind to make trouble, then we only need to wait quietly."

   A smile appeared on Wang Feng’s face, and then he said: "Turtle shell, you have been busy following me these days, go, I will be the host today, I invite you to eat and drink."

   killed too many people, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell were full of hostility. If you don't take the time to relax, I am afraid that they will have serious problems.

   "It's rare to have such a chance to kill you, I will not miss it naturally."

   Although this bloodthirsty bead failed to make any substantial changes to Wang Feng's bloodline, the rumors they had released before have now begun to spread on a large scale. This also made Wang Feng's mood very good, and naturally wanted to celebrate.

   Coming to fight again and again every day, and lurking back to the imperial city again, Wang Feng also wanted to relax himself, otherwise he would be exhausted.

   After all, although he is physically strong, he is not an iron man after all. In the final analysis, he is just an ordinary man with flesh and blood.

  Since it was Wang Feng's treat, the tortoise shell chose one of the most high-end restaurants in the city. It is estimated that eating and drinking in it will not work without heavy bleeding.

   Of course, compared with the restaurants in the imperial city on the main star, the consumption here is at most civilian prices, and Wang Feng is completely affordable.

After ordering a lot of expensive dishes, Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell sat in the lobby of this restaurant. Originally, as the two of them, they could go to the more high-definition and quiet wing, and the little boy before. Also said to invite them to the wing room.

   But these two masters didn't want to listen to him, so they wanted to sit here. Since they couldn't persuade others, the young man naturally gave up in the end.

  I came here to eat and drink to relax, but another aspect is that Wang Feng and Turtle Shell also want to come here to hear what the rumors they have spread have become.

   "Hey, I don't know if you have heard that there is a big problem in our empire now." At this time, the sound of a conversation reached the ears of Wang Feng and Turtle's shell, causing the two of them to cast their eyes over in an instant.

   I saw that the person who spoke was a middle-aged person, and I don’t know if it was someone sent by the intelligence organization to spread rumors.

   But no matter which force he comes from, Wang Feng wants to hear what he would say.

   "What did you hear? Seeing your mysterious look, is it the fairy who slept again?"

"Bah, I'm all a person with a family and children. You still make this kind of joke with me. If you talk nonsense like this, I won't tell you the secret." The middle-aged man said with a face. Cold, shouted.

   "Okay, I just said casually, why are you taking it seriously."

   "Don't chirp, let's talk about what it is." At this time another person asked.

   "In fact, it is like this. I also heard it from others. You must not take it out and talk nonsense. This is a felony."

   said that the voice of this person here has also been suppressed a lot, like a whisper.

   It's a pity that none of the people present is a successful cultivator. No matter how small their voices are, even if they sound like mosquitoes, everyone can hear them clearly.

   And what he did in this way also meant that there was no silver three hundred taels, which attracted the attention of many people.

   Obviously everyone is also very interested in what he is going to say next.

   "Regardless of his minor crimes and serious crimes, we advocate freedom of speech. If he is convicted for saying a few words, does the empire still have a king?"

   "That's right, anyway, let's just talk about it and listen to him, no matter what." Another person also quickly agreed.

   "Since you want to hear so much, then I will tell you."

   This person's voice became smaller and smaller while speaking, for fear that others would hear it.

   It's not that he doesn't want to tell everyone, it's really a matter of great importance. Once the official hears it, then he might be over.

   "Our empire... is going to end."

   As soon as this person spoke, the people around couldn't help making an uproar.

   actually said that the empire was going to end, this is simply a big sin among the big sins, the sin is inexcusable, no wonder this person dare not say it loudly, it is not without reason.

   "Don't talk nonsense." Hearing this, the person's companion couldn't help but his expression changed and he shouted.

   The empire is so good now, he actually said that the empire is going to be over. Isn't this typical deceitful words?

   "Look at you, I know you would say that to me."

Seeing his peers denying himself, this person immediately showed an unpleasant color, saying: "I treat you two as myself, and I will be willing to share this with you, but since you don't want to listen, then I will be me. Did not say."


   Hearing this, the other two people suddenly became anxious and said, "If you say that, it must be based on what it is."

   "Don't ask me, I don't know."

   Seeing that everyone turned their gaze to his side, this person didn't dare to say it for a while, because he understood that what he just said was indeed suspected of deceiving the crowd.

   Once someone tells him, I am afraid he will be miserable.

   So at this moment, he just said nothing, so that there will be nothing wrong.

   "You must know that." Seeing his performance, his two companions suddenly felt like scratching their hearts, and wanted to know what was going on.

   "Even if I know, I can't say it."

   "Don't tell me, this way, I will pay for the whole table of wine and food. I treat it as my treat, so you are always willing to say it?"

   "Yes, we all want to hear what's going on. Tell me about it." At this time, the people at the other table also spoke, and became curious about the matter.

   actually said that the empire was going to fall, what basis could this have?

   Hollow is not coming. Since he dared to say that the empire was going to fall, he must have known some unknown things. Otherwise, even if he was given a hundred courage, he would not dare to talk nonsense.

   "I have already told you very clearly before, and I have said these things from the hearsay. If there is something wrong, everyone has the right to listen to the story."

   This person doesn't suppress his voice anymore, anyway, everyone can hear it, so why should he speak upright and let the big guys listen.

   "If you have something to say quickly, you really want to die of us all."

   "Well, it's like this, I heard that on the main star, the palace has been breached."

   This person was so amazing that many people couldn't help but take a breath.

   Before, he said that the dynasty was going to fall. But now he even said that the palace had been breached. This is no longer a big crime, this is nothing short of treason.

   If a person in office hears this, he is afraid that he will be in a different place immediately, and there will be no way to survive.

   "That's not right, how did I hear that the palace has been destroyed?" At this time, another discordant voice sounded, and it seemed that another person had heard similar rumors.

"No way?"

   Hearing what the two of them said was more mysterious than the other, many people who didn't know about it couldn't help showing shock.

   You must know that the palace is the power and political center of an empire. There must be masters in charge. How could it be so easy to be destroyed? These two people must have been deceived by rumors.

   "I have heard of this too, but according to rumors, isn't the entire imperial city on the main star already in ruins?"

   At this time, the third discordant voice sounded, and everyone who heard it was shocked.

"My God, this rumor is really harmful, one is more mysterious than the other, which one is the real one?" The three people gave three different answers, and everyone was in the cloud, and they were basically distinguished. It is not clear which is true and which is false.

At the wine table between Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell, the Tortoise Shell almost couldn't help but laugh. These people will really spread rumors that the entire imperial city that has been spread in such a short period of time has been destroyed, you know There are countless people in the imperial city. If the imperial city were all destroyed, I'm afraid the news would have spread all over the world, and it would be impossible to cover it.

   In fact, only Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell know the true and false. The person who spoke the first time just said it was true, and the other two people completely believed the rumors in the rumors.

   But this is the best because what Wang Feng wants is that the more they pass, the more fierce they pass.

  Because of this, others will believe that there is a big problem in this empire, and will be rebellious.

   And regardless of whether the news is true or not, in short, this time the negative news is completely spread, let's see what the palace can do with the world.

   "The imperial master such as Lin, and the emperor, how could it be so easy to be destroyed, I think you are all deceived?"

   "Cheat? How could that be possible? You don't know. Now this matter is spreading everywhere. If this matter is false, do you think no one will come forward to clarify?"


   Hearing this, this person was also speechless for a while, and he was right. If the empire really had no problems, I was afraid that someone would have been sent out to suppress these rumors at this time.

   The empire has been silent for a long time. Isn't this acquiescing to what was spread outside?

   "This main star is not something ordinary people can go up. If we can go up and have a look, everything will be clear." At this time, a person opened his mouth and couldn't help but sigh.

   "It seems that the Empire really has a problem this time."

   (End of this chapter)

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