The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3075: The twin emperors go to war again

The harassment and attacks of the royal family members did not show up because he had to heal his injuries. How can there be time to manage these sidelines, but now the greatest threat to the empire appears, it is impossible for him not to show up, because if he does not show up , I am afraid that the entire palace will be destroyed. Then their royal family will become the laughing stock of the people of the world, and even their own palace cannot be guarded. What deterrence does this imperial power have?

     "I didn't expect me to come so soon?" Looking at Su Hong, the middle-aged emperor said with a sneer.

"You and I have no grievances, why are you here?" Looking at the other party, Su Hong's face was gloomy. Although he is an emperor, he is not omnipotent. For example, the person in front of him, even if he used all his strength last time, he There is no way to keep it, which shows how powerful the other party is.

     "You have been sitting in this position for so long, and I want to sit there too. Is this a good reason?"

     Others are respectful to the emperor, and they have to be careful when they speak, but this one is obviously not useful to the middle-aged emperor, so he will not be afraid of the emperor, because he was not the emperor in the past.

     When he was on the throne, his dynasty was prosperous, but now his dynasty has dissipated in the long river of history, he can't swallow this breath, so he has to take revenge.

     "You are so presumptuous!"

     Hearing this, Su Hong's complexion is as ugly as it is, so whoever wants to sit on the throne can sit on it?

     And the other party’s words are really provocative to him, how can he talk to the other party?

     "If people do not speak secretly, I will fix your position!"

     "Then see if you have that ability."

     "There is natural ability."

While talking, the middle-aged emperor stretched out his hand and grabbed at the void. Suddenly, in the battle circle of the sky, a late-stage blood saint realm powerhouse in the palace was forcibly detained by him, and his neck was wiped off instantly, along with his The soul is completely annihilated.

     "Kill all their middle-aged masters." The middle-aged emperor spoke, and then he reached out and detained a royal master in the sky and killed it.

     With his cultivation level, it is too simple for him to kill the monks in the late Blood Saint Realm.

     Originally the battle in the sky was still in a balanced state, but as he moved his hands, the sideline instantly gained the upper hand, pushing the prince into the lower wind.

     Seeing this scene, Su Hong's face was gloomy. Although the middle-aged emperor didn't say that he meant to join forces with the sideline, he already had such a guess.

     The other party's injury was supposed to be healing, just like him, but now he drags the injury to make trouble for himself. Is he planning to overthrow his rule and kill him with his side?

     "It's good."

     made an extremely cold voice, Su Hong's whole person seemed to have become a piece of icy cold, it was chilling.

     "I think it's good too." The middle-aged emperor did not understand anything, and he added a sentence.

     But as soon as the voice fell, he started directly.

     The opponent has already appeared. He has roughly checked the opponent's injury, and he has indeed not recovered, even worse than him. If he wants to kill the opponent, this is undoubtedly an opportunity.

     There is a saying that the fighter plane is fleeting, and he missed today's opportunity. When he completely recovers, I am afraid it will be difficult to kill him.

     "Come on, let me see how good you are." Seeing the other party do something, this Su Hong snorted coldly, and then his whole body also rose with a powerful and unmatched aura.

     In today's world, there are only two of them who can have this state, and now they happen to be opponents.

     "We never joined hands with you at all."

At this moment, a voice sounded, and the voice was an old man from the royal family. He understood that once they were seated and joined hands with this person, then the family would never allow them to survive, so at this moment he must Explain in words.

     The battle between the collateral and direct lines of the royal family is their own family affair, but now once this person gets mixed in, everything will be different.

     When the time comes, the royal family can send a large army to suppress them, because they unite with outsiders in order to overthrow the rule of the dynasty. This is a crime of treason.

"is it?"

     Hearing this, the middle-aged emperor sneered and said: "I was healing and recovering well. If you didn't say that you would be here today to attack the royal family, do you think I will come?"


     Hearing the other party's description of the matter so dark, the old man only felt that his eyes were black, and he fell straight to the ground, and he was fainted with anger.

     You must know that he is a powerful blood saint realm level, even if he is not as powerful as the Qingluan **** general and the others, he is also a real powerhouse, but now he is actually stunned by the other's words.

     "Now I will help you hold the dog emperor, and you will do your best to slaughter their other people. Once the dog emperor is killed by me, this emperor should change hands."


     Hearing this, the other royal side masters didn’t know what was going on. Could this person really come to help them?

     But when did they go to this person for help? They still catch him all over the world.

     "Everyone will die!"

     Su Hong's mouth uttered a terrible rage at this time, and then his whole body was bursting with blood-colored light, which covered the sky and covered almost half of the imperial city.

     Under such circumstances, none of the monks in the entire imperial city can practice, and they all woke up. They all knew that the imperial city would change drastically again, and tonight was afraid that it would be a sleepless night.


     coldly snorted, the middle-aged emperor didn't have the slightest fear at all. At this moment, he also exploded with his own breath and pointed directly at this Su Hong.

     "Try to give you a slap first."

     raised his palm, the middle-aged emperor directly slapped Su Hong with a palm, his power was amazing.

It's a pity that this Su Hong can break through to the current realm, he is not a vegetarian, facing the palm of the opponent, he only saw his face indifferent, and then he waved his sleeves, suddenly he was majestic. The blood rushed towards the middle-aged emperor.

     On the surface, this is just a blood mist blown by the wind, but in fact this blood mist carries a lethal murderous intent, and it may be killed if you are not careful.

     So in the face of this trick, the middle-aged emperor couldn't help but look dignified. His injury hadn't recovered yet. Now that he came here now can only be regarded as a strong war with Su Hong. In contrast, the two of them are actually similar.

     "Give me death in it."

     Su Hong uttered a big drink, and then the blood energy instantly drowned the middle-aged emperor in it.

"The last time you hurt me with this thing, do you think I will be injured in the same place this time?" Just then the middle-aged emperor's voice sounded in the blood mist, and then he walked away from the blood mist After coming out, a golden mask appeared all over his body.

     It was this mask that helped him offset all the damage, and he had nothing to do.

     "Unexpectedly, after you went back, you did some research. I underestimated you."

     Seeing that the other party was not injured at all, Su Hong's expression became a lot gloomy.

He thought that he could easily use the blood he cultivated to wound him and then end the battle, but what he didn't expect was that the opponent would resist all his blood damage, which is really out of his. Expected.

     "What's this, if I didn't prepare at all, do you think I will come back?"

     "You can see that you are very confident, but do you know where this is?"


     "This is the imperial city, my palace, here...I am the emperor!"

When      spoke, the entire palace trembles suddenly, and then soars away. A lot of light flickers from all over the light. This palace is a magic weapon.

"You actually refined the palace into a magic weapon?" Seeing this scene, the middle-aged emperor couldn't help showing his shock. You must know that the palace is very large and wants to refine such a place into a magic weapon. , Not only requires a lot of time, but also a long time of sacrifice.

    , this person has even completed such a large project. It is really amazing.

     Even if the two of them are opponents at this moment, he can't help but admire this person a little, it is really amazing.

     "Since you know that I am a magic weapon, then you should understand what you will face next."

     While speaking, Su Hong controlled the entire palace and smashed it down towards the middle-aged emperor.

The palace is the most important place in an empire, and even the place of luck, so after refining the palace into a magic weapon, its power can be regarded as a treasure of the country. How can it be blocked by Fanli? Last time he did not use this thing Taking it out, the middle-aged emperor thought he had already exerted all his strength at the time, but at present, his prediction was wrong, and the opponent's methods were beyond his imagination.

     He could see that once the palace began to explode, it might be infinitely powerful. Based on his current physical condition, he might not be able to hold on for long. He miscalculated this time.

     wanted to kill the opponent while he was seriously injured, but as long as the opponent hid in this palace, he couldn't do anything about the opponent.

Because he needs a lot of strength to break the defense of the palace, and there is still time. Once he consumes too much, then if the opponent waits for an opportunity to kill him, he may not be able to come and kill, instead he will die here. .

This is not impossible, but it is a pity that the magic weapon he left to his children has long been ignorant of where it went, and it may even Otherwise, he would not fall into what he is today. situation.

     "Aren't you very good? Get ready to fall here now."

When      spoke, suddenly the entire palace was divided into two, and the middle-aged emperor was sandwiched between them from left and right, like making dumplings, blocking his way.

    The palace is a magic weapon. If caught, he will definitely end up miserably, so when he noticed his danger, his face was gloomy, and then he directly rose up into the sky and escaped a clip of the palace.

"The most important thing for a monk is his own body. Although I don't have a magic weapon, I can create a magic weapon." The middle-aged emperor said, and his arm suddenly showed colorful light, which surrounded his body. The arm is really beautiful.

     However, as these colorful lights gradually dissipated, his arm also showed such a color. Compared with before, his arm has now become extremely hard, and it is a magic weapon he refined.

     refines his arm into a magic weapon, and in such a short time, I am afraid that no one can do such a thing except their realm, right?

     "With this arm, I can destroy your palace!" The middle-aged emperor said, his tone was particularly arrogant.

     But with his cultivation base, he does have arrogant capital.


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