The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3074: Poison

     "If the emperor's injury really hasn't recovered, I can go to their palace and take a turn." At this time, the middle-aged emperor said, ready to do something.

     "Last time you were all in danger, you didn't know anything about it right now, you dare to go?" Wang Feng asked in surprise.

     "There is nothing I dared to do, since I dared to kill into their palace by myself last time, it is still the same today."

     Others searched for the middle-aged emperor all over the world, and regarded him as his most wanted man, but who would have thought that he was not fleeing at all, but came into this imperial city.

     If he chooses to attack suddenly at this time, he can indeed exert an unexpected effect, but once the other party is prepared, then he goes again, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out.

     After all, after experiencing the last incident, Wang Feng believes that the palace must have been taught, so they must have added powerhouses to the palace. By then, once the middle-aged emperor goes up, he will be throwing himself into the net.

"There is only one person who can be an enemy of me, and that is their Majesty. Except for this person, the others dare not approach me at all. What's the use?" The middle-aged emperor sneered, and then said: " When I was asleep, I overthrew the dynasty that belonged to me. I must settle this account properly."

     "Anyway, I don't think I have absolute certainty. Don't act rashly, otherwise it will be troublesome to be surrounded."

     "My injury hasn't fully recovered, and I believe his is the same. If I can succeed in a sneak attack, maybe I can kill him effortlessly. Wouldn't it be beautiful?"

     "Since you insist on going, then I won't persuade you."

Seeing that the middle-aged emperor already had this idea, Wang Feng did not continue to say more. Anyway, with his strength, even if his sneak attack failed in the end, then he could get away calmly. Wang Feng has no way to compare. of.

And what he said is not unreasonable. His injury has not recovered, and the dog emperor is the same. If he can give him a fatal blow while he is weak, he may not even have room to resist by then. A good way.

     "This matter sooner rather than later, I am going to do it right away." The middle-aged emperor said, seeming to be very anxious.

     Every time you waste more time, the more likely the opponent’s injury will be recovered, so you have to do it before the opponent’s injury has recovered, otherwise everything may be too late.

     "If you fail to assassinate the opponent, wouldn't you want to run away again?"

     "You don't have to worry about this. If I insist on leaving, I don't think anyone in the world can keep me. Then you can just stay in this city with peace of mind, and I will come back."

     "Then you can find me?"

     "Since I can find you the first time, I can naturally find you the second time. Do you think you are hiding well?"

     Hearing this, Wang Feng's body shook, and he thought of his being canonized as the leader.

    Since the middle-aged emperor can see through his disguise, when the emperor from the outside world appeared, didn't he also see through his disguise?

     is just why he didn’t break through at the time, and even canonized him as a general. Why? Take him away from Su Yao? Protect your son's safety?

     Or is it deliberately propped up and then destroyed? Let yourself experience the feeling of falling from heaven to hell?

     No matter what Wang Feng thinks, Wang Feng doesn't know what the emperor is thinking. Wang Feng thinks he should have seen through his disguise.

     can see through even the middle-aged emperor. The opponent's strength is comparable to that of the middle-aged emperor. He must be able to see through himself. When he thinks of this, Wang Feng can't help but a layer of cold sweat on his back.

     Fortunately, he didn't do anything when he saw himself, otherwise Wang Feng might not have the life to stand here and talk.

     With the opponent's strength, it is simply too easy for him to kill Wang Feng. How could Wang Feng be his opponent? The gap between the two is enough to describe the gap.

     "What are you?"

     Seeing Wang Feng's face turned pale, the middle-aged emperor asked in surprise.

     I can only say to find him again. Is this scared like this?

     "It's okay."

     heard that the middle-aged emperor Wang Feng reacted like he was waking up from a dream. He felt that he had been exposed in front of the heavenly emperor, but the other party had not revealed it.

     himself was lurking beside his son like this, he would definitely not allow it, so Wang Feng was afraid it would be difficult to go back next to Su Yao.

     thinking that he had spent so much effort on Su Yao, but in the end only exerted such a small effect, Wang Feng felt a sense of unwillingness.

     "The dog emperor must have discovered your hiding." At this time the turtle shell spoke, and he also thought of what Wang Feng had said to him at the beginning, which was his meeting with the emperor of this dynasty.

    Since the middle-aged emperor could easily see through Wang Feng's disguise, and Wang Feng's cultivation was only in the early stage of the Blood Saint Realm, it must be even more difficult to hide. The other party must have discovered Wang Feng's disguised identity, but it has not been exposed.

     "I was thinking last time, why the dog emperor wanted to canonize you as a general for no reason? Now it seems that he is definitely ready to deal with you."

When      said here, the tortoise shell followed him in a cold sweat, because he was with Wang Feng. If Wang Feng was killed, would he have to run?

     "It looks like we can't go back to Su Yao's side." At this time, Wang Feng shook his head and said.

     "You have used him to provoke the battle between the royal family and the collateral family. It is already very good, and he can be regarded as playing his own role." At this time, the turtle shell said.

     "Initially I thought he could exert a greater effect, but at the moment, it doesn't work anymore, alas." Wang Feng sighed, knowing that Su Yao's line was broken.

     estimated that after Su Yao entered the palace this time, his father would tell him these things. With Su Yao's suspicion, he would definitely no longer believe in himself.

     can only use him to provoke a war between the royal family, in fact, Wang Feng's hiding has already exerted a huge effect.

     "Listen to what you said in the clouds and mist, what are you talking about?" At this time the middle-aged emperor asked.

"Don't you want to attack the palace?" Hearing the words of the middle-aged emperor, Wang Feng suddenly had another plan in his heart, saying: "Anyway, our purpose is to overthrow the statistics of this dynasty. Right now we have one Opportunity, they can provoke a war between their royal families even more."

     "What do you mean?" Seeing the sinister color on Wang Feng's face, the middle-aged emperor felt bad instinctively. This kid looked young, but his thoughts were very vicious.

     used his son to provoke a war between the two sides. He didn't expect that he had a more poisonous plan now.

"It's very simple. When you go to the palace and go to war, you directly say that you are a helper invited by the side of the royal family, and then you can fight them hard and leave. If you can kill the dog emperor, it is naturally best, even if You can't kill them, and you can also plunge them into a more frenzied civil war."

     "It makes sense." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the middle-aged emperor couldn't help but shine.

     Although all he needs to do is to say more, it is self-evident what kind of consequences these words will have.

Relying on the suspiciousness of an emperor, and this time it was the first fight initiated by the sideline, so as long as he said that he was a helper called by the sideline and was ready to overthrow his rule, then no matter whether the sideline actually invited him or not. , I'm afraid this battle between the direct line and the side line will not stop.

    , maybe they will have a direct annihilation, which can severely traumatize them, and it only takes a word.

     "Poison, I didn't expect your kid's mind to be so vicious, even the emperor would have a sense of admiration for you."

     "Don’t hesitate, you’d better do it now. Once their battle is over, I’m afraid you will be too late to take action."

     "Don't worry, the emperor will go right away."

     Although he still doesn't know the situation of this Emperor's injury recovery, it is conceivable that he has never fully recovered, so this is the best time for him to take action.

     When he is cooperating with Wang Feng to say a few words, then the royal family will not be chaotic, but also chaotic.

     Even the collateral line would be unreasonable, and the dog emperor would definitely not believe them.


     glanced at Wang Feng and the turtle shell, then the middle-aged emperor turned around and left without hesitation.

     Although his injury has not recovered, he is still not a powerful person in the late Blood Holy Realm that can fight against. There is only one opponent in his eyes, and that is the emperor of the other dynasty that day.

     "A more exciting show is about to be staged."

     Watching the middle-aged emperor leave here, a smile appeared on Wang Feng's face.

It’s just that his smile from the tortoise’s shell is really full of viciousness. This royal side line itself is not the opponent of this line, because no matter how many years they have developed, how many masters they have, as long as none of them belong to the dog emperor. Opponents, then it is impossible for them to destroy the direct line.

     and other people's direct line is the lord of the world, who can command the world, how big a wave can a side line make?

     itself is not the opponent of the lineage. Wang Feng is still going to design to frame them in this way. It is estimated that after the middle-aged emperor speaks, the lineage of the imperial clan is the yellow mud falling into the crotch, no explanation is available.

     "It is estimated that this sideline royal family will cry without tears in a while."

     "That's their business, it has nothing to do with us."

"It really has nothing to do with us." The tortoise shell can't help being a little funny here. Once the royal family gets wet with this middle-aged they will definitely not end well, and they are afraid By the time they died, they still didn't understand who killed them. Naturally, it had nothing to do with Wang Feng and the tortoise shell.

     "The dog emperor, shoot and die!"

    While Wang Feng was talking with the turtle shell, suddenly a new battle broke out on the palace side. The middle-aged emperor had already arrived at the palace and appeared above the palace.

I saw a brilliant light flickering. The middle-aged emperor had a terrifying power when he shot. He slapped the palace with a slap. If he slaps the slap, it is estimated that the entire palace will be finished, except for the people inside. Outside of the Heavenly Emperor, even cultivators in the late Blood Saint Realm had to die.

     because they are simply qualified to block attacks of this level.

     "I didn't expect you to come again."

The dog emperor is in this palace at the moment, so this middle-aged emperor makes a move. It is impossible for the emperor of this dynasty to resist. Almost just when his power is about to fall into the entire palace, a light shield suddenly appears, blocking this A palm of the middle-aged emperor, and then a man in an imperial robe slowly rose from the palace. It was this Su Yao's father, the current emperor, Su Hong!


   The double monthly pass is over at 12 noon today, the last wave of asking for a monthly pass, and those who have a monthly pass will go! ! !


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