The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3072: Night Exploring the Palace

     "Are you willing to cooperate?"

     Hearing what Wang Feng said, the face of the middle-aged emperor couldn't help but be overjoyed.

    While the two of them were talking, Wang Feng saw that the tortoise shell was sneaking closer to the two corpses. Didn't he know what he was going to do? Wang Feng didn't know what he was going to do, but it was too anxious, right?

     "You should talk about what you want me to do first. If you really want me to die, then I will never do it. Even if you give me more baby, I will not go."

     Baby is important, but it must also be based on the fact that you are still alive. If you are given your life, even if you are given gold and silver mountains, I am afraid you will not be blessed.

     "Don't worry, what I ask you to do will never kill you, it's even simple."

     "Then tell me what it is."

     "You go to the palace and help me find out about the reality." The middle-aged emperor spoke, and Wang Feng couldn't help staring his eyes wide, and let him go to the palace to inquire about the reality. Is it easy? Why don't you just let him die?

"I don't even want to go to the outside of the palace. You let me go inside the palace. You know the masters in this palace are like clouds. Once I was discovered, it would be over. Do you want that baby to build a grave for me?" Shouted Wang Feng.

     "How can you say that? With your strength, as long as you disguise a little, I don't think they can find you so easily."

     said that the middle-aged emperor also pointed to the battle in the sky, and said: "And now everyone's attention is on this sky, how many people do you think will take care of you?"

     "That's not okay. There are too many masters in this palace. I'm afraid I won't be able to come back."

     "What are you afraid of, if you really can't get out, I will save you."

     "What if you don't save it?"

"You have no confidence in this emperor?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the middle-aged emperor's face showed a hint of mockery, and said: "Although my empire is destroyed, I am a master at any rate. If I save You have no strength, do you think I dare to come here?"

     "And you and I have no life or death hatred, I don't have to hurt you, right?"

     "I just don't like to put my life in the hands of others." Wang Feng shook his head, and then he said: "I am definitely afraid to go inside the palace, but I can help you go and see outside the palace."

     "Then you can perceive the situation inside from outside?"

     "I naturally have my method, you don't need to worry about that."

     "Well, you go quickly, just tell me what you saw."

     "Then baby, give me first." At this time, Wang Feng stretched out his hand.

     took people's money to help people eliminate disasters, but that was also based on the basis of taking it, and now Wang Feng hasn't got anything, how could he help this middle-aged emperor.

     "If you don't enter the palace, I won't give you everything at once."

     said here the middle-aged emperor handed the bead in his hand to Wang Feng: "You take this thing first."

     "Is this something as godlike as you said?" Taking the beads, Wang Feng asked.

     "I think I have said it very clearly. If this bead does not have the effect that I said, I would rather be bombarded by five thunders than die."

     "Well, I believe you once."

    While speaking, Wang Feng put the bead away and said, "I will check it now."

     This imperial family master and collateral master are still fighting in the sky, and all the masters in the palace must be watching the sky, so if Wang Feng goes to the palace to inquire about the reality, it must be less dangerous.

     And Wang Feng doesn't need to be really close to the palace. He just needs to get closer to the palace and open his own heavenly eyes directly.

     Under the eyes of the sky, everything will be invisible, so after Wang Feng left the inn, he went straight to the vicinity of the palace.

     Although the palace is heavily guarded and masters are like clouds, there will always be no one outside the palace, right?

     So Wang Feng only needs to look outside here and look inside the palace, it's the same effect anyway.

     quietly came to the outside of the palace, Wang Feng directly opened his eyes in an alley, and looked closely at the situation inside the palace.

     was chosen in the alley, not in the room, because it was convenient for Wang Feng to run away after being found.

     Just as he thought, when Wang Feng swept across the palace with his heavenly eyes, he found that all the people inside were looking at the sky, not even paying attention to his gaze.

     But this is good, it can reduce the chance of Wang Feng being exposed.

     his gaze swept across the palace, Wang Feng silently remembered what he saw in his heart, because this might help the middle-aged emperor to attack the palace.

     With Wang Feng’s current ability, it is basically impossible for him to attack the palace, but he can’t do it. This middle-aged person can. He did it last time. This time he just wanted to do it more carefully.

     Youdao means knowing oneself and knowing that the enemy is alive in battle, so if he finds out the situation in the palace in advance, he has a good heart.

     Don't make it like the last time. He just came, and he suddenly ran into a large group of masters running out of the palace. If there were only these people, it would naturally be impossible to pose any threat to the middle-aged emperor.

     But there is a more terrifying emperor behind them. Together, this middle-aged emperor, no matter how strong it is, will have a miserable end, and almost lost his life here.

     So when he came back this time, he immediately learned to be smart, and decided to inquire about the situation first.

     his eyes kept sweeping across the palace. Wang Feng saw many masters and some soldiers hidden in the many halls.

     This time the sidelines are harassing, this palace can be said to have enough gifts, just waiting for them to rush inside.

     Although the soldiers' cultivation base has the Blood Saint Realm, none of them noticed when Wang Feng's gaze swept across them.

Only those monks in the late Blood Saint Realm were aware of them when they were swept away by Wang Feng's gaze. However, when they were scanned at this time, none of them cared about it, because the people watching their palace at this moment are really too Too many, they can't get people out one by one.

     And they were ordered to sit in the palace, how could they go out at this time, so no matter how Wang Feng swept in this palace, none of them came out, let alone trouble Wang Feng.

     "Unexpectedly, it was so easy."

     looked at the people in the palace and didn't respond at all. Wang Feng was not welcome, and swept to the deeper part of the palace.


     Just when Wang Feng's gaze swept over an old man, suddenly a cold snort came from the other person's mouth. He obviously discovered the existence of Wang Feng and made a corresponding response.

     The other party's cold snort carried a not-so-weak power, which was directly fed back to Wang Feng, and Wang Feng couldn't help but snorted along with him. It was obviously traumatized.

     It's a pity that Wang Feng didn't stop because of this. Instead, he continued to sweep the depths of the palace.

"You ungrateful animal."

     just then the man made a cold sound, and then he stood up.

"I don't care who you are or what you want to do. If you don't take back your consciousness, don't blame me for being rude." The old man said, thinking that Wang Feng's gaze was someone's consciousness. .

     "You are welcome?"

     Hearing this, Wang Feng's mouth showed a hint of sarcasm, without fear at all.

     The reason why he snorted before was because he didn't have the slightest defense when the opponent shot, and now Wang Feng has enough guard, what else can the opponent do to him?

     And now Wang Fengren is not in front of him, and the sight of this thing is not divine consciousness, even if he attacks it, I am afraid it will not have much effect.

     "In that case, don't blame me."

     Seeing that the sense of consciousness wandering in this place hasn't receded, the old man sneered, and then he started directly.

I saw his soul power exploded, and the whole room was filled with his soul power. He wanted to use his soul to completely wipe out the other's divine consciousness, and even cause certain damage to the deity of this divine consciousness. .

     It's a pity that after he attacked, he didn't get any effect, so he couldn't help being a little surprised.

"What is this?"

     Soul attacking the consciousness is invalid, this is simply impossible.

Because this divine consciousness is simply the use of soul power, and the use of soul power can naturally block or even attack, but now his attack has no effect at all. It really surprised his heart. What kind of situation is this? ?

     ignored the old man, Wang Feng's gaze went straight to the inside after passing him. During the period, Wang Feng discovered many masters, and some people discovered Wang Feng's existence and wanted to attack him.

     It's a pity that this attack is not effective against Wang Feng at all, because Wang Feng's eyes are only his eyes and his soul, unless he takes some special magic weapons, otherwise he can't stop Wang Feng's eyes from sweeping.

     "It would be great if my physical body was so invincible with my eyes."

     Seeing these people's attacks were ineffective, Wang Feng couldn't help but feel an emotion.

Compared to the monks of the same level, his body is definitely top-notch and tough, but no matter how powerful the body is, it will be injured. If he can make his body indestructible, he can be regarded as a higher level person, I am afraid Wang Feng There is no fear.

     But this thing Wang Feng just thinks about it, he knows that it can't be achieved, because how can the eyes and the physical body be confused, they are completely two different things.

     Many palace masters attacked Wang Feng's gaze like but it didn't work. Fortunately, this incident didn't spread, otherwise all of them would have lost their faces.

     "Could it be that the emperor's retreat is ahead?"

Moving his gaze forward again, Wang Feng felt a pressure, and even the sights he could see in front of him couldn't help but become a little blurred. Wang Feng wondered if he had come to the emperor’s retreat. .

     After all, in the entire palace, he is the only person who can pose a huge threat to Wang Feng.

Wang Feng was wondering if he should just withdraw his gaze like this, because if the front is really the emperor’s retreat, Wang Feng sweeps the opponent with his eyes like this, I am afraid he will be discovered, and then it is not impossible for people to find Wang Feng’s place in an instant .

     The cultivator Wang Feng of the late Blood Saint Realm can sweep at will, and he doesn't worry about what they will do to themselves, but it may be a higher cultivation level.

     "Forget it, that's it."

     was afraid that he would meet the emperor of the Tianwai Dynasty in front of him, Wang Feng very decisively withdrew his Tianyan, and quickly moved away from the alley.

     Those people might come to find out who is spying on them, so at this time, it is true that they should evacuate quickly.


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