The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3071: Insatiable

     "If I lie to you this time, I will be thunderous!" Seeing that Wang Feng didn't seem to believe in himself, the middle-aged emperor immediately began to swear.


As soon as the voice of      fell, a roaring sound suddenly sounded outside. Just when Wang Feng thought this was the fulfillment of the opponent's oath, he discovered that the person making the sound was a fighting circle in the sky.

The battle above      was fierce and tragic at the moment, and almost everyone on both sides reddened their eyes, as if they were going to eat people.

     "Boy, how about? Do you want to vote with me?" At this time the middle-aged emperor said.

     "What do you want to do?" Looking at the opponent, Wang Feng asked.

     "It's very simple, kill someone." The middle-aged emperor looked at Wang Feng like a fool.

     "No matter how powerful you are, you are only one person, but people are sitting on a dynasty. If you die, will I be implicated with you?"

     "So, you still don't want to help me?"

     "I just don't want to risk my life."

"Boy, I don’t know if you’ve heard a word. If you want to get what you want, you have to pay the corresponding price. If you helped me today, you can get you in the future. Unexpected benefits."

     "What's the advantage?"

     "Why do I say you are so mother-in-law? Is there any monk's decisiveness? Tell you this, as long as you are willing to help me, no matter who I kill in the future, all the treasures on them belong to you, how about?

     This middle-aged emperor has done everything to tell Wang Feng. Anyway, it's just a verbal promise. If he doesn't fulfill it, Wang Feng will not be able to do anything to him.

     But how could he know that Wang Feng also wanted to seek revenge from this Heavenly Empire, and even at the very beginning Wang Feng wanted to cooperate with him to jointly plan a plan to entrap this Heavenly Empire.

     It is only now that Wang Feng has turned him down in turn, which gave him the illusion that Wang Feng did not want to cooperate with him at all.

     He felt that he was leading Wang Feng into the ditch, but how could he understand that Wang Feng had been in this ditch all the time, and that was completely willing.

     With Wang Feng’s current ability, it is almost impossible for him to kill the Heavenly Emperor, but since this middle-aged emperor was able to leave this imperial city last time, it shows that he is still very tough.

     And he is now lurking into this imperial city, he must be doing big things, how can this kind of thing be missing Wang Feng?

     Because of strategy, Wang Feng pitted some treasures, so this middle-aged man thought he had earned it, but didn't Wang Feng think he had made it?

     This is totally a win-win situation.

     "Then if you destroy the palace, will the treasury in the palace also belong to me?"

"That's not okay." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the man shook his head repeatedly and said: "You know that the treasury is the most important resource reserve of an empire. If I really capture this empire, I will at least take up the treasury. half."

     "In that case, tell me what you want me to do." At this time, Wang Feng spoke and gradually recovered his calm.

     "So you agree?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the middle-aged emperor was taken aback first, and then he was happy, because he did not expect that the other party would actually hit his sugar-coated cannonball.

     This kid looked at the ghost very much, but he must be attracted by the beads in his hand, otherwise he would never agree to it.

     But it’s normal to think about it, something that can save a dying person back, if it’s not even a treasure, then what kind of treasure is there in this world?

     Not to mention that Wang Feng was attracted by this bead, the middle-aged emperor himself was like that.

     But he has a high level of cultivation, and there are only a handful of people who can hurt him in this empire, so this thing is also tasteless when he holds it, and it can't play any role. It might as well be used to win over Wang Feng.

     "When did I promise you?"

     "Do you think this is not enough?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the middle-aged emperor couldn't help his eyes widening, revealing an incredible color.

     he has already taken out such a heavyweight baby, he is still unmoved, this kid looks young, but is his appetite too big?

     "Boy, too much appetite is not a good thing."

     "There is only one life, and it will be gone after playing."

     "As long as you hold this bead that I gave you, you can have two enviable lives, what else is terrible about you?"

"Well, you can get me a hundred top-level pill, and I will help you, how about?" Wang Feng said, like a cunning fox, making the middle-aged emperor almost angry. Crooked.

     He was also an emperor when he was on the throne, but Wang Feng is now talking to him like this, that is, his dynasty has been destroyed, otherwise he will not be used to take action, and he will take away Wang Feng.

     can only say that today is different from the past. The down-and-out Phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken. He is no longer the emperor, and Wang Feng naturally does not need to be afraid of him.

     "Where should I go to get you the pill now?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the middle-aged emperor couldn't help rolling his eyes.

     "You have such a high level of cultivation, you can get it from any big family, you still ask me where to go?"

     "Boy, I'm telling you about business right now. Don't mess around here. I haven't recovered. Once I'm discovered, I'm afraid I will face the disaster. Your kid wants to kill me?"

     "You dare to sneak in even the imperial city, don't you have this mental preparation?" Wang Feng said, and then said: "Anyway, I want the pill now. As long as you give me the pill, everything is easy to say."

     "What if I don't give it?"

     "That naturally means nothing to talk about."

     "Do you know what will happen to me threatening?" At this time the middle-aged emperor said coldly.

     "I don't know." Wang Feng shook his head.

     "I will kill you." The middle-aged emperor said here in a very gloomy tone, as if he was going to eat people.

     "Then you kill me, it will save trouble." Wang Feng stretched out his neck as he spoke, as if he was looking for death.

"Unexpectedly, you are not afraid of death." While speaking, the middle-aged emperor suddenly revealed his own aura, and then his palm directly reached Wang Feng's head. Seeing that, he seemed to really want to kill Wang Feng. same.

     a terrifying evil spirit filled his body, scaring the turtle shell.

     Does this middle-aged emperor really want to kill Wang Feng?

The middle-aged emperor exploded too fast, and shot too fast. When the turtle shell was too fast, there was no time to react. At that moment of fright, the turtle shell couldn't help closing his eyes because he didn't want to look at it. What tragedy happened.

     Although Wang Feng is powerful, in front of the middle-aged emperor, it is almost no different from an ant. The gap between the two of them is really too big.

     If the middle-aged emperor is determined to kill Wang Feng, then Wang Feng will only die, there is no struggle, because struggle is useless.

However, the expected death did not appear. The middle-aged emperor's palm stopped in front of Wang Feng. His hand was only one centimeter away from Wang Feng's face. If he goes further, I'm afraid Wang Feng It's miserable.

     From here, we can also see how well the middle-aged emperor has control over his strength.

     "Aren't you afraid of death?" The middle-aged emperor asked with his palm in front of Wang Feng.

     "If you wanted to kill me, I would have died long ago, so how could I stand here, so what am I afraid of?"

     "Well, you win this round." Hearing what Wang Feng said, the middle-aged emperor really had no choice but to take Wang Feng.

     saw him retract his palm and said, "Wait here."

     he disappeared from the front of Wang Feng and the tortoise shell in an instant while he was speaking, as if he was completely hidden, even his breath disappeared.

     "Will he really go find someone else to get a pill?" Seeing the other person disappear, the tortoise's eyes widened, and he cried out strangely.

     "Otherwise what do you think?"

     Hearing the words of the turtle shell, Wang Feng shook his head.

     In fact, from the very beginning, Wang Feng had the upper hand. If the middle-aged emperor wanted Wang Feng to do things, he had to pay some price.

     Besides, he doesn't know the hatred between Wang Feng and this Heavenly Empire now, so he can take advantage of this opportunity to slaughter the opponent, otherwise there may be no chance in the future.

     Most of Wang Feng’s elixirs remained in the small world of the Celestial Monk, and he didn’t carry much, so now that he had the opportunity to get more elixirs, why did he miss this opportunity?

     With the strength of this middle-aged emperor, it is too easy for him to get the pill, so Wang Feng has to make good use of it.

     The middle-aged emperor didn’t go out for a long time, probably less than a minute. He came back, and he was holding two people who had fainted.

     Both of them wore magical costumes, and they looked like they were extraordinary.

     "Why did you get people here?" Looking at the middle-aged emperor, Wang Feng asked in surprise.

     When I was taking their things, these two people found me, so I took advantage of the situation and got them.

When      talked, the middle-aged emperor was like throwing rubbish, and directly threw these two men on the ground.

     was hit hard, and the two men woke up and turned around.

     looked at the three strangers in the room. Both of them were surprised. Why did they get here?

     "Where is this place?" A person asked at this time.

"This is the slaughterhouse." The middle-aged emperor responded, and then he waved his sleeves, and immediately the two powers submerged into the bodies of the two men. Then they saw the two men's eyes widened, and then they slowly fell. Next, their vitality is dying out. In front of this middle-aged emperor, they are too fragile. It is a strange thing to survive.

"You asked me to get you a hundred Now I have got more than this. I will give you all of these pills. If you still refuse to give up, then don’t Blame me."

While      spoke, the middle-aged emperor waved his big sleeve, and suddenly a large number of pills appeared, all floating between him and Wang Feng.

     For others, the top-level pill is too important, but for the middle-aged emperor, he did not put any extra attention on these pill.

After all, he is a person who has been an emperor and has seen too many treasures. Such a little pill he did not care at all, and with his cultivation base, even if he took these pill, it might not have any effect. On the contrary, it will increase the impurities in your body.

     "Then what do you need me to do?"

     Wang Feng's request has been fulfilled by the other party. If Wang Feng does not know how to advance or retreat at this time, it is really dead.

     So at the moment Wang Feng's conversation turned, there were already signs of cooperation.

Since      is going to be an enemy of the Tianwai Empire, he is Wang Feng’s ally, and with his cultivation base, Wang Feng’s ally is still Wang Feng climbing, so how could he miss this good opportunity?


  Thank you brother who rewarded, thank you


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