The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3065: what's the situation?

      "Fuck, we two big men, what do you think you can do?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell was half dead.

     "Forget it, I just made a joke, are you serious?"

     Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng stood up from the bed and said, "Has the good show started?"

     "You know it by yourself." The tortoise shell spoke, and then he came to the window.

     "Have you seen it, there is a violent light and roaring sound at the moment, it must be a fight in the palace."

The direction mentioned by the tortoise shell is the direction of the palace. The reason why Wang Feng chose this inn and this room is that this room is facing the direction of the palace. No matter what happens to the palace, they can be the first time. Learned.

     looked in the direction that Wang Feng was pointing, Wang Feng found that there was indeed a violent light sweeping over the palace, which looked extremely dazzling in the dark night, and there were bursts of roar resounding through the world.

     At this moment, many people have already walked out of their own homes, looking towards the palace.

     Even Wang Feng and the tortoise shell could see the sound of iron horses galloping past the street below the inn, obviously rushing to the palace.

     "Let me take a look at the truth."

     what happened to the palace is a good thing for Wang Feng, it is best to directly punch the palace through, which will save trouble.

     was just to determine the authenticity. At this moment, Wang Feng opened his own heavenly eyes. He had to see the battle clearly, or else who knew what they were doing just by sound and light.

Under the eyes of the sky, Wang Feng immediately saw the imperial palace far away from this place. The imperial palace was originally magnificent, and the buildings were built very majestic. For many people in official careers, they can work in this imperial palace. It is not in vain that they have been mixed up in this career.

     It's only a pity that the palace is now reduced to a place of right and wrong, and a large number of guards come in and out of it, all stained with blood.

     Looking along the gate of the imperial palace, Wang Feng saw many corpses, many of them were masters, and there were no few experts in the Blood Saint Realm.

     But under this kind of battle, the cultivators of the Blood Saint Realm are also as fragile as paper, and being besieged is death.

     is nothing more than a plot to usurp the throne, right?

     chose to act at night because they wanted to take advantage of the weak defenses, but unfortunately the palace is heavily guarded, how can it be so easy?

     "The dog emperor has not yet appeared. If the dog emperor appears, I am afraid this battle will be over."

     Watching the fight in the palace, Wang Feng muttered to himself.

     "How's the battle going?" At this moment the turtle shell asked.

     is so fierce as the battle ahead, if you use divine consciousness to sweep at this moment, you will most likely be implicated, so this tortoise shell has not released his soul at all, just asking Wang Feng.

     Anyway, whether it was what Wang Feng saw or what he saw, all he wanted was the result.

He has lived for so many years and has seen too many lives and deaths, so life and death to him is almost the same as usual. He has even seen the scene of the destruction of the heavens several times, and this slaughter in this palace can be counted. what? It's just drizzle.

     "It's all shrimp soldiers and crabs fighting, but I didn't see any big shots." Wang Feng shook his head and said.

     "Be careful yourself, don't let the emperor catch your handle." At this time the turtle shell warned.

     "Don't worry, once the dog emperor shows up, I will retreat immediately." Wang Feng said, and then he continued to watch the battle.

     "Because of a competition, the palace was going to be in chaos once, so Su Yao probably regrets it now, right?" At this time the turtle shell said.

     "Does he really think he will regret it?" A wry smile appeared on the corner of Wang Feng's mouth when he heard this. Su Yao had already wanted to kill the Xiangyang King, but he hadn't done anything because of the rules.

     Although what Wang Feng said before has a certain effect, it was actually just a spark. If Su Yao didn't really want to kill King Xiangyang, then even if Wang Feng said it would be useless.

Moreover, for Su Yao's series of performances, he has never expressed regret, and he killed a Xiangyang King and let his thoughts come to pass, breaking through to the late Blood Saint Realm, so for him, killing King Xiangyang completely That's a good thing.

     not only helped him avenge his revenge, but also broke through the realm as a result. This is the best of both worlds, and there is nothing wrong with it.

     So now the tortoise shell says he will regret it, that is impossible.

     "If he wants to protect him, I am afraid he will have to pay a certain price." Turtle shell said.

     "In this world, there are gains and losses. It is impossible to get blindly."

     "His Lao Tzu's cultivation base is so high, these people probably can't get through the waves."

     "Even if the entire dynasty cannot be subverted, it can naturally hurt their vitality. Isn't this a good thing for us?"

     "We still have to see the result at the end." Tortoise shell responded, and then he stopped talking, but watched the situation in the palace with Wang Feng.

The roar lasted for a long time before it gradually ceased. During the whole process, Wang Feng didn't see any big figures appearing. Su Yao's Laozi did not show up, and Su Yao, the person involved, was even more unlikely to show up, as if everything was just It stopped like this, making Wang Feng feel surprised.

     What kind of stuff is this?

     "What is the situation?"

     noticed that there was no movement on the side of the palace, and the tortoise shell was also very surprised for a while, not knowing why.

     "I don't know." Wang Feng shook his head, but didn't see what was going on.

     It was a good fight, and those people just stopped as if they had agreed. What kind of thing is this?

     "Even you don't know what's going on?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the turtle shell was even more surprised.

     "The big figures on both sides haven't shown up. Could it be that they have already made peace in secret?" Wang Feng muttered to himself.

"Don't think so much. This royal family considers face more important than their own destiny. I don't think this incident can be ended easily. This Su Yao will force Xiangyang in front of so many people. Wang Miekill, if there is still a little bit of blood in this royal family, they will not be able to give up, they will definitely make a big turn." The turtle shell said very plainly.

     "But how do you explain the current situation?"

     "I am not a party, how do I know what's going on? This may be because everyone is tired and needs a rest."


     Hearing these words, Wang Feng cursed in his heart, secretly saying that this tortoise shell is simply talking nonsense, is there a saying that there is still a tired fight?

     It is possible to lose their lives at every turn on the battlefield, even if they are tired, I am afraid that everyone will work hard.

The movement in the palace suddenly diminished. It was incredible. When Wang Feng opened his eyes again, he actually saw someone dragging the corpse away from the palace and also the blood on the ground. It was cleaned up.

     "Does it really end like this?"

     Seeing this scene, Wang Feng was very surprised. He thought that there would be a big battle between the royal family's direct line and the collateral line, but at present, this seems to be impossible.

"           the sky is gradually clearing, and the royal line of war seems to have come to an end.

     Although there was movement from the palace at night, it was rare that no one in the city discussed the matter the next day.

One may be because someone deliberately suppressed the news, and the other is that it is a capital crime to discuss the royal family. You may also discuss the discussion in secret. On the bright side, once discovered, it is considered to have ten lives. Not enough to kill.

     So this may also be the reason why everyone is reluctant to discuss this matter. After all, chewing on the tongue will kill people. Who would think that his life is long?

"It's really weird." Looking at the peaceful imperial city, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell were puzzled, but they couldn't rush into the imperial palace directly to inquire, so they had to wait and see. There will be no second impact.

     The movement from the imperial palace yesterday did not affect the prosperity and excitement of the imperial city. Everyone is still busy with their own affairs, and seems to have no idea what happened last night.

     Right now, Wang Feng is the palace of the prince and he cannot go back, nor can he go to this palace, so Wang Feng and the turtle shell can only continue to nest in this inn, waiting for the night to come.

     Wang Feng has already thought about it. When it gets dark, he will go around the palace to see if he can find anything.

     is not his style to sit and wait, so he has to do something, or else they don’t know what the situation is like.

     "Are you too risky like this?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the turtle shell said with some worry.

     Although Wang Feng has now raised his realm to the middle of the blood sacred realm, but the masters in the palace are like clouds, if Wang Feng is discovered, then I am afraid it will suffer.

     And what Tortoise Shell is now worried about is not the late blood saint realm masters in the palace, but the biggest threat they will face, that is, the emperor of this dynasty.

     His cultivation level can be completely described by the word “Tongtian”. If Wang Feng meets him, he may not even have the chance to escape, so the tortoise shell’s worries are not unreasonable.

     "I just went to have a look, and I'm not in the palace, what are you afraid of?" Wang Feng shook his head and said.

     "I don't think so, I'll go with you, so that, even if something unexpected happens, you and I can join hands to walk more calmly."

     "There are many people and the goal is big. It is more convenient for me to be alone."


While the two of them were arguing here, suddenly there was another ear-splitting roar in the imperial city. This roar was even more intense than last night. It felt like the imperial city had been cast. Like a nuclear bomb, almost the earth shook along with it.

"what's the situation?"

     Wang Feng and the tortoise shell looked at each, and then the two of them looked at the palace almost at the same time.

     was just like last night. At this moment, the direction of the palace lit up with a strong light, and accompanied by the sound of fighting, even if they were far apart, Wang Feng and the turtle shell could hear it.

     "Hurry up and take a look."

     Seeing Wang Feng still surprised, the tortoise shell hurriedly poked him and said.

"it is good."

     Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng reacted and quickly opened his own heavenly eyes.

With Wang Feng’s eyes swept across, he quickly saw the scene ahead, which is the scene in the palace at this moment. Now the palace is different from during the day. There are many soldiers gathered in this place, all of them holding weapons. There is a **** battle in this palace. Compared with yesterday, the battle in the palace is obviously much fiercer now.

     The people on both sides had a lot of casualties almost just before they came into contact, and Wang Feng was stunned.

     What is the situation?

     Even if Wang Feng has seen a lot of things, he has also experienced things that many people have not experienced, but he also let the scene before him not know why, to be precise, he is at a loss.


what's the situation? Doesn't anyone vote for the double monthly ticket?


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