The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3064: Wait for the show

     Halfway between Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell and Su Yao, Wang Feng took Wang Feng and walked in the other direction. Su Yao, Wang Feng is really not suitable for staying here, so he thought it better to leave first.

     Only after Wang Feng and the turtle shell separated from this Su Yao, Wang Feng keenly noticed that there was someone in the dark who was constantly observing him, and the person observing him was Su Yao.

     It seems that Su Yao is still worried about him, and even wants to follow him in secret.

     was next to Wang Feng, the tortoise shell obviously also noticed the person hiding in the dark, and winked at Wang Feng.

     It is not a day or two for Wang Feng and the tortoise shell, so when Wang Feng saw the tortoise shell wink, Wang Feng already understood what he wanted to say.

Almost no words were exchanged. On this street, Wang Feng and the turtle shells began to separate, and they went their separate ways. No matter how good Su Yao was, there was only one person, and he could only talk to one of them, according to Wang Feng and the turtle. The importance of the shell, Wang Feng concluded that Su Yao would follow him.

Sure enough, as he expected, after Su Yao saw Wang Feng and the turtle shell separated, he followed Wang Feng very decisively, and he still chased after Wang Feng, even if Wang Feng passed a lot of small alleys, he followed closely. .

     Maybe he hasn’t noticed that Wang Feng has discovered him, but since he is willing to follow him, then Wang Feng might as well go around with him. Anyway, now Wang Feng has time. Since he wants to play, let’s play.

After taking this Su Yao in the circle for a long time, Wang Feng walked towards the gate of the city, because he found that he did not get rid of Su Yao. Since he was so dead with him, Wang Feng could only take him outside. .

Because Wang Feng is a general, when he showed his waist card, the guards at the gates of the city naturally did not have any obstacles. Everyone in and out of the city had to be investigated, and Wang Feng could use this time to quickly disappear. Su Yao's sight made him unable to keep up with himself.

     Although Su Yao is a prince, he is actually not a big threat to Wang Feng. The real threat is his father, the current emperor outside the sky.


Seeing Wang Feng disappearing into the depths of the forest quickly, Su Yao knew that he might not be able to catch up with Wang Feng. He knew that Wang Feng suddenly said to leave. There must be something to hide from himself, but he now lost Wang Feng. There is no other way.

     rushed into the depths of the forest, Wang Feng did not actually leave, he just changed his appearance and breath in a place where no one was there, and then walked towards the imperial city again.

     He still wants to stay in this imperial city to watch the show, how could he leave.

     So after changing everything about him, no one knew Wang Feng even when he returned to the imperial city. He could sit back and relax in the imperial city and watch the dog biting the dog with a smile.

     "Why have you been there for so long?"

     Where Wang Feng and the tortoise shell were separated before, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell once again gathered together. In fact, the tortoise shell has been waiting here for a long time.

Just like Wang Feng, the tortoise shell at this moment has also changed his appearance and breath. It looks like he is another person. Even if Su Yao is in front of Wang Feng and the two of them at this moment, I am afraid he would not dare to recognize these two people. The two Wang Feng he knew.

     "So Su Yao has been chasing after me, so I naturally spent more effort to get rid of him."

     "Go, leave here first and talk."

     Su Yao might be back in this place, so at this time they should leave here quickly and find another place to hide.

It’s just that they really looked at Su Yao too highly, and Su Yao didn’t have such thoughts. After losing Wang Feng, he immediately returned to his mansion, because he knew that once he was surrounded by people from his side , I'm afraid he is also in danger, so it is better to return to his own territory as soon as possible.

     Because there are many masters who belong to him on his territory, even if it is fighting, his subordinates can also play a role to help him block the enemy.

Although Su Yao is swelling now, he is not stupid. This sideline has developed for such a long time. Except for their overall strength at the peak, which is somewhat different from his father and emperor, other backbone forces are even better than their direct line Even stronger.

     Once the two sides fight together, it must be a **** battle.

     The news of the fall of the King of Xiangyang spread quickly. Many people were shocked when they heard the news for the first time.

     You have to know that although King Xiangyang is only a feudal king, his reputation in this empire is definitely not less than that of Su Yao, so when he hears that he has fallen, many people find it incredible, because a good person, how can he fall and fall?

     It’s a pity that soon the royal family also sent a message that even the royal family had confirmed the fall of King Xiangyang. Naturally, other people had no objections and could only accept this fact.

     "I have long heard that this king of Xiangyang looks good, he is a handsome young man, and coupled with his identity, I want to marry him, but I didn't expect him to die young, which is really a pity."

     A woman spoke, and it was a pity that the King of Xiangyang was dead.

     "If you can't marry a prince, it's actually good to marry a prince, even if I am a concubine for him."

     "Unfortunately, I don't even have this thought now."

     Many people are lamenting that this happened so suddenly, many of them did not expect that the King of Xiangyang would die when he said he was dead.

     The three princes and the second princes have all fallen one after another. I never thought that even the prince would also fall with them.

     But when they learned that the man who killed King Xiangyang was the prince of the dynasty, their hearts were naturally more shocked.

     This eldest prince Su Yao actually killed King Xiangyang himself, what is going on?

     It's a pity that they don't know what is going on, but what everyone can clearly feel is that there are many more people wearing armor in the imperial city within half a day.

     Each of them exudes a strong **** smell, and it looks like a character that is not easy to mess with.

     These people shuttle between the streets and alleys, and the people involved are panicked. Many business people don't even dare to open the door.

     The atmosphere in the entire imperial city seemed very depressing, and there was a feeling that the mountains and rain were coming.

     "Why don't you say there is no movement in this palace?"

     Inside an inn, the tortoise shell asked next to it.

     "Don't worry, this good wine needs to be fermented slowly. It is absolutely impossible for the King of Xiangyang to die in vain. The sky will definitely change in this imperial city within three days at the latest."

Now there are many more masters in this city. These masters were definitely not in this imperial city before. They should have been transferred from other places, whether they were sent by the royal family or a sideline, in short, this is all It's the prelude to a good show.

     "Taste the good wine slowly, don't worry, all that should come will come."

     Looking at the scenery outside the window, Wang Feng didn't worry at all, because the general preparation for a battle is. If you start a war without preparing for anything, it would be a bit of a bullshit.

     The longer the time passes, the greater the conflict between the two parties may be. Isn’t that the scene Wang Feng wants to see?

     "Have you heard? This Royal Highness Su Yaosu has been detained by His Majesty."

     Just as Wang Feng was talking with the turtle shell here, a voice suddenly passed into their ears, and immediately attracted the eyes of the two of them.

     This Su Yao was arrested?

     "Can you tell me what is going on?" Wang Feng and Turtle Shell sat in front of the table and asked.

     "What are you two?" Looking at Wang Feng and Turtle Shell, they sat down by themselves. The original people at this table looked strange because they didn't seem to know these two people.

     "Don't mind a few of you, we all want to come and hear about His Royal Highness Su Yaosu."

     said that Wang Feng flipped his palm and directly took out a lot of spiritual stones, and said: "Don't worry, all the money for this table is counted as mine. I just want to hear the story of His Royal Highness. Isn't it okay?"

     "No problem, no problem."

     Others have already promised the money for drinks, and they have also taken it out. Since there is a chance to eat and drink for free, what's the problem with everyone?

     may be due to the fact that Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell were very generous as soon as they came up. These people also talked very enthusiastically. People who don’t know may think they are old friends who have been together for many years.

     According to their description, Wang Feng and Turtle Shell learned the news that Su Yao had indeed been taken into the palace.

     It's just that Wang Feng felt that Su Yao didn't seem to be caught in the palace, but someone wanted to protect him deliberately.

     After all, the experts in the palace are like clouds, even if this sideline wants to do things in it, it might not be so easy.

     Again, the emperor today only has a son like Su Yao. It is reasonable for him to protect Su Yao, because he can't let himself die, right?

The emperor      is powerful, but he is also a human after all. There is no way to create a son out of thin air. If you know that the strongest blood is, the more difficult it is to have children, so he will definitely protect Su Yao.

     ostensibly said that they arrested people, but in fact, if the collateral wanted to move Su Yao again at this time, it might not be so easy.

     Because there is an emperor, can they grab someone?

     "It looks like a good show will be staged soon."

     left from this table, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell got together again. The emperor only had a son like Su Yao. Even if Su Yao is a bit swollen now, he will definitely protect him.

But once this royal family wants to get up, the two sides will inevitably have conflicts. With some movement in the city now, this time the royal battle may not be All that should be done is already done. Once done, let's see what happens to this sideline. "

    While speaking, Wang Feng returned to his room and began to practice on this bed.

     Although Wang Feng's current cultivation base has broken through to the middle stage of the blood sacred realm, but then he has to attack the latter stage of the blood sacred realm, which is probably an indefinite goal.

But now that he has reached the point where he is now, he has no other way except to continue to rush forward. Once his cultivation level breaks through to the late Blood Saint Realm, even if he is facing the emperor of this dynasty, he What's the fear?

     So now that there is time, then Wang Feng will take the opportunity to feel it, maybe his **** has arrived, just like Su Yao, he rushed to the late Blood Saint Realm in an instant?

     chance is no one can tell, this is something that will come at any time.

     "It's fighting, it's fighting."

     didn't know how long he had been practicing, but Wang Feng was awakened by a loud cry. When he opened his eyes, Wang Feng saw the disgusting face of the tortoise shell.

     "You are so close to me, don't you want to do anything to me?" Wang Feng asked, looking at the turtle shell.




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