The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3033: Crystal coffin

     Here, Wang Feng is speeding up to find the treasure in the tomb, and above him, the young children are gradually dispersing because they have found many passages.

     In order to avoid the previous fight between Su Yao and the others, they are now very decisively choosing a different path. In this way, even if they encounter some treasure, they will not fight.

     Everyone was originally from the imperial city, and they bowed their heads and looked up. If there is a scramble or fight because of the baby, how will they get along after returning?

     It's a pity that they don't even know, they are doing this to create opportunities for Wang Feng and the turtle shell in secret.

     The entire tomb is arranged from top to bottom. The peaks that Wang Feng and the others saw before are actually part of this tomb. This is a very large tomb with many people buried in it.

     As far as Wang Feng and the others are seeing now is only the tip of the iceberg, the real main tomb is still some distance away from them.

A treasure hunt has begun. Wang Feng is walking from bottom to top, and the people above are walking from top to bottom. After a while, they will be able to collide together. It may be time to divide life and death. Won't let them live.

     "There really is a baby."

     opened the first tomb in the coffin and the treasures, all the little things have been eaten away, nothing left.

But when Wang Feng and the tortoise shell came to the second tomb, they found that the place was very well preserved, because no one had ever been to this place before, so how it was set up at the beginning is still what it is now, even in the past I don’t know how many years, nothing has changed here.

     Some bottles and jars are piled around this tomb, which looks like a magic weapon, but because the time has passed, these things have long lost their original utility.

     It's just that Wang Feng's eyes didn't look at these things, because these things are just ordinary funerary objects, and the real baby is still on the coffin.

     "I'm afraid the identity of the tomb owner is unusual." At this time, the turtle shell said with emotion.

     "Of course not ordinary." Wang Feng responded, and then he walked towards the coffin.

     The whole coffin showed a silvery white color, and even exuding mist. This is a crystal coffin that is very difficult to find outside, and it is very difficult to build.

     On top of this crystal coffin, there is a box on it. There should be a treasure in this box.

     "Take down that box and have a look." At this time the turtle shell said.

     "The crystal coffin is all surrounded by formations, and things are so easy to handle." Wang Feng shook his head helplessly, and then he began to observe carefully.

     From the beginning of their approach to this place, there has been a super strong formation. Those formations are extremely powerful. If you can't find the eyes, it is difficult to bombard them with your own strength.

     When this place was built, there must have been an extremely skilled master of formation here, otherwise the tomb may not be preserved now.

     is an array outside, and there are naturally arrays around this crystal coffin. If someone rushes up at this moment, I am afraid they will be injured by this array.

     So even though Wang Feng saw the box on the crystal coffin now, he couldn't get it. He had to solve the formation before he could get it.

     Sky eyes swept open. Wang Feng was checking the existence of this formation. After a while, when the formation eyes were found, Wang Feng broke the formation without any effort.

The formation of      broke open, and suddenly a chill came oncoming, almost freezing the void, the temperature of this crystal coffin was really low and scary.

     A large number of ice flowers appeared on Wang Feng's hair and clothes. Fortunately, Wang Feng had practiced the Sun Bible. If ordinary people were frozen like this, it would be strange if there were no problems.

     "This kind of fine crystal coffin can be used, and this person must have been very honorable before his life." At this time, the turtle shell said.

     "Don't say these are useless, I am going to take the box on the crystal coffin, if something happens, pay attention to defense." Wang Feng said, and then he walked toward the crystal coffin.

     did not reach out to take the box initiatively. At this moment, Wang Feng burst out of his own power, and he grabbed the box.

     Originally, Wang Feng thought that some accidents would definitely happen when he took this box, but what Wang Feng didn't expect was that he caught the box very smoothly, and nothing happened during this period.

     "Can't you?"

     Looking at the box in his hand, Wang Feng was a little surprised. He had nothing to do with the box when he took it. This is really unreasonable.

The      box is specially made, Wang Feng’s eyes cannot penetrate, so Wang Feng is now beginning to wonder if the box in his hand is highly poisonous, otherwise, how could he have obtained this thing so easily.

     The easier things are, the less worrying it is. Wang Feng has this idea right now.

     "Wang Feng, what are you doing in a daze, open the box." At this time the turtle shell called.

     "I'm afraid there is any danger inside."

    While speaking, Wang Feng put the box on the ground and stepped aside by himself. In this way, even if it was dangerous when opening the box, Wang Feng had enough time to deal with it.

     "Are you too careful?" Seeing Wang Feng's movements, the turtle shell said.

     "As the old saying goes, you can sail the ship carefully for ten thousand years. Now I don't have the ability to resurrect again. I have only one life. I can't cherish it."

When      spoke, Wang Feng suddenly exploded in strength. He stretched out his finger and pointed at the box instantly.

     Under his burst of power, the box was opened with a click, and Wang Feng saw the contents inside.

     "Is there no baby?" Seeing that there was only an ancient book in the box, Wang Feng was a little surprised.

     "Maybe this booklet is top-level exercises and supernatural powers." At this time, the turtle shell exclaimed.

     "Is it right? Just look at it." While speaking, Wang Feng's eyes fell directly on the ancient book.

The      box has already been opened, and Wang Feng's sky eyes will naturally not be hindered any more. His eyes easily penetrated the surface of the ancient book and saw the inside.

     There are many words written in the booklet, and there are many pages densely packed, but it is a pity that Wang Feng doesn't know these words at all, and naturally doesn't know what it means. After reading it around, Wang Feng didn't know what it was.

     "See what is coming?" At this moment the turtle shell asked.

     "If I can tell, that would be weird."

     While talking, Wang Feng's power wrapped the booklet and left the box directly, and fell into his hands.

     opened this ancient booklet, and Wang Feng asked: "Do you know these fonts?"

     "The last dynasty is too long now, how can I recognize these words." Looking at the booklet that Wang Feng opened, the tortoise shell couldn't help but shook his head and said.

     "In this way, what is recorded here may be a very strong technique, or it may be what the identity of the owner in the coffin is, and his life deeds."

     "Regardless of what he recorded, you will know when you open this coffin." At this time the turtle shell said.

     "It makes sense."

     did not recognize the word Wang Feng in the booklet, but he could open the crystal coffin and see if there were any treasures in it.

     put away the booklet, and Wang Feng walked towards the crystal coffin.

     The crystal coffin is very well preserved and very brand new. After all, it is protected by a formation method, and ordinary things can't get in at all.

Wang Feng didn’t know what was written in the booklet in the box, but now he is curious about this crystal coffin. According to the habits of the ancients, they like to put some of their favorite things in the coffin after death, so if they don’t leave the place According to the data, it is very likely that some valuable treasures will appear in this crystal coffin.


Slowly pushed the crystal coffin away, and soon the scene inside appeared in front of Wang Feng. The role of the crystal coffin was to protect the body from decay, so the corpse of the person lying in the crystal coffin was well preserved. But when Wang Feng lifted the lid of the crystal coffin completely and he went to see the corpse, his head roared instantly.

     because he actually saw his wife, Bei Yunxue, lying inside!

     "This... how is this possible?" Seeing this scene, Wang Feng exclaimed, and he took a few steps back and almost fell to the ground.

     "My Sister Xue has survived in the small world I built, and what I see now must be fake." Wang Feng said, looking a little lost, because he didn't expect to see such a scene.

     He didn't believe that anyone in the world would look exactly the same.

     "Boy, wake up."

     "Boy, wake up, wake up."

     Just when Wang Feng didn't know what was going on in front of him, he suddenly noticed that a voice that seemed to be transmitted from a distance had fallen into his second middle. He could hear that it was the voice of a tortoise shell.

     "Wake up? What do you mean?"

     Hearing these words, Wang Feng’s face was surprised, but Wang Feng soon reacted, because he was most likely to fall into the illusion, and everything he saw now was fake.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng's heart suddenly became like a bright moon, and the strength of his cultivation broke out. The Xue sister in the coffin disappeared, replaced by another beautiful bone. Although this person is also beautiful, she is not Wang Feng. Sister Xue.


     Seeing this scene, Wang Feng couldn't help but let out a long breath. Fortunately, all of this was fake.

     "Damn, I fell into the illusion just now and I almost got fooled." Wang Feng cursed.

"I saw that your kid was stunned for an instant, and I knew you must have fallen into an illusion." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell said with a little is already such a powerful state. , You can still be affected by the illusion, it is too weak. "At this time the turtle shell mocked.

     "That's because you don't care about things. If all your evil spirits die, I think you can also be affected by the illusion."

     "Sister Ni, are you cursing me?" Tortoise Shell cursed.

     "I'm just explaining the facts."

     "Forget it, I don't have the time to fight with you now, so let's take the baby first."

     The crystal coffin has been opened. When the coffin was opened, Wang Feng was affected by the illusion. Fortunately, he was not alone this time. He also had a turtle shell. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Wang Feng to get out of the illusion.

     Speaking of which, Wang Feng would also like to thank the tortoise shell.

     "A sharp sword."

     Lying in the crystal coffin is a beautiful woman. Even if she is dead, her beauty is still so thrilling. Wang Feng can't help but feel pity when she is watching.

     It's a pity that such a beautiful woman has disappeared like this.

     However, Wang Feng's main focus now is not on the woman's appearance, but on a sword held by her hands.


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