The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3032: The same thing as evil spirits

Wang Feng's guess is good. The pattern recorded here is really the topographic map of the mausoleum. Although some places are very vague, Wang Feng can't figure out the specific route, but he has already completed most of the routes in his mind. Up.

     Judging from the topography on this map, this mausoleum is really big and scary, because there is not only the main tomb but also many other tombs. There are at least 20 tombs in total.

     "This may be a family tomb." After putting these patterns together, Wang Feng said.

     "Could it be the family tomb of the royal family?" At this time the turtle shell said.

"It's possible." Hearing his words, Wang Feng nodded and said: "This place has so many terrifying formations, plus this mausoleum is really scary. Perhaps at that time, only the royal family dared. It was built drastically like this."

     "Then the emperor is buried here, and other princes are buried?" At this time, the turtle shell asked in surprise.

     "It doesn't have to be the prince, maybe all the princes of that dynasty were buried in this place after they died."

     "Forget it, it's boring to discuss this. Since you have already obtained the topographic map, what are you still trying to do? Go to one of the burial chambers."

     Most of this baby will be placed in the tomb, or in the coffin, so looking for the baby, these places are the best places to go.


    The bones Wangfeng had already collected almost, so next Wang Feng took the tortoise shell and galloped towards a tomb in this pattern record.

    Because Wang Feng has already seen the route map, they are not moving slowly, it is just the nearest route. Wang Feng first wants to verify the authenticity of this pattern, and secondly, he wants to save time.

When Wang Feng and the tortoise shell appeared in front of a tomb, Wang Feng could immediately conclude that what he saw was the real route map of the mausoleum. I don’t know who abandoned it in that place, so Wang Feng just happened to show it. Arrived.

     "If there is any treasure in it, then we can send it out." At this time the tortoise shell spoke and took the initiative to get out of Wang Feng's left arm.

     "If there is any danger in it, then we will be miserable."

     "It has been so many years, even if it is dangerous, it should disappear. You can open this place to see."

     "Okay, then we two will take a look at the same time."

     At this time, Wang Feng said. ,

     The tomb door is very thick, and it takes some effort to push it open, so Wang Feng directly called the tortoise shell, the free labor.

     With his help, the tomb door was really quickly opened by Wang Feng.

     just opened the door, and suddenly a decayed smell rushed towards him, and Wang Feng's tears almost flowed out.

     "What a strange smell is this, it's so smoky." Wang Feng said, and quickly slapped his hand in front of him.

     "Isn't that what the dead smell is like?"

     Seeing Wang Feng's movements, the tortoise shell couldn't help but laugh.

     "It's not the smell of death, but the smell of wood after decay." Wang Feng shook his head, and then his eyes were placed in the tomb.

     The tomb is not small, it looks a bit empty, and in the center of this tomb, a rotten, unshaped coffin almost collapses on the ground, and the unpleasant smell should be transmitted from this.

     "Poor, even a proper coffin can be dead. It's very inferior." Looking at the coffin that was about to collapse, the turtle shell couldn't help but shook his head and said.

"what is this?"

     Just as the tortoise shell was very emotional, Wang Feng was keenly aware that there seemed to be many small creatures around the coffin.

     These tiny creatures are going in and out of this coffin, maybe the decay of this coffin is caused by these little things.

     After all, how could such a thing as a coffin break so easily? After all, the people lying here are not ordinary people. Their coffin must be very strong, and these little things must have broken the coffin.


Hearing Wang Feng’s words, the turtle shell also noticed the little things crawling around on the ground, but when the two of them were watching these little things, the tortoise shell suddenly noticed that these little creatures were gathering quickly along the place where Wang Feng was. Come.

     as if something attracted them.

     "Only these things can't hurt me." Wang Feng said, and then he decisively opened his shield, watching the little creature gradually climbing up the shield, Wang Feng also began to observe carefully.

     Although these little creatures look small and inconspicuous, they are too numerous to count.

     and these creatures still have two sickle-like objects on their mouths, and they might be very powerful if they bite the same.

     click, click~

     Wang Feng's body guard mask made a clicking sound at this moment. These little things were constantly gnawing on Wang Feng's mask, trying to break the mask.

     It's a pity that this mask was released by Wang Feng, how can it be so broken?

     Wang Feng is not a dead person, so these gadgets are of little use to him at all, he can resist.

     Not long after, Wang Feng's mask was already covered with a dense layer, all of which were these small creatures. There were too many of them, which made the scalp numb.

     "Really, there are no wonders in the world. If these little things change again, they might be like my evil ghost."

     At this time the turtle shell spoke.

     "Such a high evaluation?" Hearing the tortoise shell, Wang Feng's face was surprised.

"Yes." The tortoise shell replied, and then said: "Actually, you didn't know that my evil spirits were also obtained in a tomb. I thought they were capable, so I took them down. To cultivate."

     "Then you mean that these little things can also be cultivated?"

     "If possible, yes."

"Then tell me how you controlled these evil spirits in the first place?" Tortoise Shell said right. How powerful his evil spirits are, Wang Feng has seen, if Wang Feng can now control the same things as evil spirits, then Wouldn't he have another means of confronting the enemy in the future?

     Think about it from now on, when he shoots, he will be countless small creatures, and he will swallow a person in an instant. Wang Feng can't help his body chill. That kind of picture must be terrifying.

     "It was very difficult for me to control evil spirits. They have no souls and are more like a mass of unowned consciousness. It takes time to use them. I think it may be difficult for you to control these little things."

     "Even if it is difficult, it is worth a try."

     "It's very simple, as long as you can meet their needs, then you may control them, but at the same time these things may hurt you."

     "Why don't your evil spirits hurt you in turn?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

     "Isn't this easy? After getting along for a long time, they naturally treat me as something like them, and naturally they won't do anything to me."

     "Then it is simple now. As long as I cultivate these well, maybe they will have the same thoughts as your evil spirits. Will they be used by me then?"

     "Then you throw out a set of bones and have a look." At this time the turtle shell said.

     Hearing what he said, Wang Feng didn't hesitate, and he flipped his hand and threw a corpse.

     The corpse was thrown out, and these little things suddenly felt like a cat smelled the fishy smell, and instantly wrapped the bones.

     only two breaths before and after, the bones are gone, and all these little things are eaten.

     Seeing this scene, Wang Feng's heart couldn't help but feel a chill. Is this too hungry?

     "What do I need to do next?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

     "Continue to throw the bones out."

     "Do you want me to train them? Then control them?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

     "Yes, if you want to control them, you have to use this earth method."

     "Then I don't have that kind of kung fu."

     give these little things what they need, they will go with them, which is the same as when Wang Feng controlled the **** operator.

As long as you give the other party what they want, it will not be a big problem to keep the other party, but the biggest problem now is that these little creatures are not living people and do not have high intelligence. If you want to train them slowly, ghosts know that how long.

     tortoise shell can control evil spirits, that is because it has lived for a very long time, and has also controlled these evil spirits for a long time, but Wang Feng has such a long time.

     thinking that he would spend countless hours on these little things in the future, Wang Feng immediately shook his head. It seemed that to control these things, he needed to find another way.

     "Then you can only give up."

Hearing what Wang Feng said, this tortoise shell didn’t say much, because he understood how difficult it was to control these things, just like he had controlled evil spirits at the beginning, but it took him a long time to do it, so since Wang Feng is unwilling If you spend that time, you can only give up.

     "I don't want to spend time, and naturally I don't want to give up. Don't want to leave all these little things."

    While talking, Wang Feng's heart moved, and his pubic space suddenly opened, and he took all these small things in madly, and couldn't help but be dumbfounded when he looked at the turtle shell.

     "What are you doing?" Seeing Wang Feng's actions, the tortoise shell asked in shock.

     "Take them away." Wang Feng responded.

     "If you take it into your body, aren't you afraid that they will eat you up?"

     "Don't worry, if these little things can hurt me, isn't it a waste of time for me to cultivate for such a long time."

     "But if you forcibly take them away like this, you won't be able to let them do anything for you. You are doing useless work."

"There is no way to control these little things now, but this does not mean that there will be no way in the future. The methods are all people's ideas. Right now we don't have much time wasting, so I can't waste time Jian Wang Feng closed his Dantian space and detained all these little creatures in it.

Although these little things have a strong gnawing ability, when Wang Feng took them into his dantian space, Wang Feng had already used his strength to strengthen his dantian. In this way, even if these little things didn’t care about gnawing, it would be impossible. What harm did it cause to Wang Feng.

     Now they are in someone’s tomb, and Wang Feng has other things to do, so how could he waste time here, what to do and what not to do, Wang Feng knew in his heart.

     took away these little things, Wang Feng did not hesitate, and went straight to the coffin in front.

The coffin should be made of good materials. Unfortunately, due to the existence of those little things, the coffin has long been decayed, and even your corpses are gone. Here is a dilapidated scene, everything is precious. Without leaving, it is estimated that they have been harmed by those little things.

     "Go to the next tomb."

     Wang Feng didn't find any treasure here, so he didn't hesitate to withdraw from this tomb and immediately went to another tomb.

     He has to drive everyone in front, scrape away some treasures before talking.




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