The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3019: Dig a hole

     After having status and status, everyone lives as a face. Sometimes the face is even more important than your own life. Otherwise, there won't be so many people in this world.

     knowing that they will die, but still going to die, sometimes it is just for a face?

The generals of the Blue Feather Army went to the generals of the Red Army, and at this time the female generals of the Saintess Army were also coming towards the place where the Red Army was located. The method they gave up before may have reached the time to be reactivated. Up.

     "Unexpectedly, you all have arrived."

     When the female general of the Saintess Army came to the station where the Red Army was located, they found that the general of the Qingyu Army had already come here before them.

     "This kind of thing has happened, do you think we can assume that we haven't heard anything?" The Qingyu Army general sneered.

     "I told you last time, don't let this flame army go, but you didn't listen at that time, and now the news is spread, are you satisfied?" The female general of the Saintess Army sneered.

     In fact, they discussed together last time when they came back, but unfortunately they were afraid of being discovered by His Majesty, so they had to give up.

It’s just a failed training session. It’s no big deal, because this kind of thing happens every year, and it won’t have much impact on them. As long as they all take care of their mouths, who knows what happened last time. thing?

     But it's all right now. The Flame Army took the initiative to leak the news, causing them extremely high psychological damage, so none of them would swallow this breath.

"Now and then, why bother to talk about the previous things?" At this time, the general of the Red Army shook his head, and then he said: "We have discussed the method last time, this time we can directly implement it. "

     "You don't have any opinions this time?" At this time, the female general of the Saintess Army asked.

"It's all developed like this, what do you think we can have?" The general of the Red Army shook his head and said: "Since we are so deceptive as the Flame Army, we are not soft persimmons, then we simply come to a dead fish. , It depends on whether his Flame Army is stronger, or our three-way army is even stronger together."

     At this time, the general of the Red Army spoke, and he was indeed angry.

If it was normal, they would definitely not be like this. At most, they would just open one eye and close one eye. But now the practice of the Flame Army has seriously damaged their reputation, so this account must definitely be settled. Otherwise, the flame army really thought they were the leader?

     "Last time I saw that the grandsons of the Flame Army were upset, this time we are going to make them suffer a heavy loss." The general of the Qing Feather Army opened his mouth, and a trace of sorrow appeared on his face.

"It shouldn't be too late. Let's take action right away. Since this Flame Army doesn't throw it away, don't blame us for being unrighteous. I think they must be guarding us. We must do it as soon as possible, or we may not have it afterwards. Chance."

     "In that case, let's not waste time here. Let's go back and make arrangements. Let them pay the price this time." The female general of the Saintess Army spoke, and then they left here full of resentment.

     And after they left, the general of the Qingyu Army did not hesitate, turned and left here.

     An operation against the Flame Army has already begun, but unfortunately there is no defense on the Flame Army.

     was not that the Flame Army didn't want to guard, but that Wang Feng didn't even think about it at all, because he was deliberately creating opportunities for these people, letting them do something, and then taking them down.

     So it’s as if nothing happened to the Flame Army. Everyone still conducts daily training. They are completely blind to the outside world and focus on their own affairs.

     "Tell the general, the big thing is not good."

     About half a day later, suddenly someone from the Flame Army rushed into the barracks from the outside in a panic, and went straight to the place where the Wangfeng puppet and the turtle shell puppet were.

     "What's the matter?"

     Seeing the people rushing in in a panic, the puppet controlled by Wang Feng asked calmly.

     "General, we lost contact with more than a dozen of our strongholds at once." The man swallowed, and said with some breathlessness.

"and then?"

     Hearing what the other party said, Wang Feng's puppet said very calmly.

     The puppet was calm, but the people in the imperial city couldn't help but show a sneer at the corners of their mouths. These people really couldn't bear the humiliation and started to do it.

     If it is a normal person, after hearing this news, it will definitely start an all-round defense, at least send more masters.

     But Wang Feng would not do that, because he wanted these people to remove the stronghold of the Flame Army, and it would be better to remove them all.

     In this way, Wang Feng can pull those people down the abyss.

     One of the generals who attacked the heavens last time walked out of their camp. Although that person was dead, Wang Feng's hatred was not reduced because of this. None of these generals wanted to run.

     "General, what are you?"

     Seeing Wang Feng's performance, this person was also a little taken aback for a while, not knowing what the general was going on.

     The removal of this stronghold is a big deal. Why is this general still such a calm expression?

     "What am I?" Hearing the other party, Wang Feng's puppet stared at the man, scared him almost falling to the ground.

     "General, the base is extremely important to us, don't you just leave it alone?"

     "Have this general ever said nothing about it?" Upon hearing this, Wang Feng's puppet sneered and said: "This general has his own general plan. Remember, don't worry, just let these strongholds be destroyed."

     said that Wang Feng’s puppet suddenly became gloomy, and said, “If anyone doesn’t obey my order, just kill them at this point. You’re welcome. You understand?”


Perceiving the murderous aura transmitted from the general, these people on the scene dare not say no. After all, the general has the right to kill them directly. If they dare to mess around, they will become dead in the next second, and there is no way to survive. .

     "Okay, let's all go out, as if nothing happened."


     Although everyone wanted to say something, they didn't dare to say what they said, because what Wang Feng threatened just now was not a decoration. If they talked indiscriminately, they might not be able to save their lives.

     Just like that, the Flame Army has a completely indifferent attitude, and it doesn’t matter, let someone else remove their stronghold.

     In less than a day, the base of the Flame Army has been reduced by at least seven tenths, and the number is still rising.

     can see that what the Flame Army released this time really angered the generals of the three armies, otherwise they would not be so cruel.

     But do they think they can scare the Flame Army if they are ruthless?

     That is completely impossible, because they belong to the dog biting the dog. How could Wang Feng care about it? People die more.

     Of course, Wang Feng didn't do nothing. Through the puppet, he directly issued a request to the palace and asked them to help check the other three armies.

     It’s no small matter that this army stronghold is pulled out. If it is really investigated, it is collaborating with the enemy and treason.

    Because the stronghold was pulled out, who knows what happened where, so before the opponent stopped, Wang Feng directly asked people from the palace to intervene.

     In this way, as long as the opponent is caught upright, they will not even have a chance to quibble. ,

     had to say that this was a strategy of killing two birds with one stone. Not only could it bring down those generals, but it could also kill many people. This was something that Wang Feng liked to hear.

     After learning about Wang Feng's puppet, the imperial palace quickly dispatched elites to investigate the news.

It didn't take long for     , in the stronghold of the Flame Army, they really captured the people who wanted to kill and controlled them instantly.

     These people only interrogated slightly, and the people behind them were interrogated in an instant.

The final ending of      can be imagined. The general of the Saintess Army, the general of the Qingyu Army, and the general of the Red Army were all captured by the people sent by the palace, and none of them escaped.

     Maybe they never dreamed that they would fall into the trap of others.

     It wasn't until they were arrested that they suddenly realized that this was the last move of the Flame Army.

     It’s just a pity that they regret it too late, because their crimes have been revealed, and the next thing waiting for them is the severe punishment of the imperial law, or they might even lose their lives.

    Because they are not masters of the late Blood Saint Realm, the empire has not paid much attention to them, and they can be replaced by generals.

     Anyway, this cultivator in the middle of the Blood Holy Realm, where is this empire not a lot?

     So when they were arrested, they were all ashamed, because they felt that this time they might be doomed.

     originally thought that the flame army released the news to attract them to revenge, but what they did not expect was that the general of the flame army was so cruel that he pulled them into the abyss in an instant, and even struggled to get up.

     Everything is a calculation, but unfortunately they still fell into the big pit dug for them by the other party.

     "This time, we are planted."

    In the prison, several generals shook their heads, feeling that their future was bleak.

     "Unexpectedly, this flame army is so We don't have such a deep hatred with them, right? Why did they frame us like this?"

     "Oh, we can only say that we are too stupid, we got directly into the set set by others." General Red Army said, but didn't think there was anything.

     Because the road is their own choice, since the road now leads to the cliff, they can't blame anyone.

     If they were indifferent after hearing the news at the time, then this flame army would not want to do anything to them, no matter how powerful it was, but unfortunately it was too late to regret. Some things could be corrected if they were wrong.

     But once something goes wrong, there will be no chance again, just like now, even if they get lucky, will the empire continue to let them be generals?

     That is obviously impossible.

     From now on, the army will not have much to do with them, and it is impossible for them to step into this line.

     "One wrong step, the abyss."

The female general of the Saintess Army opened her mouth, her head hanging down. She was so arrogant before that she didn't even put the Flame Army in her eyes, but now she knew she was wrong, and she was still wrong. This flame army is not something they can provoke at all, this is a poisonous scorpion, and it will be finished if it is nailed.

     Now they have been nailed.


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