The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3018: Recuperate

The      incident thus came to an end, Wang Feng achieved a complete victory, and finally forced Su Yao to give Wang Feng the glory.

     Wang Feng became the second in command of the prince’s mansion. On the same day, many people came to congratulate him. Almost all the gates of his mansion were broken by these people.

     is good at saying congratulations, but when it’s not good, it means coming to have a familiar face, and even to curry favor with Wang Feng.

     Of course, since they are here to congratulate others, their gifts are definitely indispensable. If they go empty-handed, it is estimated that they are not willing to go.

     received all these gift Wangfeng as the order, and did not leave any of them, because it was free and obtained by legitimate means, why would he refuse?

     Even if Su Yao finally learned that Wang Feng had received the benefits from others, he would probably not say anything, because this is the world’s human nature, so he can only open one eye and close one eye.

     "General, congratulations."

A group of people were sent away, and soon another group of people came to Wang Feng’s yard. These people were the people who had gone out with Wang Feng before to make trouble. They were originally Su Yao’s subordinates, but now they are going to join in. Came to Wang Feng's embrace.

     Because Wang Feng now represents Su Yao in a certain sense, if this time does not hurry to curry favor, it will not be so easy when the forces around Wang Feng are fixed in the future and they want to intervene sideways.

     So at this time, like everyone else, they brought gifts, and the weight was quite large, almost one person worth several people.

     "Just come, why do you still bring gifts?"

     Wang Feng opened his mouth, and yelled.

When      was just talking, Wang Feng still accepted all these gifts, leaving them nothing.

     "The general said this is a big deal. Since it is here to congratulate, this gift is of course indispensable, otherwise it seems that we are not sincere?"

     "Yes, you are more sincere than others." Wang Feng pointedly said.

     Hearing what Wang Feng said, these people naturally understood what it meant, and a smile suddenly appeared on their faces.

     It seemed that their preparations weren't in vain, and Wang Feng had already seen their sincerity.

     "I also hope that the general will help us a lot in the future." At this time, a person said with some embarrassment.

     "Don't worry, since you followed me from birth to death, I will not treat you badly."

     said that Wang Feng paused slightly and said, "I can't do it like this. Call all those people before me. From now on, you can follow me."


     Hearing what Wang Feng said, the people present couldn't help showing joy, because they came here for the purpose of taking refuge in Wang Feng?

     But what they didn't expect was that Wang Feng accepted them so quickly. If they knew it was so easy, they shouldn't have prepared so many gifts deliberately.

     It is a pity that the thing sent out is equivalent to the splashed water. It is impossible to take it back, and it is impossible for them to take it back.

     They can't open their mouths and let Wang Feng pay them back, right?

The reason why      accepts these people is that Wang Feng also wants to establish a force of his own in this mansion. Otherwise, what great things can be achieved by himself?

     and these people are all powerhouses in the Blood Saint Realm. If they take refuge in himself, Wang Feng doesn't know how much things can be saved, so Wang Feng will not refuse their request.

     Even not only them, but Wang Feng will be included one after another.

     "General Wang, congratulations."

     After everyone had left, the tortoise shell came in from the outside, and said in the tone of others.

     "Go, don't make trouble."

     Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes, and then said, "Has your evil spirit changed?"

     "I'm unfortunate to tell you this. My evil spirit has fallen asleep after eating those corpses. I don't know if there is any change."

     "It should still be useful. After all, the carcass is not eaten for nothing, but it is fed to pigs. The pigs should grow older."

     "Sister Ni, are you saying that the evil spirit I raise is a pig?" Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell immediately yelled.

     "Don't get excited, I'm just making an analogy, what are you doing so excited?" Wang Feng said angrily.

     "My evil spirits have helped you so much, and you compare them to pigs, you are a wolf-hearted thing." The tortoise shell cursed, and it seems that there is a tendency to stop like a shrew.

     The thing he cares most about in his entire life is his own evil spirits. This is like a **** fortune. The thing he cares most about in his life is the spirit stone. This is their forbidden, and everyone will be touched.

     "Okay, I was wrong, I was wrong, is this all right?"

     "This time you crazily borrowed Su Yao's reputation to commit murder outside, what did Su Yao do to you?" At this time, tortoise shell asked the truth.

     "What can he do to me? What can he dare to do to me?"

Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng’s face appeared with a sneer, and said: "I am the equivalent of his ancestor now. As long as I get angry, he will become a grandson. I just said I want to leave here, he immediately I didn't get angry anymore, and even agreed to my request to be the second commander of this mansion."

     "It looks like this kid was really eaten by you. It is really sad." The turtle shell shook his head, feeling a bit worthless for Su Yao.

     He is holding Wang Feng like this now, but how would he know that Wang Feng is actually a murderer, and he will definitely pay a heavy price in the future.

     "Okay, I will say these things less in the future. If someone listens to them, then our troubles may be serious."


The incident of Wang Feng taking people out to kill people was forcibly suppressed by this Su Yao with his own means. With his power, no one dared to pursue accountability anymore, even if Wang Feng and others killed many official monks. They are the same.

     This is the benefit of status. If Wang Feng is just a small gong, it would be weird for Su Yaoken to be so strong to protect him. It is estimated that he will send himself out as soon as possible.

In the next Kung Fu, Wang Feng didn’t change, because he had just killed so many people outside against Su Yao, so Wang Feng didn’t go anywhere in the next time, and he felt a higher realm in his mansion. , I hope to break through.

     and also gathered some of the people in the prince’s mansion during this period of time, and made them loyal to themselves.

     These people belong to the kind of depressed people who have the ability but have not been reused. They can't run to Su Yao and say what to use themselves, so they can only run to Wang Feng.

     Fortunately, Wang Feng did not dislike them, and took them all in.

     Although Wang Feng is not the prince, but in this Su Yao mansion, he looks like Su Yao and can give orders to everyone.

Even though Wang Feng’s cultivation base is low, no one underestimates him, because he is a general and has no relationship with Su Yao. If they can get on the boat of Wang Feng, they don’t know how many years they will struggle, so who dares to underestimate him. ?

     Wang Feng is very regular in this prince’s mansion, and he doesn’t mess up, but if he doesn’t mess up, it doesn’t mean that others don’t.

     It has been a while since the last military training. Wang Feng used this training to enter the palace of the prince. Now although Wang Feng is deep in the palace of the prince, he can also do something to shake the foundation of this empire.

In the last training, apart from the Flame Army, several other armies were wiped out. This news has been blocked by the major generals, and the outside world has not known it, and those generals did not seem to retaliate, and there was no movement at all. .

    Wang Feng originally thought that they would retaliate after receiving such a big humiliation, but what he didn't expect was that these people would not even fart. It was so unkind.

    Since they did not act, Wang Feng forced them to act.

     The last humiliation for these generals was a black spot in their lives. All the people they brought died, and none of them survived. In their leadership career, they may not have experienced such a blow.

     Therefore, under Wang Feng's instruction, his general puppet began to act.

These messages were delivered in an orderly manner. It took only half a day. On the main star, at least 30% of the population knew that during the last training process, except for the Flame Army, all the other troops died tragically. None of the survivors.

     Wang Feng’s trick is extremely vicious. If the news has been blocked, these generals may not be so good. After all, they are also afraid of being discovered by your Majesty. When the blame comes down, they may not be able to eat.

     But what they didn't expect was that the good news was leaked out, and many people outside were talking about it, saying that the other armies were not as good as the flame army.

     After all, the flame army has survived and wiped out all of them. Such an army is almost unstoppable like a torrent.

So when the news was passed, the Flame Army immediately ushered in a frenzy of income. Many people wanted to enter this army. Even the members of the Qingyu Army rebelled secretly and ran away. Here comes the Flame Army.

     aware of this situation, these generals who had already gradually put the matter down suddenly became furious.

     The outside discussion is like slaps, hitting them in the face again and so that they have no face to go out to meet people.

     brought soldiers to this place, what is this not a face?

     "It's him, it must be someone from the Flame Army."

     In a general camp of the Qingyu Army, the three generals of the Qingyu Army gathered together and made a loud curse.

     The outside world said that their Blue Feather Army is inferior to the Flame Army. This is really a slap in the face. At this moment, they are all pale, as ugly as they are.

"The Saintess Army, the Red Army, and the Divine Army will all end up just like us. They certainly can't take the initiative to shake this matter out, except for the three **** of the Flame Army." At this time, another Qingyu Army general said. , The complexion is also very ugly.

     This incident was originally ugly, but I didn’t expect that the people of the Flame Army would even deliberately publicize it outside. Is this deliberately embarrassing them?

     "This breath can't be swallowed like this. They did it just to find something on purpose."

While      talked, these three generals left their camp very angrily, looking for the general of the Red Army.


The general of      Qingyu Army was furious because of this, and the situation on the Red Army's side was the same. No one can bear the humiliation of being beaten in the face, especially people with a face like them.


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