The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1785: Cooperation invitation

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Chapter 1785 Invitation to Cooperation

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"Speak, want to do it with me?"

Looking at each other, Wang Feng asked.

"It's not a big deal, just a little cooperation and want to find you." The young man said, his tone was very calm.

Even though Wang Feng's identity is surprisingly amazing, and he is still a Taoist.

But there is a giant behind this person, so let alone Wang Feng, even if he meets the Domination, he can't speak in a low voice.

Because once he did that, he would lose the face of the giant behind him.

"I don't even know you, so I want to cooperate with you?" Looking at this person, Wang Feng's tone was equally calm.

After experiencing so many ups and downs, Wang Feng is no longer comparable to ordinary monks, so this kind of good thing of falling pie in the sky is absolutely impossible for Wang Feng. If you don’t know it, you should come and find cooperation. If you say this There is no pit in it, so Wang Feng would definitely not. ""Fiction..

"Only based on your current influence and demonstrated strength, you are eligible to cooperate with me." The young man said. On the surface, he was praising Wang Feng, but as long as a smart person thinks a little, he can see it. This person is completely taking advantage of Wang Feng's potential status.

Wang Feng was too lazy to care about the language crisis, so he did not get angry.

"You can decide whether you are qualified or not, and I don't want to have any cooperation with you. I advise you to find another master."

After saying that, Wang Feng turned and left, making this young man annoyed.

He had received this kind of treatment at the time, even if he went to find a reigning Taoist like the Eight Kings, they would be polite to them, as it is said that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

The Eight Kings and the others know who the giants behind these people are and how powerful they are, so they may be rude.

Offending these people is a disguise and the giants can't get through. They won't be so stupid. Even if they don't want to cooperate with each other, at least their tone will be much better than that of Wang Feng now.

It can only be said that Wang Feng doesn't know much now, so he would behave like this.

If he knew the power behind these people like other Daozi, perhaps Wang Feng's tone would not be so.

"You have to think clearly, what I want to cooperate with is something that many people can't ask for. This is of great benefit to our strength improvement." Looking at Wang Feng's back, the young man said.

Hearing what he said, Wang Feng's footsteps stopped in front, and he had to say that the four words to enhance his strength were extremely attractive to him.

Because after being frustrated by Daozi once, the realm he most wanted to improve was his realm. As long as the realm was up, the Daozi would not be considered a threat at all, so this attracted Wang Feng.

"No, what is the cooperative project you mentioned?" Wang Feng asked without looking back.

"Since you intend to cooperate with me, then I think we might as well change places, what do you think?" Seeing Wang Feng's intention to move, the young man said immediately while the iron was hot.

What he wanted to do was something that most people couldn't do, just like the eight kings and nine kings back then, they were forcibly drawn into the camp.

Except for the most powerful men in the world, they really couldn't find a partner for cooperation.

"There is no need to change the place, just talk about the cooperation project, otherwise I don't have the spare time to spend with you here." Wang Feng's voice is a little cold, because he came out with a purpose, and these people rely on someone behind them to do whatever they want , But Wang Feng can't.

With different starting points, Wang Feng naturally did not want to have too much intersection with them.

"That's it. We have an ancient tomb that seems to be handed down from ancient times. Now we need people to go and explore together." Afraid that Wang Feng would really leave, this person directly stated his purpose of looking for Wang Feng.

Of course, he said this sentence was transmitted through the soul, because he didn't want to wait for people's hard work to be heard by others.

After all, this ancient tomb is very valuable to them.

"Lead the way ahead." Wang Feng said at this time when he heard the purpose reported by the other party.

"Then please follow me." Seeing Wang Feng's agreement, the young man's face was also happy, and then he made a please gesture, and said, follow me. "

"Tell me the ancient tomb is the same thing," Wang Feng asked when he was taken to a secluded attic by this person.

"Don't worry, it's a long story, let me have a sip of tea and talk about it."

"Then hurry up."

"Let's introduce yourself first. My name is Ye Sheng, and I am Ye Zun's direct grandson." The young man opened his mouth and reported directly to the giant behind him.

Hearing his words, Wang Feng appeared calm on the surface, but his heart was shocked, because this Ye Zun had been seen last time, and it was indeed a terrifying supreme.

Regardless of the strength of this Ye Sheng himself, with Ye Zun, a giant standing behind him, presumably this person who dared to hurt him in the Southern Region is really rare.

It's no wonder that the nine kings and the eight kings would hang up with them. This is not without reason.

"I don't think I need to introduce myself? A lot of words" Wang Feng said after a glance at this Ye Sheng.

"This is natural. Brother Wang's famous name has spread throughout the Southern Region. Who doesn't know you." This Ye Sheng said a good thing from Wang Feng.

At first he thought that Wang Feng would smile after hearing what he said, but in the end he was disappointed. Wang Feng's expression was always calm like a lake, and he couldn't see the slightest expression of joy. This made him laugh a little sullenly. .

"Okay, don't talk too much nonsense, just talk about this ancient tomb."

"Okay." Seeing Wang Feng was really impatient, this Ye Sheng should also talk about business.

As the descendants of giants, their lives can be described as extremely comfortable. The people in the Southland Region dare to check and balance them, and they can be said to have inexhaustible training resources with the support of giants.

Under such circumstances, they will inevitably feel chatting, so these people get together, and their favorite thing to do every day is to explore the treasures and various ancient tombs that are hard to find outside.

Their purpose is simple, that is to go out to find excitement.

This is the same as the rich second generations on the earth. They will definitely not settle for the status quo when they live comfortably all year round. Therefore, many rich second generations will go out looking for exciting things, whether it is in places such as bars or other places. What they do is to feel the difference in life.

If people like Ye Sheng use the words on the earth, they can be said to be the real top rich second generation, so it is normal for them to talk about these things.

Under Ye Sheng's introduction, Wang Feng gradually learned that the inheritance of this ancient tomb is one thing.

"It is said that they found this ancient tomb in the Sea of ​​Forbidden about a month ago. When they found this ancient tomb, they encountered a tidal fall. If this were not the case, they might not be able to trace the ancient tomb.

As far as the current Southern Territory is concerned, the places where there are people have been shown to the monks, so it is basically impossible to find opportunities on the land.

So these people who talk to the top can only go to the sea of ​​taboos.

Unlike ordinary people, most of them are bodyguards when they go, so they are not afraid of the danger in the sea of ​​taboos. It is under such circumstances that they have found many opportunities that ordinary people can't imagine, the sunset The temple is their great harvest.

Every year when the sunset temple comes, they will go to collect the treasures, if it is not the last time they happen to be met by Wang Feng, perhaps everything in the sunset temple will eventually fall into their hands.

Although these people look at what they are doing on the surface, their use value is great.

"Is the ancient tomb in danger?" Don't jump. Looking at this Ye Sheng, Wang Feng asked.

"We don’t know whether it’s dangerous or not, but according to the tradition of a few of us, we have to integrate the team before going out. Brother Wang, I think there should be a lot of treasures in this ancient tomb. Are you interested? Explore with us?" This Ye Sheng asked.

"I'm afraid I have to think about it for a day." Wang Feng said, making Ye Shengdu smile.

In his opinion, Wang Feng said this is quite normal, because normal people think like this.

If Wang Feng had agreed to him very decisively now, I am afraid he would consider whether there would be fraud.

"Then I will be here waiting for the good news of Brother Wang at this time." Ye Sheng bowed to Wang Feng, and then the guards he brought directly left here.

He had already communicated the news of cooperation to Wang Feng. As for Wang Feng’s agreement or disagreement, that was Wang Feng’s matter. Anyway, there are a few Daozi. If Wang Feng disagrees, other Daozi also agreed. Anyway, they and those Daozi basically agree. They all have familiar relationships on the Internet, and they don’t worry about finding someone.

It's just that the more powerful Daozi they will collect more benefits when they cooperate. If this were not the case, they might have already invited Daozi people out.

"Master, do you say he will agree?" Don't skip the word. After walking out of the attic, an old servant next to Ye Sheng asked.

"I'm afraid I won't have this, but he can stop and support me to say carefully, he should agree." Ye Sheng said with some uncertainty.

"The ancient tomb..."

On the top of the attic, Wang Feng murmured, and then his eyes slowly closed.

How amazing the treasure hunting abilities of these guys are, Wang Feng has already seen it, and if the tomb really exists, then Wang Feng can go and explore it.

But the only thing that Wang Feng is worried about now is that he and the Sea Emperor have great hatred. Once he enters the Forbidden Sea, he is very likely to be a monk of the Sea Clan.

As long as he enters the Sea Emperor's line of sight, whether he can live after going out to sea this time is probably a matter of two things, so if this cooperation is involved, Wang Feng should really think about it.

There is no free lunch in the world. Wang Feng knew in his heart that this Ye Sheng was looking for cooperation on the surface, but who had such bad water in his stomach, Wang Feng’s heavenly eyes could see through the human body, but could not see through the human heart. Whether there is a ditch Wangfeng or not, you have to be careful.

He didn't want to capsize in the gutter.

Things that are regarded as cannon fodder are the only things that stupid will do, and Wang Feng has to investigate carefully.

Is played by *members,

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Chapter 1785 Invitation to Cooperation

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