The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1784: travel

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The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-four chapters travel

?? Chapter 1784 Journey

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-four chapters travel

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The screams of screams echoed in front of the Red Flame Alliance's door, and the soul-searching technique brought a lot of pain to this sea clan king, making him sound like an evil ghost.

"Please, forgive me, I really don't know anything." The sea king begged for mercy, but it didn't work.

Because if Wang Feng let them go, then Sea King might not let him go. Since sooner or later they are all enemies, why should Wang Feng be polite.

At the beginning, Wang Feng had promised that Chang Tian would kill less of the Sea Clan, but these guys had already joined the Scarlet Flame League. If Wang Feng didn't give them some means, they might still think the Scarlet Flame League was good for bullying.

Through the soul search, Wang Feng had a general understanding of the power of the Sea Emperor.

This king is only the middle level of the sea emperor's forces, and the true top level does not have his share at all, because under the guidance of a giant, the king is nothing at all.

Unless they are promoted to the dominance level, otherwise it is really too difficult and difficult for them to enter the magic eye of the giants.

So these sea tribes were really ordered to arrest him. As for more, these sea tribes didn’t know anything about it. This made Wang Feng a little helpless and wanted to get news from these sea tribes. It's unlikely.

Throwing the dying sea clan king aside after being searched for souls, Wang Feng directly said to Hou Zhentian and the others: "The remaining four people will be dealt with by you, and you can vent whatever you want, don't worry about their feelings."

While talking, Wang Feng's finger volleyed at these sea clan kings and nodded a few times. Suddenly, all their power was sealed by Wang Feng.

"Brothers, it's time for us to take revenge." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Hou Zhentian grinned, and then he rushed up directly with the rest of the Red Flame Alliance.

The screams sounded, these sea clan kings were extremely arrogant before, but now they have forgotten their glory when they were kings in the siege.

With the force of punch after punch, they felt their five internal organs and six lungs were about to shift.

"What kind of ability to torture people, kill us if you have one." A king sea clan yelled, but soon his roar was drowned in the shadow of the fist. Now he can't even get out. Can be beaten.

"Give them a joy." Wang Feng said, then he turned and left here.

Since these people were sent by the Sea Emperor, Wang Feng would definitely not save their lives, because he didn't want these people to run back to tell the Sea Emperor what news, so Wang Feng would definitely kill them.

"Is it really sent by the Sea Emperor?" Since the evil anger has already gone out, there is no need for these King Sea Clan to survive, so Hou Zhentian and others directly gave them a happy life.

"Do you think anyone other than Sea Emperor would send a Sea Clan monk here?" Wang Feng asked rhetorically.

"That might be a bit tricky." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Hou Zhentian's expression changed slightly and said, "As a dignified giant, Haihuang is definitely not something you can resist now."

"No matter how much it is, let's take a step." Wang Feng said, and then said: "I believe that one day, this Sea Emperor will be defeated by me."

"Those forces shouldn't rebound these days, right?"

"Although we have been shaken by the influence of these sea tribes in the past two days, now that these sea tribes are killed, they must not dare to mess around."

"A good number of forces can take measures when necessary."

"Didn't you go to heaven? Why are you back again?"

At this time, Hou Zhentian asked in surprise.

"I said I let someone else type it, do you believe it?" Wang Feng said with a smile.

"No way?"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Hou Zhentian's eyes widened, revealing an incredible color.

In Hou Zhentian's imagination, Wang Feng has always been a very perverted existence. He said that he let others beat him out. How could this be possible?

"What wouldn't it, my realm is higher than me, and my sword was suppressed by him. It's not surprising that I was beaten out." Wang Feng didn't care much about the failure, because the realm between him and the other party was huge. The gap, he doesn't need to be ashamed.

As long as he was given time, it was not impossible for Wang Feng to reach the level of Daozi. If he competed at the same level, Wang Feng might not be afraid of him.

So this time the failure is a reminder for Wang Feng, there is still a role to check and balance him on this day, but when he first entered, he was a little too arrogant.

He needs to adjust his mentality.

"Then who is the one who defeated you?"

"Daozi." Wang Feng responded, and then said: "Well, failure is the mother of success. Although I was shot this time, I will find this place sooner or later."

"I hope you can succeed." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Hou Zhentian smiled, and then he said: "Then how long are you going to stay here this time?"

"I won't wait for a day." Wang Feng said, and then: "I am going out soon."

"Where are you going?" Hou Zhentian looked surprised when he heard Wang Feng's words.

"There is always a place to hold me in the South Territory."

There is a great road in Tianguan. In order to avoid conflict with him again, Wang Feng is going to go to Tianguan again after a period of time, just like when he went to Nirvana.

As long as his strength is strong enough to contend with Daozi, Wang Feng will return to Heaven.

Then it's time for him to truly rise.

It is not too late for a gentleman to revenge for ten years.

After a brief explanation with Hou Zhentian, Wang Feng left the Red Flame League directly, and he embarked on a journey of freeing the Southern Territory.

It’s been a long time since I came to the Southern Territory. Apart from Tianguan and Chishuiguan, Wang Feng has never been to any place in the Southern Territory, so this time he can just take this opportunity to walk around.

As it is said that reading a hundred books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles, personally experiencing red dust is sometimes more useful than practicing in retreat.

The cultivation of the mind is more important than the cultivation of the base.

Wang Feng's speed was too fast, but within a few breaths, he had already moved away from the Scarlet Flame Alliance and entered another piece of heaven and earth.

"It's a long journey of cultivation. I don't know when I can go back this time." Wang Feng said, with a sigh in his tone.

Now that he has decided to come out, if Wang Feng doesn't improve his strength, then he must have no shame to go back, so now he still thinks of ways to improve his strength.

"This little brother, I must be a talented person in the full house, or join us too."

When Wang Feng appeared in a certain city, there happened to be several forces recruiting students here. Wang Feng was young and his aura was not weak, so he naturally became the target of these forces.

"Going to Taiyi, this is not just a broken sect. If you want to become a king or even a higher-level person, you must come to our Wanyun Academy. We are the true celebrity orthodoxy." Another person's voice It sounded, clearly wanting to **** genius resources.

"Hey, hey, what are you two arguing about here, I should come to our Purple Mansion to practice." The third person's voice sounded, causing Wang Feng to smile wryly.

In order to grab the monks' resources, they quarreled like hawkers in the vegetable market. This really lost the monks' demeanor.

However, when I thought about Wang Feng, he was relieved, because these little sects had no reputation, they naturally couldn't attract real geniuses into their sects.

So they can only grab resources of genius in this way.

The real martial arts do not need to **** genius resources in this way, because as long as they ask for someone, there will be countless geniuses who will take the initiative to send it to the door. This is the gap.

"Sorry, I have no interest in any of your schools." Seeing these three people getting louder and louder, Wang Feng responded.

"What a big tone." Hearing Wang Feng's words, some nearby geniuses showed their disdain.

In their peak, this was just pretending. The struggle of the three sects made Wang Feng sure that his mind was extremely inflated, so he would say such a sentence.

But how do they know that Wang Feng is truly uninterested, and that he himself is the leader of a power. Under such circumstances, is it necessary for him to enter other people's power and whisper?

Moreover, the long-term freedom has made Wang Feng no longer want to lead a life of being restricted by others, so he will not join any forces now.

"A group of ignorant children." After shaking his head, Wang Feng left here.

Some of his young monks are really a group of children, and Wang Feng has already passed their age, so this mentality is naturally different.

"Little brother, I am strong, I think you should be above the king?" When Wang Feng left here in the eyes of everyone's disdain, he suddenly let an old man stop him.

"Who are you?" Hearing this old man's words, Wang Feng was a little shocked, but his expression was very calm, because his realm was just suppressed at will, and it is not surprising that others can~www.NovelMTL .com~It doesn't matter who I am, but I have something to do with you now. I wonder if you are interested? "

"Needless to say about joining the martial arts, I am not interested." Wang Feng shook his head.

"It's not to join the martial arts, it's another matter."

"Then let's listen."

"That's it, my young master wants to see you, he is over there." The old man said, and then he pointed to Wang Feng a loft not far from here.

Without opening his own heavenly eyes, Wang Feng suddenly faced the young man who nodded in the attic.

Wang Feng was a little bit astonished, because he had actually met this person. This person was the same as Dong Jun who was in Peicheng last time. He was seen in the sea of ​​taboo last time.

Otherwise, the circle of this world is actually very small, and people with only one side are now met again, which is a rare thing.

"Forget it, I'm not interested." Wang Feng shook his head, and then he turned and left, causing the old man to change his color slightly, because he didn't expect Wang Feng to be so shameless.

In any case, their young master is also a young talent. Even if Wang Feng doesn't cooperate, at least he should have a face-to-face photo. Turn around and leave. Isn't this slapped on purpose?

"It is said that Wang Feng is a real super genius. When I saw him today, it was really extraordinary." At this moment, a light flashed in front of Wang Feng, and the young man standing on the attic before appeared in front of him.

The meaning of what he said is obvious, that is, Wang Feng is very arrogant under the aura of super genius, and he does not even give the opportunity to meet. What is this not arrogant?

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The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-four chapters travel

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