The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1767: Really rooted

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Chapter 1767 Really Takes Roots

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Chapter 1767 Really Takes Roots

Taking away the treasure house and spiritual veins here, Wang Feng went to the next city, and this next city was naturally the force of the man who was late and still arrogant.

If he surrendered 50% of the martial arts resources and territory, Wang Feng would not do anything to him, but if he didn't tell him, he even sneered at himself, so his martial arts should follow him to the funeral.

About five minutes later, another sect was in ruins in front of Wang Feng. There were many casualties and more people escaped. This place was directly abandoned by them, and there was no time to take away anything.

Even if they opened the guard gate, Wang Feng was smashed with a single sword, and none of the people inside was Wang Feng's opponent.

"You can't continue to kill like this." Although Wang Feng went all the way smoothly, Hou Zhentian knew that if Wang Feng kept killing like this, he would definitely be scourge, so he had to give advice.

"I didn't say that I would continue to kill." Wang Feng opened his mouth, and then said: "My purpose of doing this is to warn those people that I have the strength to destroy any faction of them. Now I think my purpose should be almost reached. Right."

In a void very far away from Wang Feng and Hou Zhentian, several sect leaders who had previously left Wang Feng gathered here.

Different from the silence when they were in front of Wang Feng, their faces were full of gloom at this moment, and several people even cursed Wang Feng for being immoral.

"Everyone, what do you say we should say now?" a sect leader asked.

"This Wang Feng is simply deceiving people too much." A person responded with an extremely ugly expression.

"He is deceiving others too well, aren't we just going to discuss how to deal with this catastrophe?" The speaker sighed, and there was no feasible way.

"I heard that Wang Feng's combat power is invincible in the realm of kings. Even if we are united, I am afraid that he will not be his opponent."

"Yeah, this is what I am most worried about right now. He really did not worry about threatening us."

Wang Feng has the strength, and none of them can do anything about it. If not, they would not be threatened by Wang Feng.

"Since the people of the king state can't deal with him, then I think we will join hands to invite a master to kill him?" At this time, a head of the school said with a grimace.

Hearing his words, almost everyone here blinked.

Yes, people in the king state can't deal with Wang Feng, but this does not mean that the master cannot kill him, as long as they are willing to pay a huge price, then it must not be a big problem to invite a master.

As long as the master is willing to take action, then Wang Feng is very likely to die, which is a good policy.

"But once the master can't kill him, then all our forces may be finished." At this time, another sect leader said with a worried expression.

Asking the master to deal with Wang Feng is indeed a highly feasible method, but once Wang Feng is not killed, then none of them will be able to escape. This is a gamble.

The bet is on their lives and their power. Once they lose, they will have nothing and lose their lives.

"If we don't join forces to resist, then we can only cede land and resources."

"How good is this."

A large group of people are anxiously discussing here, and no one can get along with a real one-size-fits-all solution.

"It's not good, it's not good." At this moment, an anxious voice sounded from a distance, looking up, one of them suddenly showed an unpleasant color, because the person who came was his subordinate.

Now that their leaders gathered together to discuss major issues, his subordinates even rushed forward recklessly. Doesn't he know the rules?

"Why panic?" Looking at this person, this

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) The middle-aged man asked with a cold snort.

"The big event is not good. There has just been a message from the martial art saying that Pingyang Palace, the Flame Gate, and the Feiyu Sect have just been destroyed, and they have let people attack."


Hearing this, all the people present were shocked, and stormy waves were set off in their hearts.

The three sects were killed in such a short time. Who did it?

"Who did it?" A sect leader asked at this time.

"I don't know this yet, but it is absolutely certain that the three sects will destroy the door." The servant said.

Hearing what he said, the expressions of the people present became extremely ugly, because when attending the meeting before, it was these three sects who did not agree with Wang Feng's request.

If they had nothing to do with Wang Feng, then these people would not believe it even if they were killed.

"Check again now, be sure to find out who did it."


After saying this, the servant left here quickly.

"Wang Feng must have done it." At this time, a sect leader spoke with a very ugly expression.

You must know that they hadn't left Yuecheng for less than twenty minutes. Could Wang Feng kill three sects in such a short period of time?

If this is the case, then Wang Feng's strength is too terrifying, it is simply not something they can resist.

"You guys, you can't delay any longer. Wang Feng is already so strong now. If we don't ask the master to take action to destroy him, we will wait until the Red Flame Alliance becomes stronger, I'm afraid there will be no more room for us here." At this time, the head of a martial art opened his mouth with an ugly expression.

Only after hearing his words, there was no one who really agreed, because everyone present knew that once Wang Feng really had the ability to instantly destroy a sect, it would definitely not be a wise choice to go against Wang Feng.

Please dominate the shot is indeed the way, but the bet is too big, they can not quickly make such a big determination.

"Let's wait for the specific news before talking." A head of the school said, and then he stopped participating in the discussion, because the news they had just heard was really amazing. ,

Fighting for strength, the Flame Gate of Pingyang Palace and the Feiyu Sect are not weaker than them, but these three sects were all destroyed in just half an hour. This news is not good news for them. .


After about ten minutes, the servant finally returned.

"Quickly, have you got any specific news?" Almost all of these heads pricked their ears when this person came.

"The specific news has been obtained. There are two people who destroyed the three schools, and these two people... are the two we have seen before." This servant made almost all the heads pale.

Sure enough, Wang Feng did it. His strength was too scary. It took such a short time to destroy the three sects. This means that Ming Wangfeng’s destruction of them is almost the same as the massacre. He really did what he said.

"Okay, go down."

With a wave of his hand, all the leaders present were silent.

Discussing about dealing with Wang Feng might not work, because the strength that Wang Feng showed now made them feel desperate. Losing 20% ​​of resources and territory is certainly a great loss for them.

But this loss is not enough to hurt one's muscles and bones, I believe that each of their schools can afford it.

Once they don't hand over resources and go another way, then what awaits them may be the tragedy of destruction.

"I have decided. I will not participate in the action against Wang Feng." At this time, a head of the school opened his mouth, and then he turned and left here.

Dealing with Wang Feng will definitely pay a great price. In contrast, he would rather follow Wang Feng’s will

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) to do it.

"I'm leaving too."

If someone takes the lead, someone will follow, and soon there is only one person left, and this person is the one who offered to ask the master to deal with Wang Feng.

He is the head of Lingyao Hall!

"A group of people who are greedy for life and fear of death."

Seeing those who left, the head of the Lingyao Hall gave a cold snort.

It's just that he said that, when he was threatened by Wang Feng before, he still had to agree to Wang Feng's request.

"How many people do you think will send resources?" The people here dispersed, and Wang Feng and Hou Zhentian have returned to the Red Flame Alliance.

Wang Feng has finished the matter, so next they only need to wait for the resources to be delivered to the door.

"I can't guarantee this. If I were a smart person, I would choose to hand over the resources." Wang Feng said.

"I hope so." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Hou Zhentian still felt a little worried in his heart.

Because what Wang Feng is doing now looks very smooth on the surface, but who knows if those people will counterattack after they return, once they strike, the Red Flame Alliance may not be the opponent.

Except for Wang Feng, the rest of the entire Red Flame League can hardly handle even the most basic kings. This is what Hou Zhentian really worried about.

Once Wang Feng was dragged, the Chi Yan League was in danger.

All security is now built on Wang Feng alone, he can't do it without worrying.

"Don't think so much, just do your own thing." Pat Hou Zhentian on the shoulder, and then Wang Feng's figure flashed, he went directly to the ground of the Red Flame Alliance.

The place where the Red Flame League chose to sit is above a small spiritual vein. It is precisely with this small spiritual vein that the aura in the Red Flame League will be stronger than outside.

It's just that this time Wang Feng has robbed three spirit veins to come back, so what Wang Feng has to do now is to implant all these spirit veins into the underground of the Red Flame Alliance. In this way, the cultivation environment of the Red Flame Alliance will definitely be obtained. Great improvement.

Taking out the first spiritual vein, the majestic aura directly sprayed out from the spiritual vein, and these spiritual auras are constantly breaking through the soil and permeating the Red Flame Alliance.

Compared with this spiritual vein, the previous spiritual vein of the Red Flame Alliance is really small and can be ignored.

After taking out the first spirit vein, Wang Feng successively took out the second and third spirit veins.

About ten minutes later, all three spiritual veins were properly placed underground by Wang Feng.

Moreover, in order to maximize the effect of the spiritual veins, Wang Feng also set up a gathering array here, which is to prevent the spiritual energy of the spiritual veins from leaking out and causing waste.

If not, Wang Feng wouldn't have spent ten minutes here.

"What's going on? I feel that the aura seems to be several times richer at once." The increase of the spiritual veins directly awakened all the members of the Red Flame Alliance from their cultivation state.

At this moment, many people looked shocked, not knowing what happened.

The aura has increased so much out of thin air, it feels like a gurgling stream suddenly becomes a big river.

When everyone was puzzled, Wang Feng's figure appeared above the Red Flame Alliance: "I have placed three large spiritual veins under the ground. Starting today, our Red Flame Alliance is truly Start to take root here."

Wang Feng's voice was not small, so that the entire Crimson Flame League could clearly hear it.

No wonder the aura increased so much at once, it turned out to be Wang Feng's credit.

"Leader is mighty!"

At this time, I didn't know who yelled such a sentence, and all of the words that reverberated in the entire Scarlet Flame Alliance were all that sounded loudly.

Chi Yan wishes all friends a happy Dragon Boat Festival and a happy day every day!

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Chapter 1767 Really Takes Roots

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