The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1766: Kill the door

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Thousandth 766 chapters destroy the door

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"Yes, yes, we must pass the news back." Hearing Wang Feng's words, these people's heads lit up like a chicken pecking at rice.

In order to survive, they had to agree to Wang Feng's request at the moment, because none of them wanted to die.

"I use you to deliver the news?" Wang Feng sneered, and then a black mist burst out of his left arm. The evil spirits in the tortoise shell were enough to swallow them all.

"If you owe me, I will personally come to pick it up." Wang Feng said, saying that he was owed to him by his own tricks. Isn't it too distorted?

Otherwise, there are a lot of **** in this world, Wang Feng's current practice is quite cheap.

However, for the long-term development of the school, Wang Feng had to do even the cheapest things.

Wang Feng felt that it was worthwhile to exchange his reputation for the strength of the entire Red Flame Alliance.

What is fame? Wang Feng didn't care about it. He only cared about real benefits. Some people would rather die for the sake of face, but if they encounter any difficulties that cannot be solved, Wang Feng will choose to run away even if he doesn't want face.

As the saying goes, it is better to live than to die, Wang Feng is not as stupid as those people.

It’s not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years if he stays in the green hills without worrying about no firewood.

"Since you have all agreed to me, before sunset tomorrow, I hope I can see the resources and land cleavage documents sent by you in my Red Flame Alliance, there is no problem?" Looking at these people, Wang Feng asked calmly.

"No problem." Since they have already decided to disagree with Wang Feng, these people dare not say no. The most important thing now is to leave here alive before talking. They really don't want to see Wang Feng again.

"I didn't expect you to come so early."

Just then another voice rang at the door, and another head of the school came here.

Hearing what he said, most of the other sect heads were all laughing, but they didn't dare to say anything, what came early, it was you who came too late.

And he is still smiling now. If he knows what he will end up in a while, I don't know if he can smile as brilliantly as he is now.

"I think you came quite early." Just then Wang Feng's voice sounded.


Hearing Wang Feng's words, this person directly made a cold snort, and it was obvious that he didn't want to see Wang Feng.

It's just that he didn't even see the people around him looking at him as if they were watching a clown. He even dared to snort coldly at Wang Feng, a killer god. It seemed that he really didn't know how to write death.

"Since you are here, I will tell you the result and listen to it."

"What's the result?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, this man's face was puzzled.

"Let me give me 50% of your sect's resources and territory, and I can consider letting your sect continue to survive, and let you leave here alive." Wang Feng said flatly.

"Are you sure you didn't tell a joke?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the man was taken aback for a moment, then he laughed.

It's just that now he is the only one laughing in the entire room, which sounds extremely harsh.

Looking at the weird gazes of other people, this person only felt a ‘click’ in his heart, and he found that these people seemed to be very different from usual.

"What happened?" He grabbed a sect leader not far away and asked in a low voice.

"Sorry, I don't know." The dragged man shook his head, not intending to tell him the truth.

"Do you think I'm telling you a joke?" At this time, Wang Feng stood up and said: "Two people have died under my hands. If you don't agree to my request, you will get the same as them. End."

"You want to kill me?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, this person was taken aback.

"Why not?" Wang Feng waved his sword while speaking, and suddenly this person hadn't understood what was going on, and his arm was directly separated from him.


There were bursts of cold air in his mouth. He didn't expect Wang Feng to say that he would do it. There was no sign.

"This is just a little lesson for you to be late. My suggestion is that I give you three breaths of time to consider." While speaking, Wang Feng's fingers slowly tapped the table, making a sound of bang bang bang, making this person's The heart beats violently.

He had already smelled the **** smell wafting in the room, and it could be seen that Wang Feng really killed someone, but letting him give up half of his martial arts resources and his territory out of thin air, it might be harder than killing him.

After all, he is now the head of the sect. It would be good if he didn't increase his territory. If he let it go halfway, what would the people under him say?

This is no longer a matter of slapping the face. It is simply slapped and smearing **** on it. Wang Feng's request is simply unacceptable to him.

"You only have time for the last breath to consider." At this moment, Wang Feng spoke, and the pressure in the room suddenly rose to the extreme.

As long as this person does not agree, death is waiting for him.

This person knew that there was definitely no good thing for Wang Feng to find them this time, so he deliberately procrastinated outside for a while before coming here. His purpose for doing this was very simple, and that was to give Wang Feng a good start.

It's just that where did he know that Wang Feng simply didn't eat that kind of master and gave him power. Isn't this doing his own death?

"Since 50% of the resources are unwilling to give, then I think I'll take everything."

The three breath time has passed, and this person did not give the answer Wang Feng wanted, so Wang Feng's war sword swung down without hesitation.

It was as simple as trampling an ant to death. Under the sword, this person was separated into two halves without any resistance at all. The scene seemed **** for a while, I can see the people around me. The leaders all changed color.

It's the third place. Does Wang Feng kill all those who disagree with his suggestions?

At this moment, they were somewhat fortunate to have agreed to Wang Feng's request. If they didn't agree, they might have become dead bodies now.

"Okay, you can go back, but I have to change the time when this resource is handed over. I limit you to send me things to those who come to the Red Flame Alliance at noon, and those who are late will not use it. "Wang Feng said, making these people stiff.

They knew exactly what it meant by not being used. As long as they didn't deliver what Wang Feng needed, they might be dead waiting for them.

If you say that you kill, you kill. Wang Feng is simply not playing cards according to the routine. They have no way to get Wang Feng.

Many leaders have left here one after another, and they don’t want to stay here anymore.

"Aren't we afraid of causing public outrage by doing this?" Hou Zhentian asked worriedly after they had all left.

"If I'm afraid, I wouldn't dare to do this." Wang Feng said, and then said: "Clean up, then come with me."

"Really going to kill those forces?" Hou Zhentian felt that his breathing became a little difficult when he heard Wang Feng's words.

Before, he thought that Wang Feng was just a linguistic threat, but what he didn't expect was that Wang Feng actually wanted to destroy those schools.

"Of course, I have always kept my promises in words and affairs. Since these people don't want to surrender, it doesn't have any effect to keep them. Since the Red Flame Alliance is going to develop, then some obstacles need to be removed."

Although Wang Feng threatened all of them this time, who knew what they would do when they returned, so Wang Feng felt that he had to sound the alarm for them.

If you don't destroy one or two forces, these people are afraid that they will think that they are playing for them.

"Anyway, the Red Flame League is yours. What you want to do, then do it."

Knowing that he might not be able to persuade Wang Feng, Hou Zhentian could only follow his instructions.

Wang Feng had done things like killing the door more than once, so when he came to Pingyang Palace, he directly chose to make a bold move.

The lord of the Pingyang Palace was the first to antagonize him, so his power has naturally become Wang Feng's number one strike target.

Wang Feng's strength is too strong, and with the addition of the war sword, the people of Pingyang Palace can be said to have no resistance.

One person dealt with a sect and killed them into an army. The Pingyang Palace was in ruins in less than five breaths. The people inside were fleeing and it was difficult to form an effective defense.

"From now on, if I see Pingyang Palace appear again, kill without mercy!"

Looking at those who fled, Wang Feng yelled.

Hearing what he said, those who flee for their lives ran faster, and they all wished their parents would give themselves two more legs to escape.

The people in Pingyang Palace had scattered and fled, and their treasure house naturally became an unowned thing. Wang Feng did not hesitate to take away this thing because it was all trophies.

The future development of the Red Flame Alliance will also be inseparable from these things.

And after evacuating their treasure house, Wang Feng did another thing that made Hou Zhentian's eyes wide open.

Because Wang Feng used his powerful physical body to forcibly detain the spiritual veins under the gate of Pingyang With this spiritual vein, even if we don’t need to relocate in the Red Flame League, the spiritual energy It's enough. "Wang Feng said, and then he installed this spirit vein into his dantian first.

The migration of sects is very troublesome, but the migration of spiritual veins has become much easier.

The treasure house was emptied, and the spiritual veins were also dug away. It is almost impossible for the Pingyang Palace to develop again, because even the most basic background is gone. What about a comeback?

Wang Feng's current approach is to completely cut off their back.

"The following is the old guy's power. You lead the way." Wang Feng said, letting Hou Zhentian lead the way for himself.

Who is the old man and what his name is Wang Feng is not interested in knowing. He only needs to do one thing now, and that is killing.

Of course, this is not a real massacre by Wang Feng, because he did not hunt down those who fled, because killing them is nothing more than killing them. As long as they no longer threaten themselves, it is not impossible for Wang Feng to leave their lives behind. .

What is Heavenly Scourge, Wang Feng knew very well in his heart that he didn't want to be punished by God for killing innocents and excessively, so he chose to kill less if he could kill less Wang Feng.

"This is too much to withstand the fight, right?" Hou Zhentian couldn't help shaking his head when he saw Wang Feng destroying the old man's power as easily as destroying Pingyang Palace.

He also came to this force last time, but when he came, the people in it were very bullish, so he would not meet him directly, but who would have thought that this force would be met by Wang Feng in just a few days. The screams of being killed screamed.

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The first thousand seven hundred and sixty-six chapters destroy the door

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