The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1757: Crush

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The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven chapters

The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven chapters

"Hurry up and let me out, let me out. ~, x."

After leaving the central city, Wang Feng heard Liu Yidao's yelling, this old guy was suffocated during this period of time in Tianguan.

No matter how he called Wang Feng, he would not let him out, so now that he had the opportunity to come out, he naturally wanted to see what Nanyu was like.

Hearing Liu Yidao's words, Wang Feng didn't imprison him anymore, he let the old guy out.

"Such a strong aura?"

Just when he came out, Liu Yidao made a surprised voice.

"This aura is not rich. In contrast, the aura in Tianguan is much stronger than here." Wang Feng said with a smile.

"Don't tell Lao Tzu about heaven, I don't want to go anymore."

To Liu Yidao, Tianguan was like a nightmare, because he had been imprisoned there for too long.

If he was allowed to choose, he would be killed and he wouldn't want to go again.

"If you want to stay weak like this, you don't have to go." Wang Feng said at this time.


"Okay, stop talking nonsense, now let's set off."

While speaking, Wang Feng grabbed Liu Yidao's shoulder with one hand, and then he directly launched the teleport technique.

Fighting speed Wang Feng cannot be compared with the master, but no king can have his teleporting speed.

In just a few breaths of time, Wang Feng had already gone by an unknown distance, probably after the seven or eight breaths, Wang Feng appeared in the swampland at the border of the East China Empire and the Southern Region.

It was here that Wang Feng got the longevity stone at the beginning, and even changed his true Qi form. Now he is here again, he is very emotional.

However, Wang Feng did not stay long in this marshland before leaving, because the reason why he appeared here was to remember the past, and there was no other place.

One end of the swamp is the Southern Territory, and the other end is naturally the Donghua Empire.

At the beginning, Wang Feng wanted to improve his strength in the East China Empire, but when he arrived in the East China Empire, it was a mess. I don't know if the East China Empire has calmed down after such a long time.

It is necessary to go home, but the Donghua Empire Wang Feng also has to stay for a while, because he still has things to do.

The Tianya organization had threatened his life before, but now that he returns again, then this threat Wang Feng has to take care of.

Inferior in strength, Wang Feng could only escape at first, because the king at that time was simply uncontestable in his eyes.

However, time has passed, Wang Feng is not even afraid of King Nine Heavens, he has not paid attention to a Tianya organization.

Moreover, the person who dealt with the Lord of Heishui City back then saw him in Hua's house, and he didn't know that he was not in the East China Empire.

As long as he is still there, Wang Feng doesn't mind taking him away.

After squatting on him for several months, this person can be considered patient.

But it was only two or three breaths of time that Wang Feng had already appeared in the territory of the Donghua Empire, walking in the void, Wang Feng no longer had the same kind of pressure.

After going to the Southern Territory, Wang Feng's own strength has improved, and at the same time, his vision has also become broader, so he has not paid attention to the Donghua Empire now.

"Brother, who is ruling the Donghua Empire now?"

Randomly grabbed a monk passing by here, Wang Feng asked.

"Of course the royal family is in power. Are you sick?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the monk didn't notice the terrible power in Wang Feng's body at all, and he was still cursing impatiently.

It was not enough to get angry with the villain, and even the slightest anger appeared in Wang Feng's heart when he heard his cursing.

"What is the final outcome of the war organized by the royal family and Tianya?" Without letting go of this person, Wang Feng then asked.

"I said you have a brain problem? The war between the royal family and the Tianya organization has already ended, don't you know?"

"I really don't know." Wang Feng shook his head.

"Who won in the end?"

"Of course the royal family won." The monk glared at Wang Feng, then yelled: "Let go."

"Okay, you go."

Without further dragging the monk, Wang Feng let him go.

"Why are you not angry? If it were me, I would have slapped my greetings earlier." In Wang Feng's dantian, Liu Yidao said a little unhappy.

"There is no need to breathe with such a small person." Wang Feng smiled slightly, and then he went directly to the imperial city of the Donghua Empire.

If you want to know the whereabouts of the Tianya organization, I'm afraid this royal family is one of the most clear-cut forces, you can't go wrong with them.

It was the same place, when Wang Feng appeared in front of the Donghua Empire imperial city, he couldn't help but surface the scene where he had taken refuge in this imperial city in order to avoid the chase of the Hua family.

At that time, if he hadn't rushed into a general's mansion in a hurry, maybe he was still alive or not.

Wang Feng knew that there was a king sitting in this city without having to disperse his spiritual knowledge, but Wang Feng was not afraid of the king at all, so he did not enter the city through a normal gate, and his body was directly integrated into the formation above the city. in.

"I don't know which friend came here?"

As soon as he entered this city, Wang Feng heard a voice, and someone had already discovered him.

"I can't talk about coming here, just want to talk about something with you." Wang Feng said calmly, and then he stepped into the palace of the imperial city.

"Enemy attack!"

Seeing Wang Feng's sudden appearance, the guards in this palace were shocked. It was a great provocation to openly appear in the sky above the palace.

"Don't be nervous, go away."

At this moment, a middle-aged man in an imperial robe walked out of the main hall of the imperial palace. He was now the helm of the Donghua Empire, Donghuang.


Since your Majesty has already spoken, the guards below naturally did not dare to make any changes, and they soon dispersed.

"The visitor is a guest, please inside." Donghuang made a please gesture.

His status is considered the highest in the East China Empire, and can be called the Ninth Five-Year Lord, but once counted in the cultivation world, he is just a monk of the king's level.

Facing the monks of the same level, he couldn't put on any airs.

"No need." Wang Feng said, and then the chaotic mist on his face gradually dispersed: "Look at who I am."

"It's you!"

Looking at Wang Feng, the Eastern Emperor recognized Wang Feng almost instantly, because he had seen Wang Feng with his spiritual knowledge when the mansion of General Lie was attacked.

At that time, Wang Feng was running fast, so he didn't keep him, but how long has it been before he has reached the same level as himself when he reappears, is this too fast?

"It's easy to know me." Seeing that Donghuang had recognized himself, Wang Feng didn't bother to continue talking nonsense: "I have only one purpose for coming here today, tell me where the Tianya organization is now."

"You are looking for the End of the World Organization?" Donghuang was surprised when he heard Wang Feng's words.

"That's right." Wang Feng nodded, and then said: "I think the East China Empire knows them best for you. Don't tell me you don't know where they are now."

"Knowing is knowing, but with your strength, you may not be able to shake them."


"They don't know where to invite a strong man to sit down. If this were not the case, they wouldn't have run away."

"You can just say where they are, and you don't care about the rest." Wang Feng said, making the Donghuang feel a little uncomfortable.

Because Wang Feng's tone always made him feel inferior, especially since Wang Feng's current realm was not as good as him, he was naturally a little unhappy.

However, the formation of Wang Feng's ability to break into this city silently was enough to prove that Wang Feng's ability was extraordinary. In the mind of not sinning anyone, the Eastern Emperor finally told Wang Feng about the current stronghold of the Tianya organization.

After getting the specific place of the Tianya organization, Wang Feng didn't stay in this palace any more, he left here in an instant.

Even Donghuang didn't figure out exactly how Wang Feng went, and there was no trace left, as if Wang Feng had never appeared here.

Wang Feng's speed is very fast, probably within ten breaths of time, and Wang Feng has already reached the current stronghold of the Tianya organization.

The eyes of the sky opened, and Wang Feng really saw an invisible formation about ten kilometers away from him.

The Tianya organization is hiding in this formation.

It's just that when Wang Feng hadn't looked at how many masters there were in it, someone had already discovered his snooping.

"I didn't expect you to come so quickly. Since you are here, don't leave."

A violent voice came from the front, and then a king's power directly attacked Wang Feng.

When Wang Feng appeared in the palace and asked the coordinates of the Tianya organization, the spies of the Tianya organization had already passed the news back, so the Tianya organization now knows about the arrival of Wang just let them not. What I thought was that Wang Feng had come so fast, here is hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the palace, how could his speed be so fast?

It's just that this issue obviously doesn't have too much time to investigate, because since Wang Feng has already arrived, the Tianya organization will definitely not let him go.

"Smashing Star Fist!"

Facing the king's blow, Wang Feng didn't dare to give a big blow. At this moment, he activated his own cells, and his Sun and Moon battle soul blasted out a punch.

The power of his body was mobilized, and the power of Wang Feng's punch was not weak.

It's just that the realm of the king who shot is much higher than Wang Feng, so under the collision, Wang Feng himself was lifted off, and the other party obviously did not suffer much trauma.

"I thought you were too good, but that's all." Seeing Wang Feng being lifted off, the second master of the Tianya organization directly sneered.

"is it?"

At this moment, a sneer sounded behind the second head of the Tianya organization. When he reacted, he already felt his back of a car, and a blade of the sword had penetrated from his chest.

The terrifying damage exploded in his body, and he hardly had any extra time to think, his soul was directly annihilated.

He was only in the fifth heaven of the King Realm, how could he be able to block the power of the sword, so at this moment he was directly sent on the road of destruction by Wang Feng.

"Second brother!"

When this person was killed, an extremely frightened voice suddenly rang from the Tianya organization, and the master ran out.

"Don't worry, you will go down with him soon." Wang Feng sneered looking at the person who rushed out. Please remember our website: Mission Impossible Novel Network, Mission Impossible Novel Network,

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The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven chapters

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