The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1756: Future direction

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The first thousand and fifty-six chapters future direction

Future direction

The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-six chapters

Future direction

He didn't expect to hear such shocking news from Wang Feng's mouth that the witches are already about to reach the level of a giant, this... how is this possible?

"You kid didn't lie to me, right?" Liu Yidao asked suspiciously at this time.

"Do you think I need to lie to you?"

"But this is too amazing? The last time I saw her, she was so strong, how could she be about to become a giant."

"To be honest, I don't believe it either, but her previous life was the Saint of Hundred Flowers. This may be the last time she helped me." Wang Feng said bitterly.

"Is it ∨≦万∨≦书∨≦, w∨ww.wa○nsh⊕uba.c≮om, the memory of her life will disappear?" Liu Yidao asked, his eyes widened.

"It's possible." Wang Feng nodded.

Although he had pleaded with Saint Hundred Flowers to keep the memory of the witch, it was just now that the soul of Saint Hundred Flowers was dominating again, and Wang Feng could not ask her to do anything.

Therefore, Wang Feng has no idea whether the memory of the witch can be preserved.

"Damn, what's going on here." Liu Yidao shouted cursingly.

"Clean up, I'll take you out in a few days."

"Are you going to let me out?" Liu Yidao, who was still in a melancholy mood, cried out at once.

The speed of this face change can be called the weather, making Wang Feng very speechless.

You just looked like you were about to take revenge, but now you have become so happy again, is this too human?

"I'm going to take you back to pick up people, don't think too much about it."

"Master Drafting." Hearing this, Liu Yidao couldn't help but cursed.

"Let's go."

While talking, Wang Feng's heart moved, and immediately the Liu Yidao was taken directly into his Dantian.

Although Wang Feng asked Hou Zhentian and the others to rest, they didn't suffer any serious injuries during the battle, so it only took one day for everyone to be gathered by Wang Feng again.

Looking at these people who fought with him, Wang Feng said, "I think you all already know what I'm going to say?"

"If there is any order for the leader to speak directly, we will definitely do it." At this time, a member of the Red Flame Alliance spoke with enthusiasm in his eyes.

When Wang Feng went crazy in the He family, they saw it with their own eyes, so they once again had an overwhelming understanding of Wang Feng's combat power. It was their honor for this person to be their leader.

They felt full of energy even when working under Wang Feng's hands.

Because they all understand that Wang Feng will never treat them badly.

The reward to Hou Zhentian has been given to them as much as possible, so now they all want to do another big business with Wang Feng.

"In that case, I'll just say it straight." Wang Feng said, and then said: "The Red Flame League wants to grow bigger. It is absolutely impossible to rely on this Nirvana Realm alone, so I now decide to really start supporting the outside Red Flame. League, when the time comes, the headquarters will also move out. I wonder how many of you are willing to work with me?"

Although there are many strong Tianguans, in the end, the real big forces are still developing outside, because Tianguan is not the end.

To put it simply, this Tianguan is like a gilded ground. After the monks become stronger, they will always go out of the Tianguan and fall into the outside world.

Therefore, if the Red Flame Alliance wants to really grow bigger, it still has to develop outside.

At the beginning, the Red Flame Alliance didn't really have a firm foothold in the Nirvana Realm, so Wang Feng didn't really develop the outer Red Flame Alliance. At that time, he just went out to occupy a place.

And now Wang Feng is about to go back to pick up his relatives and friends, and he himself has reached the state of king, so this development focus naturally needs to be changed.

In general, the outside world is where many peak powers finally compete. They are always nestled in this heaven, and the Red Flame Alliance may not be much stronger no matter how strong it is.

"We are all willing to work with the leader." At this time everyone responded in unison, making Wang Feng's face a smile.

Such performance made Wang Feng feel very heartbroken. With such a group of loyal people willing to follow him, Wang Feng did not believe that the Red Flame Alliance could not develop.

Some people have the resources, but what forces can't be cultivated?

This is like a group on the earth. As long as you have people available and no shortage of money, then the group's expansion is just a matter of time.

"If that's the case, let me assign a task now."

As the person who manages the Red Flame League now, Hou Zhentian naturally wants to go out, and among these masters, Wang Feng has also selected 80% to follow Hou Zhentian.

By then they will go out with a lot of resources. As for how long the Red Flame Alliance will truly rise, it depends on Hou Zhentian's personal ability.

"Leader, what about us?"

Seeing that many people have been assigned tasks, those who have not been assigned suddenly asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, your temporary task is to guard the headquarters. Once you have a firm foothold outside, you can follow along."


Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, although these people didn't say anything on the surface, everyone could see the disappointed expressions on their faces.

I wanted to follow Wang Feng's drastic efforts, but in the end they were left behind. Is this a kind of abandonment?

Wang Feng knew what these people were thinking, but there was no way for him, because he couldn't take away all the masters here like the last time.

At that time, if there are no experts to suppress this place, I am afraid that all cats and dogs will dare to come and shout, so it is necessary to keep some people.

"Don't be disappointed. Although I have left you, you also have tasks." Wang Feng said here after a slight pause, and then said: "In other words, although your duty is to guard this place, you will be treated in terms of treatment. The same as those who went out, and by comparison, your tasks are heavy."

"Then what are our tasks?" asked a person at this time.

"It's very simple. To help recruit the virtuous people here, the vacancies that appear must be made up."

This is the headquarters of the Scarlet Flame League, and Wang Feng is impossible to give up, and he has his own calculations, that is, he wants to use the Scarlet Flame League in this Tianguan to send talents to the outer Scarlet Flame League.

Anyway, Tianguan has never lacked genius, if it can be used as a base, it will be absolutely good for the future Red Flame League.

"What are the rules of the Red Flame League's collection of people, I think you should be clear in your heart?"

"Understand." These people nodded together.

Although the Chi Yan League is relatively lax in management, once someone does something wrong, the consequences that he needs to bear must be very serious.

Moreover, Wang Feng's rules for recruiting people still don't look at strength, but only on personal ability, so it is really not that easy to enter this Red Flame League.

This task is indeed a challenge.

"Well, what I should explain is almost the same. As for the future development of the Red Flame Alliance, it depends on the skills of everyone present."

It is not the first time that Wang Feng has done this kind of decentralization, so he now feels very comfortable speaking.

"Give us the task, then what are you going to do?" Hou Zhentian asked at this time.

"I am going out for a trip. I may bring a group of people to the Red Flame Alliance soon, so you need to stabilize the situation as soon as possible."

"Remember, don't cause trouble at first, especially when I'm away, it's best to keep a low profile, just stand firm."

"We don't provoke others, but what should we do if others provoke us?"

"It's very simple." Wang Feng smiled when he heard this, and then said: "My creed in life is that people don't offend me and I don't offend people. If anyone offends me, they will be punishable!"

"But our strongest person doesn't even have a king state. Who can beat him?"

In the entire Crimson Flame League, except for Wang Feng who possesses high strength, the rest are in the Nirvana Realm, at most the God City, so if they come to such a king, they may not be able to cope with it. This is a problem.

"Well, if you encounter any trouble that can't be solved, go to the central city to find the city lord."

"We are in trouble. What does this have to do with the City Lord of Central City?" Hou Zhentian felt extremely surprised when he heard Wang Feng's words.

He didn't have any good feelings about the City Lord's Mansion in the central city, because he had let the other party grab him into the dungeon. If it hadn't been for Wang Feng to rescue him, he would have died in the dungeon now.

"Don't worry about that much about this, you just need to do what I said, then you should not encounter too much danger."

What attitude does Emperor Batian have towards him? Wang Feng knew in his heart that if his power was in trouble, he shouldn’t sit idly by, so in this period of time, if he could protect the Red Flame Alliance, he would definitely not. problem appear.

How many people in this Southern Territory dared to pick up his Emperor Batian's beard?

"Does he know you?"

"Almost." Wang Feng thought for a while and said.

"Okay, don't ask so much, take someone out quickly, and I will leave next."

"In that case, it is better to hit the sun instead of choosing a day, and we will set off today."

The Red Flame Alliance in the Nirvana Realm has almost stabilized. This is not a challenge for Hou Zhentian, so he also wants to go outside now.

He will never be able to fight Wang Feng to fight for the so he has only one idea now, and that is to develop the Chi Yan League safely under Wang Feng's hands.

Originally, when he came to the Southern Territory, he was going to go to the Sea of ​​Taboo, but now it seems completely unnecessary, because he also has good development opportunities in this Red Flame League.

He didn't want to lose the feeling that one person is above ten thousand.

"Go on."

Upon hearing Hou Zhentian's words, Wang Feng didn't say much.

Anyway, he has to leave sooner or later. Sooner or later, it won't affect him much, and he also misses Sister Xue and others, so it is not okay to go back a little earlier.

That day, Wang Feng took Hou Zhentian and the others to leave Tianguan.

In some people's eyes, Wang Feng must have taken so many people out to find someone to trouble him, but when they left the central city, Wang Feng separated from them.

Of course, I met with Emperor Batian before leaving, because Wang Feng had to explain some things to him.

Don't wait until Hou Zhentian and the others come to ask for help.

Regarding Wang Feng's request, Emperor Batian agreed directly without thinking, which made Wang Feng feel even more strange.

Because Di Batian's attitude towards him was so strange, it felt like he would agree no matter what Wang Feng said.

Wang Feng asked himself if his relationship with him was not close to this point, right?

However, Wang Feng knew that no matter how he asked him, he would never tell him why, so in the end he didn't bother to ask, and left the central city directly.

It is good to have someone help, regardless of his purpose.

Anyway, there is nothing valuable in himself, so he didn't say that he fell down. Please remember our website: Mission Impossible Novel Network, Mission Impossible Novel Network,

The best perspective

The first thousand and fifty-six chapters future direction

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