The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1732: overbearing

"Sister, you won't lie to me?"

Although Yan Junyun said so, Bi Fan was still a little worried. He knew what realm Wang Feng was when he left. Even if Wang Feng made rapid progress, he could not be invincible, right?


Just when Bi Fan felt worried for Wang Feng, Wang Feng had already started.

Raising his fist and punching the Miao family, Wang Feng burst into a broken star fist.

This Miao family dare to cheat his only apprentice, and Wang Feng will definitely not let them go, because he is only Bi Fan this apprentice, how could he watch him being bullied and not take revenge.

The earthquake trembled. Accompanied by the sound of houses collapsing, Wang Feng's punch almost destroyed one-fifth of the living area of ​​the Miao family.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

The roar came from the Miao family, and the master inside had already responded.

"Who are you?" A king asked with an ugly face flying out of Miao's house.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I come to your Miao family to be alone today." Wang Feng said without fear.

"Important?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the man sneered, and then shouted: "What a big tone, what do you think our Miao family is?"

"I care about where you are. In short, if the person I am looking for today does not hand it over to me, then I don't think it is necessary for your family to continue to exist."


Hearing what Wang Feng said, the person who was most surprised was Wang Feng's apprentice Bi Fan.

He had no idea that the tone of his master's speech was so overbearing, that he would destroy the clan if he didn't make any other people, what kind of strength it was.

"I don't know who you want us to hand over?" Maybe he saw that Wang Feng's realm was also a king, so this person was not in a hurry to do something with Wang Feng. If Wang Feng just wanted an unimportant person, he might still choose Quiet things.

Because fighting a king is not a wise choice.

"Miao Fan!"

Wang Feng directly reported the person Bi Fan had said.


Hearing Wang Feng's words, this Miao family king changed his expression directly.

Who is Miao Fan?

That was their hope for the future of the Miao family. The next heir of the family fell to him. How could he hand over Miao Fan, so what Wang Feng said was nothing short of a fantasy.

"If you want us to hand over Miao Fan, then don't even think about it, and with your strength, do you think you are qualified to make us bow?" The Miao family king sneered, and his tone gradually became tough.

Behind him is the base camp of the Miao family, so many masters deal with a Wang Feng, but he has no pressure at all.

Wang Feng just made the move just because they were not prepared. If it weren't the case, their Miao family wouldn't be destroyed and one-fifth of their living quarters.

"If you are qualified, you will know next." While talking, Wang Feng took a step forward, and suddenly he appeared above the Miao family.

Wang Feng is not a good person. Since the Miao family has harmed his disciples, how can Wang Feng come to ask for an explanation.

It's just a pity that this Miao family doesn't seem to want to settle this matter peacefully with him, so naturally what Wang Feng can do now is to give them a head attack.

It's Wang Feng's character that Jai Xuan must report, and his shortcoming is one of his characteristics, so this Miao family don't even think about living well today.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing Wang Feng flew into the territory of the Miao family, all these Miao family monks were surprised.

"What am I going to do, don't you already know it?"

While talking, Wang Feng raised his fist and bombarded the Miao family's land again.

With a punch, a huge roar sounded, and at the same time, several masters of the Miao family joined forces to fly out. They are all the real pillars of the Miao family, the strength of the king.

These people quickly stood in front of Wang Feng, looking bad.

"Young man, although you are also the king, do you really want to embarrass our Miao family?" a king monk said with a sneer.

"My request has already been told to you. As long as the person named Miao Fan is called out to me, I can leave immediately."

"Miao Fan is the next patriarch of our Miao family. It is impossible for us to hand it over."

"Since there is no way to get together, then I think all we have left is fighting." Wang Feng shrugged helplessly, and then he shot directly.

Although Wang Feng's previous two strikes were quite vigorous, they also destroyed part of the Miao family's residence.

But Wang Feng understood that under the two attacks just now, he did not kill a few members of the Miao family.

Because the main purpose of his coming here today is for the person called Miao Fan. As for the other Miao family, as long as they don’t provoke themselves excessively, Wang Feng will not do anything to them because Wang Feng really does not want to kill innocent people .

However, these kings were arrogant, and Wang Feng would not spare them lightly.

Without using the war sword, Wang Feng flipped his hand and took out his sharp gun. He was going to use this gun to fight the Baptists.

Although the war sword is easy to use, Wang Feng also understands that once he relies too much on the war sword, it will be extremely detrimental to his future practice, so Wang Feng still tries not to use it when he can't use it.

Moreover, the war sword is different from the sharp spear. The sharp spear requires only the strength in Wang Feng's body, but what the war sword needs is Wang Feng's vitality. The difference between the two is too far.

The kings of the Miao family are not very strong, so to deal with them, Wang Feng can use a sharp gun.

Seeing Wang Feng taking out the weapon, the kings of the Miao family looked at each other, and then they all saw each other's meaning in each other's eyes.

This Wang Feng really wanted to start with their Miao family.

It's just that he is a monk who is a king, where can he have such courage to deal with such a few kings of them?

"In order to avoid multiple incidents, we all go together and capture him." A king of the Miao family spoke, and then all of them surrounded him.

This place is the territory of their Miao family, so even if they besieged Wang Feng, no one will know it in the end, so they don't need to pay attention to the morals of the world, and let Wang Feng subdued it.

It's just that although the idea is good, they might not be able to see if they want to subdue Wang Feng.

When these few people rushed towards Wang Feng at the same time, suddenly Wang Feng's figure disappeared in the void, and when he appeared again, he had already been behind a king.

He teleported with the help of rules, and then instantly changed his direction.

Looking at the king's back, Wang Feng didn't even think about it, and then he directly used the sharp gun in his hand.


It was like piercing a wall. The Miao family king didn’t even understand what was going on and made Wang Feng pierce his body. The tip of the gun came out from his chest, making him stare. Eyes widened, revealing an incredible color.

He couldn't imagine how Wang Feng, a big living person, would suddenly come behind him. Is it difficult for him to use a teleport technique?

"court death!"

Seeing Wang Feng hit one person in an instant, the other Miao family kings were shocked, because they were the same as this one who was attacked by Wang Feng. They didn’t figure out why Wang Feng suddenly came behind them. This is a little bit. I didn't notice it.

"How do you feel? Do you feel regretful?" Wang Feng said with a sneer after taking back his sharp gun.

"Dare to hurt our brother, I think you really don't want to leave here alive today."

"It's my business whether I live or not. As for whether you can live or not, then I am afraid there is no way to answer you." Wang Feng sneered, but he didn't expect that the other party's tone was still so bad.

What Wang Feng meant was to teach them a little lesson, and then force them to hand over the young man named Miao Fan, but what Wang Feng didn't expect was that these people were so hard-talking, really when he was so bully by himself?

"Forced into our Miao family is already a felony, first you hurt our people, you are really out of control."

"Zhangfa?" Wang Feng sneered when he heard these words, and said: "I have never heard of the rules and regulations that monks need to abide by. Is this the rules and regulations customized by your Miao family?"

While talking, Wang Feng's figure flashed, and when he appeared again, he had already carried a young man in his hand. This man was the young man named Miao Fan.

Before, Wang Feng had asked Bi Fan about the appearance of Miao Fan, so Wang Feng could see the existence of this person with his own eyes.

Asked them forcibly, but they didn't give it, so Wang Feng can only do it himself now.


Seeing Miao Fan in Wang Feng's hands, all these kings changed their faces, because they didn't expect Wang Feng to find Miao Fan so easily.

When they came out before, they hid Miao Fan in a secret room under the ground of their Miao family. There were formations on the left and right of that secret room. How did he find out the people?

Being lifted by Wang Feng, this Miao Fan's face looked dead, because he knew that the young man who was holding him was not something he could resist at all, because the terrible pressure enveloped him made him even resist a moment. impossible.

He couldn't raise the heart of resistance from his mind.

"Quickly let him go, otherwise you would never want to walk out of Miao's house today."

A king shouted loudly and violently.

He is the current patriarch of the Miao family, and at the same time he is the father of this Miao Fan. How could he not be anxious when he saw his son let others catch him.

"Let him go? Then why didn't he let my disciple go?" While speaking, Wang Feng's palm squeezed slightly, and suddenly the bones of Miao Fan made a creaking sound, causing all the kings of the Miao family to change color.

How much hatred is necessary for a king to surrender himself to deal with a true god?


A painful voice came from Miao Fan's At this moment, he was enduring inhuman torture.

Although Wang Feng didn't use much power, it was crushing Miao Fan's stature, and the pain of broken bones made Miao Fan scream.

It is not difficult for him to understand why he came from Wang Feng's words.

And that Bi Fan was standing not far away, so he must be Bi Fan's master.

At the beginning, he heard Bi Fan talk about his master as an incredible genius, but he didn't care about it at the time, because he thought what a genius can do?

He is not bad. He is talented in cultivation and has the support of his family. As long as he is given time, he can definitely grow up.

So when Bi Fan was poisoned, he never thought that he would be retaliated against. Now it is impossible for him to regret it.

He is paying the price for what he has done.


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