The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1731: Strong

"It's a mistake, it's a mistake." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Bi Fan repeatedly shook his head, and then respectfully asked: "Master, why did you suddenly appear here?"

"I'm afraid I will ask you this question?" Wang Feng asked rhetorically.

"I heard that it is easier to improve my strength outside, so I rushed to ask the masters for orders and come out to fight." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Bi Fan responded without hesitation.

"So you came out so easily?" Wang Feng asked some incredible.

According to the characters of Sister Xue, they wouldn't let Bi Fan go so easily, would they?

"No." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Bi Fan's expression was slightly abnormal, and then he twisted and said, "I threatened the teachers with my life, so they let me out."

"That's okay?" Hearing this, Wang Feng suddenly felt speechless.

In order to come out and even threaten with their lives, is the outside world so attractive to them?

Didn’t he say that he would pick them up when he was successful in cultivation? Is he just so anxious?

"Okay, let's put this matter aside for now, let's talk about what happened to you during this period of time." At this time, Wang Feng asked.

"What happened to me?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, Bi Fan was taken aback first, and then he showed a thoughtful look.

It’s just that no matter how he thinks, he can’t recall what he has experienced during this period of time. In fact, he has been alive for a while. He lives on the blood of spirit beasts every day. It’s strange that he can think about it. .

"Let me tell you this, if you happen to find your breath this time, not for the teacher, you may have caught or killed other monks now."

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Bi Fan couldn't help his expression change.

"Master, what is going on?"

"What have you done yourself, don't you know in your heart?"

"I... what have I done?" Hearing what Wang Feng said, Bi Fan felt more weird in his heart because he really didn't know what Wang Feng meant.

"Really don't remember anything?"

"I don't remember, Master, don't sell it. You can tell me what I have experienced in this period of time. I feel that there is a gap in my memory." Bi Fan stroked his head and said.

"In that case, let me tell you about it." He turned his gaze on Bi Fan as he spoke, and asked: "Your sea of ​​consciousness is poisoned. You have killed some stealing spirit beasts during this period of time. If it wasn't for the teacher to help you send those people out of the blood-drinking matter, you might still end up tragically now."

"What?" Hearing what Wang Feng said, Bi Fan was shocked, because he couldn't remember what Wang Feng said.

And based on his instinct, he believed that Wang Feng would never make up any lies to deceive him, because he had already known who Wang Feng was.

"Master, are you telling the truth?"

"Don't worry if what I said is true or false, you should tell me who you have provoke during this period of time." Wang Feng asked.

"Someone provoked." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Bi Fan's face showed a pensive color, and then he said: "If what I expected is not bad, the person who poisoned me should be Miao Fan."

Having said this, Bi Fan couldn't help showing a cruel look on his face.

There are many geniuses in the heavens, and many geniuses often believe that they are top people, so they cannot guarantee that they will look down on others.

But once there are people who surpass them in strength or talent, they will instinctively produce jealousy.

Jealousy is not a human disease, because it is a normal psychology that everyone will have.

Some people are just jealous, but once some people become jealous, then he will try to destroy the person or thing that makes him jealous.

The Miao Fan that Bi Fan is talking about now is such a character.

When Bi Fan came to the Southern Territory, he got acquainted with this young man named Miao Fan. Because the two people were about the same age, and the realm was almost the same, so between coming and going, two people They became good friends.

But as he continued to get along, this Miao Fan found that Bi Fan seemed to be better than him everywhere, and he was better than him everywhere. He felt like he was suppressed.

At the beginning, there might not be much, but as time went on, his jealousy gradually evolved into a murderous mind.

Because if he didn't kill Bi Fan, he would always feel oppressed, so during a certain meal together, he took advantage of Bi Fan's carelessness to poison his meals.

This poison is not something that can poison people to death as soon as you eat it. As long as you take this poison, people will gradually become stupid and eventually become unconscious. This Miao Fan wants to use this method Let Bi Fan slowly go toward destruction on his own.

If it weren't for Wang Feng just this time, perhaps Bi Fan's final fate would really be extremely miserable.

In the final analysis, this Miao Fan had a vicious mind, but this time he had done misery to Bi Fan.

"What is the origin of Miao Fan?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

"What is Miao Fan's background..." Bi Fan muttered to himself, and then he said: "I am not very familiar with Miao Fan. I only know that he seems to be the second generation ancestor of a certain family. The disciple can't figure it out."

"In that case, let's set off now." Wang Feng was about to take off as he spoke.

But before he really flew up, he asked Bi Fan to stop.

"Master, you haven't said what happened to me this time."

"In that case, let me tell you about it." Wang Feng actually knows very little about what happened in Bi Fan during this period, so he just explained it to Bi Fan in a few words.

"Master, is this gone?" Seeing Wang Feng didn't mean to continue, Bi Fan asked after a moment of stunned.

"I just found you just now, what do you think I can know?" Wang Feng responded in an angry manner, and then said: "Okay, I don't want to mention this unbearable past of you. Let me go first Come on."

"Where shall we go?"

"Finding a place for you for your teacher." While talking, Wang Feng waved his sleeves and suddenly Bi Fan was rolled into the sky by him.

"Jun Yun, don't guard, let's go together."

"Okay." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Yan Junyun didn't have any unnecessary gossip. She also flew to the sky in an instant and came to Wang Feng's side.

"Master, is this also a teacher?" Bi Fan asked ambiguously at this time.

Bi Fan admired Wang Feng for two points, one is his talent and ability, and the other is Wang Feng's ability to pick up girls.

There are so many sisters in the house, and he can still get in touch with flowers and grass outside. Bi Fan admires this ability very much.

Does the master possess the legendary arrogance?

"Yes, don't hurry up and call the teacher." Wang Feng never wanted to hide Yan Junyun's identity, so he admitted it very decisively at this moment.

"Hey, hello, Madam." Bi Fan called out quickly when he heard Wang Feng's words.

"When we meet for the first time, there is nothing to give, so let's give you a bracelet." While speaking, Yan Junyun took out a bracelet and handed it to Bi Fan.

The bracelet doesn't look very good, but Wang Feng can tell at a glance that this thing is a rare treasure. It seems that Yan Junyun has spared no effort to win her apprentice's heart.

"Thank you, Madam." Bi Fan was not polite at the meeting ceremony, because he also saw that the bracelet was a treasure, so he just accepted it.

"Tell me about your sisters, are there any problems?" Yan Junyun saw that her gift was successfully delivered, so she quickly said while the iron was hot.

When Bi Fan talked about his other sisters, this Yan Junyun was listening, so she just came up and asked directly.

"This..." Yan Junyun's words made Bi Fan a little bit embarrassed, because without Wang Feng's permission, he would not dare to speak randomly.

But after letting him see Wang Feng's face as usual, he also gritted his teeth and started talking about Bei Yunxue and the others.

As the so-called cannibalism and short hands, he has already taken other people's bracelets, he can't still show a face that refuses to be thousands of miles away, right?

You must know that this is also her sister, he can't afford to offend.

So next he and Yan Junyun talked about things related to Bei Yunxue and others. Of course, what Wang Feng said about him was all compliments, and Yan Junyun became a little jealous.

But when he saw that Bi Fan also praised herself for being a fairy, her expression began to look better, and at the same time she looked at Bi Fan more and more pleasingly.

Although this kid is not high, but this mouth is quite sweet, which is very much loved by Yan Junyun.

When the two of them were talking to each other, Wang Feng finally came to the place where the Miao family was located after Bi Fan's guidance.

Wang Feng even dared to deal with the people at the pinnacle of the king, he naturally did not take a Miao family into his heart, and he had been in the Southern Territory for so long, and Wang Feng had not heard of those real big families called Miao family.

Since the Miao family could not be among the super big family, Wang Feng would naturally not be afraid of anything, because with the sword, he would be invincible, and no one would be afraid.

"Are you sure it's here?" Wang Feng asked after staying in the void.

"It's right here." Bi Fan nodded, and then said: "The place Miao Fan said should be here."

After saying this, Bi Fan gave a slight pause and then said, "But master, this Miao family is definitely not easy to provoke, I think we should bear it for a while before talking?"

Although Bi Fan wanted Wang Feng to avenge him, he didn't want to harm his master because of his own affairs.

How long has Wang Feng been to the Southern Region? No matter how strong he is, he can't shake the foundation of some families, right?

That is to say, Bi Fan's level is low. He has not yet inquired about those things related to Wang Feng, and during the time when Wang Feng was rising to fame, he was silent in a state of madness, so he had no idea that his master was now How terrible.

"Don't worry, since your master dares to come, then he has absolute certainty, and we can watch the show by the side for a while." At this time, Yan Junyun said, she was not worried about Wang Feng's strength at all.

Because when she came here, she had already felt a little bit. The strongest thing here was the king's breath. As long as she didn't surpass the king's realm, then Wang Feng would be able to cope with it easily.


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