The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1729: Crazy slaughter

"Are you here waiting for us?" Looking at Wang Feng, one of the people who came asked in a shocked tone.

"We have been waiting for you for a long time."

While talking, Wang Feng stood up from the void holding the sword.

Although his realm improved, Wang Feng's control of the sword became more and more handy.

Just like ordinary weapons, there is a big difference between the use of the strong and the weak. When the sword was first obtained, Wang Feng's realm was far behind the king.

So when he crossed many realms, even if the sword still absorbed his vitality, the amount was reduced too much.

To be precise, Wang Feng's realm has improved, and his blood has become more surging. Perhaps after Wang Feng's realm becomes stronger, this war sword can be used as an ordinary weapon at will.

Only now, this weapon will still absorb some of his vitality, although not much, but Wang Feng will not fight for long.

He has only seven dominator level pills left. If he takes it again, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not encounter any problems that he cannot solve in the future, so he must fight quickly now.

Holding the war sword in his hand, Wang Feng didn't hesitate at all, he rushed in toward the opponent's crowd.


This legendary organization has dealt with itself many times, and Wang Feng has already had an indescribable hatred for them. Now they want to count themselves again when they are attacking the king, so how can Wang Feng keep their lives.

No matter how many people come today, Wang Feng will kill them all.


Seeing that Wang Feng actually took the lead, the people of these legendary organizations also looked cold, and then they all came to Wang Feng to kill.

A group of people besieged Wang Feng alone. On the surface, the people of these legendary organizations took a big advantage, but when they really started with Wang Feng, they killed dozens of people in an instant.

Because Wang Feng's war sword was already swung, no matter how powerful these people were, they couldn't compete with Wang Feng's war sword.

So with one sword, Wang Feng took away a dozen lives. No matter how powerful these people were before, or how many people they killed, they were all as fragile as ants in front of Wang Feng.

"so smart?"

Seeing that Wang Feng killed so many people in an instant, the killers of these legendary organizations were also shocked.

Originally they thought that with so many people coming this time, the lineup was already very luxurious, but when they and Wang Feng really started their hands, they found that Wang Feng's strength was beyond their imagination.

Killing so many people with one sword, how many of these people are left enough to kill?

And seeing Wang Feng's relaxed look on his face, he was clearly at ease.

Of course, the reason why Wang Feng is so strong, they also understand that it is entirely because of the war sword that Wang Feng holds in his hand. They have already investigated this sword. It is said that it is a fake of the Nine Sacred Artifacts. What is the Nine Sacred Artifacts? , As long as the cultivators who have achieved a little bit of cultivation know that it is one of the strongest weapons between the world and the earth.

It is not unreasonable that Wang Feng can kill so many monks with such weapons, because the name of the Nine Sacred Artifacts alone shows how extraordinary Wang Feng's sword is.

Greedy gaze flashed on their faces, these people undoubtedly wanted to take away the war sword from Wang Feng's hand, but at this time who has the strength to take away Wang Feng's war sword?

As long as they are close to Wang Feng, their ending is basically a death, no one is Wang Feng's opponent.

In less than five breaths, the cultivators of these legendary organizations had suffered heavy deaths and injuries, and their realm was collectively higher than Wang Feng, but in front of Wang Feng, they were like a group of people without the power of a chicken.

The intact team immediately let Wang Feng disperse, he was like a tiger rushing into the flock, and his life was taken away between the opening and closing.

Looking at the remains falling from the void, many monks felt that the whole body was cold, Wang Feng was too terrible, no wonder he could rise to the top of the sky, and with this strength alone, he had surpassed many people.

"Run away."

Seeing that Wang Feng became more and more terrifying, the killers of these legendary organizations knew that their general situation was gone, and Wang Feng was absolutely invincible without a master.

With a war sword in hand, no one can help him.

"Since I came to kill me, but now I want to go, it is probably impossible." Wang Feng sneered, and then he directly pursued it.

As the body recovers, Wang Feng's teleporting ability is naturally greatly increased, so no matter how fast these people escape, they will always be faster than the teleporting Wang Feng.

One minute later, when the battle was over, Wang Feng had dozens of space rings in his hands. The blood on these rings was dyed red. Their owners had already killed Wang Feng and none of them escaped.

"Legendary organization, hum!"

Looking at the void, Wang Feng let out a cold snort, and then he headed towards the central city.

The realm of the king has been reached, and the place before Wang Feng went back is meaningless. The power of the giant beast allowed him to **** most of it. In the end, its result was only one death, but it has swallowed so many humans over the years. It is more than dead.

Originally, Wang Feng wanted to return to Central City directly, but he stopped in the middle of the journey because he felt that he had one more thing to do.

Although the deadman guard that Di Batian lent him had no friendship with Wang Feng, this time he even sacrificed his life in order to protect himself.

Therefore, Wang Feng felt that he had to build a tomb for him, no matter how low his status was, but when Wang Feng hit the realm of kings, Wang Feng understood what the guard had done.

To protect one's safety by blew up, such a person deserves Wang Feng's respect.

Because the opponent had blew himself up, Wang Feng couldn't find any more of his relics, so he couldn't even set up a burial mound for the opponent.

Finally, as a last resort, Wang Feng could only erect an empty tomb and tombstone for him on an inaccessible mountain.

But when Wang Feng was about to engrave the epitaph for him, he was stunned, because he still didn't know what the guard was called.

Di Batian didn't tell himself his name, and Wang Feng didn't ask about it, so this really stumped him.

"Forget it, just use this name."

While speaking, Wang Feng's fingers moved quickly on the stone tablet, and after a few breaths, a few large characters were formed under Wang Feng's fingers.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Wang Feng followed the habits of those on the earth. Some soldiers did not know their names after they died in battle, so they usually named them after unknown martyrs. Wang Feng is just applying them now.


It was produced by the earthquake. Holding the tombstone, Wang Feng directly inserted it into the ground in front of the tomb.

"rest in peace."

Bowing to the tombstone, Wang Feng said with a deep sigh.

At that time, it was just that the situation did not allow it. If it were not for rushing to attack the realm of kings, Wang Feng might have saved him.

Wang Feng didn't want him to die, but he died for himself. After his death, Wang Feng couldn't even answer his name. This made Wang Feng very ashamed.

This time, Wang Feng was able to break through to the realm of kings, and this dead man's guard was indispensable, so erecting a tombstone for him is just what Wang Feng should do.

"Let's go." Beside Wang Feng, Yan Junyun also said with a sigh.

At the time, she saw the situation far more clearly than Wang Feng. At that time, she was very moved, but because of the limitation of her strength, she could not intervene in the battle of the king level at all.

So in the end, she could only watch the nameless deceased guard take the other person to die together.

A guard can do this, he is already doing his best.


The tomb has been erected, which is also Wang Feng's wish, so he did not hesitate next, he took Yan Junyun and headed towards the center city.

However, before the central city arrived, Wang Feng suddenly stopped in the void. As far as his eyes could reach, he saw a large number of monks swiftly passing by the sky. Seeing their appearance, it seemed that they were preparing to do something. .

"Go, go and see."

While talking, Wang Feng hid in the void and followed it lurking, because in these people, Wang Feng felt an aura that seemed to be familiar to him. If it weren't the case, he wouldn't bother to care about these people.

These people are not slow, and Wang Feng followed them to a village very quickly.

There is no need to disperse his spiritual consciousness and open the heavenly eyes, Wang Feng felt an aura that he had never thought of.

"Grab him, hold him, don't let him run."

The roaring sound reverberated in this small village, and many monks surrounded a young man here, making a joke.

The youth who was besieged by them are the ones who recently appeared in this neighborhood to behave. The spirit beasts raised by many monks were stolen and eaten by this young man. Not only did he steal the spirit beasts, he also stole some ordinary poultry, just like Like a beast.

These monks have organized several operations to arrest him, but although this young man is not so clear-headed, his escape ability is top-notch, and he has not been caught by these great efforts.

Now that I heard that he appeared again in another village, these people naturally rushed over in the first place.

You must know that the spirit beasts they raise are all cultivated by them with a large amount of heaven, material and earth treasures, so they can be stolen and eaten by others. How can they be comfortable, so they have to catch this young man anyway.


Being besieged by many monks, this young man also let out a roar like a wild beast.

His gaze is different from that of ordinary people. A strong aggressiveness burst from his eyes. He does not look like a normal monk at Why is he? Didn't he stay at home well? "Looking at the young man besieged by many people, Wang Feng's eyes widened, revealing an incredible color.

"Do you know this young man?" Yan Junyun asked in surprise when she heard Wang Feng's words.

"Not only did he know him, I said I was still his master, do you believe it?" Wang Feng responded, and then he stepped directly out of the void.

This young man under siege was not an outsider, he was the only apprentice Wang Feng had received in the past years, Bi Fan.

Wang Feng never thought that he would see him in this Southern Territory, nor did he expect that he would live so miserably now, being besieged by others, and he seemed to have lost his mind. Such a person is still the genius he had collected. Disciple?

In any case, Wang Feng has only accepted an apprentice like him in his entire life, so today he will accept him no matter what.

Sorry, the update is late, sorry


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