The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1728: Realm of Kings

"Get out of here!"

At the other end, the battle between the guard of the dead man and the eighth-layer king became more and more miserable, because the monk who wanted to hold the eighth-layer king, the guard of the dead man was already very seriously injured.

There are almost all wounds all over his body, which is horrible to watch, but even so, his body still holds this person like iron tongs, not wanting him to get close to Wang Feng.

Under such circumstances, the king of the Eighth Layer of Heaven can be said to be anxious and frustrated. He has never thought that a person can be so embarrassed.

If you can't beat it, it's just a shameful move. Is this still a normal king?

But he didn't guess wrong, this dead guard is indeed not a normal king, if he is a normal person, I am afraid he will not let Emperor Batian give it to Wang Feng temporarily.


A fierce kick hit the dead man's guard, and in an instant the dead man's guard made him kick and fly thousands of meters away.

But just when he turned to deal with it, he suddenly felt his legs tighten again, and the dead man's guard actually hugged his legs again.

Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible for him to move one step.

"Since I can't stop you, let's destroy it together."

Looking at the old man of the King's Eighth Heaven, a crazy color flashed across the face of the death guard's guard. He was instilled from childhood to the idea of ​​trying to kill him if he couldn't beat him, so he felt that now this opportunity is here.

His realm is inferior to the opponent, he is indeed unable to beat the opponent, in order to protect Wang Feng's thoroughness, so he must use his own means to destroy the old man together.

"Are you crazy?"

Seeing the body of the dead guard swelling sharply, the monk of the King's Eighth Heaven finally changed color, because he knew that once a person of their level blew himself up, the power would definitely be catastrophic.

Not to mention him, a radius of hundreds of kilometers could be razed to the ground.

"Follow me to die!"

A crack in the space appeared during the speech, and the guard of the dead soldier hugged the king of the eighth heaven and threw in without hesitation.

He knew that once he blew himself up, that terrible power might affect Wang Feng, so even if he blew himself up, he would not choose to be in this place.


After a few breaths of time, suddenly there was a sound of earth-shaking roar from a far away direction. Although separated from a long distance, all the cultivators still felt the void trembling and a wave of air.

That Wang Feng's guard should have destroyed himself at this moment.

In order to protect the safety of his master, he would rather blew himself up. Such servants can be regarded as fulfilling their duties. Looking at Yuankong, many people can't help but stand in awe.

Although the servant doesn't sound very good in terms of status, he can do his last part. Such a person deserves to be respected by everyone.

"Wang Feng, I want to kill you!"

Just when everyone thought that the guard of the dead soldier and the monk of the King's Eighth Heaven were all gone, suddenly the void was torn apart, and an old man with ulcerated skin stepped out from it.

Isn't this person the old man dragged away by Wang Feng's guards?

He was still alive in the blew of that intensity?

Seeing this scene, many people's eyes widened, revealing an incredible color.

The body was like a phantom, and the old man instantly moved towards the void where Wang Feng was. Although this time he was lucky enough to survive the other party’s self-destruction, the price he paid was extremely heavy. He used their family His secret method, so he only has about an hour's life left now.

If this were not the case, he might have died just now, let alone revenge.

He didn't expect that he and his brother would be damaged here this time when he went out, but being able to avenge his brother before he died was the only thing he could do.

If he can't even get revenge, then even if he goes to hell, he has no face to meet his brother.

"Be careful!"

Seeing the king's hands, Yan Junyun's heart was immediately grasped. She understood how bad Wang Feng's state was now. If Wang Feng directly confronted the opponent at this time, Wang Feng would have a high chance of death.

"Today you will definitely die!"

Looking at the soul body floating in the void, the old man's face showed a grin, and then he rushed straight up.

"You can't do it if you want to stop me." Just when the old man rushed up, Wang Feng finally used his entire body to open the door.

Of course, the price of opening this door is also very high. Wang Feng's soul almost collapsed. This is what he used his soul body to forcibly hit this door. His God City has dimmed at this moment. The mission has been accomplished.

Almost as soon as he rushed into this door, Wang Feng’s breath began to strengthen violently, and his physical body was quickly reshaped inside. Under such circumstances, even the monks of the King’s Eighth Heaven would take Wang Feng. There is no way.

Because since Wang Feng rushed into the back of that door, his whole person disappeared from the void, how could others find him.

"Come out, get out of me!"

Facing the void, the monk of the King's Eighth Heaven yelled.

It's just that no matter how he roared, Wang Feng couldn't hear him at this moment, because he was at a critical moment of transformation.

At this moment, he has broken through the king's barrier perfectly. Although the price Wang Feng paid in this process is unimaginable, he even almost died, but it is undeniable that he has really broken through at this moment.

From now on, Wang Feng is no longer a Nirvana monk, he is a real king master.

"Since you won't come out, don't blame me."

Seeing that Wang Feng could not come out, this crazy king directly fixed his gaze on Wang Feng's God City, to be precise, Yan Junyun in the God City.

Wang Feng killed his own brother, and now Wang Feng himself cannot come out, so he can only kill the people around Wang Feng.

For him, even if he can't avenge his revenge today, he still wants Wang Feng to spend his entire life in pain.

"court death!"

Just when the king was about to attack Yan Junyun, the void suddenly split, and a terrifying sword gang directly swept out of it. This sword gang came from a war sword.

Although Wang Feng is now at a critical moment of transformation, it is impossible for him to watch Yan Junyun become the target of others' attacks, so even at the risk of self-harm, Wang Feng will stop this person.

It was as easy as cutting through a piece of paper. Under this sword tunnel, no matter how crazy the monk of the King's Eighth Heaven was, he couldn't stop a blow from the sword at all.

However, in just a few breaths, he had already died tragically outside Wang Feng's God City, before he even had time to rush in.

"Are you okay?" Walking into his own **** city, Wang Feng came to Yan Junyun's side.

"You finally succeeded?" Looking at Wang Feng's brand new body, Yan Junyun said with a little overjoyed.

She even has another feeling, that is, as if a world away, Wang Feng was still in the state of a **** city yesterday, but now Wang Feng not only got rid of the **** city, but also became a king with his own body. The gap between the two is really too great. Big.

"Well, it succeeded." Wang Feng said, and then said: "Let's go, some old friends are still waiting for us."

"Old friend?" Yan Junyun felt surprised again when he heard Wang Feng's words. Could it be that Wang Feng knew anyone here?

But soon he understood what the old friend Wang Feng was talking about, because Wang Feng just pointed at the void, and suddenly a person fell out of it. This person was a king, and his realm was not weak.

Perhaps he didn't expect that Wang Feng could find him, so when he fell out of the void, he was still full of consternation.

"I've been lurking here for so long, let's talk, is it the legendary organization?" Wang Feng said, his tone calm.

It was not the first time he met the people of this organization, so looking at the other party's behavior, Wang Feng was already boldly guessing the identity of the other party.

"Wait, you will die here soon." Looking at Wang Feng, this person was sneered.

Actually, Wang Feng’s guess is correct. This person is indeed the person organized by the legend. When Wang Feng left the central city, although many people dared not follow him, except for the big ones, some monks who were not very powerful saw Wang Feng’s go away.

Therefore, there is more than one way to find out about him. This legendary organization must have worked hard to find it here.

But they may be disappointed. They have now been promoted to the realm of kings. Even if someone from the pinnacle of kings comes, Wang Feng is sure to get rid of the opponent's hands.

Because the sword is in hand, this is Wang Feng's greatest support.

"Then I'll see who lives and who died." With a sneer, Wang Feng didn't talk nonsense, he immediately killed this person in front of him.

Since the other party's purpose is to deal with himself, Wang Feng and such people don't need to be polite at all, just kill them.

After killing this person, Wang Feng waved his hand to collect his own spiritual knowledge and Yan Junyun into his dantian. After all this was done, Wang Feng did not leave, he sat down in the void, since If someone wants to deal with himself, then Wang Feng will kill him today.

And there is another reason for not leaving, that is, although Wang Feng's realm has reached the realm of kings, his kingdom world has not really evolved into the kingdom of God, and everything has changed in the void that others can't see. With the palms of the hands clenched involuntarily, because this feeling of controlling the real body is a bit strange to Wang Feng.

For such a long time, he has lived in the state of a **** city, and now his physical body is reshaped, he naturally needs time to get acquainted.

But obviously someone would not give him such time. When Wang Feng was observing his physical condition, a huge roar suddenly came from a distance, and a large number of powerful men descended here.

Looking up, Wang Feng suddenly revealed a cold light, because he found that a large group of monks came from a distance at this moment. They were dressed in uniform costumes, and a murderous intent almost formed from them. , So that many monks who were going to watch here all retreated madly.

Although these people usually walk in the dark world and are not well known by ordinary people, when they really surfaced, their combat power is still unimaginable.

After all, the realm is there, this group of people is not so easy to mess with.


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