The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1297: Heavy casualties


The palm power in the palm of his hand exploded, and at this moment Wang Fengsheng smashed the tip of the sword pierced into his palm, and at the same time he stretched out his hand to lift out the true fairy of Yandang Palace that was facing him.

Looking at the blood-red eyes, Wang Feng sighed slightly with a low roar in his mouth, and then his strength turned, the person who was pinched by his neck quickly lost his breath.

It's not that Wang Feng didn't want to save him. In fact, he was even destroyed under that evil spirit. Even if Wang Feng helped him dispel the evil spirit, it is estimated that his final fate was just to become a stupid fool.

Instead of this, Wang Feng might as well give him a good time.

Seeing Wang Feng killing his companions, Elder Qi and the Young Palace Master of Yandang Palace undoubtedly changed a bit. If Wang Feng could kill them alone, he would naturally kill both of them. At present, there are still three people in Yandang Palace. For them, the losses in this trip to the Forbidden Wall were too heavy.

So many people have died before they see any treasures. Whether any of them can go back alive is still two different things.

"Just stand near me if you don't want to die." Looking at the three people in Yandang Palace, Wang Feng said calmly.

Killing one of them has no effect on Wang Feng at all, because the person's immortality is only a cumbersome in the end, and the explanation should be done later.

Unleashing his sapling aura, Wang Feng began to urge the tortoise shell to help him clean up these tentacles.

Unlike the previous situation, these tentacles were almost electrocuted when they touched the black mist before, but now they are different. These tentacles are fighting fiercely with the evil spirits in the black mist.

"If you want to defeat the things I keep, it is simply a dream." Seeing this scene, there was a cold drink from the tortoise's shell, and then he released more black mist.

Beneath the endless black mist, the tentacles entangled around the teleportation array were finally driven away by evil spirits.

Looking back at the chaotic situation, Wang Feng walked towards the teleportation formation without looking back.

Behind him, the three Elder Qi quickly followed, because at this time they chose to go with Wang Feng, they already had other ways to go.

It would be a dead end to stay here, because some Samsung celestial capitals are already losing their minds.

Fortunately, Wang Feng has a green glaze lotus tree that resists evil spirits, otherwise the three of them would not think about it.

Several people stepped into the teleportation formation one after another, and behind them, that Yingru's body was shrinking rapidly, and finally it rushed into the teleportation formation step by step.


Several people from Wang Feng have already left, and some experts who haven't lost their minds also retreat not far from here. For them, this place is no different from hell.

After so many people died at once, the ghost was willing to stay here and wait for death.

The teleportation array is two-way, and they really easily returned to the surface with the help of the teleportation array Wang Feng.

Looking at the blood-colored stone gate behind him, Wang Feng gave orders to the tortoise shell without hesitation.

The things under this Shimen were too fierce, and Wang Feng was determined not to let the contents rush out.

Reaching out and grabbing a person who was still on it, Wang Feng immediately wiped out most of his soul.

This person has always been sealed with strength. They are the people who did not give Wang Feng the elixir before. Fortunately, they have no following. Otherwise, with their strength, they would have died long ago.

But even so, it is difficult for them to have a chance to survive, because Wang Feng did not intend to let them go.

Since you want to kill, you must cut the grass

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Eliminating the roots, Wang Feng will not leave himself unknown hidden dangers.

The black mist instantly penetrated into this person's body, and the tortoise shell directly placed his hand on the blood-colored stone gate.

Since he can open this stone gate, he can naturally close it. The suppressed things under this stone gate must be a big evil thing. If the stone gate is not sealed up, it is impossible to guarantee that the contents inside will not escape.

Looking at the teleportation formation in Shimen, Wang Feng silently took out the sharp spear from his dantian.

They opened the stone gate. If there were people who had lost their minds below who wanted to rush out, Wang Summit would immediately obliterate them.

There was a rumbling sound, and at this moment, the stone gate was closing quickly under the control of the tortoise shell.

It's just that the stone gate hasn't been closed yet, there is a light in the teleportation array, and someone rushes out from below.

"go with!"

Regardless of whether it was a human or a monster, Wang Feng launched an attack without hesitation at this moment.

"Don't fight, I haven't lost my mind." Perceiving the danger close to me, the person who came up did not hesitate to avoid his body, avoiding Wang Feng's shot.

Wang Feng's combat power is probably only equivalent to the point where the two-star immortal is close to the three-star immortal, and it is the five-star immortal who rushes up, so of course Wang Feng can't beat him.

After him, the teleportation array lighted up again, and the Four Star Immortal also began to rush out of it.

Those who can stay below or even not be affected too much are basically masters, because they have already become the devil without a strong base.

Everyone who just rushed up would be attacked by Wang Feng, and even when Wang Feng made his move, the five-star elder was helping.

Obviously, he also didn't want to let those who lost their minds rush out.

One person after another was sealed by Wang Feng and this five-star elder. Regardless of whether these people had lost their minds or not, at least at this moment they would never want to mess up.

The roar became louder and louder, and the blood-colored stone gate was about to be closed.

But at this moment, Wang Feng's heart moved, and he detained the few people who did not pay the elixir into his hands.

"Slowly enjoy it inside." Wang Feng pushed all of them directly into the stone gate while speaking.

Those who entered Shimen knew what it was like to end up in the field, but they were a little bit afraid of seeing Wang Feng's actions.

The other party clearly doesn't have the strength to resist, and he will push people into the abyss. This is completely to kill them all. If such people are not a last resort, it is best not to provoke them easily.

Because once you can't kill him, you may just stabbed a hornet's nest.

At this time, they were all fortunate that they had sent the elixir to Wang Feng. If they didn't send it, they might end up in the same way.

Finally, under the attention of these people, this stone gate was re-sealed by a tortoise shell. As the stone gate was sealed, the people inside would never think of it anymore. Whether they were still alive or not, they were already blocked. After the death.

How strong is Shimen's seal, they all understand, even if there are more than 100 people, they can't shake it at all, want to come out? Then wait for the next life.

The seal of Shimen had renewed its power, and the flesh controlled by the tortoise shell naturally lost its function.

The black mist constantly rushed out of this person's body, just in the blink of an eye, this person became nothingness, and his flesh and bones had been eaten away by the evil spirits in the black mist.

Looking around, Wang Feng found that the number of people who had escaped plus them was exactly ten, that is to say, a total of six escaped behind them.

There are more than one hundred people, but they are the only ones left. At this moment, everyone's mood is not

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Doubts are a bit heavy.

"I thought it was a treasure, but I didn't expect it to be a dangerous place. God's will makes people." At this time, the five-star immortal said with a sad expression.

He brought a lot of people waiting, because of his strength, almost none of the people he brought died.

But just now, he personally killed several of his fellows, because they had lost their minds. If he didn't kill them, they would kill him in turn.

How could his heart not be heavy after ruining the life of his fellow apprentice brother.

"Let's untie our seal first." Just then a three-star elder called.

Apart from Elder Qi, this is the only three-star immortal who rushed up from below. It can only be said that he is lucky, but he has not lost his mind by those evil spirits.

If he came up a little later, he might be blocked by Shimen abruptly.

"I will undo your seal naturally, but before that I need to make sure that you are all normal people." While speaking, the five-star immortal waved his sleeve, and the seal on the three-star immortal was lifted by him.

After a careful inspection, the seals of the other four people were also released by him. The other four were all four-star immortals. With their strength, it would take a long time for the evil spirits to affect their consciousness, so they The current consciousness is fairly clear.

There were more than a hundred people, and now there are ten left, and the number has dropped by more than ten times.

There was a lot of life here before, but now, except for a stone gate, it is still reminding them of the danger they have just experienced, and more people have no way to see it. It is no longer possible for those people to rush out of the stone gate.

"This place was opened by us. Now that the Shimen has been sealed, we should cover the Shimen." Wang Feng said at this time.

"There is such an evil thing in Shimen, you must not allow people from later generations to be persecuted by it. This place really shouldn't reappear in the world." At this time, a four-star immortal spoke, thinking the same as Wang Feng.

Finally, under the joint efforts of everyone, another mountain of several hundred meters appeared in front of them. This mountain was brought together by a dozen of them.

This mountain completely covered the blood-colored stone gate, and even on this large mountain there was a formation they used. Even if someone passes by here in the future, they will not be able to find anything strange about this mountain.

After doing all this, the people were silent for a while, and so many people died, except for Wang Feng, they almost all lost the same family, and they even killed the people around them with their own hands.

It's like killing one's own friend. It's strange to be in a good mood.

"Everyone, since the sun **** may be true, I think we need to continue to explore together. Returning without success is unacceptable to us..." At this moment, Wang Feng suggested.

They have already spent so much If they don't find the treasure of the sun god, everything they do will be useless.

"Look, we must find!"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the five-star immortal old man said harshly.

The loss was so heavy, if the sun god’s treasure was not found, those who died would have died in vain, and no one of them wanted to see this result.

How can someone die without getting the slightest benefit?

"Yes, if I don't find the treasure of the sun god, I will never go back." At this time, a four-star elder also said fiercely.

In this way, a temporary alliance was formed. This is a team composed entirely of masters, with amazing strength.

Such a lineup, even if it is a continent like Zhong Santian, will not give up its efforts.

(End of this chapter)


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