The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1296: 9 beads lock sky array

The endless black mist enveloped Wang Feng and the others. Under the control of the old turtle, these evil spirits all pounced on those tentacles. Originally, Wang Feng asked the old turtle to try to see if these evil spirits could bite the tentacles.

But when the real effect appeared, Wang Feng found that the moment when the tentacles almost touched these evil spirits, it quickly retracted like lightning.

As if these tentacles are as afraid of these evil spirits.

As soon as the tentacles withdrew, Yingru carried Wang Feng and they came to these huge drop-outs very easily.

There are a total of nine statues, and the nine statues have become encircled, as if there is something in between that needs their protection.

Just look at the center and see that there is nothing but nothing.

The heavenly eyes were opened, and Wang Feng could see the tentacles under the ground that came out from this center, but where the real source of the tentacles was, Wang Feng's heavenly eyes could not be clear.

That piece of land has an extremely powerful suppression ability, not only capable of suppressing divine consciousness, but also suppressing Wang Feng's celestial eye ability.

With the palms open, a stone was rapidly forming in Wang Feng's palm. When the stone was about the size of a fist, Wang Feng threw it in the middle of the nine statues.


The stone was just thrown in and was directly shattered by a thunder before it hit the ground, and the thunder was shot out of the eyes of one of the nine statues.

The power of this thunder is very powerful, it is estimated that it can hurt real immortals, and this is only the power of a statue. If all the nine statues burst into thunder like this, then even if the infant enters, it is a dead end.

Fortunately, Wang Feng has a cautious personality and chose to explore this way. If he rushes in rashly, he is afraid that the thunder will fall on him.

"Are these nine statues guarding something?" Elder Qi asked at this time.

"A group of ignorant people, this is the Nine-Pearl Locking Sky Formation, which can be used to suppress this place. It can be seen that there is no treasure at all below this place, and the evil thing is suppressed here." At this time, the turtle shell said.

"Since this is not the treasure of the sun god, where is this place?" At this time, a true fairy in Yandang Palace couldn't help asking.

"You ask me about this. Who am I going to ask? When I opened the Shimen before, I felt that there was something wrong with this place. Even if there are so many treasures in the tombs of ordinary people, it is impossible to use such a powerful seal, so you can run away while you are still alive. "

"Are you serious?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

Although Wang Feng knows little about the treasure of the sun god, Wang Feng would naturally want to go for it if he has the opportunity, because since it is a treasure, it means that there are a lot of benefits to be found. For the good thing, Wang Feng and Liu One knife likes to do the most.

"The Nine Bead Locking Sky Formation was used long ago to guard against peerless murderers or peerless demon. All the statues we saw before us were transformed from real masters. They spent their entire lives. Power comes to suppress this place, and it can be seen that there is only danger under this piece of land, and there is no chance."

The conditions for the use of the Nine Bead Locking Array are extremely harsh, because the first point of using this array is to require nine masters who are willing to pay their lives.

But whoever has only one life, who wants to die for no reason?

It is precisely because people want to release their power willingly, so once this nine-bead lock sky formation is formed, the force of suppression is unimaginable. Throughout the ages, such formations will only be used to suppress those that are too dangerous.

He also didn't expect to see this nine-bead lock sky formation here. Fortunately, he knew how powerful this formation was. Otherwise, he would be messed up like this by everyone. When the terrible existence inside ran out, God knew what kind of catastrophe it caused.

The screams are still going on, those who come down are dying sharply, as long as one star is touched by those

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) The hand basically did not escape.

Even if the Erxingxian is caught, it may be dragged into the ground. To many people, it seems that there are many monsters under the ground, and these monsters are constantly attacking them.

"But according to the information we have learned, the treasure of the sun **** is on this side of the wall of taboo, and this matter cannot be faked."

"By the way, I don't know how you learned this news?" From the memories of others, Wang Feng knew that many people knew about the treasure of the sun god.

It's just that how the news came, he really didn't know, because the people he searched for souls were basically hearsay, and those people didn't know what was going on.

What is this called? This is called a classic follow suit.

"The news about the treasure of the sun **** was discovered by a tomb-robbing gang from an ancient book when they were stealing a tomb."

Elder Qi thought for a while and said, this is not a secret matter, and it won't affect anything if you say it.

"Since they saw it, why did it show up?"

"It's very simple. This group of tomb-robbers were all excited about it, and many of the forces' ancestral graves were laid out by them. At that time, they happened to be touched by someone when they stole the tomb. Therefore, after a great battle, they were lost and fled. , Left an ancient book containing the news of the sun god’s treasure."

"You can believe it with just an ancient book?" Wang Feng felt a little strange when he heard this.

It stands to reason that the last three days are masters. Since they are masters, there will be no fools. They can travel all the way to the wall of taboos only by relying on the ancient books left by their own family. These people are too far away. Is it sloppy?

"Of course we won’t believe it with an ancient book. It’s just that someone took it to an appraiser to appraise it, and finally proved that the ancient book was a product of hundreds of thousands of years, and it happened at that time The mansion of the sun **** in Duan has disappeared, and many people have guessed that he is dead, so it is precisely because of this situation that we have a large number of people here."

It is said that there is no impermeable wall in the world. After those people grabbed the ancient book, they kept it very tight, and they completely blocked the news.

It's just that no matter how tightly they held it, the news was finally shaken off by that group of tomb-robbers, because they had read the above records before they lost the ancient book.

The purpose of this group of people is very simple. You can't even imagine what I can't get. Probably it was this mentality when they shaken off the news.

It is for this reason that many forces in the area of ​​Yandang Palace will know the news of this sun **** treasure, and finally a large number of personnel have been sent here.

I have to say that the howl of the Sun God Treasure is very loud, at least more than 500 people have crossed the wall of taboos.

It's just that with the passage of time, some people have been killed on the road by various terrible sea races and various crises before reaching the wall of taboo.

Therefore, it is estimated that there are not even half of the five hundred monks who really cross the wall of taboo.

After crossing the wall of taboo, this half of the people also killed each other because of the hatred between various sects. Under such circumstances, a large number of monks were damaged. In the end, it is estimated that more than 100 monks will survive. people.

It can be said that the people gathered here are almost all the people who have crossed the wall of taboos. Even some teams that haven't heard the news are still very rare.

Because of an ancient book, everyone has crossed to this end of the wall of taboo regardless of danger, but now, the treasure of the sun **** has not been found, but many of them have been dragged into the ground by tentacles.

It is no longer possible to investigate who came here, because everyone is in danger at this time.

These tentacles were so cruel. They pulled them when they saw people. All kinds of roars and screams continued, making it a place of chaos.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) "Huh?" At this moment, Wang Feng's expression suddenly moved, because he noticed that there seemed to be a brutal anger approaching him.

His body has become a flawless body after the last reconstruction of the Luan Gu Jue, and even because of the colored glaze green lotus tree, he is sensitive to evil spirits.

Others may not have noticed the changes in the air yet, but Wang Feng has already become alert.

Perhaps it's like what the tortoise shell says here, there are no treasures, but only crisis.

Looking at the true immortals who were fiercely rebelling, Wang Feng gritted his teeth for the last time and made a decision: "Since there is no treasure here, let's withdraw."

It was not easy for Wang Feng to make this decision, because it took a lot of effort for them to get here, and now there is no return, which is a bit painful for him.

But whether it hurts or anything else, this is better than death here.

With a thought in his heart, Wang Feng drove Yingru slowly toward the place where they had descended.

The teleportation array was set up in that place, so Wang Feng and the others would have to do it in the same way if they wanted to go back.

There was a thick black mist clearing the way, and those tentacles did not dare to approach Yingru at all, because once they got close, the evil spirits in the black mist would rush up to bite them.

In just a dozen breaths of time, Yingru carried Wang Feng and the others to the place where the teleportation array was located.

It's just that the moment they saw the teleportation formation, they all changed their faces, because the teleportation formation at this moment had already been completely occupied by those tentacles.

Densely packed tentacles spread all over the area around the teleportation array, and they wanted to step on the teleportation array unless they stepped over these tentacles.

"Sweep over."

Seeing this scene of Wang Feng's gloomy opening, these tentacles obviously didn't want them to leave here, but since Wang Feng had decided to leave, these tentacles would never want to block him.

More black mist continued to flow from Wang Feng’s arms, as if countless evil spirits were screaming. Around Wang Feng and the others, it turned into a piece of Nine Nether Hell. The sound of those evil spirits biting their tentacles was simply It makes my scalp numb.

"court death!"

Just as Wang Feng was paying attention to the situation of these tentacles, he suddenly became vigilant, and he immediately stretched out his hand to block a sword that pierced him.

The tip of the sword was now in his palm. Because Wang Feng's body was strong, the sword did not pierce his skin even if it was pierced in his palm.

It was not someone else who shot him, but a true fairy from Yandang Palace.

This true fairy Wangfeng clearly remembered that he had saved his life, and now he actually wanted to attack him.

Fortunately, Wang Feng's reaction was fast enough, otherwise the sword might not have hit his arm.

"Asshole, what are you doing?" Seeing this scene, the expressions of Elder Qi and the Young Palace Master of Yandang Palace almost changed at the same They were already relying on Wang Feng's power. If Wang Feng didn't Protect them, their chances of survival are too small and too small.

But what they didn't expect was that at this moment, their people wanted to assassinate Wang Feng. Isn't this a way for them?

"You don't need to shout, he has even been affected by the evil spirit here." Wang Feng said indifferently when blocking the opponent's sword.

Before that, Wang Feng had already noticed a strong evil spirit near the nine statues, and now that evil spirit has increased to an extremely terrifying level. Not only this monk, but also monks in other places are rapidly losing their minds. .

While dealing with the attack of the tentacle, while resisting the influence of evil spirit on him, there are very few monks who can do both.

Therefore, under the influence of evil spirits, many people have lost their minds and turned into murderous monsters.

(End of this chapter)


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