The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1283: 1 group of true fairy

The previous paragraph is the past of the flute, while the latter paragraph records the exact usage of the flute. Although the flute looks ordinary, it actually has extremely powerful functions.

What is strong is not on this flute, but on the sound of this flute.

The sound of this flute has a unique ability, that is, it can summon a giant beast hidden deep under this island. This giant beast has the blood of an ancient giant beast, so its strength is naturally beyond doubt, although not I know why this flute can control such a giant beast, but since this flute has such a function, Wang Feng must use it.

This island is the only one in this sea area, because the two of Wang Feng have not seen the island for a long time.

In the eyes of others, this island is a bit unique, but in fact, the reason why this island really exists is because there is a giant beast under the island.

The island exists entirely on the body of a giant beast.

Now that the giant beast fell into a deep sleep as the flute was sealed, even after a very long period of time, the giant beast has not awakened.

It's just that now with this flute in hand, then this behemoth should wake up.

Holding this flute, Wang Feng blew it without hesitation. The sound of the flute was not as good as he had imagined. It seemed a bit harsh to Liu Yidao.

Because Wang Feng has no knowledge of fart in music, it is strange that he can blow.

Just as this sound rang, suddenly the ground under their feet vibrated violently, as if there was an earthquake.

Around the island, the sea was bubbling in a large amount, perceiving such a change, Wang Feng knew that the beast might be recovering.

The only function of this flute is to control that giant beast, and it was precisely because of the protection of this giant beast that this tribe could survive on this island safely.

It's just that with the emergence of unfilial sons in this tribe, this behemoth finally fell asleep. It can be said that it was the unfilial son that caused this tribe to fall.

Wang Feng couldn't guess what the unfilial son had done that caused his father to hide the artifact of the town clan.

But no matter what, that ethnic group has long since disappeared or left here, and the giant beast under the island now belongs to Wang Feng.

Wang Feng and Liu Yidao rose into the air at this moment. Under their attention, this behemoth that had been submerged in the sea all the year round was slowly rising.

The boulder rolled down, and the island that was just still at this moment was rapidly collapsing and disintegrating. From now on, there will be no more islands here.

Here will eventually disappear.

"Fuck, what kind of beast is this?"

Looking at the giant mountain-like beast in front of him, Liu Yidao's face was shocked.

"No matter what the beast, this is a bodyguard who can protect our safety." Wang Feng said, his expression was also somewhat surprised.

Because he found that the realm of this giant beast, he couldn't see through it, which meant that the strength of this giant beast was beyond his imagination.

It may be a six-star immortal, or even a higher level.

Wang Feng, a creature of the five-star immortal level, could feel the strength and weakness, but once he surpassed this level, the gap between him and Wang Feng was too great, and Wang Feng couldn't see through it.

The thing with the blood of the ancient giant beast is really extraordinary. At this moment, Wang Feng's heart is not only a surprise but a surprise, because with such a bodyguard, his safety factor here will be greatly improved.

Even he can bring this giant beast back to the middle three days. With this giant beast guarding the middle three days, it can be said that the creatures below the five-star immortal go to the land to give food.

Wang Feng didn't expect that he could meet such a tyrannical behemoth here

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page), this is simply a perfect gift from God.

The boulder on the giant beast has completely rolled down. The original island here has completely disappeared. Now the only thing left is a giant giant beast.

This giant beast Wangfeng didn't know what it was. If he were to describe it, it would be a bit imaginative to the Godzilla he had seen in movies on earth.

Of course, this is just the appearance. Really speaking of strength, this behemoth doesn't know how many streets the Godzilla has dumped, and even Wang Feng thinks that he is not an opponent of this behemoth.

The giant beast had completely surfaced, and just after it surfaced, suddenly a cloud of blood rose above his head.

Seeing this **** light, Wang Feng didn't hesitate to donate a drop of his own blood and blend it into the **** light.

This is the soul blood contract of this giant beast. Only by controlling the soul of this giant beast, can Wang Feng truly be regarded as the master of this giant beast.

The only function of the flute is estimated to be to prompt this giant beast to actively dedicate his soul blood contract.

"Your luck is really good, even the descendants of this Yingru can be met." At this moment, the turtle shell spoke. As a man who has lived for several generations, the knowledge he knows is far from Wang Feng and Liu Yidao. comparable.

The two of them didn't know the thing in front of them, but the turtle shell did. It even saw a real baby like a giant beast.

"Is Yingru good?" Wang Feng asked.

"Not half a point weaker than that Qiongqi."

"Then am I making money?" Wang Feng couldn't help grinning when he heard these words. This unexpected joy can come too easily.

"It's not very profitable. Although the behemoth in front of you has the blood of an infant, but its blood is extremely thin. If it has a next generation, I am afraid that it can no longer be called an infant." Turtle Shell said.

"Anyway, this time I finally made a profit. I was a huge help for nothing."

"By the way, have you been here?" Just then Liu asked with a knife.

This old tortoise is very knowledgeable and perhaps has a lot of knowledge about this forbidden sea.

"I've been to many places, and I've been to the Forbidden Sea, but the continent will be reshaped in every era. The Forbidden Sea I've been to is not the one in front of me, so if you ask me how much I know, I will say I don’t know anything about this place."

"I thought you were well-informed, but I didn't expect it to be at a level." Hearing the tortoise shell, Liu Yidao curled his lips and said.

"What did you say? You say it again." Hearing Liu Yidao's words, the tortoise shell seemed to be angry too, and shouted.

"The two of you don't quarrel, no matter where it is, we should not be in much danger with this baby as a future generation to protect."

While talking, Wang Feng's heart moved, and then he brought Liu Yidao directly to this Yingru's back.

Now Wang Feng is Yingru's master, so this behemoth will naturally not defy any of his thoughts. He doesn't understand Wang Feng at all here, and even the knowledge of Emperor Xuanyu and Great Sage Qilin has no effect here.

Because the two of them haven't really explored here, the place that Emperor Xuanyu had visited was only near the Nile Sea. The real boundary is estimated that he will come back after visiting.

After all, there are dangers here, and with his half-immortal strength, he really can't stay here for too long.


Stepping on the back of this behemoth, Wang Feng controlled the behemoth and began to move forward.

Although this Yingru's body is very large, this huge body shape does not affect its speed. On the contrary, this Yingru is advancing so fast, it is almost like taking an airplane.

It's just that Wang Feng hasn't encountered any danger after advancing like this for a day. It seems that there is something different from what Emperor Xuanyu and the others said.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) There is no rule of power, and there are no creatures. It is such a weird place. Wang Feng and the others have spent the day in peace. Could it be the cause of this behemoth?

There is no doubt that the giant beast is very strong. Maybe something secretly noticed the terribleness of the giant beast, and it might just take a detour.

There was really no explanation, Wang Feng could only come up with such a reason.

"Wait, there seems to be a sound of fighting ahead." Five days later, Wang Feng stopped the baby like a giant beast.

In the past few days, he and Liu Yidao have not encountered any danger. This is really weird, but now there is a voice in front of him, how could Wang Feng be not cautious.

The eyes of the sky opened, and Wang Feng quickly revealed an incredible color, because he saw that the battle ahead was not the sea race, it was a group of humans fighting.

And looking at the service they wore, it seemed that they came from two different schools.

They are all human beings, and each of them is full of aura, and they are all true immortals.

With so many true immortals, this is the first time that Wang Feng has seen it. Could it be that this place has been close for three days? Wang Feng thought in shock.

"How could there be so many people." At this time, Liu Yidao obviously also used his spiritual sense to discover the previous situation.

It's just that the two of them saw each other, and the other side also saw both Wang Feng at this moment.

"Go, kill the other party." At this time, a young man said, striking at Wang Feng and Liu.

"What's the situation?" Wang Feng and Liu couldn't help looking at each other when they saw this scene. They just arrived, and they didn't even figure out what was going on in front of them.

In this way, let people come to kill them, what is the reason of heaven?

It's just that at this time, no one came to reason with them, because a true immortal from the other party had come straight to them.

This is a true immortal at the level of a three-star immortal, even if Wang Feng's full combat power exploded, he would not necessarily be the opponent's opponent.

Is it just for Wang Feng to shoot now?

"Go." Stepping on the baby like a giant beast with his foot, Wang Feng flew into the air with Liu directly.

The three-star fairy Wangfeng cannot deal with it, and similarly, the three-star fairy cannot deal with Yingru.

Maybe they didn't realize how terrifying the thing that Wang Feng stepped on was.

Without controlling this giant beast, Wang Feng couldn't perceive Yingru's realm, and now Wang Feng is the owner of this Yingru, so Wang Feng can clearly feel what realm this Yingru is.

"Eight Stars!"

This is Yingru's current realm. Such a realm surpasses Wang Feng's imagination. He originally thought that Yingru was at the level of a six-star immortal at best, but the heaven seemed to treat him well and gave him one more than he thought. Terrible bodyguard.


A huge roar came from the beast's mouth and then Wang Feng saw that the middle-aged man with the three-star level immortal level had no resistance at all and was swallowed by the infant.

The sound of chewing came out, as if this Yingru had already used the three-star immortal-level monk as food.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao both had scalp numbness. The fact that a living person was eaten alive like this is a bit sick.

Fortunately, if this baby is controlled by Wang Feng, if it is controlled by other people, it will be a disaster.

"Go, kill those people."

It's a good thing to be attacked. Wang Feng has never been a person willing to suffer. Since someone wants him to die, Wang Feng has to kill people, revenge and complain, and kill them all before the other party has run away. Say it again.

(End of this chapter)


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