The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1282: Surprise

After wasting several months on the road, Wang Feng was completely exerting his full power on the road.

About two days later, he and Liu Yidao came to this place called the border of the Sea of ​​Taboo.

Here, the power of rules that Wang Feng can feel is almost nothing. Obviously this is already the boundary of the middle three days, and the power of rules has almost disappeared here.

"The teleportation method has completely failed." Wang Feng said silently.

"The power of rules is gone, it seems that we have really reached the border." Liu Yidao also said at this time.

When he didn't reach the Holy Realm, he didn't feel strongly about the power of rules, but now he can feel the power of rules pervading the infinite void.

Heaven and earth cannot operate without the power of rules, and the same is true for monks in their practice. Now that the power of rules has disappeared, they will step into a place shrouded in irregularities.

Both Emperor Xuanyu and Great Sage Qilin said that outside this boundary is a very dangerous area, and it is best not to go without strong strength.

Although Wang Feng already possesses the combat power of the two-star immortal, he still dare not be underestimated by the warnings of two predecessors, because he understands that his two-star immortal is really nothing in this place.

Even an existence like the Lord of the Heavenly Palace can appear in the Sea of ​​Taboo, is there any danger here?

And besides him, most of the ancient giant beasts are hidden in this sea of ​​taboos. If Wang Feng thinks that his two-star immortal can go unimpeded, it would be too naive.

"The place we are going may be very dangerous, so be careful." Wang Feng said in a low voice, and then he went straight into this place covered by no rules.

Without the power of rules, this means that Wang Feng's life-saving ability is missing two more. The life-saving jade is useless, and even if he died here, he may not be able to resurrect because the power of rules cannot save him.

Therefore, Wang Feng must be cautious at this time.

Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years, this is absolutely true.

"Even living creatures are rare here. I am afraid there is a great danger in this seabed." Liu Yidao said at this time.

Like other sea areas, the water here is also azure blue, but the only difference is that it is quiet here, except for the sea breeze and waves, you can't feel any breath.

It seemed that there were no other creatures except Wang Feng and Liu Yidao.

"No matter what we have, we have to go in and take a look." While talking, Wang Feng grabbed Liu and directly entered the sea.

Speeding forward for about half an hour, a huge island appeared in front of Wang Feng and Liu Yidao, the sky opened, and Wang Feng found that there were houses on the island.

Obviously there are traces of human habitation here, but it is a pity that these buildings look very old, and even under the attack of the sea breeze, these houses have long been run down.

The island is dead, and there is no life at all.

No matter who has been here before, at least they are now dead or left here.

"It seems that there is a stone stele in the center of the island." Just then Liu said in a low voice.

Hearing what he said, Wang Feng looked up and found that there was a standing stone in the center of the island.

There is a very ancient text on the stone tablet. Wang Feng has never seen this text before, and doesn't know what it means, but at this moment Liu Yidao's face has a pensive color, as if he is thinking.

"Do you know the words on this stele?" Wang Feng asked suspiciously.

"I have a copy of this font

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) I have seen it in the historical records. It should be written in the last era. I just studied this kind of text only slightly, and I can't understand it. "

"No matter what, as long as you can understand the general meaning." Wang Feng said, and then he and Liu Yidao came to the island.

As soon as he came up, Wang Feng smelled a serious decay. I don't know how long no one has been in this place. Everything has been eroded by the years.

Before arriving at the stone tablet, Wang Feng found that the handwriting on the stone tablet was completely natural, and should have been left by a master.

It's just that Wang Feng is helpless if he doesn't understand the meaning of the above.

He has studied the writing of this era, but he did not have any research on the writing of the previous era. Now he is waiting for Liu Yidao to tell him the answer.

"How do you understand?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm afraid I will have to study this, but I can understand the meaning of the top two words." Liu Yidao pointed to the top of the stone tablet and said.

"What do the top two words mean?"

"Death." Liu Yidao whispered after taking a breath.

"Is this a stone monument to remind outsiders?"

"It's been too long since I read that ancient history. Let me think about it." Liu Yidao showed a thoughtful look on his face, and then he patted his hands and said: "I remember. "

"What do you think of?"

"I remembered the translation of those ancient texts." Liu closed his eyes with a knife as he spoke, as if he was searching for his own memory.

After about ten breaths, he opened his eyes and saw his gaze swiftly scanning the stone monument.


Soon Liu Yidao finished reading the contents of the stele, and said: "The meaning of this stele is roughly to keep us from staying in this sea area, because here is only death."

"Did the above say what kind of danger is there?" Wang Feng asked.

"I didn't say this. The meaning of this stele is to let us latecomers leave here as soon as possible, nothing more."

"Fuck, I thought there was something secret recorded on this stele, but that's what it meant." Wang Feng cursed.

"I can't say that. Since this stele reminds us to leave here, it means that there is a real danger here."

"Of course I know there is danger here, but it's all here, we can only continue walking inside."

"Let's go, there is nothing worth exploring here." Liu Yidao said.

This place is such a big island. I am afraid that many people have been here for countless years, so even if there are any treasures, I am afraid that it will be taken away.

"Really?" Wang Feng sneered when he heard Liu Yidao's words, and then he reached out to grab the stone monument in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yidao looked speechless, because he knew that Wang Feng must want to remove this stone monument.

Only in the end Wang Feng's actual actions proved how wrong his idea was. After the stone tablet was pulled out by Wang Feng, light suddenly filled up from below, as if there was something suppressed under the stone tablet.


Seeing this scene Liu opened his mouth sharply, but in the end he didn't say anything because he knew he had just said the wrong thing.

It's not a treasure here, it's just that he can't find it himself.

Looking up under the big pit, Liu Yidao could see that a rectangular box was stored below.

I don’t know if this box is here

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Dao has been suppressed for many years, and no one has ever discovered anything like this under this stone monument.

With a thought, Wang Feng directly detained the box from below.

The sky's eyes swept over the box, and Wang Feng found that there was an extremely powerful formation on the box. Although this formation has passed for many years, its power is still considerable.

It's just that this doesn't trouble Wang Feng, because for him, such a formation is basically within his controllable range.

Although Wang Feng couldn't say that he had reached the top in the study of the formation method, it was still not much challenge for him to untie the formation method on the box.

The palm of his hand swept across the box lightly, and immediately the formation on the box was completely erased by Wang Feng.

Opening the box, Wang Feng found that there was a flute in the box. The flute didn't look peculiar, had no power, and did not look like a powerful magic weapon.

This is more like an ordinary flute.

It's just that the things that can be put here and suppressed can be ordinary things, Wang Feng would not believe what he saw.

"There seems to be a word on the back of this box." Just then Liu Yidao seemed to have discovered something again, exclaimed.

Hearing what he said, Wang Feng turned the box over and took a look. He suddenly discovered that there were actually words on the back of the box, but these words were the same as those on the stone tablet. They were from the last era, and Wang Feng didn't recognize any of them.

At this moment, Wang Feng felt like he was an illiterate, not knowing a big hand.

"Old guy, brand me the copy of ancient history you read." Wang Feng began to ask for Liu Yidaohui's knowledge.

Liu Yidao knew ancient Chinese but he didn't. This was a very painful feeling, so how could he be reconciled if Wang Feng didn't get this kind of knowledge.

"Wait for me to translate the above first."

"That won't work, just tell me right away. When I know these words, I will naturally read them too." Wang Feng said, making Liu Yidao couldn't help cursing, "Sister Niu."

"It's a pity, I don't have a sister." Wang Feng sighed.

"Fuck it." Liu Yidao couldn't bear such shameless words like Wang Feng. In the end, he had no choice but to brand the ancient history he knew to Wang Feng.

With the imprint, Wang Feng quickly became familiar with it, and before long he had already controlled a large amount of writing from the previous era.

If this kind of learning speed is placed on the earth, it is undoubtedly an absolute master.

It’s just that time can’t be turned back, and it is impossible for Wang Feng Aziz to return to the earth to be a student. Although the student’s time is very beautiful, but Wang Feng prefers the current Now he can control the life and death of others, he even more Can have unparalleled power, these are not available in the student days.

Therefore, if Wang Feng is allowed to choose, he prefers the colorful life now.

Looking over the box, Wang Feng suddenly became surprised as he read it, which recorded the usefulness of the flute.

This flute was originally an artifact of the tribe on the island, but because there were unfilial people behind this tribe, and his father did not want to give this thing to his heirs, he was on a night unknown to others Secretly buried this thing deep on the stone tablet, and used the stone tablet to suppress it, no one can find it.

With the changes in the following times, people of later generations no longer know the whereabouts of their town clan's artifacts. This time, if the Heaven's Eye hadn't just discovered it, he might not have discovered that such a thing was suppressed under this stone monument.

This is really a surprise.

(End of this chapter)


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