The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1263: Rebuild the ancient trick

A person's cells are endless. If Wang Feng uses his own colored glaze green lotus tree to heal him, he does not know how much effort will be spent, so Wang Feng is going to give up this practice.

Because with his current time, this is not enough, so he plans to repair the ancient chaotic art again.

When he practiced Luan Gu Jue, his physical body had been reorganized once, first the physical body collapsed, and then the physical body was reorganized. Luan Gu Jue used this method of fragmentation and reorganization to strengthen the cultivator's physique again.

Of course, in the process of physical reorganization, the cultivator's own physical body will naturally undergo a brand new baptism, so Wang Feng is now ready to break his own physical body, and then rebuild it again with the help of the ancient tactics.

But doing so would be cruel to him, because that kind of inhuman torture endured the first time and he really didn't want to endure the second time.

It's like taking a knife and cutting off one's own flesh piece by piece, the feeling is that ordinary people will shudder when they think about it.

If you want to be cruel to others, you must first be cruel to yourself. Although the process is painful, when he thinks that he can't beat the leader of the Nile Cult and retreat, Wang Feng feels that the kind of pain is nothing.

How can a person climb to the true peak without experiencing a bit of hardship?

Wang Feng has been practising for a long time. Although this spell was acquired in the next three days, this spell is really useful for him, especially the accompanying Chaos Time and Space that once helped him solve it. A lot of powerful enemies.

At the beginning, he used this technique to sweep many people. The exercises do not distinguish between high and low, no distinction between high and low, only the person who uses it.

If you use it well, then this is the top-level exercise. If you use it well, the top-level exercise is just a bunch of stinky **** in your hands. That’s the truth.

People who can help him have basically appeared now, and Wang Feng can no longer invite any other foreign aid, so at this time, he can only rely on his own hands to defeat the leader of the Nile cult and restore everyone's safety.

After quietly sorting out his feelings, Wang Feng let out a long sigh. It is already a step to disintegrate his body for himself and others.

He had already memorized Luan Gu Jue by heart. Even if he had forgotten what the Luan Gu Jue recorded, he could still practice Luan Gu Jue again with his own instinct.

It's like you have done something too long, even when you don't do it in the future, you will know those things subconsciously.

"Whether it succeeds or not, it depends on this step." While talking, the ancient chaotic tactics are being quickly forgotten by Wang Feng's three districts, as the chaotic ancient tactics disperse, Wang Feng's original chaotic ancient time and space, the chaotic ancient mirror is quickly forgotten .

It was like his memory was being erased abruptly. After Wang Feng completely dissipated the Luan Gu Jue, he could no longer perform such tricks as Luan Gu Time and Space.

It's just that it's not difficult for him, because all that is lost is his own practice, and he can still continue to rebuild this practice.

Luan Gu Jue had already been recorded by Wang Feng in his mind, so when he dispersed the Luan Gu Jue, his body began to self-repair again.

The first step in restoring the chaotic ancient art is to disintegrate the body and then reorganize.

This process can be very painful, but once the reorganization is successful, the cultivator's body will be strengthened.

Wang Feng didn't know whether he would strengthen his physical body after this rebuild, but only by doing so could he repair the dark diseases in his body in the shortest time.

Just rebuilding this chaotic ancient art, Wang Feng felt a tearing force permeating his body

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page), it feels like he is about to be divided by five horses.

"Let's let the storm come more violently." He shouted this sentence in his heart, and Wang Feng directly put the Luan Ancient Art into full operation.

As it turned, suddenly Wang Feng's body directly exploded into a cloud of blood mist with a huge roar.

His consciousness was blurred at this moment, but after so many years of cultivation, his willpower was stronger than before, so even though his body exploded, his consciousness still did not disperse, he was watching himself The change.

When he first practiced Luangu Jue, he wondered if it was created after imitating his cell characteristics, but he and Luangu the Great were not in the same era, so this idea was rejected by him. .

It was just that when Wang Feng resumed this exercise again, he found that the feelings of the past resurfaced in his heart, and every one of his cells was shining at the moment, and they were madly absorbing external forces.

Perhaps Luan Gu Jue wanted to transform cells, but Wang Feng's cells had already mutated since they were on the earth. Even without Luan Gu Jue's transformation, Wang Feng's cells were already different from ordinary people.

Undoubtedly, Luan Gu Jue wanted to transform the cells while strengthening the physical body, but the more it was like this, the doubts in Wang Feng’s heart became more intense. The Great Luan Gu had fallen for a long time. When Wang Feng had obtained Luan Gu Jue He promised that he would help the Great Emperor Luan find the person who killed him.

It's just that after so many years, Wang Feng has never met that person, so Wang Feng guessed that the person has been there for three days. After all, the world had not changed a lot a long time ago, and it was very easy to fly.

So if Wang Feng didn’t guess wrong, the one who killed the Great Emperor Luangu has entered the last three days. Of course, there is also a possibility that the person was already killed in the process of cultivation, so Wang Feng could not find it. other side.

Luangu Jue wants to transform the cell, why did the Great Emperor Luangu create such a technique? Is it someone who has seen cell mutation himself?

Without any enlightenment, how could he create such a technique?

Wang Feng thought more than once that the Great Emperor Luangu was from the same period as himself, but he saw the body of the Great Emperor Luangu with his own eyes, so this possibility was directly ruled out.

Is it possible that besides yourself, there are other people with cell mutations in this world?

Suddenly Wang Feng thought of this possibility, and he was shocked.

The universe is endless, and any weird thing can happen. Among the billions of people on the earth, people with extremely similar appearances can appear. Among the endless population of the heavens, there seems to be someone with the same ability as oneself. The explanation is over.

"No matter what, this matter is not something I can consider now. It is important to deal with the immediate matter first." Thinking of the leader of the Nile Cult, Wang Feng quickly sorted out his mind. He now wants to practice the chaotic ancient tactics. .


A low drink came from Wang Feng's consciousness, and then his exploded body directly began to condense at this moment.

Just like the flesh and bones of life and death, Wang Feng's body had been completely shattered. Not only was his flesh and blood broken, but his bones had become powder.

But now under the mysterious power of Luan Gu Jue, all his things that had been dispersed have begun to condense again.

The bones are condensed first, then the flesh and blood.

It’s like Luan Gu’s formula is a magnet, and Wang Feng’s flesh and bone powder is just like iron slag, under that attraction

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), Wang Feng's body is rapidly reorganizing.

In less than a minute, Wang Feng's physical body has basically been reorganized.

The body after the reorganization looks more delicate than before. If there is a woman who has better skin than Wang Feng at this moment, Wang Feng will definitely be more complacent.

With a thought, a set of gowns automatically appeared on Wang Feng’s body surface, and the sky eyes opened. Wang Feng found that his physical body was more pure and flawless, but also had some improvement in strength. Although this improvement does not seem obvious, it does. It's better than before.

And more importantly, Wang Feng's dark diseases have now all disappeared.

The dead cells have disappeared, replaced by vigorous cells.

He is still the peak strength of the mid-sacred realm, and he can enter the late-sacred realm with only one step.

The preparatory work is almost completed here, and the next thing Wang Feng needs to do is to take Fen Tiansha.

Fen Tiansha could not be taken by mouth originally, because it contains too domineering evil spirits. If this evil spirit enters the body, it can cause the user to lose consciousness at a slight degree, and destroy the consciousness directly and become a fool from then on.

The former is okay, at least it can become a demon who kills people without blinking, and it still looks like alive, but if you become the latter, it really can only be like a vegetative, and can do nothing.

In general, as long as you become one of these two kinds of people, your life is basically abolished.

But after the people of later generations slowly studied, they found that this burning sky sand can also be used to improve the realm. As the so-called fighting poison with poison, it is said that wandering between life and death is the most able to raise the realm.

So some people took the risk of using this burning sky sand to practice, and finally succeeded.

In this way, the things that Fen Tiansha used for cultivation have been passed down, and it has been passed down for countless years, but among all the monks who took Fen Tiansha, in general, most of them died.

After all, in this world, not many people can resist such a strong evil spirit.

Outside of the body, they can still use the body shield to resist the evil spirit, but once the evil spirit enters the body, their last line of defense is their willpower.

If they can not be affected by this evil spirit, then they will be fine, and once they are affected, then basically this person is finished.

Thinking of the various consequences of taking Fentiansha, Wang Feng couldn't help sighing in his heart.

What he sighs is not that he will fail, what he sighs is that one day he will be forced to this point.

Originally, he could be promoted to the late stage of the holy realm through normal but now he has no such strength at all. If he does not take dangerous moves, he cannot improve his realm in a short time.

So even if taking Fen Tiansha is more harmful, Wang Feng must try it.

Turning his hands, he took out the burning sky sand. Looking at the crystal-like burning sky sand, it was really difficult for him to associate it with the evil spirit.

It’s just that there is a good saying, the more beautiful the appearance is, the more deadly murderous intent is hidden. Fen Tiansha looks long and beautiful, but who can think that the inside of Fen Tiansha is enough to make people The evil spirit that turned into a demon.

It's definitely impossible to take such a large piece of Fentiansha Wangfeng. He still wants to keep a part of it while waiting to gather the medicinal materials to refine the Ghost King Pill.

Burning Tiansha is the most difficult to find among the three main medicines of the Ghost King Pill, so he left some of it, and when Wang Feng gathers the other two main medicines, he can refine the Ghost King Pill again.

(End of this chapter)


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