The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1262: Resolve to retreat

"This time, I will see where you run." Looking at Wang Feng, a crazy murderous intent appeared on the face of the leader of the Nile Sect. He knew that Wang Feng was stronger than the last time, so he would take Wang Feng no matter what. The kill is here.

His power is rapidly increasing, and his clone is indeed transforming into a real body.

The golden rune fell on him so much. Before Wang Feng could activate the power of Zhen Zi Jue, the golden rune was completely annihilated on his body.

Because the other party's aura has completely transformed into a two-star immortal at this moment.

This kind of transformation is faster than before, so fast that Wang Feng almost has no resistance.

"You hurry up and leave me alone." At this moment, a voice came from the tortoise shell, which made Wang Feng very decisively give up to catch him, and instead moved away with the help of rules.

He believes that this tortoise shell will definitely be fine, after all, it has lived for so many ages, if it wants him to die, I am afraid it will be more difficult than climbing to the sky.

Wang Feng would rather believe that this day collapsed than believe that the tortoise shell will die. Anyway, this tortoise shell is not a real life, and the leader of the Nile sect may not be able to use him.

The speed at which the opponent's clone turned into a real body was too fast, and Wang Feng had to get out of the ring in an instant, otherwise he would be trapped by the opponent.

He originally wanted to take the tortoise shell away together, but since he said no, of course Wang Feng would not have the slightest hesitation, because he had no time to hesitate.

He was removed by teleporting in an instant, and when Wang Feng appeared again, he had already appeared very far away from the battle circle, and the leader of the Nile cult behind did not chase him.

"It's you, it was you who released the evil spirit to bite me last time. If this seat cannot torture you to death, I am not worthy to be the leader of the Nile cult." There was a harsh voice from the leader of the Nile cult. Give up chasing Wang Feng, but instead set his sights on the turtle shell.

After he escaped back last time, but he was almost not driven by the evil spirits that entered his body, the dignified Erxingxian almost swallowed his body by such a low-level thing.

Therefore, this Qiu is not much smaller than Wang Feng's.

Although his physical body recovered at the time, it was only external. The real injuries were all inside his body. After returning, it took him almost three days to recover from his injuries.

So he hated this **** turtle shell long ago.

He held the tortoise shell in his hand, and his face showed hatred: "You will suffer."

"If you can kill me, just do it." Hearing the other party's words, the old tortoise put on a look like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

Being able to survive the devastation of several eras, he has already become the old fritters among the old fritters, and he does not want to die, who can kill him?

After all, he is not a real life, and the leader of the Nile Church has no way to deal with him.

What happened to Old Tortoise Wang Feng didn't know. At this moment, he didn't do anything after he escaped. He directly returned to the stronghold where Yin Yangming and the others were.

The leader of the Nile Sect can actually shorten the speed at which the clone is transformed into the real body by so much. It can be seen that if you want to deal with him, Wang Feng's strength needs to be improved. difficult.

Tortoise Shell has signed a contract with him, so Wang Feng will get it back sooner or later, and Tortoise Shell knows things that many people don’t know. To Wang Feng, he is no different from an encyclopedia, so Ni The Luojiao leader wants to seize this thing, it is simply a dream.

"Why did you come back so soon?" Seeing Wang Feng's return, Damu Zhizun quickly greeted them.

"I can't beat it, I will come back naturally." Wang Feng said with a slightly unhappy tone.

Because anyway, this time he felt like abandoning his teammates. Although the tortoise shell was not a real life, to Wang Feng, he was like a subordinate.

If he abandons him like this today, no matter what the tortoise shell thinks, Wang Feng can hardly get through his caring demon.

Therefore, Wang Feng must rush his strength to the late stage of the Holy Realm as quickly as possible, so that he can have the strength to compete with the leader of the Nile Sect.

"Is it really his clone who guards their headquarters?" Yin Yangming said in surprise.

"Shit avatar." Wang Feng cursed, and then said: "That is just a avatar of him, but compared to his last avatar, it is obvious that the time spent on the transformation process is shorter. He almost couldn't come back."

"Then what should we do now?" With the leader of the Nile cult, everyone has a thorn in the throat. This thorn is not vomiting, or not vomiting, just like that. You are stuck.

To attack the Nile Sect may return without success, if not attacking, then everyone can only watch the other side continue to push other sea areas.

What is the most important thing in fighting? Nature is a resource.

With the leader of the Nile sect, they can almost say that they have nothing to do with other seas, but under such circumstances they can obtain a lot of resources.

There is an old saying that the soldiers and horses do not move the food and grass first. Although the monks have no need for food and grass, they still have a lot of healing things for the pill, because there is no supply of such things, even if the monks are injured and killed Danger.

So if you continue to watch the Nile Sect push down like this, the situation will be even more unfavorable for Wang Feng and the others.

If you can't swallow it in your eyes, this is tantamount to a kind of mental torture for everyone.

"I want to enter a state of retreat immediately, and I won't stop until the end of the holy stage!" Wang Feng said, his voice sonorous and powerful.

Hearing such words, everyone present couldn't help but look at each other a little. Does this realm mean that a breakthrough can be achieved?

If everyone can do what Wang Feng said, wouldn't the world be full of immortals?

Regarding Wang Feng's words, except for a limited number of people, most of them were smiling on their faces and sneer in their hearts.

In their opinion, Wang Feng's ideas are nothing short of whimsical. How can there be such a breakthrough in the realm? Isn't the world messed up?

In front of everyone's eyes, Wang Feng disappeared. He went to a secret room in the city. Originally, there was a sea clan monk in the secret room who was retreating, but when Wang Feng came in, he was thrown out immediately.

Heavy arrays were laid out around the secret room, so that Wang Feng couldn't even hear the shouts outside.

Two times in a row, he was beaten to escape by the leader of the Nile Sect, so Wang Feng would not let this happen again next time.

In previous battles, his opponents had always run, and he ran twice in a row like this, which is already a record.

Therefore, in the late stage of the holy realm, it is possible to go to it, and to not go to it. In short, this time Wang Feng was stimulated.

"Do you think he can do it?" At this time, Damu Zhizun glanced at Yin Yang Ming and asked.

Once Wang Feng had the ability to kill half immortals when he was in the Jueluo Sea. Now, although the time has not passed for long, he feels that what Wang Feng said just now is a bit suspicious.

Because he knew exactly how much Wang Feng had soared at the beginning, but he had risen so much at once. Wang Feng's foundation must be a bit unstable. If he rushed to the late stage of the Holy Realm, he was afraid that there would be a great chance of failure.

"I think he can do it." Out of Dam Supreme's expectation, Yin Yangming gave him a very positive statement.

Wang Feng's fighting strength is in his eyes, and his current freedom is given by Wang Feng, so he almost has a blind trust in Wang Feng.

At the beginning, he took people around in Hell Valley and didn't get any benefits, but following Wang Feng, he was not only free, but also got a shocking insight, and he immediately rose to the level of a star.

So regardless of whether Damu Zhizun believes what Wang Feng just said, at least Yin and Yang will believe it.

He feels that Wang Feng is definitely not the kind of person who is aimless. Since he said that he can make it, it means that he has a certain degree of confidence. Otherwise, which door is he closed?

"No matter how arguing the two are here, it won't work. Let's discuss how to deal with this Nile religion." At this time, the ancestor of the sky demon said.

Although the ancestors of the sky demon are not as strong as the two of Dum Supreme, he is undoubtedly the most familiar with the Nile religion, because he has been a neighbor of the Nile religion for tens of thousands of years. If he doesn't even know the details, then he He was not worthy to command the original sea tribes of Xiao Luotian sea area.

As the saying goes, knowing the roots and knowing the ground can win all battles. The role of the ancestor of the sky demon is to provide such help to the two of Yin and Yang. Otherwise, with the strength of the ancestor of the sky demon, he is not qualified to join the negotiation.

What kind of strength has what kind of status, and just influence is one of the strengths.

The three people walked into the hall again to discuss in detail, shutting everyone out, and in that secret room, Wang Feng also began to practice.

He had already planted a hidden **** formation in the secret room. Although this kind of formation was weakening for him now, it was better than not using it.

In the low-level, the acceleration effect of the hidden **** formation on the cultivator can reach a hundred times, which means that you spend a hundred days inside or spend a day outside.

However, as the strength became stronger, this concealment of the gods seemed to be incapable of hiding it. Now that Wang Feng sat inside for five days, he might have already spent one day outside.

It's just that now time is very precious to Wang Feng, and it would be wasted to have such time to speed up.

Although he had put out rhetoric before, he actually had no idea about the late stage of the impact of the Holy Realm.

In fact, what Damu Supreme thought was right. Wang Feng's foundation is indeed a little unstable in his cultivation until now. This has something to do with his surge in strength in the Jueluo Sea.

Originally it was impossible for him to be promoted to the early stage of the holy realm, but in order not to waste opportunities, Wang Feng forcibly mentioned his realm to the early stage of the holy Although the realm was there, it was also at that time to hide it. It is not unreasonable for others to be suspicious of him.

First, he swept his physical body with his heavenly eyes, and Wang Feng found that many of his cells were necrotic, and these cells had lost their vitality.

This is because he once inhaled a lot of power, and it was those majestic forces that squeezed his cells to death.

A person's cells are endless, and I don't know how long it will take to solve these dark diseases. If these problems are not dealt with properly, I am afraid that Wang Feng's promotion to the late stage of the Holy Realm is just a dream.

So the most difficult problem facing him now is his physical condition.

There is a saying that the body is the capital of the revolution, the body is broken, and whatever you talk about is a white tower.

"It seems that I can only endure another inhuman torture." Looking at his physical condition, Wang Feng let out a sigh.

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