The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1252: Stone statue

Obviously, the bones have been dead for a long time. Although some bones still have a little flash of light on them, this only proves that the realm of the bones was relatively strong.

What attack killed them here, Wang Feng doesn't know, but it must be very murderous to make this place look like this.

Looking around, Wang Feng didn't see anything threatening him, but the more he was like this, the more cautious Wang Feng's heart was, because this could only prove that this murderous intent was hidden very deeply and it was not so easy for people to discover.

"I'll go." Yin and Yang said silently at this moment.

This time, he was able to get out of it all relying on Wang Feng, so seeing this situation, he was willing to try his own risk, because he wanted to repay Wang Feng for his life-saving grace.

"If that's the case, then you be careful." Hearing Yin Yangming's words, Wang Feng did not refuse and nodded.

Yin Yangming's own strength is not weak, even if he is able to protect himself in a life and death crisis, and even if he can't resist, Wang Feng will take action.

Just under Wang Feng's gaze, the Yin Yang Ming raised a body shield, and then he walked towards the altar step by step.


It's just that he hadn't really walked over, and suddenly the earth shook, like a big earthquake, causing Wang Feng's complexion to change slightly.


At this moment, a huge roar spread throughout the entire space. In Wang Feng's horrified eyes, he actually saw that the altar was rising rapidly, and it felt like something wanted to rush out of the ground at this moment.

About ten breaths later, a huge stone statue appeared in front of Wang Feng and the others. It was a huge stone statue about thirty feet high. The so-called altar was not an altar at all, it was just a hat of the stone statue. .

And at the top of this hat, it was the bead that Wang Feng saw.

It has long been impossible to trace the stone statue, and no one can even tell how long Hell Valley has existed.

"Excuse me from falling asleep, you **** it!" A voice came from the stone statue's mouth, causing both Wang Feng and Yin Yang Ming to change their faces.

This stone statue is not extinct, but still has vitality.

Just when the voice of the stone statue fell, suddenly Wang Feng and their heads heard a huge roar. They looked up. The stone statue had raised his hand at this moment. Seeing him like that, it was clear that they wanted to Wang Feng and Yin Yang Ming are all crushed here.

Just when Wang Feng was about to retreat, he suddenly changed his expression and took out a corpse from his hands.

This corpse is not the fairy corpse on the earth, but the female corpse that Wang Feng auctioned from the Flame Race. This female corpse should also have the strength of a fairy before she was alive, because there was a faint starlight on her eyebrows.

A star immortal can imprint a star on the center of her eyebrows. Since this female corpse has a star on the center of her eyebrows, it is enough to prove that she was a true fairy during her lifetime.

Since Wang Feng bought this female corpse at a high price, he hasn't moved, because this female corpse can't help him at all. You must know that controlling a fairy corpse requires a very heavy price for control.

Moreover, once the corpse was destroyed, the manipulator would also be injured by his brother-in-law. Instead of fighting with the corpse, Wang Feng might as well fight with his own ability.

Even if he can't beat him, he can escape, there is no need to use the corpse.

After the corpse was released by Wang Feng, it flew towards this huge stone statue without his control. Upon seeing this scene, Wang Feng's pupils suddenly shrank, and he seemed to have guessed something in a vague manner.

This corpse has something to do with this stone statue.


(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Unexpectedly, the hand raised by the stone statue was forbidden when he saw the woman's corpse, and even the stones wrapped around him had fallen off in a wide range at this moment.

The stone statue looked like a stone statue from the outside, but when the stones fell off, there was a flesh and blood body inside.

"Where did you get this corpse?" A roar came from the stone statue's mouth, and then a huge explosion sounded the stone statue completely shattered.

And right in the center of the explosion, a figure of a man appeared.

This is a middle-aged man with a jade crown on his head and looks extraordinary, but at this moment he has no time to take care of Wang Feng and Yin Yangming, because he has already taken the woman's body into his hands.

"Back to senior, this corpse is what I once got at an auction." Wang Feng said truthfully.

"Then what did you do to her?" The middle-aged man cast his gaze at Wang Feng. The moment Wang Feng met the opponent's eyes, Wang Feng only felt his head roar, as if he was hit hard with a heavy hammer. Just like a hit.

"I swear to God, absolutely not. Even when I bought this corpse, I didn't want a generation of true immortals to fall into the end of being manipulated by others." Wang Feng said, speaking honestly.

If it hadn't been for that trace of pity, he might not have bought the corpse.

"It's better to have nothing, or I will let you disappear from this world immediately." While speaking, the man waved his sleeve and took away the woman's body directly.

"Do you know who caused her to do this?" the middle-aged man asked after putting the woman away.

The strength of this middle-aged man is really terrifying. Wang Feng has never encountered a person with such a terrifying aura in his life. Facing this person, Wang Feng found that he didn't even have the power to resist.

"I don't know this. When I bought her, she was already a corpse." Wang Feng said truthfully.

"Very good, very good." Hearing the words, the man looked at the sky and made a very cold voice.

"I don't know why you entered here?"

Looking at Wang Feng and Yin Yangming, the man asked.

"Excuse me to ask, don't you know you and the female corpse?"

"Don't take a bite of a female corpse. With me, I won't let her have trouble. You only need to answer my questions."

The man glanced at Wang Feng and said indifferently.

"Well, I'm here to improve my strength." Since the other party didn't want to say, Wang Feng didn't bother to ask, because from the performance of this middle-aged man, Wang Feng had roughly guessed something.

It is said that things in the world are very coincidental, and he just came across one.

"The juniors are also here to improve their strength." Yin Yangming also said quickly.

"You?" Looking at Yin Yang Ming, the middle-aged man sneered: "You have been trapped here for more than 50,000 years. If you don't hurry to escape now, you even said to improve your strength. You really think you are Can you fool me?"

Hearing the words of the middle-aged man, Yin Yangming only felt the cold sweat spread all over his body in an instant. He seemed to have said something wrong by accident.

"But based on the credit you have just given, I can give you a good luck. I wonder if you are willing to accept it?"

"I am willing." Upon hearing the other's words, Wang Feng agreed instantly.

In his opinion, this man should be a role equivalent to the guardian of this place. Since he said to send good luck, there must be good luck.

On the side, Yin Yangming did not dare to speak, because he was afraid that if he said something nonsense, his life would be gone.

"This place was not where you should be, but since I promised to give you

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) We are good fortune, then you go to the deepest part of Hell Valley, where there are things you need. "

While speaking, the man waved his big sleeve, and then Wang Feng only felt the rapid change in the scenery in front of him. When he could see clearly what was in front of him, he had already arrived at another place.

This is a foggy space, but in this space, there are figures of people floating in the sky.

These figures were moving quickly, and when Wang Feng took a closer look, he discovered that these figures seemed to be evolving extremely powerful techniques, and some of the profound techniques even Wang Feng could not understand.

"This is the deepest part of Hell Valley. I will give you one month to realize that after one month, you will be automatically kicked out." The voice of the middle-aged man sounded in this space, and then the voice completely disappeared. It never appeared.

Why is there such a place in Hell Valley? Wang Feng can no longer think about it, because now he has been attracted by these sky full of figures.

It is said that you can understand a lot if you look at it a lot, and now everyone here represents a kind of exercise, which is indeed a great good for Wang Feng.

He already has the exercises, but he can observe what he needs from the exercises of these people.

"The opportunity is here, let's get started!"

With a thought in his heart, Wang Feng also released Liu Yidao. On the side, the old guy Yin Yangming had been fascinated by watching a exercise.

Obviously he also understands that this opportunity is rare, and he doesn't want to let it go.

"This time I must raise my realm to semi-sage." After Liu Yidao was released, he made a harsh voice.

It's just that no one responded to his words, because at this moment Wang Feng had already invested in these vast exercises.

There are too many people here, and the people watching are dazzled.

Even if Wang Feng has a superb memory, he feels like he is going to vomit at this moment, there is no way, in the end he can only watch part by part and copy part by part.

In this way, ten days passed. In ten days, Wang Feng watched thousands of exercises. Each of these exercises can be regarded as top-notch. At this moment, a strong aura of scrolls radiated from Wang Feng's body.

If he enters the mortal world at this moment, he will definitely be regarded as a scholar.

His breath hasn't changed much compared to ten days ago, but if someone who knows him is here at this moment, you can definitely see that Wang Feng seems to have become more profound throughout.

Wang Feng didn't know what happened outside. At this moment, he was completely silent in these massive exercises.


About twenty days later, suddenly there was a huge roar around Wang Feng and the In the midst of such roar, both Wang Feng and Liu Yidao were awakened, because this completely affected their Sentiment.

Turning around and looking, at this moment, the yin and yangming breath is rising and falling rapidly, and he is about to reach the level of true immortality.

He was half immortal when he entered this **** valley more than 50,000 years ago, and more than 50,000 years have passed, although his realm has not changed, but he has gained precipitation. Now with the insights of these predecessors, he naturally It reached the level of true immortals.

"True Nima is out of **** luck." Seeing this scene, Liu yelled unscrupulously.

He doesn't even have a holy realm, so at this moment he can only watch others promote to a real fairy.

"Congratulations." After Yin Yangming was promoted to True Immortal, Wang Feng said with a fist.

"It's a rare opportunity here now. If you have anything, let's wait until you get out." Yin Yangming said, and then he continued to understand.

(End of this chapter)


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