The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1251: Bottom

"This..." Seeing this scene, there was an unbelievable face full of Yin and Yang.

Once when they came here, it was not that no one had ever fetched those treasures, but they had just stepped out and were completely strangled by these black shadow dragons, even the bones could not be preserved.

And now in front of his eyes, Wang Feng easily annihilated all these black shadow dragons, this kind of strength has far exceeded his imagination.

"Is there only Fentiansha here?" After solving the black shadow dragons, Wang Feng returned to the edge of the canyon and asked.

"It used to be that way. There used to be a lot of treasures floating here, but now that tens of thousands of years have passed, perhaps only this burning sky sand remains."

"Fen Tiansha..." After muttering to himself twice, Wang Feng's eyes burst into light.

According to this Yin-Yang-ming statement, this Fen Tiansha has been here for a long time, and it was there when they came here for tens of thousands of years.

So where did the burning sky sand that You Cangming got from?

In other words, there may be more than one copy of Fentiansha.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng couldn't help but put his gaze under the abyss.

This canyon is too deep, even Wang Feng can't see the bottom with his eyes. Since this burning sky sand is floating in the middle of the canyon, does it mean that there is more burning sky sand below this canyon?

Thinking of this, Wang Feng couldn't help feeling a little agitated. He had already come to this place, and he had no room to look back, so no matter what was under the canyon, he had to take a trip.

"Do you have the courage to go down with me?" Wang Feng said calmly after a glance at Yin Yang Ming next to him.

"I am a person who is waiting to die. What is terrible about me now?" Yin Yangming smiled indifferently, and then he actually stepped into the deep canyon before Wang Feng stepped forward.

If Wang Feng doesn't come, his ending in the ball of light is nothing more than his death due to the exhaustion of his lifespan, so now he really has nothing to lose.

He has experienced the ups and downs of life, and a little danger can't stop him.

Seeing that he had already jumped out of the gorge, Wang Feng hesitated slightly on the edge of the gorge, and then he didn't hesitate anymore and jumped down.

There was the sound of howling wind in the ear, and Wang Feng felt the damage like a blade from the wind. It was obvious that there was a huge danger in this canyon. The air here contained a lot of the black that they had seen before. Something like sand.

It's just that there is a powerful body shield, and none of these things can hurt Wang Feng.

With the rapid decline speed, Wang Feng and Yin Yang Ming quickly fell to the bottom of this canyon.

There are a lot of black sand under your feet. Stepping on these sands makes people feel like they have come to the desert.


At this moment, the sense of crisis struck, and when he looked up, at least twenty sword beams swept from all directions. The targets were Wang Feng and Yin Yang Ming.

And besides these sword lights, dozens of black sand men appeared beside them, and these sand men carried amazing evil spirits, and instantly approached Wang Feng and Yin Yang Ming.


A cold snort came from Wang Feng's mouth. At this moment, he exploded the strength of his colored glaze green lotus tree, and he was like a green sun.

At this moment, with Wang Feng as the center, the evil spirit in the area over 100 meters was emptied by him, and the sand people who had just condensed and formed instantly collapsed and were directly crushed by Wang Feng.

"Go." Seeing that the sand people are reuniting again, Wang Feng no longer hesitates, and swiftly galloped forward.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) And behind him, Yin and Yangming also instantly followed, and the two people moved as fast as two shadows under the canyon.

Without flying far, Wang Feng's complexion suddenly moved, because he actually noticed that there seemed to be a strong spiritual wave in front of him.

The Sky Eye is severely blocked here, so he can only discover what it is with his own naked eyes.

Many sword lights swept across along the way, with a howling stern wind.

It’s just that none of this can stop Wang Feng’s advancement. Not long after, Wang Feng saw a medicinal garden in which all the elixir planted in it were all elixir, and these elixir had grown here for too long, and they were all blooming. Light.

"So many good things." Seeing this scene, even if it was Yin and Yang Ming couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath, he was not someone who had never seen the world, so he recognized that these elixir were all high-class goods.

In this **** valley, ordinary people can't get down, because once they get down, they will be strangled by the formation here, so naturally the growth of these elixir is not hindered in any way.

And there is a more important point, that is, there are dozens of shadow guards in front of this medicine garden, and they guard this medicine garden like a human wall.

Wang Feng doesn't know exactly where it is, but at this moment he has a feeling that this medicine garden seems to have been specially protected.

These dark shadows must have been guarding here for a long, long time, otherwise in the long years, it is impossible that no one has been here.

The black shadow is similar to the black shadow dragon they encountered before. They are all composed of the black sand. The black sand should be ordinary black sand, and what really gives the black sand the vitality is the formation here.

Wang Feng has never seen such a huge formation. I don’t know how far it has enveloped it. Moreover, the lethality of this formation is too great. With Wang Feng’s current ability, he wants to understand such a formation if it is too challenging. Big.

"You are waiting here." At this moment, Wang Feng said to the Yin Yang Ming, and then his figure turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the medicine garden.

As a twelfth-rank alchemist, these elixir are of great effect to Wang Feng, because so many elixir are enough for him to refine a lot of twelve-rank pill.

When Wang Feng returned to the land last time, Wang Feng had already distributed it to his relatives and friends, so he urgently needed a new twelve-grade pill to replenish his inventory.


At the moment when Wang Feng was dispatched, the dark shadows guarding the medicine garden all cast their eyes on him.

These dark shadows had no eyeballs in their eyes, but Wang Feng felt a kind of horror when they looked at them.

But now that the elixir is in front of him, Wang Feng doesn't even have the idea of ​​retreating.

Exploding the strength of the colored glaze green lotus tree, Wang Feng rushed straight to it.

Oh oh oh!

As the voice of a ghost crying wolf howling sounded, all these dark shadows screamed at this moment. With this cry, all the dark shadows rushed towards Wang Feng.

It was like a **** evil spirit pounced, and at this moment Wang Feng was surrounded by these dark shadows.

It's just that these black shadows are the same as the black shadow dragons that Wang Feng annihilated before. When they touched the light of the glass green lotus tree on Wang Feng's body, they were like fire hitting water, and they were annihilated instantly.

Turning his hand to the size of several tens of meters, Wang Feng directly grabbed the medicine garden.

It was just that before Wang Feng's palm was really grasped, a feeling of horror suddenly rose in his heart. At this moment, he did not forcibly collect these elixir, he chose to back off.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Hoop!

It was like a flash of lightning passing by. At this moment, an arrow rushed towards Wang Feng with an astonishing violent thunder, and even the space it passed was shattered.

Long Jian did not know where it came from, but when Wang Feng retreated, he found that he had been completely locked.

Frowning slightly, Wang Feng held a sharp spear in his hand. If he dared to lock him, Wang Feng would let this long arrow taste the power of his spear.

Instilling his own power into the sharp spear, Wang Feng also threw the sharp spear out.

The magic spear is something that the immortal used, and there are things like ancient runes on it, so when the magic spear touches that long arrow, it can easily smash the opponent completely, leaving a little residue. There is nothing left.

"It's amazing." Upon seeing this scene, Yin Yang Ming's pupils shrank sharply. Now he felt that Wang Feng was more powerful, his strength was terrifying, and he possessed such terrible weapons. It seemed that all the balances had fallen towards him. .

Holding the sharp spear that was turned upside down, Wang Feng once again walked towards the drug garden.

The medicine garden is right in front of him. If you don't empty the contents, it is definitely not Wang Feng's character.

Although there are dangers here, and the power of your life may be threatened at any time, but when Wang Feng came here, he secretly swore that he didn't want to leave here if he didn't improve his strength.

Turning his palm into a huge one, Wang Feng grabbed the medicine garden.

And when he caught this, at least more than ten arrows shot at him.

The direction of the arrow is the dark depths ahead, I don't know if it is the formation control or artificial stepping in the air.

In short, these arrows carried terrible power, enough to threaten the life of Half Immortal.

With the sharp spear held in front, Wang Feng easily took away the medicine garden, leaving nothing behind.

After doing all this, Wang Feng didn't hesitate, and walked deeper with the sharp gun.

The front is the sword light, and here it becomes an arrow again, this place is really getting more and more weird.

But the more strange it is, the more Wang Feng wants to see what's there, otherwise this trip will be a waste of time.

"Do you want to go inside?" At this moment, Yin and Yang Ming chased up and asked.

"Of course." Wang Feng nodded, and then said: "If you don't want to go, you can also go back, I won't force you."

"I didn't mean that." Yin Yangming explained, and then said: "I mean since we are all improving our strength, I know that there is a place that might help us."


"On the top of the canyon." Yin Yangming said, making Wang Feng speechless.

I didn't say it just I have to wait until I get down. Isn’t this intentional?

"Since it is above the canyon, let's wait until we come back. Now I want to move on." While talking, Wang Feng stopped paying attention to Yin and Yang, but continued to move forward.

Seeing this scene, Yin and Yang sighed, but did not say much, but followed.

In this way, the two people chose to move on. No one knew what was in front of them. In short, when they jumped over the medicine garden, all the attacks here had changed from sword light to arrow. In terms of power, these The arrow is obviously more powerful, but the more it is, the more it means that there must be more precious things in it.

The soles of the feet walked deep and shallow in the black sand. About two minutes later, the two of them walked into a place full of bones. There was a high altar with light shining on it. You could see it through the heavenly eye Wangfeng. Inside is a bead.

These corpses probably died here when they went to obtain this bead.

(End of this chapter)


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