The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1237: Gifts [2]

"these are?"

Seeing these jade boxes floating in front of Wang Feng, Yi Long and them all showed different colors.

"The jade box contains a twelve-grade pill. This pill is refined by my own hands and is absolutely safe."

"What?" After hearing Wang Feng's words, Yi Long and the others took a deep breath. In the middle three days now, they could hardly find any twelve-tier pill, even their useful twelve-tier pill. , It is also unknown how many years ago those senior alchemists survived.

In today's middle three days, the most advanced alchemist had only the eleventh rank, but now Wang Feng has surpassed this level and reached the twelfth rank.

"The number of pills should not be enough, but I still have a lot of elixir in my hand. After I finish refining, make sure to have one." Wang Feng said, shocking Yi Long and the others.

Although they are very powerful, the highest-level pill they take is only eleven. Wang Feng's breath requires one man. Is this too domineering?

"Are you sure you want one?" Du Shi asked uncertainly at this time.

"Of course, there will be no falsehood in what I say. I said that if there is one person, one person is required." Wang Feng said, and directly divided the people present.

At the same time, Wang Feng even divided the fruits of the World Tree.

Seeing the smiles on their faces, Wang Feng felt that everything he did was worth it.

What kind of baby to go to him, as long as his relatives and friends are happy, he is willing to send better things.

"Little Junior Brother, I have been coveting the fruit of your world tree for a long time. I didn't expect that you still have stock now." Du Shi said with a smile at this time.

"This time it may be gone after the division." Wang Feng said, telling the truth.

The World Tree had already broken through the sky long ago, and he didn't know if he could meet this World Tree again. In short, he felt that the chance of encountering it again was very slim.

"Then I'm going to practice first." Du Shi's realm has reached the late stage of the reincarnation realm, and the difficulty facing him now is the half immortal hurdle.

Now that Wang Feng has given the medicine and the fruit of the tree of the world, he can just try it.

"I wish you success." Looking at Senior Brother Du Shi, Wang Feng said with a smile.

"Then senior brother will lend you auspicious words first." Du Shi smiled similarly, and then disappeared in front of everyone.

"In that case, then I'm going to practice." Yi Long also said at this time.

He was promoted to the Holy Realm earlier by Wang Feng, but now Wang Feng has surpassed him in realm, so as Wang Feng's senior, how could he not work hard?

Their master has been there for three days now, and if they want to go for three days, then their strength must also be improved.

If you get good things, you must use them. At this moment, many people say goodbye to Wang Feng, because they all want to use the things Wang Feng gave and the fruits of the tree of the world to cultivate.

"Be careful when taking the twelve-grade pill. The effects of these pill are very strong. The best way is to crush the pill, then dilute it and take it bit by bit, so that the effect can be maximized. Good." Wang Feng said.

"Are you leaving again recently?" Just then Bei Yunxue stepped forward and asked.

"Yes." Wang Feng nodded, and then said: "I provoke an extremely powerful enemy outside. If he is not solved, he will always be a huge hidden danger to you. I must face each other."

"How strong is it?"

"Compared to Master Xuan Yu, even stronger." Wang Feng responded.

Although he retreated decisively after bringing Qiongqi to the Nile Sect last time, when the leader of the Nile Sect left the customs, Wang Feng still felt the terrifying breath far away.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) He asked You Cangming to catch his relatives for three days. This has already touched Wang Feng's inverse scales, so no matter how strong the leader of the Nile Sect, Wang Feng must win the opponent.

If one day fails, Wang Feng will use two days to deal with him. If two days fail, then three days. If it doesn't work, Wang Feng will have to spend a year or two.

Because he has to keep the opponent in his sight all the time.

"By the way, Brother Du Shi, how is the half immortal who I caught now?" At this moment, Wang Feng stopped Du Shi and asked.

"You mean him?" Du Shi sneered, and then said: "This old guy looks very powerful on the surface, but what I didn't expect was that he was frightened to death by my methods last night. bored."

"Scared to death..." Hearing this, Wang Feng only felt speechless.

The method that can scare the half immortals to death can be imagined how vicious it is. Wang Feng doesn't know how Du Shi dealt with that You Cangming, but as long as You Cangming died, then Wang Feng would be relieved.

With the expansion of the Sky Eye ability, Wang Feng didn't find You Cangming here as expected, he was sent away after he had died.

"Okay, if you want to retreat, go to retreat." Wang Feng waved and said.

The strength of everyone really needs to be improved, which is also the key reason why Wang Feng gave out the treasure this time.

If some of them have the strength of a half immortal, then when they face a powerhouse like You Cangming, they will not be forced to hide in the formation and wait for death.

Only when people are strong can they have confidence in speaking and doing things.

"Don't you stay for a few more days when you come back?" Xia Xiaomei asked at this time.

"I have to go back as soon as possible. I can't put all of you in danger for personal reasons. That is not what Wang Feng should do. Although I want to stay, you have to understand my difficulties."

"In that case, you must be careful when you are alone. We are all worried about you."

"I understand that I will proceed carefully."

"Take care of yourself, I've also gone to practice." Xia Xiaomei said, and then he rushed to Wang Feng and gave Wang Feng an affectionate hug, and then went to retreat with everyone.

"You also go to retreat, and the child will give me." At this time, Wang Feng came to Dongling Tianxue and said.

"But aren't you leaving?"

"I said that I will accompany my children for two days. I already owe a lot to the children before me, and I don't want to owe Xueying any more." Wang Feng said, his tone of voice was ashamed.

"Don't worry. When I leave, I will give the child to Master Chu and the others to take care of him. I don't think you think they will be harmful to the child, do you?"


Hearing Wang Feng's words, Dongling Tianxue nodded slightly.

Because of her children, her cultivation has already diverged from everyone, so she really needs time to cultivate.

"Okay, then I'm going to practice, Xueying misses you very much, so stay with her." Dongling Tianxue said, and then she handed the child to Wang Feng's hands.

"Come, come to my father." Wang Feng said, and then he hugged Xiao Xueying in his arms.

"Kiss." Being held by Wang Feng, Xiao Xueying's face suddenly overflowed with a smile.

"Okay, kiss you." Wang Feng smiled slightly, and then kissed his daughter's cheek with one bite.

"Go, take you to see the uncles." Wang Feng said, and then he held his daughter and found Chu Mengtian and the others.

With their strength, it doesn't matter much about their origin, because their realm has already reached a critical point, and if there is no chance, their realm may stay at this level forever.

You know they have cultivated to this state for a long time

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page). If they can improve, they will have already improved.

It is a pity that they have not been able to follow the path of Emperor Xuanyu, otherwise they may have reached a whole new level now.

"Uncle Chu, are you doing anything right now?" Wang Feng asked after finding them.

"Nothing, don't you know what you want to discuss with us?"

"There is indeed." Wang Feng nodded, and then said: "I know you have been in this state for a very long time. I have three Ghost King Pills here, and it happens to be one for each of you." Wang Feng opened his hand and took it out after turning his hands. The ghost king pill he refined.

There are five Ghost King Pills. He took one by himself, and now there are four left. Here, the three people at the peak of the holy realm, Qilin Great Sage, Chu Mengtian, and Xingyu Great Emperor.

Although the relationship between Emperor Xingyu and Wang Feng is not so good, since he appears here, it means that such a security guard has his part, so this advantage Wang Feng will not favor one another.

Even if there is another holy realm peak, Wang Feng will still present the Ghost King Pill without hesitation.

Since there are only three here now, the only remaining Ghost King Pill Wangfeng is the old guy, the cheap Liu Yidao.

The definition of the Ghost King Pill is the pill that is closest to the thirteenth rank among the twelve ranks. Although Liu Yidao did not reach the level of the holy realm, Wang Feng believed that this pill would definitely be used in the future.

This can be regarded as a little selfishness of Wang Feng.

Wang Feng would not treat Liu Yidao badly, because he had indeed helped himself a lot.

"I once saw this Ghost King Pill in an ancient book, but the book said that the medicinal materials of the Ghost King Pill are very difficult to find. How did you refine it?" At this time, Emperor Xingyu asked.

"It's true that it took me several years to find the main medicinal materials of this Ghost King Pill. Only not long ago did I successfully collect all the medicinal materials and finally refined the Ghost King Pill."

"Then according to what you said, don't your current alchemy skills have reached the twelfth rank?" Chu Mengtian asked in surprise at this time.

"That's right." Wang Feng nodded, and then said: "I don't know if these three pills can help you improve your strength, but after all, this is my personal consideration, and I hope you will accept it."

"Such a valuable thing, we are afraid that we should be ashamed." The Great Emperor Xingyu said with a look of shame.

Because he certainly didn't make any contribution here, he was indeed ashamed of accepting such a precious pill.

"I won't be polite with the things my own apprentice gave. Since you two want to pretend to be saints, then you can pretend to be saints." At this time, Great Sage Qilin opened his mouth and took away the two ghost king pills.

"Asshole, that one belongs to me." Seeing this scene, Chu Mengtian was shocked.

"If you have the ability, you can grab The great laughter of Qilin Dasheng immediately caused Chu Mengtian to pursue him.

After the two of them had left, Wang Feng set his sights on Emperor Xingyu and said, "Senior, don't say that. Although you haven't contributed anything here, I think if there is a problem here, you must not. Will sit back and watch, right?"

"This is natural." Emperor Xingyu nodded.

"In that case, this pill should belong to you. Wang Feng, I am not the kind of person who regards money as fate. The three of you are the people who have the most hope to impact the half immortal. If any of you can become a half immortal, then This is a happy event for all of us, because our guards are once again strengthened, so I hope you still don’t refuse."


"There is nothing left, you have to understand that this ghost king pill may not be found except for the few in my hand, so I missed this opportunity, but there will be no next time. You have to think clearly."

(End of this chapter)


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