The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1236: Gift treasure

This time rushing on the road has been a heavy load for Wang Feng, so now he is not practicing, he wants to sleep well.

Since becoming a monk, sleeping is almost a luxury for him, because he spends almost every night in cultivation, and sometimes he never rests at night.

Sleeping is sometimes more of a luxury for monks.

This is because if you sleep one night, you will lose one night of cultivation than others. The focus of cultivation is to accumulate less and more. If a monk still wants to sleep every day like a mortal, then their cultivation time during the year should be cut by at least half.

If this is the case, what else are you practicing? Go home and sleep with your wife and children as soon as possible.

The monks looked very tall, but they also had unspeakable difficulties.

Freeing Liu Yidao from his dantian, Wang Feng said: "Help me close the door when I go out. I want to sleep well."

"Then you take a good rest, I won't disturb you." How desperate Wang Feng has been in the past two days, but he can see it, so of course he will not entangle Wang Feng here now, he knows that Wang Feng needs time to rest.

It's just not long before Liu Yidao went out, Wang Feng heard the sound of opening the door again. Originally, Wang Feng thought it was Liu Yidao who was back, but after he released his spiritual knowledge, he realized that it was not Liu Yidao that came in. People are his masters on the earth, and ghosts are sad.

When Wang Feng was able to get in touch with spiritual practice and become stronger step by step, he was indispensable for the sorrow of ghosts. For him, Wang Feng respected him very much even now.

As the saying goes, people who dig wells while drinking water don't dare to neglect Wang Feng, his enlightenment teacher. At this moment, he doesn't even lie down, but sits up.

Just seeing this scene of him, the ghosts shook their heads one after another when they saw the sorrow, saying: "You can just lie down, you don't need to get up."

"Master." Wang Feng called out.

"Let you lie down, didn't you hear?" Gui Jianshou said with a stern face.

"Being a disciple should look like a disciple. Although my strength has far surpassed you, I have not forgotten the teachings you taught me at the beginning. This is the etiquette I should know."

"I know that your wear and tear is serious this time. If you don't lie down, you will go out as a teacher now." Gui Jianshou said, pretending to leave.

"Since it was the master's intention, I naturally followed it." Wang Feng said, and then he lay directly on the bed.

"After so many years, this is probably the first time our master and apprentice are alone after you ascended."

"Yes." Wang Feng nodded.

"For so many years, I haven't asked you whether you have suffered over the years. Have you blamed me?" Gui Jianshou opened his mouth and sighed slightly.

"Master, what are you talking about? I have been doing well in the heavens over the years. Haven't you seen that I am very powerful now?" Wang Feng smiled, but he shook his head constantly.

He asked Wang Feng's seniors about Wang Feng, and he even asked about Wang Feng's experience in the next three days.

He knew that the rise of Wang Feng was very difficult, but now Wang Feng said that he had a very good life. Isn't this a nonsense with his eyes open?

"I am here now just to see you and help you relieve your fatigue with me."

"Can you help me relieve my fatigue?" Wang Feng showed a different color on his face when he heard the sad words.

"Yes, my ancestors and I have developed a set of health-preserving techniques. Although this technique is not very helpful to cultivation, it can help people relieve fatigue." Gui Jianshou said, but he sighed in his heart.

The medicine that can save people on earth

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) After the technique is obtained from the heavens, it is almost useless, because the people in the heavens are all monks, and they don't get sick at all.

And even if there is a problem, there are many medicines that can be cured, and the title of genius doctor almost disappears after reaching the heaven.

He eventually said that medical skills became a health-preserving technique, which was really helpless.

Now he has a very long lifespan. In the years to come, he can't do nothing all the time, he has to find something for himself.

So under such circumstances, he and his ancestors jointly developed a set of health preservation techniques.

Even in the Natural God City, the health-preserving workshop has been opened for business, and the business is good.

It's just that when the old fellow of Nileism came, the city of God of Nature was almost completely destroyed, and the health care workshop was naturally a ruin now.

"Master, I'm really sorry, since I came to the heavens, I left you out of the cold." Wang Feng said in an apologetic tone.

"What are you talking about? We can have a stable life now. You can say that you have contributed to it. Moreover, you are still young and you have a future with unlimited hope. If you stop and do not leave, then you are truly sorry. As a teacher."

"I understand." Hearing this, Wang Feng nodded slightly, and then stopped saying this.

"Master, I feel really tired now. You can try that health-preserving technique for me." While talking, Wang Feng's clothes gradually dispersed, revealing the strong body underneath.

"Get a good night's sleep. When you wake up, everything will be as before." Gui Jianshou said, then he came to the side of the bed and dropped his finger on a key acupuncture point on Wang Feng's back.

There are many acupuncture points in humans, and even some acupuncture points have not been researched yet. However, most of the acupuncture points are well understood.

The health-preserving techniques he researched actually act on these acupoints.

A faint force rushed into Wang Feng's acupuncture point along the sorrowful fingers of the ghost, and immediately Wang Feng felt a sense of comfort in his heart.

"Master, don't tell me, it works well." A voice came from Wang Feng's mouth, as if he was more energetic.

"Don't forget, you brat, your master is called a genius doctor on the earth. Although medical skills are useless in the heavens, it is still a trivial matter to help people relieve fatigue."

"Hehe, I said the wrong thing." Wang Feng smiled, and then closed his eyes.

During this almost massage process, Wang Feng gradually felt the drowsiness coming, and he fell asleep deeply.

"Oh." Seeing that Wang Feng had already fallen asleep, Gui Jianshou sighed.

He helped Wang Feng cover the bedding, and then gently exited the room.

He knew that it was not easy for Wang Feng to pass these years. Everyone only saw how powerful Wang Feng was now, but few people experienced what kind of crisis Wang Feng had gone through. The opportunity needed to be won by himself.

After all, there are only a few pie in the sky, and some pie is a trap.

There are many winds and waves that a person wants to go from weak to strong. Wang Feng is still on the road now, and he has not yet reached the end.


I don't know how long it has been after sleeping. When Wang Feng woke up, he only felt that his whole body seemed to have inexhaustible power, and it was more appropriate to describe his current state with ease.

With a thought in his heart, a set of clothes automatically emerged from his body, the sky opened, and Wang Feng discovered that the ruined city is now being rebuilt in an orderly manner.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Everything is slowly moving on track.

Opening the door, Wang Feng saw that everyone was sitting in front of a person listening to the class. It was not Great Sage Qilin or Chu Mengtian who was giving the lecture, let alone Great Emperor Xingyu. This man was an old man, someone Wang Feng had never thought of.

Old Eagle, who was transformed by that ancient medicine.

Once Wang Feng had benefited a lot from his guidance, but now after he followed the crowd for three days, he also started to point others.

Even Brother Yi Long sat down and listened quietly.

Compared with the past, Ying Lao's realm has not changed much. It looks very weak, but Wang Feng always has a feeling that if he wants to improve his strength, it may be just a matter of thought.

This is a very surprising feeling. After so many years, everyone's strength has been improving. As a person with such a deep understanding of the realm, it is impossible to justify the improvement of the old man.

As a destructible half immortal, he couldn't see through a weak person, which was full of weirdness.

"Little Junior Brother." Seeing Wang Feng walking out of the room, Yi Long called out in surprise.

Hearing Yi Long's voice, everyone present turned their eyes to Wang Feng.

"It's okay, you continue to listen, and we won't be too late when we finish listening." Wang Feng said, and then he ran to the crowd and sat beside them, listening to the old Eagle lecture.

Although the old Eagle's realm is low, even Wang Feng had to obey what he said. Wang Feng's realm has reached the middle stage of the holy realm, and Wang Feng's understanding of the realm has exceeded many people.

But from Ying Lao's mouth, Wang Feng learned that his understanding of realm was much higher than before, and there were even some things that Wang Feng didn't even think of.

In this way, Wang Feng sometimes inserted a sentence, and everyone benefited a lot from Shang Ying's explanation.

When the explanation was over, Wang Feng was surrounded by everyone.

Because they all want to hear about Wang Feng's experience in the sea of ​​taboos.

"Junior brother, I can't think that you have surpassed me now. Senior brother has never admired anyone, but now I am convinced." Yi Long said, and Wang Feng was ashamed of what he said.

He can have everything he has now, and the senior brothers are indispensable, because without their previous protection, Wang Feng would have become a corpse long ago.

It's a pity that the crystals in the essence of the machine have been used by Wang Feng, otherwise Wang Feng will definitely share it with everyone.

But the essence of heaven is gone, but Wang Feng has other treasures.

After flipping his hands, Wang Feng took out many jade boxes. These jade boxes contained twelve-level pill Once the twelve-level pill was very precious in Wang Feng's eyes, he almost couldn't bear to take it. .

But now he has become a twelfth-rank alchemist himself, as long as he has enough elixir, he can make such a thing at any time.

So he was not stingy with these things, and gave them all to everyone.

In addition to these twelve-grade pill, the fruits of the World Tree that Wang Feng was reluctant to share before were also taken out.

In fact, Wang Feng took out these things after careful consideration. The realm of everyone is increasing day by day, and they all need these things to improve their strength.

Moreover, the purpose of Wang Feng's cultivation is to protect their safety, so these people are used to improve their self-protection ability, which is what Wang Feng hopes to see.

It doesn't matter if the baby is gone, as long as the person is safe, then everything is fine.

(End of this chapter)


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