The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1216: Nile city

With his left hand, he could burst out evil spirit power at any time, while his right hand was the crystal arm that he had absorbed from the Demon Lord of Kael.

Although this crystal arm was only obtained from the body of a demon, Wang Feng, after careful research, found that the crystalized arm was far more terrifying than his physical body, and it was also not a small factor for his power explosion. The increase.

I don't know where the Kaier Demon Venerable got this special power, and now it's all cheap Wang Feng.

Not long after, Wang Feng collected all the high-level medicinal materials in another city, spending billions of spirit stones.

In this way, Wang Feng walked through several cities one after another, spending a lot of spirit stones.

Because of the appearance of Wang Feng, many people know that a very wealthy person appeared in the Nile Sea. This person never bargained the price when buying elixir. If he fancyed something, he would pay for it. Many people were beating him for a while. Idea.

It's just that it's okay for these people not to meet Wang Feng. Once they do, they will naturally die.

In addition to this, the Nile Sect’s search for Wang Feng is constantly increasing. The Nile Sect’s great elder has been going crazy for a while, because even if he sends out more people, they haven’t waited a little bit. There is news about Wang Feng.

Even if there is news, it is false, because a Wangfeng, the elder of the Nile religion does not know how much heavier than a while ago.

All the Nile people know that there is a person who is fighting against them, but they have no news of where this person is now.

The other party seemed to have disappeared, and there was no sound at all.

The Great Elder of the Nile Sect had also guessed that the two Wang Feng might have changed their appearance, but their appearance could be changed. What about their breath?

There are quite a few people from the entire Nile Sect who have seen Wang Feng, but if they ask them to find someone in the vast sea, it is like finding a needle in a haystack.

No matter how many people the Nile Sect sent out and how much wealth they spent, they would never know where Wang Feng was.

In a fit of anger, the great elder almost went to consult the lord.

With the ability of the leader, he must have a way to find Wang Feng.

It's just that their leader said when they were in retreat, don't go to him if it is not for the destruction of religion.

At the moment, the Nile religion is good. If he wakes up the leader because of such a small matter, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be punished. So after thinking about it, he can only send more people and offer a higher reward to find Wang Feng’s whereabouts. .

"It seems that the number of people looking for us has increased a lot in the past two days." In the Nile Sea, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao were on their way slowly, and they were going to the next city to buy elixir.

"Just grab one and ask." Wang Feng said, and then he grabbed the void with his palm, and suddenly a whirlpool appeared, and a monk was imprisoned by Wang Feng abruptly.

"you guys……."

Realizing that he had appeared in an unfamiliar sea, this monk was also half-dead in fright. He clearly felt good just now, and then he felt an irresistible force coming, and then he appeared here.

"Next, I will ask you one sentence, if you don't listen to me, I think you should know what you are going to do." Wang Feng said, making the monk nod quickly like a chicken pecking at rice.

He knew how big the gap between him and the other party was, and even he couldn't raise his mind to resist Wang Feng.

"I feel that there are more people in the sea recently. I don't know what this is because of?"

"It is the Nile religion who wants to hunt down two fugitives." The man answered truthfully.

"I have known this for a long time, but there seems to be several times more people recently than before. I don't know why?"

"This is because the Nile Sect has increased the rewards." This person did not dare to lie, and explained the situation.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) here.

"Okay, you can go."

After a brief questioning, Wang Feng had almost figured out the situation, that is, this person was interested, otherwise Wang Feng would have to search for his soul, so this person was considered dead.

The man was let go by Wang Feng, but the other's space ring was deducted by them. If it weren't for Wang Feng's kindness, it is estimated that Liu Yidao would take off the other's pants.

"To grab this industry, we must also do a high-level job. What can we grab for this kind of goods?" Looking at Liu Yidao, Wang Feng said very seriously.

"Get off." Liu Yidao cursed directly when he heard Wang Feng's words.

A Nile sect was almost mad by the two of them now, but no matter how they looked for it, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao would be very difficult to find, because now they have changed another look, and even their breath has changed.

Even if Wang Feng appeared in front of the Great Elder of the Nile Sect at this moment, the old fellow didn't necessarily recognize Wang Feng.

After visiting several cities one after another, Wang Feng spent a lot of spirit stones to go out.

It's just that the price of the elixir in these cities seems to have increased significantly. Wang Feng can feel this. It seems that these people have already regarded him as a big fat sheep and are waiting to kill him.

"Go, change place." Although Wang Feng has many spirit stones, it does not mean that he is a real man and has more money. After all, he uses one less spirit stone, so he will not be so stupid to give money to others.

Wang Feng is gone, but many people in the city are waiting for him. Some people even spend a high price to buy other people’s high-level elixir for stockpiling, because they know that someone will pay a higher price for these spirits. The medicine is taken away.

It's just that they have been waiting and waiting. After waiting for a few days, no one came to buy it. At this point, they finally understood that the other party would not come again.

Thinking of spending a high price to buy panacea from others, some store owners felt like crying.

Wang Feng can no longer pay attention to what the black-hearted merchant will end up with, because now he has come to another city.

This city is called Nile City, and if you dare to name the city with such a name, it naturally means that this city is controlled by the Nile religion.

Even among the nearby sea areas, this Nile City is the largest city.

Wang Feng had seen many big cities on the land in the middle three days, but what he didn't expect was that this Nile City was actually bigger than any city he had ever seen.

If this is not a city, this place can be built into a country.

The headquarters of the Nile religion is no longer here, but there are a large number of masters staying here at the same time.

At the same time, it is the most prosperous area in the Nile Sea.

Wang Feng had never thought that there would be such a city in this sea of ​​taboos, which completely exceeded his expectations.

"It looks like your spirit stone is out of luck." At the gate of this city, Liu glanced at Wang Feng and said.

"Even if I don't guarantee it, I still make money." Wang Feng said, and then headed towards the gate of the city.

He didn't go in line, because he saw that some masters entered directly through the side door. It was obvious that only masters were qualified to enter and exit.

Sure enough, when Wang Feng and Liu Yidao walked here, the guards here only glanced at them and showed respect.

"Welcome the two seniors to come here, I hope you can eat and play well here." A guard said flatly.

"Reward you." Hearing this, Wang Feng took out hundreds of spirit stones with his palm, making the guard's eyes brighten.

Although they usually receive rewards, all of them only give a few spirit stones. In fact, their income will not be much at the end of the day, because the spirit stones they get all need to

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) All people are equally divided.

If not, how could the two of them be assigned here.

Thinking that Wang Feng made hundreds of Lingshi in such a sudden move, they are still extremely rare.

"Get out, get out."

Before Wang Feng and Liu Yidao entered the city, suddenly a grumpy shout came from behind them. Looking back, Wang Feng found that a team of people was coming here quickly.

Looking at their direction, it is undoubtedly on their own side.

It's just that when Wang Feng saw clearly who the person was, he immediately laughed, because this person he had repaired was the same Qin Tianya.

This guy has never heard of him since he was slapped by Wang Feng last time. He did not expect to meet him again today.

"I also hope that the two seniors will move." At this moment, the voice of the guard heard.

"What? Do we still need to make way for the Nile people?" Wang Feng said in a calm tone.

The Nile Religion is extremely tyrannical in the eyes of others and can't provoke them at all, but Wang Feng has offended them to death, and now everyone in the world is looking for him.

Therefore, Wang Feng really feels nothing about the Nile religion. They are not as difficult as they thought.

"Everyone is human, don't you have racial discrimination?" Just then Liu Yidao also shouted.

"The two people in front, get away quickly." The irritable voice was getting closer, and the people from Qin Tianya had already arrived.

Just watching them come, Wang Feng and Liu Dao did not move.

"Are you deaf?" The big man was still yelling loudly, which attracted a lot of attention.

"Anyone who has no sense of status and inferiority is still qualified to shout here?" Wang Feng sneered, then he stuck his palm out and directly detained the strong man in front of him.

In this process, even though Qin Tianya wanted to stop him, it was just that he found that the opponent's speed was so fast that he didn't even have enough time to react.

At this moment, he understood that Wang Feng was a master, so he didn't make a rash move.


A loud slap sounded. At this moment, the brawny man's teeth were slapped off by Wang Feng, and the whole mouth was leaking.

"You..." Looking at Wang Feng, the strong man obviously didn't expect the other party to dare to attack him blatantly here.

If you know that he is a Nile cultivator, is he going to die?

The Nile religion has always been unimpeded in the Nile Sea. Most people of any kind of force met them with courtesy three points, but now he was slapped just because of a few shouts, which is too bullying. People?

"Friend, can you be merciful with my thin face?" Qin Tianya said at this moment.

This brawny man is his personal guard no matter what, although he does not want to conflict with Wang, he must be saved.

Otherwise, where would he put Qin Tianya's face? Others will say that he can't even keep his guards.

"Your thin noodles?" Wang Feng was stunned when he heard these words, and then he laughed: "I heard that you were slapped not long ago. Where do you have thin noodles?"

"You..." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the anger in Qin Tianya's heart was instantly ignited, and he had been worrying about the last incident, but it was a huge black spot in his life.

Now that the person in front of you exposes his scars in front of so many people, isn't this intentionally embarrassing him?

"Don't be impulsive, this is outside the city." At this moment, a guard beside Qin Tianya whispered.

It is an iron rule not to make shots in Nile City, but outside this city wall, there are no rules. Whoever lives or dies depends on whose fist is bigger.

(End of this chapter)


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