The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1215: Secret message

"At the time when we were about to fall, I learned of a big figure's speculation. He said that the real savior will appear in this era, so I have been waiting for countless years. Apex novel,"

"But just on your body, I seem to feel the breath of the savior." The tortoise shell spoke, leaving Wang Feng speechless.

Is he a savior? Wang Feng couldn't feel it at all.

In the past few years, he has gone north and south and killed many people. It can be said that he stepped on the bones of others. How should this savior start?

And wherever he goes, there will be wars breaking out. If he is really the savior, why do so many people die?

Therefore, to Wang Feng, this tortoise shell is no different from nonsense.

"Except for this, let's talk about Zhen Zi Jue." Wang Feng said.

"Speaking of Zhen Zi Jue, I have to mention a person from before the ancient times." The turtle shell said.

"Stop." Hearing this, Wang Feng immediately called a halt, because often when someone said something like this, the next thing must be nonsense, and Wang Feng didn't have the time to listen to what the other party said about history.

Because of things before Taikoo, there is no need for him to pay attention.

"Go straight to the point."

"The point is that I have met the person who created the Zhenzi Jue, and the relationship is good."

"Is it you have a good relationship with him, or your master has a good relationship with each other"

"Of course it is my master." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell also seemed to be taken aback. It was just a detail that the other party should pay attention to.

"and then"

"Then they talk about the Zhenzi Jue when they often talk about the Tao, so I know much more about the Zhenzi Jue than you do. Even if you didn't use this trick, I can still see it."

"Is the Zhen Zi Jue created or is it innate?" At this time, Wang Feng asked his doubts.

The more he comprehend this town word formula, the more he discovered the mystery and mystery. If humans can create such magic techniques, then this person's understanding of things must be the pinnacle.

So Wang Feng is always thinking about whether this Zhen Zi Jue exists innately

"This question." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell was also silent. He really hadn't inquired whether this Zhen Zi Jue existed innately.

"Does this matter?" After thinking about it, he asked.

"It doesn't matter, I just want to know the origin of this town's word jue."

"I don't know if Zhen Zi Jue is artificially created, but I know how to cultivate him." Turtle shell said, not empty words.

He has been listening to others discussing this Zhenzi Jue all the year round, and under the influence of his eyes and ears, he knows even if he does not want to know this Zhenzi Jue.

"Are you willing to be controlled by me because of a reason I might be the savior?" Wang Feng asked.

"In the face of catastrophe, survival is the only truth."

"A catastrophe, what a catastrophe?" Wang Feng frowned slightly when he heard the other party's words.

Because he has never heard of a catastrophe, this shouldn’t be the tortoise shell.

"As a person of this age, you don't know it is normal."

"Since I don't know, then what do you know"

"I know far more than you know. Don't look at the comfortable life of people in this era, but in fact they don't know that the catastrophe is about to come." The tortoise shell said.

"Alarmism." Upon hearing this, Wang Feng could only curl his lips.

"This is not alarmist talk. This is a disaster that every era must experience. In the previous eras, living creatures were almost extinct, and this era will be the real end, when everything will cease to exist."

"I don't know what you mean by this, scare me"

"Haha." Hearing this, the tortoise shell laughed: "With your current strength, you may not be qualified to touch that level of feeling. When your strength becomes powerful, you will understand what I am talking about. True or false."

"More than 100,000 years ago, the heaven and the earth changed drastically, and the aura of all the world was almost exhausted. You think this happened for no reason."

"Is there really a catastrophe?" Wang Feng had to believe this.

Because all the worlds, including the earth, are indeed thin with spiritual energy, and there is not much hope for even ascending, Wang Feng can ascend because he has collected a lot of spiritual stones on the earth, and there are extra good luck in his body, otherwise he It is estimated that apart from taking the passage reserved by the Great Emperor Xuanyu, it is difficult for him to reach this heaven.

"Of course there will be. Every era has the same disaster, but this era is the end."

"After this era, everything will cease to exist."

"Don't be so alarmist, talk about the specifics." Wang Feng said.

"Couldn't he be bragging" Liu Yidao said in Wang Feng's dantian at this moment.

Liu Yidao has been alive for a long time, but he has never heard of a catastrophe in the heavens. In addition to flying up more difficult than before, the heavens are still majestic and powerful enough to produce a large number of masters.

This tortoise shell is indeed a bit alarmist.

"Don't worry, listen to what he said first." Wang Feng said, and then he motioned to the tortoise shell to continue.

The world has indeed changed drastically. This is an unchangeable fact. Wang Feng felt that the tortoise shell still had some credibility.

"The world we live in is actually a universe centered on the celestial realm. There is an unimaginable will in the celestial realm.

This willpower monitors the development of the entire world, and is also interfering with the development of the entire world. Whenever an era reaches its peak, this avenue will ruthlessly obliterate everyone, repeating itself, every era is like this. "

"Could it be that the demise of several other eras is like this?" Wang Feng's eyes widened, and his heart was already shocked.

Because of this remark, he had never heard anyone mention it before, and now he was naturally shocked.

"Yes, several eras were ruthlessly obliterated by this avenue when they were at their most prosperous. No one can resist."

"Why does the road do this?"

"This is because my strength is limited, so I can't know the real answer, but I believe that when your strength becomes stronger, all the answers will be presented to you."

"Since everyone will be ruthlessly obliterated, why have you lived from Taikoo to today"

"As long as it is not truly extinct, there will naturally be loopholes to survive. This is how I have survived one century after another, one era after another."

"Then the problem is here." Wang Fengguo said, "How can you live from Taikoo to today"

It is impossible for Wang Feng to live up to the present life from before the ancient times, because no matter how old life is, there will eventually be a day of destruction. This tortoise shell fart is not in the realm, how could it be possible to live so long.

"I believe you have also seen, I am not a real life, I am just a soul with consciousness, no, I am not even a soul, I am like a puppet." This turtle shell explained, but found it difficult Explain clearly.

It’s not practical. He explained that Wang Feng probably understood what he meant. He is like those intelligent robots on the earth. Although they have fixed thinking, they are not real beings. In earth’s language, they are just like It is equivalent to intelligent life.

They don't need to eat, they don't need to practice, and they can live for countless years with energy alone.

Perhaps the consciousness in the tortoise shell in front of him is like this, because there is no life, so he is immortal.

"Since you are not a soul, how can you take away humans"

"This is naturally the credit of my master. Although I am not a life now, once I take away the human body, then my soul will truly have life. Then I will be like you, affected by Shouyuan , And finally step into reincarnation."

"What is the strength of your master"

"His strength is unimaginable. To describe it as a master of your age, it is probably equivalent to the strongest people."

"Could it be that you have seen a top master for the last three days" Wang Feng asked in surprise when he heard his words.

"After the world has not changed drastically, the exchanges between all walks of life are very frequent. I have been there naturally in the last three days and I have seen many masters, but are you sure you want to inquire about these people?"

"Forget it, then." Wang Feng did not continue to ask after hearing this.

Because with his current strength, knowing what those people can do

Cultivation should be down-to-earth, and being high is far from what a wise person should do.

"Go around, you still haven't told me the cultivation method of Zhen Zi Jue, are you deliberately changing my topic" Wang Feng suddenly said with a gloomy expression.

"When you take control of me, the cultivation method I know will naturally tell you, I don't know if you have the courage," the hideous face looked at Wang Feng and said.

"Hand over your mark." Looking at this hideous face, Wang Feng was fearless at all.

Because he has the power to suppress the opponent, he is naturally not afraid of any conspiracy by the opponent.

In the end, Wang Feng successfully accepted the other's mark, and only then did Wang Feng feel the manipulation of the tortoise shell.

The ordinary method of dripping blood to recognize the master didn't work.

"Tell me how to practice this Zhen Zi Jue." Wang Feng asked.

"I will tell you."

Because of being controlled by Wang Feng, the consciousness on the tortoise shell finally imparted his knowledge to Wang Feng without hesitation.

Ten days later, Wang Feng walked out of this sea area. The first thing he went out was not to find the Nile Sect. He went directly to a nearby city because he still had a lot of spiritual stones in his hands.

He wants to exchange all the spirit stones into Since he knew that this world is about to have a catastrophe, Wang Feng's sense of crisis has naturally come.

So instead of holding the spirit stones, it is better to use all the spirit stones to buy things that are useful to you.

No matter how many spiritual stones there are, it is nothing more than a spiritual stone, but the pill is different. When you are in a crisis, the pill may save your life.

In a city, Wang Feng quickly squandered billions of spirit stones, which attracted a lot of coveted.

It's just that these people who coveted him had a terrible end in the end, being bitten to death by the innocent soul alive.

After taking control of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng is not so repulsive of that evil force, because he can use this power at any time, and he can also put it away at any time.

As long as it doesn't affect his normal life, Wang Feng doesn't need to reject it, because this also enhances his strength in disguise.


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