The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1142: Advanced Reincarnation

Wang Feng’s cultivation has reached Ping Jin, and as long as it goes further, it’s the reincarnation stage. Although Liu Yidao has reached the early stage of the reincarnation stage, he still has to go to the middle stage of the reincarnation stage. You can use this to practice.

Things bought for 1.5 billion can't just be wasted like this.

Although the great elder of the Flood Dragon clan said that he had prepared the materials for them in three days, Wang Feng still took care of him for three days and four days.

With the formation that he and Liu Yidao set up together, unless it is the supreme shot, or the semi-sage don't want to force it in.

The cultivation memories of the predecessors are very precious, and many key points are recorded. It is like browsing the memories of others. Wang Feng has benefited a lot.

And not far from him, Liu Yidao was the same. The realm of this Dao Seed Master far surpassed the two of them in his life, so they both got huge benefits at this moment.

The memory helped Wang Feng clear the way, as if a curve was now straightened abruptly. About half a month later, a muffled sound came from the secret room. The breath of reincarnation realm rose from Wang Feng’s body. Successfully moved from the peak of the Xuanming Realm to the Reincarnation Realm.

The improvement of the great realm has brought huge benefits to Wang Feng. At this moment, the aura of the entire Flood Dragon clan was completely rushing towards the secret room where he was located without capital, shocking all the sleeping Flood Dragons.


"This is the level of promotion that requires such majestic strength." Looking at the secret room where Wang Feng was located, the elder Jiaolong was shocked.

When I saw Wang Feng before, he knew that he was at the peak of the Mystic Realm, but now that so much spiritual energy is rushing towards him again, could it be that he jumped several steps in a row.

"This Nima, people are really incomparable." In the secret room, because Wang Feng's realm broke, Liu Yidao could no longer cultivate, because in such a situation, unless he is not a human, how could he still sit still? live.

Just breaking through a realm has attracted so many auras, and those auras are rushing towards Wang Feng madly at this moment, all of which are earned by him.

To be precise, most of these auras were not absorbed by Wang Feng, but swallowed by his cells.

Every time his realm improves, his cells will swallow a lot of auras, and these auras will fill these cells until they become Wang Feng's storage power.

And with the expansion of cells this time, Wang Feng found that the number of cells he could use had already reached at least 300,000, which was a double increase.

The power in each cell is almost equivalent to the overall power of a monk at the beginning of the reincarnation stage.

If so many cells burst out in an instant, Wang Feng didn't know that his current combat power seemed to have surpassed Semi-Holy.

But it is conceivable that Wang Feng will definitely be easier to kill Half Saint now.

Each realm improvement is equivalent to a metamorphosis for Wang Feng. His meridians and cells have been widened, and his physical body has also become more powerful than that. Even his kingdom and world are expanding wildly at this moment. It has become more than twice as big as before.

If this continues, sooner or later Wang Feng's kingdom world will evolve into a real kingdom world, just like his master Qilin Dasheng.

At that time, even if Wang Feng installs the entire earth, it will not be a problem.

"It feels powerful, really good." Clenching his fists, Wang Feng's eyes suddenly opened at this moment. At the moment when he opened his eyes, Liu Yidao saw the red light flashing through Wang Feng's double.

That was the Eye of Destruction. As Wang Feng’s age and realm improved, his Eye of Destruction was also increasing in power. I don’t know if his Eye of Destruction now threatens the true Holy Realm Supreme.

"I think when I met you, you were still so weak. In just a few years, you have been even with me." Looking at Wang Feng, Liu Yidao said with emotion.

When he met Wang Feng in the next three days, Wang Feng's realm was only a real god, not even a heavenly spirit. In a few years, Wang Feng's realm has increased too much.

I'm afraid it won't be long before Wang Feng's realm will completely get rid of him and reach a higher level.

It’s not that he has never seen a genius before, but he has never heard of someone like Wang Feng who is so perverted, his realm has improved rapidly, and his combat power is even beyond ordinary people. He can kill a half-sage in the Profound Ming realm. Now his realm is again. Upgrade to one level, then how about his combat power

"Humans will continue to grow, don't they, if they keep walking in the same place, what else do they cultivate?" Looking at Liu Yidao, Wang Feng said calmly.

"Moreover, you can also practice with this kind of cultivation right now. This kind of cultivation contains the cultivation experience of the predecessors and is of great benefit to us. You can stay here first, and I will go out and see."

Wang Feng spoke, leaving Liu Yidao alone here, his realm improved, but Liu Yidao did not, and Wang Feng promised to help the dragon clan refine alchemy, then he would do it when he said it.

Wang Feng has never been a person who broke his promise. Since he has made a promise, he must be honored. If it cannot be honored, why did you promise to others in the first place?

Just walked out of the secret room, and found that the great elder of the Dragon Clan had been waiting here early.

"What I want is ready" Wang Feng asked while looking at the other person.

"It's already prepared, just waiting for you to exit." The great elder spoke, and took out a space ring between his hands, and said: "All the materials you need are in it, you can check it out."

During the whole process, the great elder didn't say anything about the three-day deadline.

"Find me an undisturbed secret room again, and I will refine this sultan for you next." Wang Feng said.

"Wait." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the great elder of the Flood Dragon clan called out.

"What's the matter"

"That's the case. A few days ago, the Qimen Yaozun asked someone to send some elixir over, saying that it owes you." While talking, the elder Jiaolong flipped his hand and took out another spatial ring.

The soul power reached out, and Wang Feng found that all the rings in this space were filled with some high-level elixir, many of which were used to refine the twelfth-grade pill.

It seems that this Qimen Yaozun still obeyed his own words, and after returning home, he helped himself find these elixir.

"You didn't deduct me," Wang Feng asked, looking at the elder Jiaolong.

"As the most distinguished guest of our Jiaolong clan, we certainly dare not detain your things, and as a thank you, our Jiaolong clan will give you some extra elixir."

While speaking, the elder Jiaolong turned his hand and took out a space ring, which contained all high-level elixir.

In fact, when he received the space ring from the Qimen Yaozun, he had already thought that Wang Summit would not have the idea that they had concealed something, so now the elixir he sent out was prepared by the dragon family.

Fortunately, he has the foresight. Otherwise, if Wang Feng made some small movements during the alchemy, wouldn't they be a big loser?

"If this is the case, then I will thank you first." While speaking, Wang Feng directly put away these spatial rings. If so many high-level elixir, if they were put together, it should be enough to support him to refine a twelve-grade pill. Medicine.

Wang Feng had never refined the twelfth-grade pill. He didn't know that he could succeed. Now that the elixir was enough, he had to try it.

He has a complete memory of the twelve-rank alchemist, as long as he follows the memory, he has a great success rate.

The twelfth-grade pill is far from comparable to the eleventh-grade. It can be said that the two kinds of pill are no longer of the same grade. If Wang Feng can become a twelfth-grade alchemist, his future status may be different.

"Remember, when I am practicing alchemy, don't disturb me no matter what is happening, even if you notice any movement in the secret room, don't check it out. What we pay attention to in alchemy practice is a static word, do you understand?"

Looking at this elder Jiaolong, Wang Feng warned.

"We understand this. I'll give an order later. You only need to make alchemy and leave the rest to me." Elder Jiaolong said solemnly.

The hope of whether the ancestors can regain all lies in Wang Feng, so no matter what Wang Feng says at the moment, he must agree.

"Go ahead, lead the way."

"From today onwards, the Jiaolong clan will stop all activities, offenders, kill"

Just after Wang Feng entered the secret room, the elder Jiaolong heard Yanling, which made the people of the Jiaolong clan chill and dare not refuse to listen.

In the case of the Supreme Patriarch's retreat, the elder is the person with the highest authority to give orders, and they have to obey.

Although Wang Feng is an alchemist, he hasn't made alchemy for a long time, so in the secret room, Wang Feng took a full rest for almost half an hour before he flipped his hand and took out a big cauldron.

Looking at the many high-level elixir in the space ring, Wang Feng did not rush to refine the twelve-grade pill. He still had to refine the complex sultan. This is what he owes to the dragon family, and he is familiar with the alchemy. Feel like it.

It’s been a long time since he became an eleven-rank alchemist, so this sultan was not very challenging for Wang Feng at all. It only took him less than three days to successfully rebuild a sultan. Made it out.

The rate of the pill produced by this furnace is good, and five complex sultans have been refined, and the strong vitality is diffused from this pill. If you put this thing on the flame race's horse shooting meeting, I am afraid it will be shot. Very high price.

Packed an extra sudan in a jade bottle, and the other four all fell into Wang Feng’s pockets. Anyway, this dragon clan only needs one sudan, and the rest is naturally his Wangfeng’s ~www.NovelMTL. com~ As for the other two materials, Wang Feng didn't move, because he didn't need to refine the sultan anymore. These elixir could be separated and used to refine other pill.

The twelfth-grade pill is very important. Wang Feng did not take the liberty to try it. He has almost no eleventh-grade pill now, so he used the elixir he bought and the gifts he received to refine five furnaces of eleven. Pin medicine, all ended successfully.

As a result, the eleventh-grade pill on Wang Feng's body has reached a dozen, and the lower-level tenth-grade sacred pill Wang Feng did not refine it, because the higher the pill, the more obvious its effect. There are eleven grades of pill available, why does he use that ten grade of sacred pill.

Six furnaces of elixir were successful, so after taking a deep breath, Wang Feng was going to try to refine the twelve-level elixir.

The pill he was going to refine was called Shouyuan Pill, which was an ordinary name, but the pill that sounded ordinary here had amazing effects.

This pill can increase your lifespan out of thin air, even if it is the supreme, it is effective


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