The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1141: Jiaolong 1 family

It is a little different from other sea races. Although the territory occupied by this dragon clan is also a sea area, they live on an island. Although this island is not as large as the flame race, it is still large enough to accommodate many dragons.

Wang Feng, who was far away, felt a terrifying aura permeating from the island. It was a supreme aura, and this dragon clan really had a supreme presence.

Moreover, in addition to the Supreme, Wang Feng also felt a few semi-sacred auras. The forces in these forbidden seas are simply a bit more powerful than the big forces on the land.

It’s just that it’s not difficult to explain. The mainland will last forever, and almost all of the cultivation resources on it have been discovered by predecessors. In this forbidden sea, the sea is endless and there are too many opportunities, so there are too many strong people here. Explainable.

"It's the elders and they are back." Before they landed on the island, several flood dragons flew up to meet them.

These are a few dragons of the Profound Ming Realm, and they are much smaller than the old ones before they were transformed into human forms.

When they flew out, it was the body of a dragon, but when these dragons reached Wang Feng and the others, they transformed into a human appearance.

"Elder, how did you bring strangers?" Seeing Wang Feng and Liu Yidao, these people showed a vigilant look, and there was even hostility faintly.

"This is a distinguished guest of our Jiaolong clan, you must not be rude." Seeing the faces of several people, an old man suddenly scolded.

"Hurry up and call the elder, we have something to discuss."

"Yes." Looking at Wang Feng and Liu with a weird expression, the humans transformed by these dragons slowly flew back to the island.

Few outsiders come to the Dragon Clan, because they have powerful formations far away from their clan. Without the leadership of their own clan, others will easily get lost in it, and it is precisely because of this. Will appear mysterious in front of other sea races.

Now that the elders have brought back two outsiders, it is not surprising that these people are not good.

"Bring people in." Not long after, a calm voice came from the island, and it was the great elder of the Jiaolong clan.

"Yes." The dragons nodded, and then made a gesture of please to Wang Feng and Liu Yidao, and said, "Please, please."

With the great elder's orally, it was easy for Wang Feng and the others to enter the island of the dragon family. Along the way, many dragons were looking curiously at the two of them.

Of course, there are also hostile ones. Humans are humans after all, and it is difficult to integrate into a circle like the Sea Clan.

"When guests come, you all transform into human forms." Seeing those huge dragons lying on the ground, these elders scolded.


These dragons responded, and then reluctantly changed into a human appearance.

"I'll wait to see the Great Elder." These elders said respectfully before bringing Wang Feng to a towering hall.

"come in."

A voice came from the hall, and then the door of the hall opened by itself.

Looking up, Wang Feng could see a huge dragon body lying in the hall, and it was the speaker.

Seeing Wang Feng, this huge dragon's body was also rapidly shrinking, until it finally became a human body.

"Two, please come in." This person said flatly.


Facing the Half-Holy King Peak without respect at all, he walked out in a stride, and when he saw this scene, the Jiaolong and Half-Holy frowned slightly, but he didn't say much.

He only knew that these two people had been found by the elders to refine the Sultan. As for Wang Feng's killing of Semi-Holy, the elders had not told him.

If he knew that Wang Feng had killed the Hexi Half Saint of Ziyun Kingdom, it wouldn't be the case.

"I think you two should know what you are here for the Flood Dragon Clan, don't you?" the Great Elder of the Flood Dragon Clan asked.

"Do you know that poisonous oath?" Looking at the other party, Wang Feng asked lightly.

"If you can really heal the ancestors, then Burning Tiansha and the Flood Dragon clan will do our best to find them, and the two of you will come with me first."

The great elder spoke, and when he waved his big sleeve, the wall behind him cracked and a passage appeared.

The passage continued to rise below the ground, and there was a burst of cold air.

Following the great elder Wang Feng of the Flood Dragon clan, the two directly entered this dark passage. After a while, the two of them saw the ancestor of the Flood Dragon clan.

Originally, Wang Feng thought that the ancestor of the dragon clan must be of the supreme level of the holy realm, but when he saw the real person, he discovered that the ancestor of the dragon clan was only a semi-sage level.

This is the first time that Wang Fengshang has encountered a half-life ancestor.

"This is our ancestor, can you see any problems"

"The vitality is withered, and the soul is almost dead." It was just a sweep, and Wang Feng said something surprised by the great elder.

The problem was discovered by just a glance, this young man is not shallow.

"It's just that his flesh and blood is obviously not like this at the beginning. If I guessed it right, your old ancestor was probably at the holy realm level before," Wang Feng said, once again shocking the great elder.

Even this can be seen. The ancestor used to be at the level of the holy realm. Not many people in the entire dragon family knew how he could see

"I don't know if this can be cured" after thinking about it, the elder asked.

"Isn't it just like you said, just a sultan."

Although this person's vitality has withered, but Wang Feng saw that those vitality did not really disappear. They were only hidden in the flesh and blood, and only a complex sultan was needed to stimulate, and what he had originally hidden could burst out.

At that time, this person won't be able to wake up.

"You have some certainty that you can refine the Sultan of Resurrection" at this time the great elder of the dragon family asked.

"Why are you afraid that I won't be able to refine it?" Wang Feng asked this half-sage Jiaolong a glance.

"If you are afraid that we won't be able to refine it, then what are we looking for?" Liu Yidao also spoke at this time, without the kind of respect for the semi-sage.

I think that when I was in Hunyuan Palace, Liu Yidao spent so long with those many supreme beings, so his vision was naturally very comparable, and the one next to him killed more than one and a half. Holy.

It can be said that since he met Wang Feng, Liu Yidao’s vision is much higher than before. When he did not fall, the Holy Realm Supreme was completely a legend to him, let alone have a relationship with them. .

But now he knows several Supremes, and even if something happens to him, the other party might help him out. If it was before, this would have been impossible.

So now I think Liu Yidao is very grateful to Wang Feng.

"I didn't mean that. As two distinguished guests of our Jiaolong clan, I spoke too abruptly. Please don't forgive me."

Seeing that the two of Wang Feng seemed to be angry, the great elder of the dragon family quickly lowered his posture and said.

It's just that Wang Feng didn't compliment him, because if he is really a distinguished guest, he should wait for them outside the island. This is the most basic way of hospitality.

Perhaps in their opinion, their role is to help refine alchemy, and even whether Fen Tiansha will help them find it is a matter of two things.

"We have already prepared the materials for refining the Sultan. I don't know when it will start" at this time the elder asked cautiously.

If the great elder did not put Wang Feng in his eyes before, but when Wang Feng saw the situation of their ancestors, he already understood that the young man in front of him might really be able to save their ancestors, so this before and after There will naturally be some changes in attitude.

"Prepare three copies of Sudan's materials for me, and provide me with an undisturbed secret room." Wang Feng thought for a while and said.

"Three materials" heard Wang Feng's words, the face of the great elder of the dragon family changed.

Although Fusultan is only an eleven-grade pill, these ingredients are not so easy to find. These are all bought from outside at a great price.

"Do you think that there is no possibility that I will fail to refine the pill and give me three points of material. I promise to return you to the Sudan. This is only my lowest estimate. If you are unwilling, then when I don't say anything." Speaking, the tone is very calm.

Anyway, this matter is the other party begging him, if you don’t take the opportunity to blackmail them, is Wang Feng still Wang Feng?

Although they agreed to find Fen Tiansha for themselves, how could Wang Feng charge some interest before that? Otherwise, if they couldn't find Fen Tiansha and didn't pay for their spirit stones, wouldn't Wang Feng take all the benefits? Less than

"This has to allow us to prepare, so be it, I will hand you the materials in three days. Before that, I hope you two will not leave the dragon family. We will give you the highest hospitality."

"Not necessary." Wang Feng shook his head before saying, "Prepare an undisturbed secret room for the two of us. We want to practice."

"If this is the case, then I will arrange it right away." While speaking, the elder took Wang Feng and two of them and left here.

Different from the time when he first came down, at this moment, the attitude of the great elder towards Wang Feng and Wang Feng had changed a lot.

The ancestors of their Jiaolong clan used to be the supreme sacred realm. If Wang Feng can really revive their ancestors, then if they have helped the Jiaolong clan a lot.

Because a holy realm supreme has too much influence for a race, even whether the race is strong depends entirely on whether the holy realm supreme is strong.

Although the Jiaolong clan now has a holy realm supreme, they still cannot rank among the top powers, because powers such as the flame race have two holy realm supreme.

In front of outsiders, the dragon family is mysterious, but this can also be seen as they deliberately avoid other people, because a supreme is really nothing.

Once the Jiaolong clan appeared two sacred realm supreme, their status would undergo earth-shaking changes, so this change in his attitude was not unreasonable.

In order to save their ancestors, the Jiaolong clan tried many ways. Now Wang Feng can save their It is definitely a great kindness.

"From today onwards, the two of them will be the most honorable guests of our Jiaolong clan. If I can see who is disrespectful to them, don't blame me for not thinking of the same clan." The voice of the big elder Jiaolong made many Jiaolong clan members be surprised.

Obviously they didn't expect that the great elder, who had always acted like outsiders, would say such a thing.

"You two, please come with me." The clansmen were warned, and the great elder made a very kind gesture to Wang Feng and Wang Feng.

A few minutes later, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao appeared in a secret room. The secret room was very large and equipped with formations. Here, the two of them would not be affected in the slightest.

Of course, because this is the formation of the Flood Dragon clan, they can definitely penetrate this formation, so next Wang Feng and Liu Yidao directly replaced this formation, and only then began to practice with peace of mind.

A supreme Taoist seed, I don't know whether it can improve my realm. Wang Feng's eyes flashed, and then he took out the Taoist seed that he had spent 1.5 billion spirit stones to buy.


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