The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1076: Break through the barriers of the world


In these two days, Wang Feng and Yi Long ransacked at least forty sects and forced them to dig out their spiritual veins.

Although this incident caused a lot of commotion nearby, the monks outside did not know that this was actually a chain reaction caused by a robbery incident.

"There are more than a hundred spiritual veins, Junior Brother, do you still need it?" Yi Long asked calmly in the void.

It was Yi Long who asked for spirit veins, but the ultimate destination of spirit veins was Wang Feng's spatial ring. If he wanted to return to earth, Wang Feng would naturally help his ancestors improve his cultivation conditions.

It is naturally impossible to distribute pill medicine all over the world, because once the pill medicine is used, there will be no one. But the spiritual vein is different. As long as there is a spiritual vein, I believe that the situation on the earth will get better day by day.

If things go on like this, there may be many ascenders on the earth. This is the way to fundamentally change the status quo of the earth.

It’s not that there is no spiritual channel on the earth, but that kind of spiritual channel is really too small, smaller than any spiritual channel currently in Wang Feng's hands, and even all the spiritual energy on the entire earth combined is not as good as the smallest one in Wang Feng's hands. pulse.

If all these spiritual veins were cast on the earth, Wang Feng didn't know what would happen, but it would be good if he thought about it.

Good cultivation conditions are created by Wang Summit, but whether the earth can rise depends on the monks on the earth.

"It's almost there." Wang Feng said, and took the spirit veins handed over by Yi Long into his spatial ring.

"The master sent a message that he was ready and just wait for us to pass." Yi Long said.

"Then we will go over immediately." Wang Feng said, and then the two of them directly displayed the space shuttle and headed towards the sea of ​​taboo.

Breaking through the barriers of the big world will cause damnation, so they did not choose to break through the world in the place of the natural mountain, but chose the forbidden sea inaccessible.

After all, when the Scourge landed, all buildings would become annihilated.

After a few breaths, Wang Feng and Yi Long appeared above the Forbidden Sea, and even Yi Long had to be shocked at this speed.

"Unexpectedly, Great Sage Qilin's Hunyuan Divine Art is so terrible. If you want to escape for your life, I am afraid that even the reincarnation masters will not be able to catch up with you." Yi Long said, his face flashed with shock.

After cultivating the complete Hunyuan Divine Art, Wang Feng has successfully stamped the power of rules, so now Wang Feng can use the power of the rules of Zhongsantian to teleport.

Although this teleportation is not comparable to the true endless distance of a thought, it is also many times faster than the space shuttle. This is also another notable feature of the Hunyuan Divine Art.

"Go." Wang Feng said, and then started teleporting again with Brother Yi Long.

After a breath, Wang Feng appeared over another sea area. Here, the Great Emperor Xuanyu, the Great Sage Qilin, the Great Sage Xianling, and Chu Mengtian were all there, and apart from them, Senior Brother Tang Chen and Senior Brother Du Shi were all there, even just Even Liu Yidao, who had just merged with the supreme body, came.

And farther away, the two fairy Tianxuenan Saints of Dongling Ling were also looking at this place in the distance holding Xiao Xueying's hand.

They all knew that Wang Feng would return to his original hometown today, so they came to see him off.

Basically, everyone familiar with Wang Feng is here now.

"Are you ready?" Looking at Wang Feng, Emperor Xuan Yu asked calmly.

"I have been waiting for this day. I have already waited too long." Wang Feng said, his eyes reminiscent.

"This armor is made by me using the skin of a supreme gray scorpion. Wearing it on my body can minimize the damage caused by the catastrophe to you." The Great Emperor Xuanyu opened his mouth and gave Wang Feng a set of rough-looking ones. armor.

At first, Great Sage Qilin also gave a set of armor, but that armor had collapsed in the blow Wang Feng resisted Liu Zhizhi, and now the Great Emperor Xuanyu sent another armor, just to make up for Wang Feng's vacancy.

Wearing this armor on his body, Wang Feng suddenly felt his body sink, because the armor was very heavy, and he didn't know how many tens of thousands of catties it weighed.

"Penetrating the big world will draw the damnation, and you may also be strangled by the power of rules when you return to Earth. Although you have combined your consciousness with the power of the rules of the middle three days, once you use The power of is too much, and the entire planet of the earth will collapse. To be on the safe side, some of us will temporarily erase your breath. You can only use the strength of the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Understand?"

"Then how many days can I stay on Earth?"

"Three days, three days at most. If you can't come back after three days, you can only think of a solution by yourself."

"Enough." Originally, Wang Feng thought he only had a few breaths to return to Earth, but now he has three days, which is an unexpected joy.

"You go to the earth with him." At this moment, the Great Emperor Xuan Yu pointed at Liu with a knife, and yelled.

"My physical body hasn't been completely integrated yet, isn't that good?" Liu said embarrassedly.

This Liu Zhi's supreme physical body has now become Liu Yidao's original appearance after being seized by him, but Liu Yidao's breath is still at the peak of the Mystic Realm, and there is not much change.

Perhaps after he truly merges this body into his own, his strength will change once.

"Stop talking nonsense, with you, Wang Feng can take less force from the sky when passing through the space tunnel, and your supreme physical body can take a lot of damage."

The Great Emperor Xuanyu spoke, making Liu Yidao's complexion instantly bitter, and even letting himself be a human sandbag, isn't it a bit of a pitfall?

"Looking at your expression, you don't seem to want to go anymore?" The Great Emperor Xuanyu glanced at Liu calmly, making Liu tremble with a knife, and quickly patted his chest pretendingly, "Who said that," I was just thinking about going to see the so-called earth."

The Great Emperor Xuan Yu was not something he could afford to provoke, and even last time he was threatened by the Great Emperor Xuan Yu just saying a wrong sentence, and now he is afraid of the other party.

"If that's the case, then you two should be prepared, I'm going to tear the space." Great Emperor Xuanyu said, and then stretched out his hand to Wang Feng, and said: "Give me your piercing cone."

"Okay." Wang Feng nodded and took out the Boundary Breaking Cone. This object can break through the space and is amazingly powerful. This was originally given to Wang Feng by the clone of Emperor Xuanyu, and it is now considered to be returned to him.

Holding the Boundary Breaking Cone in one hand, the Great Emperor Xuan Yu turned his hands and took out the sword of rules. This sword was formed by the Great Emperor Xuan Yu using the power of the rules of Zhong San Tian.

Although the appearance of this sword looks no different from an ordinary sword, in fact this sword has no real shape at all, it is just a fusion of endless rules.

Using this sword to temporarily cut off the power of the middle three days' rules couldn't be more appropriate.

"Are you ready?" At this time, Emperor Xuanyu put his gaze on the people of Qilin and asked.

If the space is broken, the Heavenly Scourge is bound to fall. Wang Feng's strength is very weak. If he resists the Scourge head-on, it will definitely be a dead end, so most of the Heavenly Scourge still needs their four supreme to help Wang Feng take it.

Even Yi Long can help share the power of Thunder.


Everything was ready, the Great Emperor Xuanyu showed a solemn expression, and then directly slashed the Boundary Breaking Sword in his hand towards the void.

With one sword going down, there seemed to be power from all directions condensed toward the Boundary Breaking Sword. At this moment, a terrifying crack appeared in the void. The destructive power caused by this sword could be felt even if it was thousands of miles away.

This was an all-out blow from the Great Emperor Xuanyu, and the power that could slay the Holy Realm supreme burst out, terrifying.

Wang Feng's consciousness now has been marked by the power of rules, so at this moment he clearly felt the power of rules of this void was completely annihilated.

"go with!"

The power of the rules has dissipated, so at this moment the Great Emperor Xuanyu directly threw the Boundary Breaking Cone in his hand. At this moment, a big hole appeared in the void, and there was chaos in the big hole, making people wonder where this chaotic space led.


Dark clouds overwhelmed the sky and condensed from a distance. The original blue sky was now clouded with horrible killings.

This is the scourge needed to break the big world.

A sense of depression permeated everyone's heart, and the scourge that broke the great world might be reversed by the time and space that Emperor Xuanyu had performed more than half a year ago, so everyone present at this moment looked solemn and looked up at the void.

"What are you doing in a daze? I have broken through the barriers of the big world. If you want to go back, you will rush into the whirlpool now." At this time, he shouted to Wang Feng.

"Go." Pulling Liu with a knife, Wang Feng rushed directly into this chaotic vortex.

There is no doubt that Wang Feng is very excited at this moment, because the other end of this whirlpool may be his hometown, the earth!

After so many years, he can finally return to his original place. Are they... all right?

"You slow down, I feel that my soul is going out of my body." Liu shouted at this moment.

Although he got the body of Liu Zhizhi, his soul hasn't really merged with this body, so at this moment in the turbulent spatial turbulence, he feels that his soul and body are about to separate. Up.

It was like a broken bone being temporarily connected. Although it could move slowly, once the force was overworked, the bone would break twice. Liu Yidao couldn't stand the terrible speed of Wang Feng's rush.

The length of this spatial passage is not known, Wang Feng has not seen any light before, and there is terrible spatial turbulence around it.

"I'm anxious to go back." Wang Feng said, causing Liu to curse with a single knife: "Even if you want to go back, you can't watch me die here."

"Well, I was too excited." Seeing Liu Yidao's face turned pale, Wang Feng also knew that he hadn't really fit in with his body, so he could only slow down.

It's been eight years anyway, and it's not bad for this short meeting.


When the two people were talking, suddenly a thick thunder fell over their heads. The thunder came so fast that Wang Feng and Liu Dao did not react.


With a mouthful of blood, Wang Feng was traumatized this time, and even his hair was erected at this moment, his face seemed to be smeared with's. Liu Yidao opened his mouth, and at the moment when he was speaking, a black air came out of his mouth.

He is Liu Zhi's supreme body, just as the Great Emperor Xuanyu said, it is much easier for him to bear the power of this scourge than Wang Feng.

At least he didn't vomit blood.

"This makes people unprepared." Liu Yidao made a curse, but when he saw Wang Feng's tragic situation, he immediately laughed.

"I think if you go back with this look, no one will recognize you."

"Don't quarrel, what we have to face next may be the real power of heaven and earth." Wang Feng said, and then the green light around his head swept away, and he recovered as before.

At this moment, he raised his head and looked at the top of his head. Although it was not the sky of the middle three days, the power of condemnation still swept into it that day.

It is not so easy to go back to the earth.


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