The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1075: Sacking spirit veins



Hearing the words of Emperor Xuanyu, Wang Feng was extremely angry, but he couldn't help it, because it was indeed impossible for him to **** the corpse back from a supreme hand.

Knowing that the master has no morals, but in front of so many people, he still wants to grab his own things, is this shameless?

"No need to talk nonsense, this celestial corpse is now mine." The emperor Xuanyu's voice was very domineering, and he really planned not to return it to Wang Feng.

"You are also a person with a face and a face anyway. Now that you are robbing your apprentice like this, you have lost your body, right?" At this time, Great Sage Qilin sneered.

Wang Feng is the apprentice of Emperor Xuan Yu, and also his apprentice to Great Sage Qilin, so now watching Emperor Xuan Yu openly grabbing Wang Feng's corpse, he suddenly came out and complained.

"Wang Feng is my apprentice, what am I going to do is it's your turn to discipline him?" Emperor Xuan Yu sneered.

"Wang Feng is also my apprentice, and now I am upholding justice for my apprentice, what can I do if I discipline you?" Great Sage Qilin also sneered.

The conversation between the two people was full of gunpowder, as if they were about to fight if they didn't agree.

"Forget it, I don't want this fairy corpse." Seeing the appearance of the two people, Wang Feng said quickly.

Both of them are Saint Realm Supreme. If they really fight for this now, then Wang Feng would have become a sinner, so he would rather not have this corpse.

Just like what the Great Emperor Xuanyu said, if this corpse is really an immortal corpse, then the stab of Liu may really be unable to take it away.

To be able to obtain a supreme corpse is already a great blessing for Liu Yidao.

After all, above this, how many people can harm the supreme body?

"Hmph, I don't want your immortal corpse for nothing, this thing is even a price." At this time, Emperor Xuanyu snorted coldly, turning his hands and taking out a dense light.

Seeing this thing, Wang Feng's eyes suddenly brightened, because he recognized what it was, it was a group of extremely pure soul power.

This is the soul of Liu Zhi, the ancestor of the Liu family, thoroughly refined by the Great Emperor Xuan Yu.

Originally Emperor Xuanyu left this object to be used by Wang Feng when he resurrected Wang Feng in the future, but now that Wang Feng himself is resurrected, this object will naturally remain idle.

The value of a corpse is self-evident. If he can see through everything about the corpse, perhaps he is one step closer to the fairyland, so this corpse is comparable to the treasure of heaven and earth in his eyes, and even more than the treasure of heaven and earth. Be precious.

Because there is almost no such fairy corpse in the middle three days.

Even if there is, it is still alive, not something he can study.

"Use it, this thing can shorten your cultivation time to the utmost extent." The Great Emperor Xuanyu said, and then he didn't hesitate to drive this pure soul power into Wang Feng's eyebrows.

As soon as this power entered his head, Wang Feng's soul power began to skyrocket. A complete and supreme soul power was too majestic. Wang Feng now felt like riding a rocket.

With the improvement of his realm, his spirit power is now almost equal to his realm, but now he has the help of Liu Zhi's soul power, and his soul power suddenly soars.

Within a few breaths, Wang Feng's soul power directly skyrocketed to the late stage of the Profound Ming Realm, and it was still rising continuously.

If this continues, it is definitely not empty talk that his soul strength reaches the reincarnation state.

Seeing this scene, Yi Long showed envy in their eyes. After all, that is supreme spirit power, which is hard to find in this world.

That is to say, their master can kill the Supreme, if they change to other people, they may also be able to kill, but it is almost impossible to refine a complete Supreme Soul.

Because they can't possess the terrifying strength of Emperor Xuanyu.

Terrible soul power permeated Wang Feng's mind, which was a gluttonous feast for him, and it was a good luck.

Without hesitation, his body was directly sitting in the void, and he was quickly absorbing these soul powers into his own power.

It took about half a day for Wang Feng to successfully absorb these spirit powers. This speed was slower than that of Great Sage Xianling, but I don’t know how much. There is not much comparability between them.

"How? Do you feel good about being a teacher?" Almost at the moment when Wang Feng opened his eyes, Great Emperor Xuan Yu's voice came from beside him.

"That fairy corpse...I don't want it." Wang Feng said, completely giving up the fairy corpse.

With his current strength, he is not qualified to study any fairy corpse at all, because he does not even have the strength of the reincarnation realm.

However, even though his realm was in the middle of the Profound and Underworld realm, but after absorbing the soul of Liu Zhi, his soul power had soared to the peak of the middle stage of the Samsara realm, extremely close to the latter.

The pure soul power helped him tremendously.

"Moreover, being a teacher will help you break through the barriers of the great world. This Great Sage Qilin will not help you at all, so just betray the teacher." The Great Emperor Xuanyu said, provoking very clearly.

"Hmph, my Hunyuan Divine Art is the greatest help to him, do you have such a technique?" The Great Sage Qilin sneered after being unwilling.

"Do you think you are good at Hunyuan Divine Art? Do you still have my glazed green lotus tree on Wang Feng? Do you have this thing?" Great Emperor Xuanyu sneered with a sneer over his face.

"Oh, don't quarrel with you two old people. You have already cultivated to the holy realm. Do you still have to argue about this little matter?" At this time, Wang Feng hurriedly acted as a peacemaker.

"He picked things first." Great Emperor Xuan Yu said coldly.

"Am I wrong to do justice?" Great Sage Qilin responded.

"If you quarrel again, then no one is my master." At this time, Wang Feng issued a low drink, which made the two of them glared at each other and gave up the quarrel.


Now that the people here have gathered, Wang Feng and the others held a banquet. Under the guidance of Emperor Xuanyu, some grasses changed into the appearance of dancing girls, dancing to them.

This kind of method is no longer something that ordinary monks can use. Even the Great Sage Qilin can't help his pupils shrink when seeing this scene.

The cultivation of Emperor Xuanyu has already been at the forefront of theirs, he can be called a half-step immortal, because he has already touched that level of taboo.

Talking about cultivation and history, Wang Feng and the others are happy with their wine, but the happy time is always short.

After the gathering here, Wang Feng left this place directly, and he will return here in three days.

He was accompanied by Senior Brother Yi Long, and the two of them were going out to do some things.

When he arrived at the former gate of the Liu family, Wang Feng directly shouted, "The person in charge will come out and see."

His voice was roaring, mixed with the pressure of the venerable mid-term, in an instant, several terrifying masters galloped out of it, and the leader was a master of reincarnation.

Originally, they wanted to scold someone, but when they saw the looks of Wang Feng and Yi Long, they immediately took a breath.

Because these two people are not something they can provoke.

"Junior..." The old man said with a fist to Yi Long, with a very respectful tone.

But before he finished speaking, Yi Long interrupted him and said calmly: "Hand over some of your spiritual veins in the ground."

"This..." Hearing Yi Long's words, their faces showed obvious embarrassment.

To develop a sect, it is inseparable from the spirit channel, because the spirit channel can continuously produce aura, which is the foundation of the Xiuxian Mountain Gate.

"The Liu family died because of our natural divine way. If you don't have us, why would you occupy this place? I don't want to say it a third time. Give your underground spiritual veins out. If you don't, then I have to take it myself. Up."

Yi Long's voice was already full of threats, making the expressions of the three old men changed.

Yi Long is the pinnacle of the reincarnation realm, and behind him are the Great Emperor Xuanyu and Great Sage Xianling. If such people want to smooth them out, it can be said that they have no resistance at all.

"Go, let people dig out the spiritual veins." At this time, the old man in the reincarnation realm said.


The Lord Yi Long has already appeared here, how could they dare to disobey the order and can only do so.

About ten minutes later, a few reduced versions of the spirit veins were handed over to Yi Long by the old man, with a respectful look.

Although they were dissatisfied, they did not dare to show it because they were afraid of being destroyed.

"That's it. If I hear any rumors outside in the future, you should understand what will happen." Yi Long said lightly, and then turned around with Wang Feng.

Taking away a sect's spiritual veins was just a trivial matter for Yi Long, because he expected that the other party would not dare to talk about it.

"Finally sent them away." Seeing Wang Feng and Yi Long leave, the back of the old man in the reincarnation realm was already wet with cold sweat.

This is completely scared.

"If I'm not mistaken, the person next to him seems to be Wang Feng?" At this moment, a monk beside the old man said.

"Don't chew on this matter, we just assume it hasn't happened." The old man said harshly after glaring at his hand.

Wang Feng fell in front of tens of millions of monks, but now he is here alive, which shows that he has been saved by his master.

Although the old man in the reincarnation realm was shocked, he didn't dare to say it, because this could bring them death at any time.

The natural divine way today is no better than before. Because Emperor Xuanyu killed the three holy realm supreme in a battle that day, this incident caused a great shock to the monks in the middle three days. Anyone who heard this news has changed his face. People who don't dare to provoke natural shintoism can be said to be distracting.

It is as powerful as the palace family is now blocked by Emperor Xuan Yu and dare not come out. Of course, these people dare not to spread the bad news of Emperor Xuan Yu and theirs.

It can be said that today's natural gods are even more deterrent than the world because they are powerful enough to sweep any side.

"Then what about our spiritual veins?" this person asked.

"Assemble personnel immediately, we should start with certain forces." A fierce color flashed across the old man's face, and he was also ready to grab the spiritual veins of other schools.

However, this matter was a matter of their own sect, and had nothing to do with Wang Feng and two of them. At this moment, they had come to another sect.

This sect is considered to be a medium power, and among them is the monks at the peak of the reincarnation realm.

It's just that when Wang Feng and the other two asked them for the elixir, none of the ancestors in this sect had any embarrassment to dig out their spiritual veins and give them away, not even a word of nonsense.

The higher the realm, the more he knows the terrible nature of the gods, so how dare he disobey Wang Feng and their meaning.

Just like before, although this sect had been robbed of its spiritual veins, they also blocked the news and were not prepared to let the outside world know.


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