The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1009: The lethality of the glass green lotus tree


"What about it? How about not?" Wang Feng smiled lightly, and then said: "Anyway, today you are bound to die, so go with peace of mind."

While talking, Wang Feng waved the green glaze green lotus tree in his hand.

The sapling is a bit heavy, heavier than Long Yuanjian many times, even if Wang Feng waved it, he felt a little strenuous.

However, the attack power of the sapling was also obviously terrifying, and the void swept by the glass green lotus tree was as if it had been cut by a knife.

Undoubtedly, the attack of the Liuli Qinglian tree at this moment is very terrible. The first use of the sapling against the enemy made Wang Feng a little strange, but this unfamiliarity quickly turned into familiarity. Wang Feng is the owner of the Liuli Qinglian tree, so he Adapting quickly.

After just a few breaths, Wang Feng adapted to this heavy feeling.

Waving the green glaze green lotus tree, Wang Feng swept down the opponent's face at this moment.

"The Imperial Magic Book!"

Seeing the saplings swept by, the old man was frightened. He remembered a certain rumor that once a sapling was taken out by a person practicing natural shinto, it meant that the other party was going to really kill.

And there is another saying, that is, it is almost impossible to see alive under this sapling, so at this moment he hardly has much resistance, just want to escape.

Several more black shadows appeared around him, but at this moment the black shadows were not directed at Wang Feng, they all rushed towards the glass green lotus tree in Wang Feng's hands.

This Venerable wanted to take advantage of the death of these substitutes, and then get a chance to escape.

But in the end, it was obvious that he was thinking too much, and only saw the green light swept away from the green glaze green lotus tree, and then all the black shadows dissipated, just like the sun dispelling the black mist, it couldn't be easier.

"You can't escape."

Looking at the fleeing figure of the other party, Wang Feng directly came to his side with a very fast instant kill, and swept the glass green lotus tree over his head.

This is a positive sweep, even this old man has no precautionary measures.

It was like wiping out a mass of flames. At this moment, the Venerable had not had time to make any screams, and was directly swept into a mass of blood mist by Wang Feng's glass green lotus tree.

And after he was wiped out, Wang Feng hadn't seen him come back to life in the void.

"Could it be that this is dead?" Looking at the blood mist, Wang Feng was slightly taken aback, and said somewhat inconceivable.

Your own colored glaze green lotus tree just swept like this, right? If this is dead, it would be too casual.

The eyes of the sky opened, and Wang Feng thought that this person might have been hidden after being resurrected in order to avoid his own killing, but no matter how he looked at it, he did not find any sign of this person coming back to life.

The stronger the strength, the harder it is to kill, because they not only have strong vitality, but also have the capital to resurrect. If you want to kill them, Wang Feng’s Longyuan Sword can do it, and the same country can be swept, but it is easy to kill one. High-ranking monk, Wang Feng has an unreal feeling.

It's like something that you used to take a lot of effort to accomplish, but now it's just a matter of fingertips. It feels strange.

After observing for a long time, Wang Feng did not find any sign of this person's resurrection. Only then did he truly believe that this venerable person in the early stage of the Profound Ming Realm might have been wiped out by his glazed blue lotus tree. .

Although Wang Feng felt a little unbelievable when he thought of it, it is undeniable that this person was really killed.

Looking up to Liu Yidao, Wang Feng found that the battle between the two of them had reached a fierce level. It was obvious that Qing Yang wanted to survive, so he didn't have any leeway.

On the other hand, Liu Yidao, he shot equally fiercely, and almost all of his moves rushed to the fatal place of the opponent. If Liu Yidao were replaced by Wang Feng, he might not be able to do so.

Because after all, he was once a brother, Wang Feng wouldn't go down to such a cruel hand, as if his brother stabbed him at the beginning, and he never thought of killing him.

Brotherhood can't be erased so easily. Wang Feng admires the old guy Liu Yidao a little, and he really can afford it.

Compared with him, he seems to owe a lot of heat.

He didn't want to help Liu with a knife, because he knew that Liu would be fine with a knife. On the surface, this old guy liked to speak bad words, but he was still very reliable when doing things.

Moreover, Wang Feng himself guessed that he would not want to help himself, because his hatred needs to be avenged by him, and if he went, he would just add pressure to him.

Without paying attention to the situation on Liu Yidao, Wang Feng is now carefully studying this enlarged version of the glass green lotus tree.

The sapling looks the same as the tree growing on the ground. The only difference is probably the faint green halo emitted from the sapling.

It is because of this halo that this tree looks extraordinary.

When Wang Feng waved the sapling just now, he noticed that he had taken away at least 30% of the sapling's power with a single blow, which meant that the tree could not be used for a long time, just like a monk, it was also exhausted.

However, this tree also showed its extraordinaryness, and it killed a venerable in the early stage of the mysterious realm in an instant.

Although it has experienced a drastic change and stole a lot of power from the World Tree, after all, this sapling has not been with Wang Feng for a long time, and has not grown into the state of Senior Brother Du Shi.

However, Wang Feng believed that in time, the power of his saplings might surpass that of Senior Brother Du Shi, because he had said it himself.

"Desperate stab!"

At this moment, a huge roar of Liu Yidao came from the horizon. Looking up, Wang Feng only saw Liu with one sword and swept his former brother Qingyang into two with one sword.

The Long Yuan sword was smeared with highly poisonous, and Wang Feng lent Liu Yidao to use it, because without a sword or knife, Liu Yidao's desperate stab didn't seem to be the same thing.

Although Qing Yang wanted to resurrect with the help of his own kingdom and world, he also sensed the changes in his own kingdom and the world at this moment. The poison on the Dragon Abyss sword had passed through his deity at this moment, causing his kingdom and the world to collapse on a large scale. broken.

There is no hope for his resurrection.

The poison on the Longyuan Sword was originally brought by Liu Ming from the middle three days to the next three days. This kind of poison Wangfeng has not been seen in the middle three days, but it is undeniable that this poison must be very rare. I don't know where the kid got it from.

"The grievances between us have been wiped out."

Looking at the desperate look in his brother's eyes, Liu Yidao said something like this even though he felt pain in his heart.

It's not what he wanted to turn his heads between the brothers, but Qingyang did everything, and he just did what a normal person would do.

"I hope you remember the promise you made to me." Looking at Liu Yidao, Qing Yang only spit out such a sentence, and then his whole body was annihilated by the poison on the Dragon Abyss sword, and he was just like that. Die out.

A generation of suzerain, just like that died under Liu Yidao.

"Go all the way." Looking at the empty void in front of him, Liu Yidao sighed in his heart, and then walked towards Wang Feng lonely.

When he personally killed his brother, he felt very heartache in his heart, but there was no room for recovery for everything. If you kill it, you will kill it.

"It's not a big deal. For those who betray themselves, they should do this." Watching Liu Yidao ending the scene, Wang Feng said comfortingly.

"Don't tell me this, I have lived for so long, and I am not as fragile as you think." Liu Yidao opened his mouth, and then handed the Long Yuan sword in Wang Feng's hand.

"Go, get out of here."

Liu opened his mouth with a knife, and then he turned into a ray of light directly into Wang Feng's dantian, and stopped talking.

No matter what Wang Feng said later, Liu Yidao didn't speak anymore, as if he was asleep.

Wang Feng knew that he might not feel very well in his heart, so he didn't bother much, so let him slowly get sad.

It is a good thing for Liu Yidao to wake up, which means that Wang Feng has another powerful combat force to help him fulfill his wish, and a stone in Wang Feng's heart has fallen to the ground.

Liu Yidao helped him so much in the past, but now it is reasonable for Wang Feng to help him in turn.

After just doing this thing, Wang Feng began to become confused again. Now there is still some time before the natural mountain gathering, so it is not realistic to return to the earth, and at the same time, he has not thought of a good place to go to improve his strength. .

After all, today's middle three days are not peaceful, and masters are everywhere.

So after thinking about it, Wang Feng went directly to the Heaven and Earth Pavilion. After all, his relatives in the middle of the three days are now in the Heaven and Earth Pavilion. With his current ability, he should be able to withstand the tremendous pressure that he had suffered when he returned to Earth.

His strength has just improved, and Wang Feng's realm is not expected to change much in a short time.

"By the way, there is this thing."

Suddenly Wang Feng thought of something, and with a thought, he directly took out the **** who was sleeping in his body.

This thing used to be thinking about barbecue, but now that Wang Feng hasn't spoken for a long time, he almost forgot its existence.

Looking at this **** whose head and feet had been retracted into the tortoise shell, a different color appeared on Wang Feng's face.

Because he could see that the current **** should be undergoing a certain mutation, and the breath in his body is very weak, as if the fire of life is about to be extinguished at any time.

Wang Feng understands that this **** is expected to become stronger. After all, it is a very normal thing to become stronger as soon as they sleep. Moreover, it has not experienced any battles by its own side. How could the fire of life be for no reason? The extinguished.

Putting the tortoise back into his dantian, Wang Feng released the little unicorn and little sparrow again.

The two little guys are legendary beasts. Although Wang Feng hasn't cared about them for a long time, their cultivation level has not Little Qilin was helped by his ancestors last time. He has reached the realm of a false god, and after this period of cultivation, although his progress is small, he has also reached the realm of a true god.

Looking at the little sparrow again, this guy is now curled up together, his head plunged into the feathers, it seems to be sleeping.

Just like Wang Ba, it seems to be facing a mutation.

"what happened?"

Seeing that Little Qilin seemed to be a little drowsy, Wang Feng passed on an idea and asked.

The three guys couldn't become like this for no reason, there must be a reason.

In a daze, Wang Feng heard some responses from Little Qilin. The effect seemed to be that the last time Wang Feng and the Liuli Qinglian Tree robbed of the power of the World Tree, the three of them were also exposed.

It is for this reason that they face their current deep sleep.


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