The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1008: Revenge of the Willow

? It is normal to be strong and arrogant, but this person may pay an extremely heavy price for what he just did. ...,

"Qingyang, you know how I treated you in the past, but now you also know how you treat me. I only ask you, will you regret it?" Liu said with a knife, seemingly hopeful He bowed his head to admit his mistake.

It's just that Liu Yidao underestimated the face of a venerable person too much. As the lord of a sect, it was absolutely impossible for Qingyang to admit his mistakes. He couldn't afford to lose this person in front of so many disciples, and he had no regrets.

Because some things are done as they are done, will regret work?

It was his mistake that Liu Yidao escaped last time, so he will bear the consequences for what he did.

"I think we have nothing to say, there is only one battle to determine life and death!" Qing Yang said, making many of the disciples under him shocked. They never thought that the Sect Master would go to a decisive battle with others.

"In that case, then I don't think there is anything to say between us. You choose the road, don't blame me."

"But before the battle I hope you promise me one thing." Qing Yang said in silence at this time.

"What's the matter?"

"If you win, I hope you can let go of Qingyang Sect, after all, they are all innocent." Qing Yang said, looking at the many disciples below.

"If I want to kill them, now they are all dead, I can promise you." Liu Yidao said.

The former brothers are now going to meet each other in life and death, but Liu Yidao is not to blame for this matter. If it is to be blamed, it is Qing Yang who does not care about brotherhood.

Liu Yidao was forced out.

"If this is the case, then I don't have any worries, one person will do the job, the other person, if you want to kill me, just come!"

Qing Yang spoke, and then his body instantly penetrated the mountain guarding formation of the Qingyang Sect and flew to a higher sky.

Behind him, Liu glanced at the numerous Qingyangzong disciples with a single knife, and then flew into the sky.

At this moment, the two people are going to come to the real opposite. Perhaps only one of them can survive. This is a battle initiated by Qing Yang himself. He could get along well, but because of his greed, it became Fruit of today.

As the two of them moved, the old man in the early stage of the Profound Ming Realm also fixed his eyes directly on Wang Feng. In his opinion, a monk like Wang Feng could slap to death with one slap, so he didn’t even slap him. Wang Feng looked at it.

It was just that he was directly challenged by Wang Feng.

"I think you seem to look down on me very much. If so, dare you to have a life and death battle with me?" Looking at the other party, Wang Feng asked lightly.

"What?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the venerable thought it was his ears. A cultivator in the middle Profound Moon realm actually wanted to challenge him, a monk in the Profound Moon realm. Did this head be kicked by the donkey? ?

If a normal person faces such a scene, he is afraid that it is too late to retreat, and he wants to get together. What is the difference between this and death?

"Are you sure you want to challenge me?" This Profound Ming Realm asked with some uncertainty.

"If you are deaf, then treat it as if I didn't say anything." Wang Feng said indifferently, his appearance seemed to be even more arrogant than his venerable.

"Okay, since you are going to die, then I don't mind the trouble to send you a ride."

"If you want to die, come with me!" The venerable shouted loudly, and then also passed through the mountain guard formation of the Qingyang Sect.

Behind him, Wang Feng just smiled, and then he took the next step. It is estimated that this Venerable is still very disdainful of himself, thinking that he is invincible, but soon Wang Feng will let him understand that sometimes low-level The monk is not so easy to mess with.

Following this monk, the two of them came to a position of about 10,000 meters in the sky. Here, the aftermath of their battle will not sweep across the ground, and the entire Qingyang Sect can be assured of worry-free.

On the horizon about twenty miles away from them, Liu Yidao was already fighting against Qingyang. With Liu Yidao's ability, Wang Feng was not very worried, because if he was not sure, how could he come here to seek revenge. .

On the contrary, he himself should be more careful now, because he has seen the power of the mortal counterattack. If he hadn't had a glazed green lotus tree, he might have been killed by the curse of the killing god.

Therefore, Wang Feng has become a lot more cautious about the last venerable person. If he can kill it, he will definitely kill him with one blow. Wang Feng will not leave him with any troubles.

"Boy, are you ready for death?" the venerable in the early stage of the mysterious realm shouted.

"You are so confident that you can kill me?" Looking at the other party, Wang Feng asked faintly. He has acted so indifferently. The other party still doesn't know how to be cautious, and he doesn't know where the other party got the confidence.

"If my dignified sage can't destroy even a mighty one, wouldn't I have lived on a dog all these years?"

"Yes, that's right, you're just a living dog." Wang Feng teased, making the man pale with anger.

"You are looking for death!"

With a loud shout, this venerable slapped Wang Feng directly with a palm. In his opinion, his palm was enough to slap Wang Feng into meatloaf because his realm was much higher than that of the opponent.

But in the end he was disappointed. Not only did his palm not slap Wang Feng to death, but at this moment, he himself suffered a violent impact, and his whole person flew out more than kilometers.

As if his arm was about to be broken, there was a severe pain, which seemed to slap a big mouth at what he had just said.


There was an incredible sound in his mouth. He never thought that he would be blasted so far with a punch from a mighty man. If he hadn't been dedicated to forging the flesh over the years, maybe his arm had now been broken. .

"How is it? Doesn't it feel incredible?" At this moment, Wang Feng walked over slowly in the void and asked.

"Did you hide your strength?" the venerable said loudly.

"Don't you know if you feel it?" Wang Feng smiled slightly, and then the second punch of Broken Star Fist followed directly.

Even the first punch of his broken star fist could not be taken, and he dared to speak up in front of him. Such people could only give them a realistic blow, and they might be able to recover.

"True Wuquan!"

Feeling the violent energy fluctuations from Wang Feng's fist, the venerable had to use his powerful means, and also bumped up with his fist.

This real martial arts is a very rare boxing technique in the middle three days. Few people get it. Moreover, he has practiced this technique for more than 500 years and has already mastered its essence. Therefore, he does not believe that the opponent can block his own one. fist.

It's just that reality hit him again and again. When his fist hit Wang Feng's fist, he felt that the other party was not hitting his fist, but a mass of indestructible steel.

It was like an egg collided with a rock.

At this time, a ‘click’ sounded, and his arm bones still couldn’t resist Wang Feng’s strength, and they broke into pieces.

He was considered a fluke once before, but now he still wants to go head-to-head with Wang Feng, isn't that a death?

The most powerful thing about Wang Feng is the melee ability, because his physical body will occupy great convenience. This is Wang Feng's advantage, but it is a pity that this person does not know it.

"Send you a ride."

Looking at the wounded Venerable, Wang Feng couldn't see the slightest pity in his eyes. At this moment, he took out the Long Yuan Sword between his hands and swept it across.

With a sonorous sound, this person was actually wearing a layer of armor with amazing defensive power. The sword of Longyuan Sword didn't smash him to death, it just split his armor through a gap.

"The Demon's Book!"

With the help of Wang Feng's stunned moment, this venerable reacted quickly and quickly left the circle of war.

However, he did not run away. At this moment, he performed a mysterious exercise. Several figures appeared in his figure. These were all dark as ink shadows. They didn't seem to have any entity, more like some. A combination of mist.

It's just that the majestic power is transmitted from these dark shadows, these things that he summoned are not easy to provoke.

"Kill this one for me!"

I saw this venerable wave his big hand at Wang Feng, and in an instant all these dark shadows pounced towards Wang Feng.

The sound of howling ghosts and wolves spread all over the place at this moment, these black shadows were like demons, and they completely enveloped Wang Feng.

"Boy, I have to admit that you have some abilities, but you don't want to come out alive now." Looking at the Wang Feng that was completely covered by black shadows, the venerable laughed loudly.

It's just that his laughter hasn't fallen yet, it's completely frozen on his face.

"Do you think this little gadget can really trap me?" At this moment, Wang Feng's voice sounded, and then the venerable saw a green light from among the dark shadows.

As if the first sun is about to penetrate the clouds, these green rays gradually increase, as if there is a green sun about to burst out.


Just as the venerable thought, these black shadows shattered Wang Feng before three breaths, and they broke down. The dazzling light burst out from Wang Feng's body at this moment, and all the black mist To swallow.

The colored glaze green lotus tree has an extremely strong healing effect, and it happens to be this kind of healing effect, which is the most effective against dark effect attacks.

The power of the colored glaze green lotus tree is far more powerful than when Wang Feng had just obtained it, so the so-called imperial treasures displayed by this venerable are really useless for Wang Feng.

"Taste my power."

After seeing the scene where Senior Brother Du Shi took a sapling to show his power last time, Wang Feng also had a heartbeat this time and summoned his own colored glaze green lotus tree from his dantian.

Under his deliberate urge, the glazed green lotus tree gradually grew stronger against the wind, and even the leaves on the saplings increased rapidly, and the small tree was soaring like a catalyst.

However, as the owner of the colored glaze green lotus tree, Wang Feng also felt at this moment that the price of the saplings skyrocketing was the consumption of its original power.

The Liuli Qinglian tree grew bigger and Until it grew into a trunk enough to be used by Wang Feng as a weapon, Wang Feng stopped the skyrocketing growth of the saplings.

Looking at the sapling in his hand, Wang Feng pondered slightly, because if he hadn't expected it, this should be what the Liuli Qinglian tree will look like in the future.

The whole body is emerald green, and also exudes a faint green halo, this tree looks very extraordinary, like something used by a god.

"A man of natural divinity." Looking at the sapling in Wang Feng's hand, the venerable cried out in shock.

"You are Wang Feng!"

There are only a few people who practice natural gods, and they are all famous for three days. Du Shi's realm is the pinnacle of the Venerable, and he is about to enter the mirror of reincarnation.

In addition to Du Shi, those who practice the natural divine way and are still under the realm of the venerable are probably the only Wang Feng who has only recently gained fame.

Although he lives in this Qingyang Sect, he knows a lot about the outside world. Of course, he also knows that Wang Feng, a newly promoted young genius, did not expect that he would be the one who fought with him.

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