Mu Qianxi said calmly: You may not know all the members of the Shengyue tribe!

Yes! They nodded.

They had no doubt that Mu Qianxi was a fake. After all, there were only three tribes in the entire holy realm.

The Holy Star and Holy Sun tribes only pretend to be members of their Holy Moon tribe when they are full and full.

After all, the Holy Moon clan is in the worst situation now.

He tightened the sacred grass in his hand and said: Then let's go back to the tribe quickly! Although they were knocked unconscious, other people from the Holy Star Clan will be in big trouble when they come. This sacred grass will definitely not be saved. ??

Mu Qianxi said: Then I will go back to the clan with you.

After all, she didn't know the road at all.


After they left the Yuehua Mountains, the unconscious members of the Holy Star Clan woke up.

They felt tingling all over their bodies, making them turn pale and gasp.

Damn it! Those guys just left us here.

It hurts! What moved the hand? It knocked us down so quickly and caused us such serious injuries!

It must be someone from the Holy Moon Clan, damn it!

They were cursing fiercely, and none of them could move at this time.

The pain of cracking bones when moving is not something they can endure.

They could only call for help. The huge Yuehua Mountains were sparsely populated, and no one heard them even if their throats were broken.

We can only summon him back to his clan.

This is so embarrassing!

There's nothing we can do about being embarrassed. If we don't get timely treatment, we will probably be disabled in the future. The people of the Shengyue Clan are too cruel.

Dad told her that the headquarters of the three tribes were three cities, and the cities were named after their tribes.

Looking from a distance, in front of us is a silver full moon descending on the ground, shining with brilliant brilliance under the scorching sun. \u003c


This is Holy Moon City.

If we say that the capital of the Donghuang Dynasty has a sense of vicissitudes of thousands of years of history, it is grand and majestic.

Then this Holy Moon City is like a moon palace carved with jade, exquisite and elegant.

We are back! Their faces showed joy.

Hurry up and deliver the medicine to Sister Yeyu!

They happily ran into Holy Moon City. They were so happy that they remembered that they had forgotten their silent benefactor.

Benefactor, you...where is your home? We will come and play with you in the future! Thank you very much for today.

Mu Qianxi replied: Me! I don't have a place to stay for the time being, so I should go to the patriarch's mansion.

They are a little strange. The members of the Holy Moon Clan all have their own residences in Holy Moon City.

According to identity, strength and contribution to the Holy Moon Clan, they are divided into twelve areas.

We happened to be going to the patriarch's house to see Sister Ye Yu! Let's go together! Although they were curious, they didn't ask any more questions.

Going directly to the Shengyue Clan to see the leader was also the advice given to him by his father.

If the Shengyue Clan has not changed its clan leader in the past twenty years, then the current clan leader should be her uncle.

Her grandfather was the former patriarch of the Shengyue Clan. After her mother and father confirmed their engagement, her grandfather and grandmother were selected by the Gods and then went to the God Realm to practice.

However, a year later, her mother learned the bad news that the two elders died in the God Realm after breaking into a secret realm and encountering danger.

Because they are separated by a plane, they can only know it from the mouth of the Holy Lord. It is unknown what the truth is.

My mother was also sad for a long time. It was her father who accompanied her from the loss

Relatives come out of their grief.

A few of them were acquaintances of the clan leader's house, so they were quickly let in when they saw them coming.

Mu Qianxi was about the same age as them and was not questioned.

The clan leader is busy. After we meet Sister Yeyu later, I will go and send a message to you to urge you. One of the girls said to Mu Qianxi.

Okay! The sister Ye Yu you are talking about is the saint of the Shengyue clan! I also want to meet, but I don't know if it is convenient?

Of course, Sister Yeyu is a nice person. But...

As if remembering something sad, their eyes dimmed.

A group of them walked into a quiet and elegant courtyard with ease. A woman in a simple white dress was playing with the flowers and plants in the yard.

These are not ordinary flowers and plants but elixirs. As an alchemist, Mu Qianxi knows that these elixirs are carefully taken care of.

But this woman is much more fragile than these flowers and plants.

His body is extremely weak and he is already terminally ill. What those people from the Holy Star Clan said before are true.

A young girl ran over and said, Sister Ye Yu, look what I found for you? Moonlight Sacred Herb!

A faint smile appeared on the woman's porcelain-like face, You guys! You are wasting time running outside again. You must seize the time to practice, you know? I have to check. If the progress is not satisfactory, you will be punished.

Those young men muttered: Cultivation is important, but it is not as important as Sister Yeyu's body!

This group of young people regard her as their dearest sister and care about them extremely.

My body... She murmured softly.

She really wanted them not to waste their energy on her, a dying person, but looking at her clear eyes, she

Unable to speak.

This is their intention!

The dejected Sheng Yeyu found a strange person in the yard. He was slightly startled and asked, Who is this? Is this your new friend?

Her appearance generally gives people a feeling that she is not mysterious and outstanding, but Sheng Yeyu's intuition told her that she was extraordinary.

They excitedly told Sheng Yeyu what happened in the Yuehua Mountains, and told Mu Qianxi how powerful she was, even though she was indeed very strong.

Sheng Yeyu was already surprised. She was now a useless person and a dying person. She was once a saint of the Shengyue Clan.

She knew very well that in order to deal with the members of the Holy Star Clan so quickly, her strength was definitely more than one or two levels higher than the opponent.

What's even more incredible is that she did it without using her holy power.

Mu Qianxi said: Hello Saint Ye Yu, who am I? I think I will tell you after I meet the clan leader.

Sheng Yeyu said: Okay, come with me! I will take you to see my father now.

Then he looked back at the guys and said, You guys can eat and drink here! If you feel impatient after waiting for a long time, just go home.

Okay! they replied obediently.

They watched Mu Qianxi and Sheng Yeyu go out and talked quietly.

Sister Yeyu is unusual for our benefactor! She actually took her to see the clan leader in person.

Of course it must be extraordinary! The benefactor is so powerful.

Sheng Yeyu arrived at the clan leader's door, knocked on the door and said: Father!

Ye Yu, why are you here? A nervous voice came from the room, and the door opened quickly.

Not only did he see his frail daughter, but also a strange girl.

Sheng Yeyu said: This girl wants to see you, so I brought her here.

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